blob: 31cc300692b63532a74634d044587feba479df8d [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// Copied from Impala and adapted to Kudu.
#include "kudu/util/jwt-util.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <openssl/bn.h>
#include <openssl/crypto.h>
#include <openssl/ec.h>
#include <openssl/obj_mac.h>
#include <openssl/pem.h>
#include <openssl/ssl.h>
#include <openssl/x509.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <exception>
#include <functional>
#include <mutex>
#include <ostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <type_traits>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/case_conv.hpp>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <jwt-cpp/jwt.h>
#include <jwt-cpp/traits/kazuho-picojson/defaults.h>
#include <jwt-cpp/traits/kazuho-picojson/traits.h>
#include <rapidjson/document.h>
#include <rapidjson/error/en.h>
#include <rapidjson/filereadstream.h>
#include <rapidjson/rapidjson.h>
#include "kudu/gutil/map-util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/ref_counted.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/escaping.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/util/curl_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/faststring.h"
#include "kudu/util/hash_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/jwt-util-internal.h"
#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
#include "kudu/util/openssl_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/promise.h"
#include "kudu/util/string_case.h"
#include "kudu/util/thread.h"
using std::string;
using strings::Substitute;
DEFINE_int32(jwks_update_frequency_s, 60,
"The time in seconds to wait between downloading JWKS from the specified URL.");
DEFINE_int32(jwks_pulling_timeout_s, 10,
"The time in seconds for connection timed out when pulling JWKS from the specified URL.");
static bool ValidateBiggerThanZero(const char* name, const int32_t val) {
if (val <= 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << Substitute("Invalid value for $0 flag: $1", name, val);
return false;
return true;
DEFINE_validator(jwks_update_frequency_s, &ValidateBiggerThanZero);
DEFINE_validator(jwks_pulling_timeout_s, &ValidateBiggerThanZero);
namespace kudu {
using rapidjson::Document;
using rapidjson::Value;
// JWK Set (JSON Web Key Set) is JSON data structure that represents a set of JWKs.
// This class parses JWKS file.
class JWKSetParser {
explicit JWKSetParser(JWKSSnapshot* jwks) : jwks_(jwks) {}
// Perform the parsing and populate JWKS's internal map. Return error status if
// encountering any error.
Status Parse(const Document& rules_doc) {
bool found_keys = false;
for (Value::ConstMemberIterator member = rules_doc.MemberBegin();
member != rules_doc.MemberEnd(); ++member) {
if (strcmp("keys", member->name.GetString()) == 0) {
found_keys = true;
} else {
return Status::InvalidArgument(
"Unexpected property '$0' must be removed", member->name.GetString()));
if (!found_keys) {
return Status::InvalidArgument("An array of keys is required");
return Status::OK();
JWKSSnapshot* jwks_;
static string NameOfTypeOfJsonValue(const Value& value) {
switch (value.GetType()) {
case rapidjson::kNullType:
return "Null";
case rapidjson::kFalseType:
case rapidjson::kTrueType:
return "Bool";
case rapidjson::kObjectType:
return "Object";
case rapidjson::kArrayType:
return "Array";
case rapidjson::kStringType:
return "String";
case rapidjson::kNumberType:
if (value.IsInt()) return "Integer";
if (value.IsDouble()) return "Float";
return "Unknown";
// Parse an array of keys.
Status ParseKeys(const Value& keys) {
if (!keys.IsArray()) {
return Status::InvalidArgument(
"'keys' must be of type Array but is a '$0'", NameOfTypeOfJsonValue(keys)));
if (keys.Size() == 0) {
return Status::InvalidArgument(Substitute("'keys' must be a non empty Array"));
for (rapidjson::SizeType key_idx = 0; key_idx < keys.Size(); ++key_idx) {
const Value& key = keys[key_idx];
if (!key.IsObject()) {
return Status::InvalidArgument(
Substitute("parsing key #$0, key should be a JSON Object but is a '$1'.",
key_idx, NameOfTypeOfJsonValue(key)));
Status status = ParseKey(key);
if (!status.ok()) {
Status parse_status = Status::InvalidArgument(Substitute("parsing key #$0, ", key_idx));
return parse_status.CloneAndAppend(status.ToString());
return Status::OK();
// Parse a public key and populate JWKS's internal map.
