blob: 49b7b3dc9a30afaec8b621fbce5c87147775e089 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// Copied from Impala and adapted to Kudu.
#pragma once
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <jwt-cpp/jwt.h>
#include "kudu/gutil/ref_counted.h"
#include "kudu/util/logging.h"
#include "kudu/util/promise.h"
#include "kudu/util/thread.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
using DecodedJWT = jwt::decoded_jwt<jwt::traits::kazuho_picojson>;
using JWTVerifier = jwt::verifier<jwt::default_clock, jwt::traits::kazuho_picojson>;
namespace kudu {
// Key-Value map for parsing Json keys.
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> JsonKVMap;
// JWTPublicKey:
// This class represent cryptographic public key for JSON Web Token (JWT) verification.
class JWTPublicKey {
JWTPublicKey(std::string algorithm, std::string pub_key)
: verifier_(jwt::verify()), algorithm_(std::move(algorithm)), public_key_(std::move(pub_key)) {}
// Verify the given decoded token.
Status Verify(const DecodedJWT& decoded_jwt, const std::string& algorithm) const;
const std::string& get_algorithm() const { return algorithm_; }
const std::string& get_key() const { return public_key_; }
// JWT Verifier.
JWTVerifier verifier_;
// Signing Algorithm:
// Currently support following JSON Web Algorithms (JWA):
// HS256, HS384, HS512, RS256, RS384, and RS512.
const std::string algorithm_;
// Public key value:
// For EC and RSA families of algorithms, it's the public key converted in PEM-encoded
// format since jwt-cpp APIs only accept EC/RSA public keys in PEM-encoded format.
// For HMAC-SHA2, it's Octet Sequence key representing secret key.
const std::string public_key_;
// JWT Public Key for HS256.
// HS256: HMAC using SHA-256.
class HS256JWTPublicKey : public JWTPublicKey {
// Throw JWT exception if failed to initialize the verifier.
HS256JWTPublicKey(std::string algorithm, const std::string& pub_key)
: JWTPublicKey(std::move(algorithm), pub_key) {
// JWT Public Key for HS384.
// HS384: HMAC using SHA-384.
class HS384JWTPublicKey : public JWTPublicKey {
// Throw exception if failed to initialize the JWT verifier.
HS384JWTPublicKey(std::string algorithm, const std::string& pub_key)
: JWTPublicKey(std::move(algorithm), pub_key) {
// JWT Public Key for HS512.
// HS512: HMAC using SHA-512.
class HS512JWTPublicKey : public JWTPublicKey {
// Throw JWT exception if failed to initialize the verifier.
HS512JWTPublicKey(std::string algorithm, const std::string& pub_key)
: JWTPublicKey(std::move(algorithm), pub_key) {
// JWT Public Key for RS256.
// RS256: RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-256.
class RS256JWTPublicKey : public JWTPublicKey {
// Throw JWT exception if failed to initialize the verifier.
RS256JWTPublicKey(std::string algorithm, const std::string& pub_key)
: JWTPublicKey(std::move(algorithm), pub_key) {
verifier_.allow_algorithm(jwt::algorithm::rs256(pub_key, "", "", ""));
// JWT Public Key for RS384.
// RS384: RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-384.
class RS384JWTPublicKey : public JWTPublicKey {
// Throw exception if failed to initialize the JWT verifier.
RS384JWTPublicKey(std::string algorithm, const std::string& pub_key)
: JWTPublicKey(std::move(algorithm), pub_key) {
verifier_.allow_algorithm(jwt::algorithm::rs384(pub_key, "", "", ""));
// JWT Public Key for RS512.
// RS512: RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-512.
class RS512JWTPublicKey : public JWTPublicKey {
// Throw JWT exception if failed to initialize the verifier.
RS512JWTPublicKey(std::string algorithm, const std::string& pub_key)
: JWTPublicKey(std::move(algorithm), pub_key) {
verifier_.allow_algorithm(jwt::algorithm::rs512(pub_key, "", "", ""));
// JWT Public Key for PS256.
// PS256: RSASSA-PSS using SHA-256 and MGF1 with SHA-256.
// RSASSA-PSS is the probabilistic version of RSA.
class PS256JWTPublicKey : public JWTPublicKey {
// Throw JWT exception if failed to initialize the verifier.
PS256JWTPublicKey(std::string algorithm, const std::string& pub_key)
: JWTPublicKey(std::move(algorithm), pub_key) {
verifier_.allow_algorithm(jwt::algorithm::ps256(pub_key, "", "", ""));
// JWT Public Key for PS384.
