blob: 2114b753694e2d226de7591fa47c8e3af011e70b [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <ctime>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "kudu/gutil/port.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
namespace kudu {
class HostPort;
class Subprocess;
namespace clock {
// This structure represents a set of properties for the 'server' configuration
// directive in the chrony.conf file. All the fields of the structure except
// for the 'address' directly map into corresponding options of the 'server'
// configuration directive (see 'man chrony.conf' for details).
// NOTE: the default values for the most configuration options are different
// from the defaults used in chronyd's config file (chrony.conf)
struct MiniChronydServerOptions {
// Hostname or IP address of the server.
// Default: ""
std::string address;
// Port number where server listens for NTP requests.
// Default: 123
uint16_t port = 123;
// The minimum interval between requests sent to the server as a power of 2
// in seconds.
// Default: -3
int8_t minpoll = -3;
// The maximum interval between requests sent to the server as a power of 2
// in seconds.
// Default: 2
int8_t maxpoll = 2;
// With this option enabled, the interval between the first four requests sent
// to the server is much less than interval specified by the 'minpoll' option,
// which allows chronyd to make the first update of the clock shortly after
// it has started.
// Default: true
bool iburst = true;
// With this option enabled, chronyd will shorten the interval between up to
// four requests to 2 seconds or less when it cannot get a good measurement
// from the server.
// Default: true
bool burst = true;
// This option specifies a correction (in seconds) which will be applied to
// offsets measured with this source. In test scenarios, this is useful for
// fine-tuning the true time offsets as seen by a client in NTP responses
// sent from the server. For example, if running multiple chronyd NTP servers
// that use the local clock as a reference clock, it's possible to get precise
// distribution of the true time offsets observed by a client.
// Default: 0.0
double offset = 0.0;
// Returns a string representation of the options suitable for debug printing.
std::string ToString() const;
// Options to run MiniChronyd with.
struct MiniChronydOptions {
// There might be multiple mini_chronyd run by the same test.
// Default: 0
size_t index = 0;
// Directory under which to store all chronyd-related data.
// Default: "", which auto-generates a unique path for this chronyd.
// The default may only be used from a gtest unit test.
std::string data_root;
// IP address or path Unix domain local socket file used to listen to command
// packets (issued by chronyc).
// This directly maps to chronyd's configuration property with the same name.
// Default: "", which auto-generates a unique path to Unix domain socket for
// this chronyd. The default may only be used from a gtest unit test.
std::string bindcmdaddress;
// IP address to bind the NTP server to listen and respond to client requests.
// This directly maps to chronyd's configuration property with the same name.
// Default:
std::string bindaddress = "";
// Port of the NTP server to listen to and serve requests from clients.
// This directly maps to chronyd's configuration property with the same name.
// Default: 10123 (10000 + the default NTP port).
uint16_t port = 10123;
// File to store PID of the chronyd process.
// This directly maps to chronyd's configuration property with the same name.
// Default: "", which auto-generates a unique pid file path for this chronyd.
// The default may only be used from a gtest unit test.
std::string pidfile;
// Whether to run in the 'local reference mode', using the local clock of the
// machine as a reference clock. With 'local' set to 'true', chronyd is able
// to operate as NTP server synchronised to real time (from the viewpoint of
// clients polling it), even if it was never synchronised or the last update
// of the clock happened a long time ago.
// Default: true
bool local = true;
// Stratum of the server to report when running in local reference mode.
// This directly maps to chronyd's 'stratum' option of the 'local'
// configuration directive.
// Default: 10, which is default when running in local reference mode
uint8_t local_stratum = 10;
// NTP servers to use as reference servers for chronyd instance.
// Default: {} (an empty container)
std::vector<MiniChronydServerOptions> servers;
// Returns a string representation of the options suitable for debug printing.
std::string ToString() const;
// MiniChronyd is a wrapper around chronyd NTP daemon running in server-only
// mode (i.e. it doesn't drive the system clock), allowing manual setting of the
// reference true time. MiniChronyd is used in tests as a reference NTP servers
// for the built-in NTP client.
class MiniChronyd {
// Structure to represent relevant information from output by
// 'chronyc serverstats'.
struct ServerStats {
int64_t cmd_packets_received;
int64_t ntp_packets_received;
// Check that NTP servers with the specified endpoints are seen as a good
// enough synchronisation source by the reference NTP client (chronyd itself).
// The client will wait for no more than the specified timeout in seconds
// for the set reference servers to become a good NTP source.
// This method returns Status::OK() if the servers look like a good source
// for clock synchronisation via NTP, even if the offset of the client's clock
// from the reference clock provided by NTP server(s) is huge.
static Status CheckNtpSource(const std::vector<HostPort>& servers,
int timeout_sec = 3)
// Create a new MiniChronyd with the provided options, or with defaults
// if the 'options' argument is omitted.
explicit MiniChronyd(MiniChronydOptions options = {});
// Return the options which the underlying chronyd is given to start with.
const MiniChronydOptions& options() const;
// Get the PID of the chronyd process.
pid_t pid() const;
// Get the IP address and port at which the underlying NTP server is listening
// for incoming requests. Should be called only when NTP server is started.
HostPort address() const;
// Start the mini chronyd in server-only mode.
// Stop the mini chronyd.
// Sends SIGSTOP signal to the underlying chronyd.
// Sends SIGCONT signal to the underlying chronyd.
// Get NTP server statistics as output by 'chronyc serverstats'.
Status GetServerStats(ServerStats* stats) const;
// Manually set the reference time for the underlying chronyd
// with the precision of 1 second. The input is number of seconds
// from the beginning of the Epoch.
Status SetTime(time_t time) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
friend class MiniChronydTest;
// Find absolute path to chronyc (chrony's CLI tool),
// storing the result path in 'path' output parameter.
static Status GetChronycPath(std::string* path);
// Find absolute path to chronyd (chrony NTP implementation),
// storing the result path in 'path' output parameter.
static Status GetChronydPath(std::string* path);
// Get absolute path to an executable from the chrony bundle.
static Status GetPath(const std::string& path_suffix, std::string* abs_path);
// Correct the ownership of the target path to be compliant with chrony's
// security constraints.
static Status CorrectOwnership(const std::string& path);
// A shortcut to options_.bindcmdaddress: returns the command address
// for the underlying chronyd, by default that's the absolute path
// to a Unix socket.
std::string cmdaddress() const { return options_.bindcmdaddress; }
// Return absolute path to chronyd's configuration file.
std::string config_file_path() const;
// Create a chrony.conf file with server-only mode settings and other options
// corresponding to MiniChronydOptions in the data root of Kudu mini cluster.
Status CreateConf() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Run chronyc command with arguments as specified by 'args', targeting this
// chronyd instance.
Status RunChronyCmd(const std::vector<std::string>& args,
std::string* out_stdout = nullptr,
std::string* out_stderr = nullptr) const WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
MiniChronydOptions options_;
std::string cmd_socket_dir_;
std::unique_ptr<Subprocess> process_;
} // namespace clock
} // namespace kudu