Status ParseKey(const Value& json_key) {
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> kv_map;
string key;
string value;
for (Value::ConstMemberIterator member = json_key.MemberBegin();
member != json_key.MemberEnd(); ++member) {
key = string(member->name.GetString());
RETURN_NOT_OK(ReadKeyProperty(key, json_key, &value, /*required*/ false));
if (kv_map.find(key) == kv_map.end()) {
kv_map.insert(make_pair(key, value));
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "Duplicate property of JWK: " << key;
auto it_kty = kv_map.find("kty");
if (it_kty == kv_map.end()) return Status::InvalidArgument("'kty' property is required");
auto it_kid = kv_map.find("kid");
if (it_kid == kv_map.end()) return Status::InvalidArgument("'kid' property is required");
string key_id = it_kid->second;
if (key_id.empty()) {
return Status::InvalidArgument(Substitute("'kid' property must be a non-empty string"));
Status status;
string key_type;
ToLowerCase(it_kty->second, &key_type);
if (key_type == "oct") {
JWTPublicKey* jwt_pub_key;
status = HSJWTPublicKeyBuilder::CreateJWKPublicKey(kv_map, &jwt_pub_key);
if (status.ok()) jwks_->AddHSKey(key_id, jwt_pub_key);
} else if (key_type == "rsa") {
JWTPublicKey* jwt_pub_key;
status = RSAJWTPublicKeyBuilder::CreateJWKPublicKey(kv_map, &jwt_pub_key);
if (status.ok()) jwks_->AddRSAPublicKey(key_id, jwt_pub_key);
} else if (key_type == "ec") {
JWTPublicKey* jwt_pub_key;
status = ECJWTPublicKeyBuilder::CreateJWKPublicKey(kv_map, &jwt_pub_key);
if (status.ok()) jwks_->AddECPublicKey(key_id, jwt_pub_key);
} else {
return Status::InvalidArgument(Substitute("Unsupported kty: '$0'", key_type));
return status;
// Reads a key property of the given name and assigns the property value to the out
// parameter. A true return value indicates success.
template <typename T>
Status ReadKeyProperty(
const string& name, const Value& json_key, T* value, bool required = true) {
const Value& json_value = json_key[name.c_str()];
if (json_value.IsNull()) {
if (required) {
return Status::InvalidArgument(Substitute("'$0' property is required and cannot be null",
return Status::OK();
return ValidateTypeAndExtractValue(name, json_value, value);
// Extract a value stored in a rapidjson::Value and assign it to the out parameter.
// The type will be validated before extraction. A true return value indicates success.
// The name parameter is only used to generate an error message upon failure.
#define EXTRACT_VALUE(json_type, cpp_type) \
Status ValidateTypeAndExtractValue( \
const string& name, const Value& json_value, cpp_type* value) { \
if (!json_value.Is##json_type()) { \
return Status::InvalidArgument( \
Substitute("'$0' property must be of type " #json_type " but is a $1", name, \
NameOfTypeOfJsonValue(json_value))); \
} \
*value = json_value.Get##json_type(); \
return Status::OK(); \
EXTRACT_VALUE(String, string)
// EXTRACT_VALUE(Bool, bool)
// JWTPublicKey member functions.
// Verify JWT's signature for the given decoded token with jwt-cpp API.
Status JWTPublicKey::Verify(
const DecodedJWT& decoded_jwt, const std::string& algorithm) const {
// Verify if algorithms are matching.
if (algorithm_ != algorithm) {
return Status::NotAuthorized(
Substitute("JWT algorithm '$0' is not matching with JWK algorithm '$1'",
algorithm, algorithm_));
Status status;
try {
// Call jwt-cpp API to verify token's signature.
