blob: 469146a8fc336c6b32df21053076c0551ab1dac3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/optional/optional.hpp>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <google/protobuf/stubs/port.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "kudu/common/common.pb.h"
#include "kudu/common/encoded_key.h"
#include "kudu/common/row_operations.h"
#include "kudu/common/schema.h"
#include "kudu/common/types.h"
#include "kudu/common/wire_protocol-test-util.h"
#include "kudu/common/wire_protocol.h"
#include "kudu/common/wire_protocol.pb.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/map-util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/ref_counted.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/join.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/walltime.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/rpc_controller.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/rpc_header.pb.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/user_credentials.h"
#include "kudu/security/crypto.h"
#include "kudu/security/openssl_util.h"
#include "kudu/security/token.pb.h"
#include "kudu/security/token_signer.h"
#include "kudu/security/token_verifier.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/ops/write_op.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/tablet_replica.h"
#include "kudu/tserver/mini_tablet_server.h"
#include "kudu/tserver/tablet_server-test-base.h"
#include "kudu/tserver/tablet_server.h"
#include "kudu/tserver/ts_tablet_manager.h"
#include "kudu/tserver/tserver.pb.h"
#include "kudu/tserver/tserver_service.pb.h"
#include "kudu/tserver/tserver_service.proxy.h"
#include "kudu/util/memory/arena.h"
#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
#include "kudu/util/pb_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/random.h"
#include "kudu/util/random_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/slice.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_macros.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_util.h"
using kudu::pb_util::SecureShortDebugString;
using kudu::rpc::ErrorStatusPB;
using kudu::rpc::RpcController;
using kudu::security::ColumnPrivilegePB;
using kudu::security::PrivateKey;
using kudu::security::SignedTokenPB;
using kudu::security::TablePrivilegePB;
using kudu::security::TokenSigner;
using kudu::security::TokenSigningPrivateKeyPB;
using kudu::security::TokenSigningPublicKeyPB;
using kudu::security::TokenVerifier;
using kudu::tablet::TabletReplica;
using kudu::tablet::WritePrivileges;
using kudu::tablet::WritePrivilegeToString;
using kudu::tablet::WritePrivilegeType;
using std::make_shared;
using std::set;
using std::string;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::unordered_map;
using std::unordered_set;
using std::vector;
using strings::Substitute;
namespace kudu {
namespace tserver {
namespace {
// Verifies the expected response for an invalid/malformed token.
void CheckInvalidAuthzToken(const Status& s, const RpcController& rpc) {
ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsRemoteError()) << s.ToString();
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(s.ToString(), "Not authorized");
ASSERT_TRUE(rpc.error_response()) << "Expected an error response";
ASSERT_TRUE(rpc.error_response()->code() == ErrorStatusPB::ERROR_INVALID_AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN)
<< SecureShortDebugString(*rpc.error_response());
// Gets a private key for the given sequence number.
TokenSigningPrivateKeyPB GetTokenSigningPrivateKey(int seq_num) {
TokenSigningPrivateKeyPB tsk;
PrivateKey private_key;
int key_size = UseLargeKeys() ? 2048 : 512;
CHECK_OK(GeneratePrivateKey(key_size, &private_key));
string private_key_str_der;
CHECK_OK(private_key.ToString(&private_key_str_der, security::DataFormat::DER));
tsk.set_expire_unix_epoch_seconds(WallTime_Now() + 3600);
return tsk;
// Test-param argument to instantiate various tserver requests and send the
// appropriate proxy calls.
typedef std::function<Status(const Schema&, const SignedTokenPB*, TabletServerServiceProxy*,
RpcController*)> RequestorFunc;
Status WriteGenerator(const Schema& schema, const SignedTokenPB* token,
TabletServerServiceProxy* proxy, RpcController* rpc) {
WriteRequestPB req;
RETURN_NOT_OK(SchemaToPB(schema, req.mutable_schema()));
AddTestRowToPB(RowOperationsPB::INSERT, schema, 1234, 5678, "hello world",
if (token) {
*req.mutable_authz_token() = *token;
WriteResponsePB resp;
LOG(INFO) << "Sending write request";
return proxy->Write(req, &resp, rpc);
Status ScanGenerator(const Schema& schema, const SignedTokenPB* token,
TabletServerServiceProxy* proxy, RpcController* rpc) {
ScanRequestPB req;
NewScanRequestPB* scan = req.mutable_new_scan_request();
RETURN_NOT_OK(SchemaToColumnPBs(schema, scan->mutable_projected_columns()));
if (token) {
*scan->mutable_authz_token() = *token;
ScanResponsePB resp;
LOG(INFO) << "Sending scan request";
return proxy->Scan(req, &resp, rpc);
Status SplitKeyRangeGenerator(const Schema& /*schema*/, const SignedTokenPB* token,
TabletServerServiceProxy* proxy, RpcController* rpc) {
SplitKeyRangeRequestPB req;
if (token) {
*req.mutable_authz_token() = *token;
SplitKeyRangeResponsePB resp;
LOG(INFO) << "Sending split-key-range request";
return proxy->SplitKeyRange(req, &resp, rpc);
Status ChecksumGenerator(const Schema& schema, const SignedTokenPB* token,
TabletServerServiceProxy* proxy, RpcController* rpc) {
ChecksumRequestPB req;
NewScanRequestPB* scan = req.mutable_new_request();
RETURN_NOT_OK(SchemaToColumnPBs(schema, scan->mutable_projected_columns()));
if (token) {
*scan->mutable_authz_token() = *token;
ChecksumResponsePB resp;
LOG(INFO) << "Sending checksum scan request";
return proxy->Checksum(req, &resp, rpc);
} // anonymous namespace
class AuthzTabletServerTestBase : public TabletServerTestBase {
const string kUser = "dan";
: prng_(SeedRandom()) {
void SetUp() override {
FLAGS_tserver_enforce_access_control = true;
rpc::UserCredentials user;
TokenSigningPrivateKeyPB tsk = GetTokenSigningPrivateKey(1);
auto verifier(make_shared<TokenVerifier>());
// These tests aren't targeted at testing expiration, so pass in arbitrary
// expiration values.