// PS384: RSASSA-PSS using SHA-384 and MGF1 with SHA-384.
class PS384JWTPublicKey : public JWTPublicKey {
// Throw exception if failed to initialize the JWT verifier.
PS384JWTPublicKey(std::string algorithm, const std::string& pub_key)
: JWTPublicKey(std::move(algorithm), pub_key) {
verifier_.allow_algorithm(jwt::algorithm::ps384(pub_key, "", "", ""));
// JWT Public Key for PS512.
// PS512: RSASSA-PSS using SHA-512 and MGF1 with SHA-512.
class PS512JWTPublicKey : public JWTPublicKey {
// Throw JWT exception if failed to initialize the verifier.
PS512JWTPublicKey(std::string algorithm, const std::string& pub_key)
: JWTPublicKey(std::move(algorithm), pub_key) {
verifier_.allow_algorithm(jwt::algorithm::ps512(pub_key, "", "", ""));
// JWT Public Key for ES256.
// ES256: ECDSA using P-256 and SHA-256.
class ES256JWTPublicKey : public JWTPublicKey {
// Throw JWT exception if failed to initialize the verifier.
ES256JWTPublicKey(std::string algorithm, const std::string& pub_key)
: JWTPublicKey(std::move(algorithm), pub_key) {
verifier_.allow_algorithm(jwt::algorithm::es256(pub_key, "", "", ""));
// JWT Public Key for ES384.
// ES384: ECDSA using P-384 and SHA-384.
class ES384JWTPublicKey : public JWTPublicKey {
// Throw exception if failed to initialize the JWT verifier.
ES384JWTPublicKey(std::string algorithm, const std::string& pub_key)
: JWTPublicKey(std::move(algorithm), pub_key) {
verifier_.allow_algorithm(jwt::algorithm::es384(pub_key, "", "", ""));
// JWT Public Key for ES512.
// ES512: ECDSA using P-521 and SHA-512.
class ES512JWTPublicKey : public JWTPublicKey {
// Throw JWT exception if failed to initialize the verifier.
ES512JWTPublicKey(std::string algorithm, const std::string& pub_key)
: JWTPublicKey(std::move(algorithm), pub_key) {
verifier_.allow_algorithm(jwt::algorithm::es512(pub_key, "", "", ""));
// Construct a JWKPublicKey of HS from the JWK.
class HSJWTPublicKeyBuilder {
static Status CreateJWKPublicKey(const JsonKVMap& kv_map, JWTPublicKey** pub_key_out);
// Construct a JWKPublicKey of RSA from the JWK.
class RSAJWTPublicKeyBuilder {
static Status CreateJWKPublicKey(const JsonKVMap& kv_map, JWTPublicKey** pub_key_out);
// Convert public key of RSA from JWK format to PEM encoded format by using OpenSSL
// APIs.
static bool ConvertJwkToPem(
const std::string& base64_n, const std::string& base64_e, std::string& pub_key);
// Construct a JWKPublicKey of EC from the JWK.
class ECJWTPublicKeyBuilder {
static Status CreateJWKPublicKey(const JsonKVMap& kv_map, JWTPublicKey** pub_key_out);
// Convert public key of EC from JWK format to PEM encoded format by using OpenSSL
// APIs.
static bool ConvertJwkToPem(int eccgrp, const std::string& base64_x,
const std::string& base64_y, std::string& pub_key);
// This class load the JWKS from file or URL, store keys in an internal maps for each
// family of algorithms, and provides API to retrieve key by key-id.
// It's a snapshot of the current JWKS. The JWKSMgr maintains a consistent copy of this
// and updates it atomically when the public keys in JWKS are changed. Clients can obtain
// an immutable copy. Class instances can be created through the implicitly-defined
// default and copy constructors.
class JWKSSnapshot {
JWKSSnapshot() = default;
JWKSSnapshot(const JWKSSnapshot&) = default;
// Map from a key ID (kid) to a JWTPublicKey.
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<JWTPublicKey>> JWTPublicKeyMap;
// Load JWKS stored in a JSON file. Returns an error if problems were encountered
// while parsing/constructing the Json Web keys. If no keys were given in the file,
// the internal maps will be empty.
Status LoadKeysFromFile(const std::string& jwks_file_path);
// Download JWKS JSON file from the given URL, then load the public keys if the
// checksum of JWKS object is changed. If no keys were given in the URL, the internal
// maps will be empty.