} catch (const jwt::error::rsa_exception& e) {
status = Status::NotAuthorized(Substitute("RSA error: $0", e.what()));
} catch (const jwt::error::token_verification_exception& e) {
status = Status::NotAuthorized(
Substitute("Verification failed, error: $0", e.what()));
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
status = Status::NotAuthorized(
Substitute("Verification failed, error: $0", e.what()));
return status;
// Create a JWKPublicKey of HS from the JWK.
Status HSJWTPublicKeyBuilder::CreateJWKPublicKey(
const JsonKVMap& kv_map, JWTPublicKey** pub_key_out) {
// Octet Sequence keys for HS256, HS384 or HS512.
// JWK Sample:
// {
// "kty":"oct",
// "alg":"HS256",
// "k":"f83OJ3D2xF1Bg8vub9tLe1gHMzV76e8Tus9uPHvRVEU",
// "kid":"Id that can be uniquely Identified"
// }
auto it_alg = kv_map.find("alg");
if (it_alg == kv_map.end()) return Status::InvalidArgument("'alg' property is required");
string algorithm;
ToLowerCase(it_alg->second, &algorithm);
if (algorithm.empty()) {
return Status::InvalidArgument(Substitute("'alg' property must be a non-empty string"));
auto it_k = kv_map.find("k");
if (it_k == kv_map.end()) return Status::InvalidArgument("'k' property is required");
if (it_k->second.empty()) {
return Status::InvalidArgument(Substitute("'k' property must be a non-empty string"));
Status status;
JWTPublicKey* jwt_pub_key = nullptr;
try {
if (algorithm == "hs256") {
jwt_pub_key = new HS256JWTPublicKey(algorithm, it_k->second);
} else if (algorithm == "hs384") {
jwt_pub_key = new HS384JWTPublicKey(algorithm, it_k->second);
} else if (algorithm == "hs512") {
jwt_pub_key = new HS512JWTPublicKey(algorithm, it_k->second);
} else {
return Status::InvalidArgument(Substitute("Invalid 'alg' property value: '$0'", algorithm));
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
status = Status::NotAuthorized(
Substitute("Failed to initialize verifier, error: $0", e.what()));
if (!status.ok()) return status;
*pub_key_out = jwt_pub_key;
return Status::OK();
// Create a JWKPublicKey of RSA from the JWK.
Status RSAJWTPublicKeyBuilder::CreateJWKPublicKey(
const JsonKVMap& kv_map, JWTPublicKey** pub_key_out) {
// JWK Sample:
// {
// "kty":"RSA",
// "alg":"RS256",
// "n":"sttddbg-_yjXzcFpbMJB1fI9...Q_QDhvqXx8eQ1r9smM",
// "e":"AQAB",
// "kid":"Id that can be uniquely Identified"
// }
auto it_alg = kv_map.find("alg");
if (it_alg == kv_map.end()) return Status::InvalidArgument("'alg' property is required");
string algorithm = boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(it_alg->second);
if (algorithm.empty()) {
return Status::InvalidArgument(Substitute("'alg' property must be a non-empty string"));
auto it_n = kv_map.find("n");
auto it_e = kv_map.find("e");
if (it_n == kv_map.end() || it_e == kv_map.end()) {
return Status::InvalidArgument("'n' and 'e' properties are required");
if (it_n->second.empty() || it_e->second.empty()) {
return Status::InvalidArgument("'n' and 'e' properties must be a non-empty string");
// Converts public key to PEM encoded form.