signer_.reset(new TokenSigner(3600, 3600, 3600, verifier));
ASSERT_OK(signer_->ImportKeys({ tsk }));
public_keys = verifier->ExportKeys();
// Signer used to create authz tokens.
unique_ptr<TokenSigner> signer_;
// Initial set of public keys to use to import.
vector<TokenSigningPublicKeyPB> public_keys;
// Generates various random selections in the tests.
mutable Random prng_;
class AuthzTabletServerTest : public AuthzTabletServerTestBase,
public testing::WithParamInterface<RequestorFunc> {};
TEST_P(AuthzTabletServerTest, TestInvalidAuthzTokens) {
// Set up a privilege that permits everything. Even with these privileges,
// invalid authz tokens will prevent access.
TablePrivilegePB privilege;
// Test various "invalid token" scenarios.
typedef std::function<SignedTokenPB(void)> TokenCreator;
vector<TokenCreator> token_creators;
token_creators.emplace_back([&] {
LOG(INFO) << "Generating token with a bad signature";
SignedTokenPB token;
CHECK_OK(signer_->GenerateAuthzToken(kUser, privilege, &token));
string bad_signature = token.signature();
// Flip the bits in the signature.
for (int i = 0; i < bad_signature.length(); i++) {
char* byte = &bad_signature[i];
*byte = ~*byte;
return token;
token_creators.emplace_back([&] {
LOG(INFO) << "Generating token with no signature";
SignedTokenPB token;
CHECK_OK(signer_->GenerateAuthzToken(kUser, privilege, &token));
return token;
token_creators.emplace_back([&] {
LOG(INFO) << "Generating token for a different user";
SignedTokenPB token;
CHECK_OK(signer_->GenerateAuthzToken("bad-dan", privilege, &token));
return token;
token_creators.emplace_back([&] {
LOG(INFO) << "Generating authn token instead of authz token";
SignedTokenPB token;
CHECK_OK(signer_->GenerateAuthnToken(kUser, &token));
return token;
token_creators.emplace_back([&] {
LOG(INFO) << "Generating expired authz token";
TokenSigningPrivateKeyPB tsk = GetTokenSigningPrivateKey(2);
auto verifier(make_shared<TokenVerifier>());
TokenSigner expired_signer(3600, /*authz_token_validity_seconds=*/1, 3600, verifier);
CHECK_OK(expired_signer.ImportKeys({ tsk }));
vector<TokenSigningPublicKeyPB> expired_public_keys = verifier->ExportKeys();
SignedTokenPB token;
CHECK_OK(expired_signer.GenerateAuthzToken(kUser, privilege, &token));
// Wait for the token to expire.
return token;
const auto& send_req = GetParam();
// Run all of the above "invalid token" scenarios against the above
// requests.
for (const auto& token_creator : token_creators) {
RpcController rpc;
const SignedTokenPB token = token_creator();
Status s = send_req(schema_, &token, proxy_.get(), &rpc);
NO_FATALS(CheckInvalidAuthzToken(s, rpc));
// Send a request with no token. This is also considered an "invalid token".
LOG(INFO) << "Generating request with no authz token";
RpcController rpc;
Status s = send_req(schema_, nullptr, proxy_.get(), &rpc);
NO_FATALS(CheckInvalidAuthzToken(s, rpc));
// Now test a valid token that has no privileges. This is flat-out
// disallowed and "fatal".
LOG(INFO) << "Generating request with no privileges";
SignedTokenPB token;
TablePrivilegePB empty;
ASSERT_OK(signer_->GenerateAuthzToken(kUser, empty, &token));
RpcController rpc;
Status s = send_req(schema_, &token, proxy_.get(), &rpc);
ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsRemoteError()) << s.ToString();
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(s.ToString(), "Not authorized");
ASSERT_TRUE(rpc.error_response()->code() == ErrorStatusPB::FATAL_UNAUTHORIZED)
<< SecureShortDebugString(*rpc.error_response());
// Create a healthy token but inject an error.
