blob: 4e5cf0e08222d232ed2b14bd17fa352fd0a5b917 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Fast memory copying and comparison routines.
// strings::fastmemcmp_inlined() replaces memcmp()
// strings::memcpy_inlined() replaces memcpy()
// strings::memeq(a, b, n) replaces memcmp(a, b, n) == 0
// strings::*_inlined() routines are inline versions of the
// routines exported by this module. Sometimes using the inlined
// versions is faster. Measure before using the inlined versions.
// Performance measurement:
// strings::fastmemcmp_inlined
// Analysis: memcmp, fastmemcmp_inlined, fastmemcmp
// 2012-01-30
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "kudu/gutil/integral_types.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/port.h"
namespace strings {
// Return true if the n bytes at a equal the n bytes at b.
// The regions are allowed to overlap.
// The performance is similar to the performance memcmp(), but faster for
// moderately-sized inputs, or inputs that share a common prefix and differ
// somewhere in their last 8 bytes. Further optimizations can be added later
// if it makes sense to do so.
inline bool memeq(const void* a_v, const void* b_v, size_t n) {
const uint8_t *a = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(a_v);
const uint8_t *b = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(b_v);
size_t n_rounded_down = n & ~static_cast<size_t>(7);
if (PREDICT_FALSE(n_rounded_down == 0)) { // n <= 7
return memcmp(a, b, n) == 0;
// n >= 8
uint64 u = UNALIGNED_LOAD64(a) ^ UNALIGNED_LOAD64(b);
uint64 v = UNALIGNED_LOAD64(a + n - 8) ^ UNALIGNED_LOAD64(b + n - 8);
if ((u | v) != 0) { // The first or last 8 bytes differ.
return false;
a += 8;
b += 8;
n = n_rounded_down - 8;
if (n > 128) {
// As of 2012, memcmp on x86-64 uses a big unrolled loop with SSE2
// instructions, and while we could try to do something faster, it
// doesn't seem worth pursuing.
return memcmp(a, b, n) == 0;
for (; n >= 16; n -= 16) {
uint64 x = UNALIGNED_LOAD64(a) ^ UNALIGNED_LOAD64(b);
uint64 y = UNALIGNED_LOAD64(a + 8) ^ UNALIGNED_LOAD64(b + 8);
if ((x | y) != 0) {
return false;
a += 16;
b += 16;
// n must be 0 or 8 now because it was a multiple of 8 at the top of the loop.
return n == 0 || UNALIGNED_LOAD64(a) == UNALIGNED_LOAD64(b);
inline int fastmemcmp_inlined(const void *a_void, const void *b_void, size_t n) {
const uint8_t *a = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(a_void);
const uint8_t *b = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(b_void);
if (n >= 64) {
return memcmp(a, b, n);
const void* a_limit = a + n;
const size_t sizeof_uint64 = sizeof(uint64); // NOLINT(runtime/sizeof)
while (a + sizeof_uint64 <= a_limit &&
a += sizeof_uint64;
b += sizeof_uint64;
const size_t sizeof_uint32 = sizeof(uint32); // NOLINT(runtime/sizeof)
if (a + sizeof_uint32 <= a_limit &&
a += sizeof_uint32;
b += sizeof_uint32;
while (a < a_limit) {
int d = static_cast<int>(*a++) - static_cast<int>(*b++);
if (d) return d;
return 0;
// The standard memcpy operation is slow for variable small sizes.
// This implementation inlines the optimal realization for sizes 1 to 16.
// To avoid code bloat don't use it in case of not performance-critical spots,
// nor when you don't expect very frequent values of size <= 16.
inline void memcpy_inlined(void *dst, const void *src, size_t size) {
// Compiler inlines code with minimal amount of data movement when third
// parameter of memcpy is a constant.
switch (size) {
case 1: memcpy(dst, src, 1); break;
case 2: memcpy(dst, src, 2); break;
case 3: memcpy(dst, src, 3); break;
case 4: memcpy(dst, src, 4); break;
case 5: memcpy(dst, src, 5); break;
case 6: memcpy(dst, src, 6); break;
case 7: memcpy(dst, src, 7); break;
case 8: memcpy(dst, src, 8); break;
case 9: memcpy(dst, src, 9); break;
case 10: memcpy(dst, src, 10); break;
case 11: memcpy(dst, src, 11); break;
case 12: memcpy(dst, src, 12); break;
case 13: memcpy(dst, src, 13); break;
case 14: memcpy(dst, src, 14); break;
case 15: memcpy(dst, src, 15); break;
case 16: memcpy(dst, src, 16); break;
default: memcpy(dst, src, size); break;
} // namespace strings