string pub_key;
if (!ConvertJwkToPem(it_n->second, it_e->second, pub_key)) {
return Status::InvalidArgument(
Substitute("Invalid public key 'n':'$0', 'e':'$1'", it_n->second, it_e->second));
Status status;
JWTPublicKey* jwt_pub_key = nullptr;
try {
if (algorithm == "rs256") {
jwt_pub_key = new RS256JWTPublicKey(algorithm, pub_key);
} else if (algorithm == "rs384") {
jwt_pub_key = new RS384JWTPublicKey(algorithm, pub_key);
} else if (algorithm == "rs512") {
jwt_pub_key = new RS512JWTPublicKey(algorithm, pub_key);
} else if (algorithm == "ps256") {
jwt_pub_key = new PS256JWTPublicKey(algorithm, pub_key);
} else if (algorithm == "ps384") {
jwt_pub_key = new PS384JWTPublicKey(algorithm, pub_key);
} else if (algorithm == "ps512") {
jwt_pub_key = new PS512JWTPublicKey(algorithm, pub_key);
} else {
return Status::InvalidArgument(Substitute("Invalid 'alg' property value: '$0'", algorithm));
} catch (const jwt::error::rsa_exception& e) {
status = Status::NotAuthorized(Substitute("RSA error: $0", e.what()));
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
status = Status::NotAuthorized(
Substitute("Failed to initialize verifier, error: $0", e.what()));
*pub_key_out = jwt_pub_key;
return Status::OK();
// Convert public key of RSA from JWK format to PEM encoded format by using OpenSSL APIs.
bool RSAJWTPublicKeyBuilder::ConvertJwkToPem(
const std::string& base64_n, const std::string& base64_e, std::string& pub_key) {
string str_n;
string str_e;
if (!strings::WebSafeBase64Unescape(base64_n, &str_n)) return false;
if (!strings::WebSafeBase64Unescape(base64_e, &str_e)) return false;
BIGNUM* modul = BN_bin2bn(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(str_n.c_str()),
BIGNUM* expon = BN_bin2bn(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(str_e.c_str()),
RSA* rsa = RSA_new();
rsa->n = modul;
rsa->e = expon;
// RSA_set0_key is a new API introduced in OpenSSL version 1.1
RSA_set0_key(rsa, modul, expon, nullptr);
unsigned char desc[1024];
memset(desc, 0, 1024);
auto bio = security::ssl_make_unique(BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()));
PEM_write_bio_RSA_PUBKEY(bio.get(), rsa);
if (BIO_read(bio.get(), desc, 1024) > 0) {
pub_key = reinterpret_cast<char*>(desc);
// Remove last '\n'.
if (pub_key.length() > 0 && pub_key[pub_key.length() - 1] == '\n') pub_key.pop_back();
return !pub_key.empty();
// Create a JWKPublicKey of EC (ES256, ES384 or ES512) from the JWK.
Status ECJWTPublicKeyBuilder::CreateJWKPublicKey(
const JsonKVMap& kv_map, JWTPublicKey** pub_key_out) {
// JWK Sample:
// {
// "kty":"EC",
// "crv":"P-256",
// "x":"f83OJ3D2xF1Bg8vub9tLe1gHMzV76e8Tus9uPHvRVEU",
// "y":"x_FEzRu9m36HLN_tue659LNpXW6pCyStikYjKIWI5a0",
// "kid":"Id that can be uniquely Identified"
// }
string algorithm;
int eccgrp;
auto it_crv = kv_map.find("crv");
if (it_crv != kv_map.end()) {
string curve = boost::algorithm::to_upper_copy(it_crv->second);
if (curve == "P-256") {
algorithm = "es256";
eccgrp = NID_X9_62_prime256v1;
} else if (curve == "P-384") {
algorithm = "es384";
eccgrp = NID_secp384r1;
} else if (curve == "P-521") {
algorithm = "es512";
eccgrp = NID_secp521r1;
} else {
return Status::NotSupported(Substitute("Unsupported crv: '$0'", curve));
} else {
auto it_alg = kv_map.find("alg");
if (it_alg == kv_map.end()) {
return Status::InvalidArgument("'alg' or 'crv' property is required");
algorithm = boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(it_alg->second);
if (algorithm.empty()) {
return Status::InvalidArgument(Substitute("'alg' property must be a non-empty string"));
if (algorithm == "es256") {
// ECDSA using P-256 and SHA-256 (OBJ_txt2nid("prime256v1")).
eccgrp = NID_X9_62_prime256v1;
} else if (algorithm == "es384") {
// ECDSA using P-384 and SHA-384 (OBJ_txt2nid("secp384r1")).