LOG(INFO) << "Generating healthy request but injecting error";
google::FlagSaver saver;
FLAGS_tserver_inject_invalid_authz_token_ratio = 1.0;
SignedTokenPB token;
ASSERT_OK(signer_->GenerateAuthzToken(kUser, privilege, &token));
RpcController rpc;
Status s = send_req(schema_, &token, proxy_.get(), &rpc);
NO_FATALS(CheckInvalidAuthzToken(s, rpc));
// Create a healthy token.
LOG(INFO) << "Generating healthy request";
SignedTokenPB token;
ASSERT_OK(signer_->GenerateAuthzToken(kUser, privilege, &token));
RpcController rpc;
ASSERT_OK(send_req(schema_, &token, proxy_.get(), &rpc));
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(RequestorFuncs, AuthzTabletServerTest,
::testing::Values(&WriteGenerator, &ScanGenerator,
&SplitKeyRangeGenerator, &ChecksumGenerator));
namespace {
// Boolean to indicate the expected result of authorization.
enum class ExpectedAuthz {
// Boolean to indicate usage of deprecated fields.
enum class DeprecatedField {
// Enum indicating different non-standard scenarios we need to make sure are
// handled appropriately.
enum class SpecialColumn {
// A malicious user may try to discover the presence of columns by misnaming
// columns.
// A user may want to perform a scan on a virtual column, i.e. a valid column
// that does not exist in the tablet but exists in the projection.
// Encapsulates entities that describe a scan that are relevant to
// authorization, used for easier composability of tests. With a schema, this
// can be used to generate scan requests.
struct ScanDescriptor {
// Whether this describes a scan using the primary key (e.g. for ordering).
bool use_pk;
// The column names to project.
unordered_set<string> projected_cols;
// The column names to predicate on.
unordered_set<string> predicated_cols;
string ToString() const {
set<string> sorted_projected(projected_cols.begin(), projected_cols.end());
set<string> sorted_predicated(predicated_cols.begin(), predicated_cols.end());
return Substitute("use_pk: $0, projected_cols: [$1], predicated_cols: [$2]", use_pk,
JoinStrings(sorted_projected, ", "), JoinStrings(sorted_predicated, ", "));
// Default variable names for the scan-related tests below.
constexpr char kScanTableId[] = "scan-table-id";
constexpr char kScanTabletId[] = "scan-tablet-id";
constexpr char kDummyColumn[] = "not-my-column";
// Mapping of column names to column IDs.
typedef unordered_map<string, ColumnId> ColumnNamesToIds;
// Encapsulates the scan-related privileges that an authz token can contain,
// used for easier composability of tests.
struct ScanPrivileges {
// Whether the privilege has full scan privileges.
bool full_privileges;
// The column names that are allowed to be scanned.
unordered_set<string> col_privileges;
// Table ID that these privileges are associated with. If empty, a default
// table ID will be used.
string table_id;
// Translates the privileges into a TablePrivilegePB for use in a token,
// using the column IDs in 'name_to_id'.
TablePrivilegePB ToPB(const ColumnNamesToIds& name_to_id) const {
TablePrivilegePB pb;
if (full_privileges) {
ColumnPrivilegePB col_privilege;
for (const auto& col_name : col_privileges) {
const auto& col_id = FindOrDie(name_to_id, col_name);
InsertOrDie(pb.mutable_column_privileges(), col_id, col_privilege);
pb.set_table_id(table_id.empty() ? kScanTableId : table_id);
return pb;
string ToString() const {
set<string> sorted_cols(col_privileges.begin(), col_privileges.end());
return Substitute("full_privileges: $0, col_privileges: [$1]",
full_privileges, JoinStrings(sorted_cols, ", "));
// Utility function to unwrap RPC response errors.
template<class Resp>
Status CheckNoErrors(const Resp& resp) {
if (resp.has_error()) {
return StatusFromPB(resp.error().status());
return Status::OK();
// Generates an encoded key of the given value for the given schema.
string GenerateEncodedKey(int32_t val, const Schema& schema) {
Arena arena(64);
EncodedKeyBuilder builder(&schema, &arena);
for (int i = 0; i < schema.num_key_columns(); i++) {
DCHECK_EQ(INT32, schema.column(i).type_info()->physical_type());
EncodedKey* key = builder.BuildEncodedKey();
Slice slice = key->encoded_key();
return slice.ToString();
// Returns a column schema PB that matches 'col', but has a different name.
void MisnamedColumnSchemaToPB(const ColumnSchema& col, ColumnSchemaPB* pb) {
ColumnSchemaToPB(ColumnSchema(kDummyColumn, col.type_info()->physical_type(), col.is_nullable(),
col.read_default_value(), col.write_default_value(), col.attributes(),
col.type_attributes()), pb);
} // anonymous namespace
// Functor to parameterize tests with that generates scan-like requests (e.g.
