blob: 849aa591a75e6cd6d77e75ddbee05573de8f9af8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package kudu;
option java_package = "org.apache.kudu";
// ============================================================================
// Local file system metadata
// ============================================================================
// When any server initializes a new filesystem (eg a new node is created in the
// cluster), it creates this structure and stores it persistently.
message InstanceMetadataPB {
// The UUID which is assigned when the instance is first formatted. This uniquely
// identifies the node in the cluster.
required bytes uuid = 1;
// Human-readable string indicating when and where the node was first
// initialized.
required string format_stamp = 2;
// Encrypted server key used to encrypt/decrypt file keys on this server.
optional string server_key = 3;
// Initialization vector for the server key.
optional string server_key_iv = 4;
// Server key version.
optional string server_key_version = 5;
// TODO: add a "node type" (TS/Master?)
// Describes a collection of filesystem directory instances and the membership
// of a particular instance in the collection.
// In a healthy filesystem (see below), a directory instance can be referred to
// via its UUID's position in all_uuids instead of via the UUID itself. This is
// useful when there are many such references, as the position is much shorter
// than the UUID.
message DirSetPB {
// Globally unique identifier for this directory instance.
required bytes uuid = 1;
// All UUIDs in this dir instance set. In a healthy filesystem:
// 1. There exists an on-disk DirInstanceMetadataPB for each listed UUID, and
// 2. Every DirSetPB contains an identical copy of all_uuids.
repeated bytes all_uuids = 2;
// A filesystem instance can contain multiple directories. One of these
// structures is persisted in each directory when the filesystem instance is
// created.
message DirInstanceMetadataPB {
// Describes this directory instance as well as all of the other directory
// instances that, taken together, describe a complete directory set.
required DirSetPB dir_set = 1;
// Textual representation of the directory type for which this directory was
// formatted.
required string dir_type = 2;
// Block size on the filesystem where this instance was created. If the
// instance (and its data) are ever copied to another location, the block
// size in that location must be the same.
// This must be present if this instance belongs to a data directory.
optional uint64 filesystem_block_size_bytes = 3;
message BlockIdPB {
required fixed64 id = 1;
// The kind of record.
enum BlockRecordType {
// An element found in a container metadata file of the log-backed block
// storage implementation.
// Each one tracks the existence (creation) or non-existence (deletion)
// of a particular block. They are written sequentially, with subsequent
// messages taking precedence over earlier ones (e.g. "CREATE foo" followed
// by "DELETE foo" means that block foo does not exist).
message BlockRecordPB {
// The unique identifier of the block.
required BlockIdPB block_id = 1;
// Whether this is a CREATE or a DELETE.
required BlockRecordType op_type = 2;
// The time at which this block record was created, expressed in terms of
// microseconds since the epoch.
required uint64 timestamp_us = 3;
// The offset of the block in the container data file.
// Required for CREATE.
optional int64 offset = 4;
// The length of the block in the container data file.
// Required for CREATE.
optional int64 length = 5;
// Tablet data is spread across a specified number of data directories. The
// group is represented by the UUIDs of the data directories it consists of.
message DataDirGroupPB {
// List of data directory UUIDs that make up the group. Must not be empty.
repeated bytes uuids = 1;