eccgrp = NID_secp384r1;
} else if (algorithm == "es512") {
// ECDSA using P-521 and SHA-512 (OBJ_txt2nid("secp521r1")).
eccgrp = NID_secp521r1;
} else {
return Status::NotSupported(Substitute("Unsupported alg: '$0'", algorithm));
auto it_x = kv_map.find("x");
auto it_y = kv_map.find("y");
if (it_x == kv_map.end() || it_y == kv_map.end()) {
return Status::InvalidArgument("'x' and 'y' properties are required");
if (it_x->second.empty() || it_y->second.empty()) {
return Status::InvalidArgument("'x' and 'y' properties must be a non-empty string");
// Converts public key to PEM encoded form.
string pub_key;
if (!ConvertJwkToPem(eccgrp, it_x->second, it_y->second, pub_key)) {
return Status::InvalidArgument(
Substitute("Invalid public key 'x':'$0', 'y':'$1'", it_x->second, it_y->second));
Status status;
JWTPublicKey* jwt_pub_key = nullptr;
try {
if (algorithm == "es256") {
jwt_pub_key = new ES256JWTPublicKey(algorithm, pub_key);
} else if (algorithm == "es384") {
jwt_pub_key = new ES384JWTPublicKey(algorithm, pub_key);
} else {
DCHECK(algorithm == "es512");
jwt_pub_key = new ES512JWTPublicKey(algorithm, pub_key);
} catch (const jwt::error::ecdsa_exception& e) {
status = Status::NotAuthorized(Substitute("EC error: $0", e.what()));
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
status = Status::NotAuthorized(
Substitute("Failed to initialize verifier, error: $0", e.what()));
if (!status.ok()) return status;
*pub_key_out = jwt_pub_key;
return Status::OK();
// Convert public key of EC from JWK format to PEM encoded format by using OpenSSL APIs.
bool ECJWTPublicKeyBuilder::ConvertJwkToPem(int eccgrp, const std::string& base64_x,
const std::string& base64_y, std::string& pub_key) {
string ascii_x;
string ascii_y;
if (!strings::WebSafeBase64Unescape(base64_x, &ascii_x)) return false;
if (!strings::WebSafeBase64Unescape(base64_y, &ascii_y)) return false;
BIGNUM* x = BN_bin2bn(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(ascii_x.c_str()),
BIGNUM* y = BN_bin2bn(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(ascii_y.c_str()),
BIO* bio = nullptr;
EC_KEY* ecKey = EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(eccgrp);
EC_KEY_set_asn1_flag(ecKey, OPENSSL_EC_NAMED_CURVE);
if (EC_KEY_set_public_key_affine_coordinates(ecKey, x, y) == 0) goto cleanup;
unsigned char desc[1024];
memset(desc, 0, 1024);
bio = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
if (PEM_write_bio_EC_PUBKEY(bio, ecKey) != 0) {
if (BIO_read(bio, desc, 1024) > 0) {
pub_key = reinterpret_cast<char*>(desc);
// Remove last '\n'.
if (pub_key.length() > 0 && pub_key[pub_key.length() - 1] == '\n') {
if (bio != nullptr) BIO_free(bio);
return !pub_key.empty();
// JWKSSnapshot member functions.
// Load JWKS from the given local json file.
Status JWKSSnapshot::LoadKeysFromFile(const string& jwks_file_path) {
// Read the file.
FILE* jwks_file = fopen(jwks_file_path.c_str(), "r");
if (jwks_file == nullptr) {
return Status::RuntimeError(
Substitute("Could not open JWKS file '$0'; $1", jwks_file_path, strerror(errno)));
// Check for an empty file and ignore it.
struct stat jwks_file_stats;
if (fstat(fileno(jwks_file), &jwks_file_stats)) {
return Status::RuntimeError(
Substitute("Error reading JWKS file '$0'; $1", jwks_file_path, strerror(errno)));
if (jwks_file_stats.st_size == 0) {
return Status::OK();
char readBuffer[65536];
rapidjson::FileReadStream stream(jwks_file, readBuffer, sizeof(readBuffer));
Document jwks_doc;
if (jwks_doc.HasParseError()) {
return Status::InvalidArgument(GetParseError_En(jwks_doc.GetParseError()));
if (!jwks_doc.IsObject()) {
return Status::InvalidArgument("root element must be a JSON Object");
if (!jwks_doc.HasMember("keys")) {
return Status::InvalidArgument("keys is required");
JWKSetParser jwks_parser(this);
return jwks_parser.Parse(jwks_doc);
// Download JWKS from the given URL with Kudu's EasyCurl wrapper.