// Scans, Checksums) given a ScanDescriptor (for the request contents) and
// ScanPrivileges (for an attached authz token).
class ScanPrivilegeAuthzTest;
typedef std::function<Status(ScanPrivilegeAuthzTest*,
const ScanDescriptor&,
const ScanPrivileges&)> ScanFunc;
// Parameterized based on the scan request function and whether or not the scan
// request should use the primary key.
class ScanPrivilegeAuthzTest : public AuthzTabletServerTestBase,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<std::tuple<ScanFunc, bool>> {
static constexpr int kNumKeys = 5;
static constexpr int kNumVals = 5;
void SetUp() override {
SchemaBuilder schema_builder;
for (int i = 0; i < kNumKeys; i++) {
const string key = Substitute("key$0", i);
schema_builder.AddKeyColumn(key, DataType::INT32);
for (int i = 0; i < kNumVals; i++) {
const string val = Substitute("val$0", kNumKeys + i);
schema_builder.AddColumn(ColumnSchema(val, DataType::INT32),
schema_ = schema_builder.Build();
// Put together a map from column name to ID so we can put together
// ID-based tokens based on column names.
for (int i = 0; i < schema_.num_columns(); i++) {
ColumnId column_id = schema_.column_id(i);
EmplaceOrDie(&name_to_id_, schema_.column_by_id(column_id).name(), column_id);
ASSERT_OK(mini_server_->AddTestTablet(kScanTableId, kScanTabletId, schema_));
scoped_refptr<TabletReplica> replica;
ASSERT_TRUE(mini_server_->server()->tablet_manager()->LookupTablet(kScanTabletId, &replica));
// Returns a signed token for the given scan privileges.
Status GenerateScanAuthzToken(const ScanPrivileges& privilege, SignedTokenPB* authz_token) const {
TablePrivilegePB privilege_pb = privilege.ToPB(name_to_id_);
return signer_->GenerateAuthzToken(kUser, std::move(privilege_pb), authz_token);
// Populates fields of a NewScanRequestPB based on the scan descriptor,
// including an authz token based on 'privilege'.
NewScanRequestPB GenerateScanRequest(const ScanDescriptor& scan,
const ScanPrivileges& privilege,
DeprecatedField range_predicate,
SpecialColumn special_col) const {
NewScanRequestPB pb;
Schema client_schema = schema_.CopyWithoutColumnIds();
if (scan.use_pk) {
// Ordered scans must be snapshot scans.
} else {
// Set some arbitrary bounds; the values don't matter for authorization.
int32_t inclusive_lower_bound = 0;
int32_t exclusive_upper_bound = 10;
int32_t inclusive_upper_bound = exclusive_upper_bound - 1;
for (const auto& col_name : scan.predicated_cols) {
// Also test our deprecated predicate API and our new one; the deprecated
// API is still available for backwards compatability and is thus fair
// game for authorization.
if (range_predicate == DeprecatedField::USE) {
ColumnRangePredicatePB* range = pb.add_deprecated_range_predicates();
int col_idx = schema_.find_column(col_name);
ColumnSchemaToPB(client_schema.column(col_idx), range->mutable_column());
reinterpret_cast<char*>(&inclusive_lower_bound), sizeof(inclusive_lower_bound));
reinterpret_cast<char*>(&inclusive_upper_bound), sizeof(inclusive_upper_bound));
} else {
ColumnPredicatePB* pred = pb.add_column_predicates();
ColumnPredicatePB::Range* range = pred->mutable_range();
reinterpret_cast<char*>(&inclusive_lower_bound), sizeof(inclusive_lower_bound));
reinterpret_cast<char*>(&exclusive_upper_bound), sizeof(exclusive_upper_bound));
// Determine which column to sabotage if needed.
boost::optional<string> misnamed_col;
if (special_col == SpecialColumn::MISNAMED) {
misnamed_col = SelectRandomElement<unordered_set<string>, string, Random>(
scan.projected_cols, &prng_);
for (const auto& col_name : scan.projected_cols) {
int col_idx = schema_.find_column(col_name);
auto* projected_column = pb.add_projected_columns();
if (misnamed_col && col_name == *misnamed_col) {
CHECK(special_col == SpecialColumn::MISNAMED);
MisnamedColumnSchemaToPB(client_schema.column(col_idx), projected_column);
} else {
ColumnSchemaToPB(client_schema.column(col_idx), projected_column);
if (special_col == SpecialColumn::VIRTUAL) {
auto* projected_column = pb.add_projected_columns();
bool default_bool = false;
ColumnSchemaToPB(ColumnSchema("is_deleted", DataType::IS_DELETED, /*is_nullable=*/false,
/*read_default=*/&default_bool, nullptr), projected_column);
CHECK_OK(GenerateScanAuthzToken(privilege, pb.mutable_authz_token()));
return pb;
// Populates fields of a split-key request based on the scan descriptor.
SplitKeyRangeRequestPB GenerateSplitKeyRequest(const ScanDescriptor& scan,
SpecialColumn special_col) const {
// Split key requests have no projections and therefore can't use virtual
// columns that don't exist in the tablet schema (e.g. IS_DELETED columns).
CHECK(special_col == SpecialColumn::MISNAMED || special_col == SpecialColumn::NONE);
// Split-key requests are special in that they are really just projecting
// and predicating on the same set of columns. Since that's the case, just
// create a request that has the union of the described scan.
unordered_set<string> cols = scan.projected_cols;
cols.insert(scan.predicated_cols.begin(), scan.predicated_cols.end());
SplitKeyRangeRequestPB split_pb;
Schema client_schema = schema_.CopyWithoutColumnIds();
// Determine which column to sabotage if needed.
boost::optional<string> misnamed_col;
if (special_col == SpecialColumn::MISNAMED) {
misnamed_col = SelectRandomElement<unordered_set<string>, string, Random>(cols, &prng_);
for (const auto& col_name : cols) {
int col_idx = client_schema.find_column(col_name);
if (misnamed_col && col_name == *misnamed_col) {
MisnamedColumnSchemaToPB(client_schema.column(col_idx), split_pb.add_columns());
} else {
ColumnSchemaToPB(client_schema.column(col_idx), split_pb.add_columns());
// Set an arbitrary chunk size.
