blob: 676474d3b98905fa85a942db3a2677d44b367cd6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2003, Google Inc. All rights reserved.
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/serialize.h"
#include <cinttypes>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "kudu/gutil/casts.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/integral_types.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/stringprintf.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/join.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/split.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strtoint.h"
using std::unordered_map;
using std::make_pair;
using std::pair;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
// Convert a uint32 to a 4-byte string.
string Uint32ToKey(uint32 u32) {
string key;
KeyFromUint32(u32, &key);
return key;
string Uint64ToKey(uint64 fp) {
string key;
KeyFromUint64(fp, &key);
return key;
// Convert a uint128 to a 16-byte string.
string Uint128ToKey(uint128 u128) {
string key;
KeyFromUint128(u128, &key);
return key;
// Converts int32 to a 4-byte string key
// NOTE: Lexicographic ordering of the resulting strings does not in
// general correspond to any natural ordering of the corresponding
// integers. For non-negative inputs, lexicographic ordering of the
// resulting strings corresponds to increasing ordering of the
// integers. However, negative inputs are sorted *after* the non-negative
// inputs. To obtain keys such that lexicographic ordering corresponds
// to the natural total order on the integers, use OrderedStringFromInt32()
// or ReverseOrderedStringFromInt32() instead.
void KeyFromInt32(int32 i32, string* key) {
// TODO(user): Redefine using bit_cast<> and KeyFromUint32()?
for (int i = sizeof(i32) - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
(*key)[i] = i32 & 0xff;
i32 = (i32 >> 8);
// Converts a 4-byte string key (typically generated by KeyFromInt32)
// into an int32 value
int32 KeyToInt32(const StringPiece& key) {
int32 i32 = 0;
CHECK_EQ(key.size(), sizeof(i32));
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(i32); ++i) {
i32 = (i32 << 8) | static_cast<unsigned char>(key[i]);
return i32;
// Converts a double value to an 8-byte string key, so that
// the string keys sort in the same order as the original double values.
void KeyFromDouble(double x, string* key) {
uint64 n = bit_cast<uint64>(x);
// IEEE standard 754 floating point representation
// [sign-bit] [exponent] [mantissa]
// Let "a", "b" be two double values, and F(.) be following
// transformation. We have:
// If 0 < a < b:
// 0x80000000ULL < uint64(F(a)) < uint64(F(b))
// If a == -0.0, b == +0.0:
// uint64(F(-0.0)) == uint64(F(+0.0)) = 0x80000000ULL
// If a < b < 0:
// uint64(F(a)) < uint64(F(b)) < 0x80000000ULL
const uint64 sign_bit = GG_ULONGLONG(1) << 63;
if ((n & sign_bit) == 0) {
n += sign_bit;
} else {
n = -n;
KeyFromUint64(n, key);
// Version of KeyFromDouble that returns the key.
string DoubleToKey(double x) {
string key;
KeyFromDouble(x, &key);
return key;
// Converts key generated by KeyFromDouble() back to double.
double KeyToDouble(const StringPiece& key) {
int64 n = KeyToUint64(key);
if (n & (GG_ULONGLONG(1) << 63))
n -= (GG_ULONGLONG(1) << 63);
n = -n;
return bit_cast<double>(n);
// Converts int32 to a 4-byte string key such that lexicographic
// ordering of strings is equivalent to sorting in increasing order by
// integer values. This can be useful when constructing secondary
void OrderedStringFromInt32(int32 i32, string* key) {
uint32 ui32 = static_cast<uint32>(i32) ^ 0x80000000;
key->resize(sizeof ui32);
for ( int i = (sizeof ui32) - 1; i >= 0; --i ) {
(*key)[i] = ui32 & 0xff;
ui32 = (ui32 >> 8);
string Int32ToOrderedString(int32 i32) {
string key;
OrderedStringFromInt32(i32, &key);
return key;
// The inverse of the above function.
int32 OrderedStringToInt32(const StringPiece& key) {
uint32 ui32 = 0;
CHECK(key.size() == sizeof ui32);
for ( int i = 0; i < sizeof ui32; ++i ) {
ui32 = (ui32 << 8);
ui32 = ui32 | static_cast<unsigned char>(key[i]);
return static_cast<int32>(ui32 ^ 0x80000000);
// Converts int64 to a 8-byte string key such that lexicographic
// ordering of strings is equivalent to sorting in increasing order by
// integer values.
void OrderedStringFromInt64(int64 i64, string* key) {
uint64 ui64 = static_cast<uint64>(i64) ^ (GG_ULONGLONG(1) << 63);
key->resize(sizeof ui64);
for ( int i = (sizeof ui64) - 1; i >= 0; --i ) {
(*key)[i] = ui64 & 0xff;
ui64 = (ui64 >> 8);
string Int64ToOrderedString(int64 i64) {
string key;
OrderedStringFromInt64(i64, &key);
return key;
// The inverse of the above function.
