blob: 5020395674f6dc151af147d1a0bd3311148a0bef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <ostream>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/stl_util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/ascii_ctype.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/escaping.h"
using std::string;
namespace strings {
using internal::SubstituteArg;
const SubstituteArg SubstituteArg::kNoArg;
// Returns the number of args in arg_array which were passed explicitly
// to Substitute().
static int CountSubstituteArgs(const SubstituteArg* const* args_array) {
int count = 0;
while (args_array[count] != &SubstituteArg::kNoArg) {
return count;
namespace internal {
int SubstitutedSize(StringPiece format,
const SubstituteArg* const* args_array) {
int size = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < format.size(); i++) {
if (format[i] == '$') {
if (i+1 >= format.size()) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Invalid strings::Substitute() format string: \""
<< CEscape(format) << "\".";
return 0;
} else if (ascii_isdigit(format[i+1])) {
int index = format[i+1] - '0';
if (args_array[index]->size() == -1) {
<< "strings::Substitute format string invalid: asked for \"$"
<< index << "\", but only " << CountSubstituteArgs(args_array)
<< " args were given. Full format string was: \""
<< CEscape(format) << "\".";
return 0;
size += args_array[index]->size();
++i; // Skip next char.
} else if (format[i+1] == '$') {
++i; // Skip next char.
} else {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Invalid strings::Substitute() format string: \""
<< CEscape(format) << "\".";
return 0;
} else {
return size;
char* SubstituteToBuffer(StringPiece format,
const SubstituteArg* const* args_array,
char* target) {
for (int i = 0; i < format.size(); i++) {
if (format[i] == '$') {
if (ascii_isdigit(format[i+1])) {
const SubstituteArg* src = args_array[format[i+1] - '0'];
memcpy(target, src->data(), src->size());
target += src->size();
++i; // Skip next char.
} else if (format[i+1] == '$') {
*target++ = '$';
++i; // Skip next char.
} else {
*target++ = format[i];
return target;
} // namespace internal
void SubstituteAndAppend(
string* output, StringPiece format,
const SubstituteArg& arg0, const SubstituteArg& arg1,
const SubstituteArg& arg2, const SubstituteArg& arg3,
const SubstituteArg& arg4, const SubstituteArg& arg5,
const SubstituteArg& arg6, const SubstituteArg& arg7,
const SubstituteArg& arg8, const SubstituteArg& arg9) {
const SubstituteArg* const args_array[] = {
&arg0, &arg1, &arg2, &arg3, &arg4, &arg5, &arg6, &arg7, &arg8, &arg9, nullptr
// Determine total size needed.
int size = SubstitutedSize(format, args_array);
if (size == 0) return;
// Build the string.
int original_size = output->size();
STLStringResizeUninitialized(output, original_size + size);
char* target = string_as_array(output) + original_size;
target = SubstituteToBuffer(format, args_array, target);
DCHECK_EQ(target - output->data(), output->size());
SubstituteArg::SubstituteArg(const void* value) {
COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(scratch_) >= sizeof(value) * 2 + 2,
if (value == nullptr) {
text_ = "NULL";
size_ = strlen(text_);
} else {
char* ptr = scratch_ + sizeof(scratch_);
uintptr_t num = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(value);
static const char kHexDigits[] = "0123456789abcdef";
do {
*--ptr = kHexDigits[num & 0xf];
num >>= 4;
} while (num != 0);
*--ptr = 'x';
*--ptr = '0';
text_ = ptr;
size_ = scratch_ + sizeof(scratch_) - ptr;
} // namespace strings