// Set arbitrary primary key bounds if needed.
if (scan.use_pk) {
*split_pb.mutable_start_primary_key() = GenerateEncodedKey(0, schema_);
*split_pb.mutable_stop_primary_key() = GenerateEncodedKey(100, schema_);
return split_pb;
// Sends a scan based on 'scan' with a token described by 'privilege'.
Status SendNewScan(const ScanDescriptor& scan, const ScanPrivileges& privilege,
DeprecatedField range_predicate, SpecialColumn special_col) const {
ScanResponsePB resp;
RpcController rpc;
ScanRequestPB req;
*req.mutable_new_scan_request() = GenerateScanRequest(scan, privilege,
range_predicate, special_col);
RETURN_NOT_OK(proxy_->Scan(req, &resp, &rpc));
return CheckNoErrors(resp);
// Sends a checksum scan based on 'scan' with a token described by
// 'privilege'.
Status SendChecksum(const ScanDescriptor& scan, const ScanPrivileges& privilege,
DeprecatedField range_predicate, SpecialColumn special_col) const {
ChecksumResponsePB resp;
RpcController rpc;
ChecksumRequestPB req;
NewScanRequestPB* new_scan_req = req.mutable_new_request();
*new_scan_req = GenerateScanRequest(scan, privilege, range_predicate, special_col);
RETURN_NOT_OK(proxy_->Checksum(req, &resp, &rpc));
return CheckNoErrors(resp);
// Sends a split-key request based on 'scan' with a token described by
// 'privilege'.
Status SendSplitKey(const ScanDescriptor& scan, const ScanPrivileges& privilege,
SpecialColumn special_col) const {
SplitKeyRangeResponsePB resp;
RpcController rpc;
SplitKeyRangeRequestPB req = GenerateSplitKeyRequest(scan, special_col);
RETURN_NOT_OK(GenerateScanAuthzToken(privilege, req.mutable_authz_token()));
RETURN_NOT_OK(proxy_->SplitKeyRange(req, &resp, &rpc));
return CheckNoErrors(resp);
// Sends a scan request and checks that the response matches the expected
// output based on 'is_authorized'.
void CheckPrivileges(const ScanFunc& send_req, const ScanDescriptor& scan,
const ScanPrivileges& privileges, ExpectedAuthz is_authorized,
const char* error = "not authorized") {
Status s = send_req(this, scan, privileges);
if (is_authorized == ExpectedAuthz::ALLOWED) {
} else {
ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsRemoteError()) << s.ToString();
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(s.ToString(), error);
// Returns a randomly selected set of column names, of at least size
// 'min_returned'.
unordered_set<string> RandomColumnNames(int min_returned = 0) const {
vector<string> rand_privileges = SelectRandomSubset<vector<string>, string, Random>(
col_names_, min_returned, &prng_);
unordered_set<string> rand_set(rand_privileges.begin(), rand_privileges.end());
return rand_set;
Schema schema_;
// The column names, the first `kNumKeys` of which are keys.
vector<string> col_names_;
// Mapping from column names to column ID, useful for building tokens (which
// are ID-based) from client-side info (name-based).
ColumnNamesToIds name_to_id_;
namespace {
// Functors for performing scan-like requests with which to parameterize tests.
template<DeprecatedField d, SpecialColumn c>
Status ScanRequestor(ScanPrivilegeAuthzTest* test, const ScanDescriptor& scan,
const ScanPrivileges& privileges) {
return test->SendNewScan(scan, privileges, d, c);
template<DeprecatedField d, SpecialColumn c>
Status ChecksumRequestor(ScanPrivilegeAuthzTest* test, const ScanDescriptor& scan,
const ScanPrivileges& privileges) {
return test->SendChecksum(scan, privileges, d, c);
template<DeprecatedField d, SpecialColumn c>
Status SplitKeyRangeRequestor(ScanPrivilegeAuthzTest* test, const ScanDescriptor& scan,
const ScanPrivileges& privileges) {
return test->SendSplitKey(scan, privileges, c);
// Removes a column at random from 'privilege' out of those in 'candidates'.
// Populates 'removed' with the column name that was removed, and returns
// whether anything was actually removed.
bool RemoveScanPrivilege(const unordered_set<string>& candidates,
ScanPrivileges* privilege, string* removed) {
if (candidates.empty()) {
return false;
vector<string> candidates_list(candidates.begin(), candidates.end());
int index_to_remove = rand() % candidates.size();
string to_remove = candidates_list[index_to_remove];
const auto& col_privileges = privilege->col_privileges;
const auto& iter_to_remove = col_privileges.find(to_remove);
if (iter_to_remove == col_privileges.end()) {
return false;
*removed = to_remove;
return true;
// Removes a column privilege at random from 'privilege'.
void RemoveColumnPrivilege(ScanPrivileges* privilege) {
string removed;
CHECK(RemoveScanPrivilege(privilege->col_privileges, privilege, &removed));
LOG(INFO) << Substitute("Removed privilege for column $0", removed);
} // anonymous namespace
// Test scan privileges when not authorized with full scan privileges.