int64 OrderedStringToInt64(const StringPiece& key) {
uint64 ui64 = 0;
CHECK(key.size() == sizeof ui64);
for ( int i = 0; i < sizeof ui64; ++i ) {
ui64 = (ui64 << 8);
ui64 = ui64 | static_cast<unsigned char>(key[i]);
return static_cast<int64>(ui64 ^ (GG_ULONGLONG(1) << 63));
// Converts int32 to a 4-byte string key such that lexicographic
// ordering of strings is equivalent to sorting in decreasing order
// by integer values. This can be useful when constructing secondary
void ReverseOrderedStringFromInt32(int32 i32, string* key) {
// ~ is like -, but works even for INT_MIN. (-INT_MIN == INT_MIN,
// but ~x = -x - 1, so ~INT_MIN = -INT_MIN - 1 = INT_MIN - 1 = INT_MAX).
OrderedStringFromInt32(~i32, key);
string Int32ToReverseOrderedString(int32 i32) {
string key;
ReverseOrderedStringFromInt32(i32, &key);
return key;
// The inverse of the above function.
int32 ReverseOrderedStringToInt32(const StringPiece& key) {
return ~OrderedStringToInt32(key);
// Converts int64 to an 8-byte string key such that lexicographic
// ordering of strings is equivalent to sorting in decreasing order
// by integer values. This can be useful when constructing secondary
void ReverseOrderedStringFromInt64(int64 i64, string* key) {
return OrderedStringFromInt64(~i64, key);
string Int64ToReverseOrderedString(int64 i64) {
string key;
ReverseOrderedStringFromInt64(i64, &key);
return key;
// The inverse of the above function.
int64 ReverseOrderedStringToInt64(const StringPiece& key) {
return ~OrderedStringToInt64(key);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DictionaryInt32Encode
// DictionaryInt64Encode
// DictionaryDoubleEncode
// DictionaryInt32Decode
// DictionaryInt64Decode
// DictionaryDoubleDecode
// Routines to serialize/unserialize simple dictionaries
// (string->T hashmaps). We use ':' to separate keys and values,
// and commas to separate entries.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
string DictionaryInt32Encode(const unordered_map<string, int32>* dictionary) {
vector<string> entries;
for (const auto& entry : *dictionary) {
entries.push_back(StringPrintf("%s:%d", entry.first.c_str(), entry.second));
string result;
JoinStrings(entries, ",", &result);
return result;
string DictionaryInt64Encode(const unordered_map<string, int64>* dictionary) {
vector<string> entries;
for (const auto& entry : *dictionary) {
entries.push_back(StringPrintf("%s:%" PRId64,
entry.first.c_str(), entry.second));
string result;
JoinStrings(entries, ",", &result);
return result;
string DictionaryDoubleEncode(const unordered_map<string, double>* dictionary) {
vector<string> entries;
for (const auto& entry : *dictionary) {
entries.push_back(StringPrintf("%s:%g", entry.first.c_str(), entry.second));
string result;
JoinStrings(entries, ",", &result);
return result;
bool DictionaryParse(const string& encoded_str,
vector<pair<string, string> >* items) {
vector<string> entries;
SplitStringUsing(encoded_str, ",", &entries);
for (const auto& entry : entries) {
vector<string> fields;
SplitStringAllowEmpty(entry, ":", &fields);
if (fields.size() != 2) // parsing error
return false;
items->push_back(make_pair(fields[0], fields[1]));
return true;
bool DictionaryInt32Decode(unordered_map<string, int32>* dictionary,
const string& encoded_str) {
vector<pair<string, string> > items;
if (!DictionaryParse(encoded_str, &items))
return false;
for (const auto& item : items) {
char *error = nullptr;
const int32 value = strto32(item.second.c_str(), &error, 0);
if (error == item.second.c_str() || *error != '\0') {
// parsing error
return false;
(*dictionary)[item.first] = value;
return true;
bool DictionaryInt64Decode(unordered_map<string, int64>* dictionary,
const string& encoded_str) {
vector<pair<string, string> > items;
if (!DictionaryParse(encoded_str, &items))
return false;
for (const auto& item : items) {
char *error = nullptr;
const int64 value = strto64(item.second.c_str(), &error, 0);
if (error == item.second.c_str() || *error != '\0') {
// parsing error
return false;
(*dictionary)[item.first] = value;
return true;
bool DictionaryDoubleDecode(unordered_map<string, double>* dictionary,
const string& encoded_str) {
vector<pair<string, string> > items;
if (!DictionaryParse(encoded_str, &items))
return false;
for (const auto& item : items) {
char *error = nullptr;
const double value = strtod(item.second.c_str(), &error);
if (error == item.second.c_str() || *error != '\0') {
// parsing error
return false;
(*dictionary)[item.first] = value;
return true;