Status LoadKeysFromUrl(
const std::string& jwks_url, uint64_t cur_jwks_checksum, bool* is_changed);
// Look up the key ID in the internal key maps and returns the key if the lookup was
// successful, otherwise return nullptr.
const JWTPublicKey* LookupRSAPublicKey(const std::string& kid) const;
const JWTPublicKey* LookupHSKey(const std::string& kid) const;
const JWTPublicKey* LookupECPublicKey(const std::string& kid) const;
// Return number of keys for each family of algorithms.
int GetHSKeyNum() const { return static_cast<int>(hs_key_map_.size()); }
// Return number of keys for RSA.
int GetRSAPublicKeyNum() const { return static_cast<int>(rsa_pub_key_map_.size()); }
// Return number of keys for EC.
int GetECPublicKeyNum() const { return static_cast<int>(ec_pub_key_map_.size()); }
// Return all keys for HS.
const JWTPublicKeyMap* GetAllHSKeys() const { return &hs_key_map_; }
// Return all keys for RSA.
const JWTPublicKeyMap* GetAllRSAPublicKeys() const { return &rsa_pub_key_map_; }
// Return all keys for EC.
const JWTPublicKeyMap* GetAllECPublicKeys() const { return &ec_pub_key_map_; }
// Return TRUE if there is no key.
bool IsEmpty() const {
return hs_key_map_.empty() && rsa_pub_key_map_.empty() && ec_pub_key_map_.empty();
uint64_t GetChecksum() const { return jwks_checksum_; }
friend class JWKSetParser;
// Following two functions are called inside Init().
// Add a RSA public key.
void AddRSAPublicKey(const std::string& key_id, JWTPublicKey* jwk_pub_key);
// Add a HS key.
void AddHSKey(const std::string& key_id, JWTPublicKey* jwk_pub_key);
// Add an EC public key.
void AddECPublicKey(const std::string& key_id, JWTPublicKey* jwk_pub_key);
// Note: According to section 4.5 of RFC 7517 (JSON Web Key), different keys might use
// the same "kid" value is if they have different "kty" (key type) values but are
// considered to be equivalent alternatives by the application using them. So keys
// for each "kty" are saved in different maps.
// Octet Sequence keys for HS256 (HMAC using SHA-256), HS384 and HS512.
// kty (key type): oct.
JWTPublicKeyMap hs_key_map_;
// Public keys for RSA family of algorithms: RS256, RS384, RS512, PS256, PS384, PS512.
// kty (key type): RSA.
JWTPublicKeyMap rsa_pub_key_map_;
// Public keys for EC family of algorithms: ES256, ES384, ES512.
// kty (key type): EC.
JWTPublicKeyMap ec_pub_key_map_;
// 64 bit checksum of JWKS object.
// This variable is only used when downloading JWKS from the given URL.
uint64_t jwks_checksum_ = 0;
// An immutable shared JWKS snapshot.
typedef std::shared_ptr<const JWKSSnapshot> JWKSSnapshotPtr;
// JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) conveys the public keys used by the signing party to the
// clients that need to validate signatures. It represents a cryptographic key set in
// JSON data structure.
// This class works as JWKS manager, which load the JWKS from local file or URL.
// Init() should be called during the initialization of the daemon.
// The class is thread safe.
class JWKSMgr {
JWKSMgr() {}
// Destructor is only called for backend tests
// Load JWKS stored in a JSON file. Returns an error if problems were encountered
// while parsing/constructing the Json Web keys. If no keys were given in the file,
// the internal maps will be empty.
// If the given jwks_uri is a URL, start a working thread which will periodically
// checks the JWKS URL for updates. This provides support for key rotation.
Status Init(const std::string& jwks_uri, bool is_local_file);
// Returns a read only snapshot of the current JWKS. This function should be called
// after calling Init().
JWKSSnapshotPtr GetJWKSSnapshot() const;
// Atomically replaces a JWKS snapshot with a new copy.
void SetJWKSSnapshot(const JWKSSnapshotPtr& new_jwks);
// Helper function for working thread which periodically checks the JWKS URL for
// updates.
void UpdateJWKSThread();
// Thread that runs UpdateJWKSThread(). This thread will exit when the
// shut_down_promise_ is set.
scoped_refptr<Thread> jwks_update_thread_;
Promise<bool> shut_down_promise_;
std::string jwks_uri_;
// The snapshot of the current JWKS. When the checksum of downloaded JWKS json object
// has been changed, the public keys will be reloaded and the content of this pointer
// will be atomically swapped.
JWKSSnapshotPtr current_jwks_;
// 64 bit checksum of current JWKS object.
uint64_t current_jwks_checksum_ = 0;
// Protects current_jwks_.
mutable std::mutex current_jwks_lock_;
} // namespace kudu