TEST_P(ScanPrivilegeAuthzTest, TestPartialScanPrivileges) {
const ScanFunc& req_func = std::get<0>(GetParam());
bool use_pk = std::get<1>(GetParam());
// Put together a scan that projects and predicates on some columns.
ScanDescriptor scan = {
.use_pk = use_pk,
.projected_cols = { "key1", "key2", "val5", "val6" },
.predicated_cols = { "key3", "val7" },
ScanPrivileges privileges;
if (!use_pk) {
// For a scan that doesn't use the primary key, we only need the privileges
// on the union of the projected columns and the predicate columns.
privileges = {
.full_privileges = false,
.col_privileges = { "key1", "key2", "key3", "val5", "val6", "val7" }
} else {
// For a scan that does use the primary key, we also need to include the
// full list of columns that comprise the primary key.
privileges = {
.full_privileges = false,
.col_privileges = { "key0", "key1", "key2", "key3", "key4", "val5", "val6", "val7" }
NO_FATALS(CheckPrivileges(req_func, scan, privileges, ExpectedAuthz::ALLOWED));
NO_FATALS(CheckPrivileges(req_func, scan, privileges, ExpectedAuthz::DENIED));
// Similar to the above test, but randomized.
TEST_P(ScanPrivilegeAuthzTest, TestPartialScanPrivilegesRandomized) {
const ScanFunc& req_func = std::get<0>(GetParam());
bool use_pk = std::get<1>(GetParam());
ScanDescriptor scan = {
.use_pk = use_pk,
// Some scan-like requests treat 0 projected columns specially (e.g. this
// is a count operation projecting all columns). For the purposes of
// checking all other cases, enforce that we project at least one column.
.projected_cols = RandomColumnNames(/*min_returned=*/1),
.predicated_cols = RandomColumnNames(),
// We'll start with all column privileges and widdle our way down, avoiding
// removal of columns that we need to perform our scan.
ScanPrivileges privileges = {
.full_privileges = false,
.col_privileges = unordered_set<string>(col_names_.begin(), col_names_.end())
// Keep track of the columns we need -- the projected columns, predicated
// columns, and primary keys if the scan calls for it.
unordered_set<string> required_columns(scan.projected_cols.begin(), scan.projected_cols.end());
required_columns.insert(scan.predicated_cols.begin(), scan.predicated_cols.end());
if (use_pk) {
for (int i = 0; i < kNumKeys; i++) {
unordered_set<string> unneeded_cols(col_names_.begin(), col_names_.end());
for (const string& col : required_columns) {
// Remove a bunch of unneeded columns first. We should continue to be
// authorized to scan.
int unneeded_cols_to_remove = unneeded_cols.empty() ? 0 : rand() % unneeded_cols.size();
string removed;
for (int i = 0; i < unneeded_cols_to_remove; i++) {
CHECK(RemoveScanPrivilege(unneeded_cols, &privileges, &removed));
NO_FATALS(CheckPrivileges(req_func, scan, privileges, ExpectedAuthz::ALLOWED));
// The moment we remove a required column, we should be denied access.
ASSERT_TRUE(RemoveScanPrivilege(required_columns, &privileges, &removed));
LOG(INFO) << Substitute("Removed privilege for column $0", removed);
NO_FATALS(CheckPrivileges(req_func, scan, privileges, ExpectedAuthz::DENIED));
// Test that we can scan anything when granted full scan privileges.
TEST_P(ScanPrivilegeAuthzTest, TestFullScanPrivileges) {
const int kNumRequests = 10;
const ScanFunc& req_func = std::get<0>(GetParam());
bool use_pk = std::get<1>(GetParam());
for (int i = 0; i < kNumRequests; i++) {
ScanPrivileges privileges = {
.full_privileges = true,
// Add privileges at random. Since we have full scan privileges, these
// shouldn't affect our ability to scan whatsoever, but let's do so as a
// sanity check.
privileges.col_privileges = RandomColumnNames();
// Randomly generate a scan. Whatever it is, we should be able to scan it.
ScanDescriptor scan = {
.use_pk = use_pk,
.projected_cols = RandomColumnNames(),
.predicated_cols = RandomColumnNames()
NO_FATALS(CheckPrivileges(req_func, scan, privileges, ExpectedAuthz::ALLOWED));
// Test that we get something sensible when using a token that doesn't match
// the request's table ID.
TEST_P(ScanPrivilegeAuthzTest, TestWrongTableId) {
const ScanFunc& req_func = std::get<0>(GetParam());
bool use_pk = std::get<1>(GetParam());
// Set up a scan that we are authorized to do, but generate a token with the
// wrong table ID for it.
