blob: d2dbfb3b6fd6ed7063e40484082f7a9b7040195e [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
#include "kudu/cfile/bshuf_block.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include "kudu/gutil/port.h"
using std::vector;
namespace kudu {
namespace cfile {
void AbortWithBitShuffleError(int64_t val) {
switch (val) {
case -1:
LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to allocate memory";
case -11:
LOG(FATAL) << "Missing SSE";
case -12:
LOG(FATAL) << "Missing AVX";
case -80:
LOG(FATAL) << "Input size not a multiple of 8";
case -81:
LOG(FATAL) << "block_size not multiple of 8";
case -91:
LOG(FATAL) << "Decompression error, wrong number of bytes processed";
LOG(FATAL) << "Error internal to compression routine";
// Template specialization for UINT32, which is used by dictionary encoding.
// It dynamically switches the element size to UINT16 or UINT8 depending on the values
// in the current block.
void BShufBlockBuilder<UINT32>::Finish(rowid_t ordinal_pos, vector<Slice>* slices) {
uint32_t max_value = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < count_; i++) {
max_value = std::max(max_value, cell(i));
// Shrink the block of UINT32 to block of UINT8 or UINT16 whenever possible and
// set the header information accordingly, so that the decoder can recover the
// encoded data.
Slice ret;
if (max_value <= std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max()) {
for (int i = 0; i < count_; i++) {
uint32_t value = cell(i);
uint8_t converted_value = static_cast<uint8_t>(value);
memcpy(&data_[i * sizeof(converted_value)], &converted_value, sizeof(converted_value));
ret = Finish(ordinal_pos, sizeof(uint8_t));
InlineEncodeFixed32(ret.mutable_data() + 16, sizeof(uint8_t));
} else if (max_value <= std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max()) {
for (int i = 0; i < count_; i++) {
uint32_t value = cell(i);
uint16_t converted_value = static_cast<uint16_t>(value);
memcpy(&data_[i * sizeof(converted_value)], &converted_value, sizeof(converted_value));
ret = Finish(ordinal_pos, sizeof(uint16_t));
InlineEncodeFixed32(ret.mutable_data() + 16, sizeof(uint16_t));
} else {
ret = Finish(ordinal_pos, sizeof(uint32_t));
InlineEncodeFixed32(ret.mutable_data() + 16, sizeof(uint32_t));
*slices = { ret };
// Template specialization for UINT32.
Status BShufBlockDecoder<UINT32>::SeekAtOrAfterValue(const void* value_void, bool* exact) {
uint32_t target = *reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(value_void);
int32_t left = 0;
int32_t right = num_elems_;
while (left != right) {
uint32_t mid = (left + right) / 2;
uint32_t mid_key;
switch (size_of_elem_) {
case 1: {
mid_key = Decode<uint8_t>(&decoded_[mid * size_of_elem_]);
case 2: {
mid_key = Decode<uint16_t>(&decoded_[mid * size_of_elem_]);
case 4: {
mid_key = Decode<uint32_t>(&decoded_[mid * size_of_elem_]);
default: {
LOG(FATAL) << "unreachable";
if (mid_key == target) {
cur_idx_ = mid;
*exact = true;
return Status::OK();
} else if (mid_key > target) {
right = mid;
} else {
left = mid + 1;
*exact = false;
cur_idx_ = left;
if (cur_idx_ == num_elems_) {
return Status::NotFound("after last key in block");
return Status::OK();
// Template specialization for UINT32, expand blocks of UINT8 or UINT16 to UINT32.
Status BShufBlockDecoder<UINT32>::CopyNextValuesToArray(size_t* n, uint8_t* array) {
if (PREDICT_FALSE(*n == 0 || cur_idx_ >= num_elems_)) {
*n = 0;
return Status::OK();
// First, copy it to the destination array without any "expansion".
size_t max_fetch = std::min(*n, static_cast<size_t>(num_elems_ - cur_idx_));
memcpy(array, &decoded_[cur_idx_ * size_of_elem_], max_fetch * size_of_elem_);
*n = max_fetch;
cur_idx_ += max_fetch;
// Then, "expand" it out to the correct output size. We only need to do
// the expansion for size = 1 or size = 2.
if (size_of_elem_ == 1) {
for (int i = max_fetch - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
uint32_t value = array[i];
memcpy(&array[i * sizeof(uint32_t)], &value, sizeof(value));
} else if (size_of_elem_ == 2) {
for (int i = max_fetch - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
uint32_t value = UNALIGNED_LOAD16(&array[i * sizeof(uint16_t)]);
memcpy(&array[i * sizeof(uint32_t)], &value, sizeof(value));
return Status::OK();
} // namespace cfile
} // namespace kudu