Status JWKSSnapshot::LoadKeysFromUrl(
const std::string& jwks_url, uint64_t cur_jwks_checksum, bool* is_changed) {
kudu::EasyCurl curl;
kudu::faststring dst;
Status status;
kudu::MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(static_cast<int64_t>(FLAGS_jwks_pulling_timeout_s) * 1000));
// TODO support CurlAuthType by calling kudu::EasyCurl::set_auth().
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(curl.FetchURL(jwks_url, &dst),
Substitute("Error downloading JWKS from '$0'", jwks_url));
if (dst.size() > 0) {
// Verify if the checksum of the downloaded JWKS has been changed.
jwks_checksum_ = HashUtil::FastHash64(, dst.size(), /*seed*/ 0xcafebeef);
if (jwks_checksum_ == cur_jwks_checksum) return Status::OK();
*is_changed = true;
// Append '\0' so that the in-memory object could be parsed as StringStream.
#ifndef NDEBUG
VLOG(3) << "JWKS: " <<;
// Parse in-memory JWKS JSON object as StringStream.
Document jwks_doc;
if (jwks_doc.HasParseError()) {
status = Status::InvalidArgument(GetParseError_En(jwks_doc.GetParseError()));
} else if (!jwks_doc.IsObject()) {
status = Status::InvalidArgument("root element must be a JSON Object");
} else if (!jwks_doc.HasMember("keys")) {
status = Status::InvalidArgument("keys is required");
} else {
// Load and initialize public keys.
JWKSetParser jwks_parser(this);
status = jwks_parser.Parse(jwks_doc);
return status;
void JWKSSnapshot::AddHSKey(const std::string& key_id, JWTPublicKey* jwk_pub_key) {
if (hs_key_map_.find(key_id) == hs_key_map_.end()) {
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "Duplicate key ID of JWK for HS key: " << key_id;
void JWKSSnapshot::AddRSAPublicKey(const std::string& key_id, JWTPublicKey* jwk_pub_key) {
if (rsa_pub_key_map_.find(key_id) == rsa_pub_key_map_.end()) {
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "Duplicate key ID of JWK for RSA public key: " << key_id;
void JWKSSnapshot::AddECPublicKey(const std::string& key_id, JWTPublicKey* jwk_pub_key) {
if (ec_pub_key_map_.find(key_id) == ec_pub_key_map_.end()) {
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "Duplicate key ID of JWK for EC public key: " << key_id;
const JWTPublicKey* JWKSSnapshot::LookupHSKey(const std::string& kid) const {
return FindPointeeOrNull(hs_key_map_, kid);
const JWTPublicKey* JWKSSnapshot::LookupRSAPublicKey(const std::string& kid) const {
return FindPointeeOrNull(rsa_pub_key_map_, kid);
const JWTPublicKey* JWKSSnapshot::LookupECPublicKey(const std::string& kid) const {
return FindPointeeOrNull(ec_pub_key_map_, kid);
// JWKSMgr member functions.
JWKSMgr::~JWKSMgr() {
if (jwks_update_thread_ != nullptr) jwks_update_thread_->Join();
Status JWKSMgr::Init(const std::string& jwks_uri, bool is_local_file) {
Status status;
jwks_uri_ = jwks_uri;
std::shared_ptr<JWKSSnapshot> new_jwks = std::make_shared<JWKSSnapshot>();
if (is_local_file) {
status = new_jwks->LoadKeysFromFile(jwks_uri);
if (!status.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to load JWKS: " << status.ToString();
return status;
} else {
bool is_changed = false;
status = new_jwks->LoadKeysFromUrl(jwks_uri, current_jwks_checksum_, &is_changed);
if (!status.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to load JWKS: " << status.ToString();
return status;
if (is_changed) SetJWKSSnapshot(new_jwks);
// Start a working thread to periodically check the JWKS URL for updates.