ScanPrivileges privileges = {
.full_privileges = true,
.col_privileges = unordered_set<string>(),
.table_id = "wrong-table-id",
ScanDescriptor scan = {
.use_pk = use_pk,
.projected_cols = RandomColumnNames(),
.predicated_cols = RandomColumnNames()
const auto check_wrong_table = [&] {
NO_FATALS(CheckPrivileges(req_func, scan, privileges, ExpectedAuthz::DENIED,
"authorization token is for the wrong table ID"));
// Do the same for a scan that we aren't authorized to perform.
privileges.full_privileges = false;
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(RequestorFuncs, ScanPrivilegeAuthzTest,
&ScanRequestor<DeprecatedField::DONT_USE, SpecialColumn::NONE>,
&ScanRequestor<DeprecatedField::USE, SpecialColumn::NONE>,
&ChecksumRequestor<DeprecatedField::DONT_USE, SpecialColumn::NONE>,
&ChecksumRequestor<DeprecatedField::USE, SpecialColumn::NONE>,
&SplitKeyRangeRequestor<DeprecatedField::DONT_USE, SpecialColumn::NONE>,
&SplitKeyRangeRequestor<DeprecatedField::USE, SpecialColumn::NONE>
class ScanPrivilegeNoProjectionAuthzTest : public ScanPrivilegeAuthzTest {};
// Test that for scans and checksums that have no projection, we require
// privileges on all columns.
TEST_P(ScanPrivilegeNoProjectionAuthzTest, TestNoProjection) {
const int kNumRequests = 10;
const ScanFunc& req_func = std::get<0>(GetParam());
bool use_pk = std::get<1>(GetParam());
for (int i = 0; i < kNumRequests; i++) {
ScanPrivileges privileges = {
.full_privileges = false,
.col_privileges = unordered_set<string>(col_names_.begin(), col_names_.end()),
// Randomly generate a scan with no projected columns.
ScanDescriptor scan = {
.use_pk = use_pk,
.projected_cols = unordered_set<string>(),
.predicated_cols = RandomColumnNames()
NO_FATALS(CheckPrivileges(req_func, scan, privileges, ExpectedAuthz::ALLOWED));
NO_FATALS(CheckPrivileges(req_func, scan, privileges, ExpectedAuthz::DENIED));
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(RequestorFuncs, ScanPrivilegeNoProjectionAuthzTest,
&ScanRequestor<DeprecatedField::DONT_USE, SpecialColumn::NONE>,
&ScanRequestor<DeprecatedField::USE, SpecialColumn::NONE>,
&ChecksumRequestor<DeprecatedField::DONT_USE, SpecialColumn::NONE>,
&ChecksumRequestor<DeprecatedField::USE, SpecialColumn::NONE>,
class ScanPrivilegeVirtualColumnsTest : public ScanPrivilegeAuthzTest {};
TEST_P(ScanPrivilegeVirtualColumnsTest, TestNoProjection) {
const int kNumRequests = 10;
const ScanFunc& req_func = std::get<0>(GetParam());
bool use_pk = std::get<1>(GetParam());
for (int i = 0; i < kNumRequests; i++) {
ScanPrivileges privileges = {
.full_privileges = false,
.col_privileges = unordered_set<string>(col_names_.begin(), col_names_.end()),
// Randomly generate a scan with no projected columns.
ScanDescriptor scan = {
.use_pk = use_pk,
.projected_cols = RandomColumnNames(/*min_returned=*/1),
.predicated_cols = RandomColumnNames()
NO_FATALS(CheckPrivileges(req_func, scan, privileges, ExpectedAuthz::ALLOWED));
NO_FATALS(CheckPrivileges(req_func, scan, privileges, ExpectedAuthz::DENIED));
class ScanPrivilegeWithBadNamesTest: public ScanPrivilegeAuthzTest {};
// Send a request with a projection on a column that don't exist. Unless the
// user has full scan privileges, the client should just get back a
// non-authorized error, rather than a more information-rich one.
TEST_P(ScanPrivilegeWithBadNamesTest, TestColumnNotFound) {
const ScanFunc& req_func = std::get<0>(GetParam());
bool use_pk = std::get<1>(GetParam());
ScanDescriptor scan = {
.use_pk = use_pk,
.projected_cols = RandomColumnNames(/*min_returned=*/1),
.predicated_cols = RandomColumnNames(),
ScanPrivileges privileges = {
.full_privileges = false,
.col_privileges = unordered_set<string>(col_names_.begin(), col_names_.end())
NO_FATALS(CheckPrivileges(req_func, scan, privileges, ExpectedAuthz::DENIED));
privileges = {
.full_privileges = true,
// Now send the request with full scan privileges. We should be able to see
// the bad column name.
