blob: a19b9e79786be2089df6954572ba7efc3326f04b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2007 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// A collection of methods to convert back and forth between a number
// and a human-readable string representing the number.
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include "kudu/gutil/integral_types.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
// HumanReadable{NumBytes, Int} don't give you the standard set of SI prefixes.
// HumanReadableNumBytes uses binary powers -- 1M = 1 << 20 -- but for numbers
// less than 1024, it adds the suffix "B" for "bytes." It is OK when you need
// to print a literal number of bytes, but can be awfully confusing for
// anything else.
// HumanReadableInt uses decimal powers -- 1M = 10^3 -- but prints
// 'B'-for-billion instead of 'G'-for-giga. It's good for representing
// true numbers, like how many documents are in a repository.
// HumanReadableNum is the same as HumanReadableInt but has additional
// support for DoubleToString(), where smaller numbers will print more
// (up to 3) decimal places.
// If you want SI prefixes, use the functions in si_prefix.h instead; for
// example, strings::si_prefix::ToDecimalString(1053.2) == "1.05k".
class HumanReadableNumBytes {
// Converts between an int64 representing a number of bytes and a
// human readable string representing the same number.
// e.g. 1000000 -> "976.6K".
// Note that calling these two functions in succession isn't a
// noop, since ToString() may round.
static bool ToInt64(const std::string &str, int64 *num_bytes);
static std::string ToString(int64 num_bytes);
// Like ToString but without rounding. For example 1025 would return
// "1025B" rather than "1.0K". Uses the largest common denominator.
static std::string ToStringWithoutRounding(int64 num_bytes);
static bool ToDouble(const std::string &str, double *num_bytes);
// Function overloading this with a function that takes an int64 is just
// asking for trouble.
static std::string DoubleToString(double num_bytes);
// TODO(user): Maybe change this class to use SIPrefix?
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// LessThan
// humanreadablebytes_less
// humanreadablebytes_greater
// These numerically compare the values encoded in strings by
// ToString(). Strings which cannot be parsed are treated as
// if they represented the value 0. The following byte sizes
// would be sorted as:
// 3B
// .06K
// .03M
// 10000G
// 10T
// 3.01P
// 3.02P
// 0.007E
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
static bool LessThan(const std::string &a, const std::string &b);
// See documentation at HumanReadableNumBytes::LessThan().
struct humanreadablebytes_less
: public std::binary_function<const std::string&, const std::string&, bool> {
bool operator()(const std::string& a, const std::string &b) const {
return HumanReadableNumBytes::LessThan(a, b);
// See documentation at HumanReadableNumBytes::LessThan().
struct humanreadablebytes_greater
: public std::binary_function<const std::string&, const std::string&, bool> {
bool operator()(const std::string& a, const std::string &b) const {
return HumanReadableNumBytes::LessThan(b, a);
class HumanReadableInt {
// Similar to HumanReadableNumBytes::ToInt64(), but uses decimal
// rather than binary expansions - so M = 1 million, B = 1 billion,
// etc. Numbers beyond 1T are expressed as "3E14" etc.
static std::string ToString(int64 value);
// Reverses ToString(). Note that calling these two functions in
// succession isn't a noop, since ToString() may round.
static bool ToInt64(const std::string &str, int64 *value);
class HumanReadableNum {
// Same as HumanReadableInt::ToString().
static std::string ToString(int64 value);
// Similar to HumanReadableInt::ToString(), but prints 2 decimal
// places for numbers with absolute value < 10.0 and 1 decimal place
// for numbers >= 10.0 and < 100.0.
static std::string DoubleToString(double value);
// Reverses DoubleToString(). Note that calling these two functions in
// succession isn't a noop, since there may be rounding errors.
static bool ToDouble(const std::string &str, double *value);
class HumanReadableElapsedTime {
// Converts a time interval as double to a human readable
// string. For example:
// 0.001 -> "1 ms"
// 10.0 -> "10 s"
// 933120.0 -> "10.8 days"
// 39420000.0 -> "1.25 years"
// -10 -> "-10 s"
static std::string ToShortString(double seconds);
// Reverses ToShortString(). Note that calling these two functions in
// succession isn't a noop, since ToShortString() may round.
// This accepts multiple forms of units, but the abbreviated forms are
// us (microseconds), ms (milliseconds), s, m (minutes), h, d, w,
// M (month = 30 days), y
// This function is not particularly fast. Use at performance peril.
// Only leading negative signs are allowed.
// Examples:
// "1ms" -> 0.001
// "10 second" -> 10
// "10.8 days" -> 933120.0
// "1m 30s" -> 90
// "-10 sec" -> -10
// "18.3" -> 18.3
// "1M" -> 2592000 (1 month = 30 days)
static bool ToDouble(const std::string& str, double* value);