RETURN_NOT_OK(Thread::Create("impala-server", "JWKS-mgr",
[this] { return UpdateJWKSThread(); }, &jwks_update_thread_));
// This is only a warning as JWKS information might be changing over time, if for some reason,
// the file which URI is pointing at becomes empty, it'll still be downloaded, but no keys will be
// verified successfully (due to no public keys in the JWKS to do so).
// Since the UpdateJWKSThread is still alive, if the JWKS file/endpoint is fixed, then the
// verification will be successful again.
if (new_jwks->IsEmpty()) LOG(WARNING) << "JWKS file is empty.";
return Status::OK();
void JWKSMgr::UpdateJWKSThread() {
std::shared_ptr<JWKSSnapshot> new_jwks;
const MonoDelta &timeout = MonoDelta::FromSeconds(FLAGS_jwks_update_frequency_s);
while (true) {
if (shut_down_promise_.WaitFor(timeout) != nullptr) {
// Shutdown has happened, stop updating JWKS.
new_jwks = std::make_shared<JWKSSnapshot>();
bool is_changed = false;
Status status =
new_jwks->LoadKeysFromUrl(jwks_uri_, current_jwks_checksum_, &is_changed);
if (!status.ok()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to update JWKS: " << status.ToString();
} else if (is_changed) {
// The promise must be set to true.
JWKSSnapshotPtr JWKSMgr::GetJWKSSnapshot() const {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(current_jwks_lock_);
DCHECK(current_jwks_.get() != nullptr);
JWKSSnapshotPtr jwks = current_jwks_;
return jwks;
void JWKSMgr::SetJWKSSnapshot(const JWKSSnapshotPtr& new_jwks) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(current_jwks_lock_);
DCHECK(new_jwks.get() != nullptr);
current_jwks_ = new_jwks;
current_jwks_checksum_ = new_jwks->GetChecksum();
// JWTHelper member functions.
struct JWTHelper::JWTDecodedToken {
explicit JWTDecodedToken(DecodedJWT decoded_jwt) : decoded_jwt_(std::move(decoded_jwt)) {}
DecodedJWT decoded_jwt_;
JWTHelper* JWTHelper::jwt_helper_ = new JWTHelper();
void JWTHelper::TokenDeleter::operator()(JWTHelper::JWTDecodedToken* token) const {
delete token;
Status JWTHelper::Init(const std::string& jwks_uri, bool is_local_file) {
jwks_mgr_.reset(new JWKSMgr());
RETURN_NOT_OK(jwks_mgr_->Init(jwks_uri, is_local_file));
if (!initialized_) initialized_ = true;
return Status::OK();
JWKSSnapshotPtr JWTHelper::GetJWKS() const {
return jwks_mgr_->GetJWKSSnapshot();
// Decode the given JWT token.
Status JWTHelper::Decode(const string& token, UniqueJWTDecodedToken& decoded_token_out) {
Status status;
try {
// Call jwt-cpp API to decode the JWT token with default jwt::json_traits
// (jwt::picojson_traits).
decoded_token_out.reset(new JWTDecodedToken(jwt::decode(token)));
#ifndef NDEBUG
std::stringstream msg;
msg << "JWT token header: ";
for (auto& [key, val] : decoded_token_out.get()->decoded_jwt_.get_header_claims()) {
msg << key << "=" << val.to_json().serialize() << ";";
msg << " JWT token payload: ";
for (auto& [key, val] : decoded_token_out.get()->decoded_jwt_.get_payload_claims()) {
msg << key << "=" << val.to_json().serialize() << ";";
VLOG(3) << msg.str();
} catch (const std::invalid_argument& e) {
status = Status::NotAuthorized(
Substitute("Token is not in correct format, error: $0", e.what()));
} catch (const std::runtime_error& e) {
status = Status::NotAuthorized(
Substitute("Base64 decoding failed or invalid json, error: $0", e.what()));
return status;
// Validate the token's signature with public key.
Status JWTHelper::Verify(const JWTDecodedToken* decoded_token) const {
Status status;
const auto& decoded_jwt = decoded_token->decoded_jwt_;
if (decoded_jwt.get_signature().empty()) {
// Don't accept JWT without a signature.
return Status::NotAuthorized("Unsecured JWT");
if (jwks_mgr_ == nullptr) {
// Skip to signature validation if JWKS file or url is not specified.
return Status::OK();
JWKSSnapshotPtr jwks = GetJWKS();
if (jwks->IsEmpty()) {
return Status::NotAuthorized("Verification failed, no matching valid key");
try {
string algorithm =
string prefix = algorithm.substr(0, 2);
if (decoded_jwt.has_key_id()) {
// Get key id from token's header and use it to retrieve the public key from JWKS.
std::string key_id = decoded_jwt.get_key_id();
const JWTPublicKey* pub_key = nullptr;
if (prefix == "hs") {
pub_key = jwks->LookupHSKey(key_id);
} else if (prefix == "rs" || prefix == "ps") {
pub_key = jwks->LookupRSAPublicKey(key_id);
} else if (prefix == "es") {
pub_key = jwks->LookupECPublicKey(key_id);
} else {
return Status::NotAuthorized(
Substitute("Unsupported cryptographic algorithm '$0' for JWT", algorithm));
if (pub_key == nullptr) {
return Status::NotAuthorized("Invalid JWK ID in the JWT token");
// Use the public key to verify the token's signature.
status = pub_key->Verify(decoded_jwt, algorithm);
} else {
// According to RFC 7517 (JSON Web Key), 'kid' is OPTIONAL so it's possible there
// is no key id in the token's header. In this case, get all of public keys from
// JWKS for the family of algorithms.
const JWKSSnapshot::JWTPublicKeyMap* key_map = nullptr;
if (prefix == "hs") {
key_map = jwks->GetAllHSKeys();
} else if (prefix == "rs" || prefix == "ps") {
key_map = jwks->GetAllRSAPublicKeys();
} else if (prefix == "es") {
key_map = jwks->GetAllECPublicKeys();
} else {
return Status::NotAuthorized(
Substitute("Unsupported cryptographic algorithm '$0' for JWT", algorithm));
if (key_map->empty()) {
return Status::NotAuthorized("Verification failed, no matching key");
// Try each key with matching algorithm util the signature is verified.
for (const auto& key : *key_map) {
status = key.second->Verify(decoded_jwt, algorithm);
if (status.ok()) return status;
} catch (const std::bad_cast& e) {
status = Status::NotAuthorized(
Substitute("Claim was present but not a string, error: $0", e.what()));
} catch (const jwt::error::claim_not_present_exception& e) {
status = Status::NotAuthorized(
Substitute("Claim not present in JWT token, error $0", e.what()));
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
status = Status::NotAuthorized(
Substitute("Token verification failed, error: $0", e.what()));
return status;
Status JWTHelper::GetCustomClaimUsername(const JWTDecodedToken* decoded_token,
const string& jwt_custom_claim_username, string& username) {
Status status;
const auto& decoded_jwt = decoded_token->decoded_jwt_;
try {
// Get value of custom claim 'username' from the token payload.
if (decoded_jwt.has_payload_claim(jwt_custom_claim_username)) {
// Assume the claim data type of 'username' is string.
if (username.empty()) {
status = Status::NotAuthorized(
Substitute("Claim '$0' is empty", jwt_custom_claim_username));
} else {
status = Status::NotAuthorized(
Substitute("Claim '$0' was not present", jwt_custom_claim_username));
} catch (const std::runtime_error& e) {
status = Status::NotAuthorized(
Substitute("Claim '$0' was not present, error: $1", jwt_custom_claim_username,
return status;
} // namespace kudu