Status s = req_func(this, scan, privileges);
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(s.ToString(), kDummyColumn);
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(RequestorFuncs, ScanPrivilegeWithBadNamesTest,
&ScanRequestor<DeprecatedField::DONT_USE, SpecialColumn::MISNAMED>,
&ScanRequestor<DeprecatedField::USE, SpecialColumn::MISNAMED>,
&ChecksumRequestor<DeprecatedField::DONT_USE, SpecialColumn::MISNAMED>,
&ChecksumRequestor<DeprecatedField::USE, SpecialColumn::MISNAMED>,
&SplitKeyRangeRequestor<DeprecatedField::DONT_USE, SpecialColumn::MISNAMED>,
&SplitKeyRangeRequestor<DeprecatedField::USE, SpecialColumn::MISNAMED>
class ScanPrivilegeWithVirtualColumnsTest: public ScanPrivilegeAuthzTest {};
TEST_P(ScanPrivilegeWithVirtualColumnsTest, TestIsDeletedColumn) {
const ScanFunc& req_func = std::get<0>(GetParam());
bool use_pk = std::get<1>(GetParam());
ScanDescriptor scan = {
.use_pk = use_pk,
.projected_cols = RandomColumnNames(/*min_returned=*/1),
.predicated_cols = RandomColumnNames(),
// Send out the request with full scan privileges.
ScanPrivileges privileges = {
.full_privileges = true,
NO_FATALS(CheckPrivileges(req_func, scan, privileges, ExpectedAuthz::ALLOWED));
privileges = {
.full_privileges = false,
.col_privileges = unordered_set<string>(col_names_.begin(), col_names_.end())
NO_FATALS(CheckPrivileges(req_func, scan, privileges, ExpectedAuthz::ALLOWED));
// Generate privileges that don't have all column privileges. The presence
// of a virtual column should require all privileges, so the request should
// be denied.
NO_FATALS(CheckPrivileges(req_func, scan, privileges, ExpectedAuthz::DENIED));
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(RequestorFuncs, ScanPrivilegeWithVirtualColumnsTest,
&ScanRequestor<DeprecatedField::DONT_USE, SpecialColumn::VIRTUAL>,
&ScanRequestor<DeprecatedField::USE, SpecialColumn::VIRTUAL>,
&ChecksumRequestor<DeprecatedField::DONT_USE, SpecialColumn::VIRTUAL>,
&ChecksumRequestor<DeprecatedField::USE, SpecialColumn::VIRTUAL>,
namespace {
struct WriteOpDescriptor {
// Op type for the write request.
RowOperationsPB::Type op_type;
// Key value.
int32_t key;
// Value to populate the columns with. Ignored if this is a DELETE op.
int32_t val;
string WritesToString(const vector<WriteOpDescriptor>& writes) {
vector<string> write_strs;
for (const auto& write : writes) {
write_strs.emplace_back(Substitute("$0 ($1, $2)",
RowOperationsPB_Type_Name(write.op_type), write.key, write.val));
return Substitute("Write request: { $0 }", JoinStrings(write_strs, ", "));
string WritePrivilegesToString(const WritePrivileges& privileges) {
vector<string> privs;
for (const auto& privilege : privileges) {
return Substitute("Privileges: { $0 }", JoinStrings(privs, ", "));
} // anonymous namespace
class WritePrivilegeAuthzTest : public AuthzTabletServerTestBase {
WriteRequestPB BuildRequest(const vector<WriteOpDescriptor>& write_ops,
const WritePrivileges& privileges) const {
WriteRequestPB req;
CHECK_OK(SchemaToPB(schema_, req.mutable_schema()));
RowOperationsPB* data = req.mutable_row_operations();
for (const auto& write : write_ops) {
const auto& op_type = write.op_type;
if (op_type == RowOperationsPB::DELETE) {
AddTestKeyToPB(op_type, schema_, write.key, data);
} else {
AddTestRowWithNullableStringToPB(op_type, schema_, write.key, write.val,
/*string_val=*/nullptr, data);
CHECK_OK(GenerateWriteAuthzToken(privileges, req.mutable_authz_token()));
return req;
Status GenerateWriteAuthzToken(const WritePrivileges& privileges,
SignedTokenPB* authz_token) const {
TablePrivilegePB privilege_pb;
for (const auto& privilege : privileges) {
switch (privilege) {
case WritePrivilegeType::DELETE:
case WritePrivilegeType::INSERT:
case WritePrivilegeType::UPDATE:
return signer_->GenerateAuthzToken(kUser, std::move(privilege_pb), authz_token);
Status SendWrite(const vector<WriteOpDescriptor>& write_ops,
const WritePrivileges& privileges) const {
WriteRequestPB req = BuildRequest(write_ops, privileges);
WriteResponsePB resp;
RpcController rpc;
RETURN_NOT_OK(proxy_->Write(req, &resp, &rpc));
LOG(INFO) << Substitute("Received response: $0", SecureShortDebugString(resp));
return CheckNoErrors(resp);
// Checks that the write operations need the privileges in
// 'required_privileges' by:
// 1. generating a random set of privileges,
// 2. making sure that a required privilege is missing,
// 3. ensuring that the write request with missing privileges is rejected,
// 4. adding back all the required privileges, and
// 5. validating that the write can then proceed.
void CheckWritePrivileges(const vector<WriteOpDescriptor>& write_ops,
const WritePrivileges& required_privileges) {
// Generate a random set of privileges, but make sure it is missing a
// required privilege.
WritePrivileges privileges = RandomWritePrivileges();
if (!privileges.empty()) {
const auto& priv_to_remove = SelectRandomElement<WritePrivileges, WritePrivilegeType, Random>(
required_privileges, &prng_);
LOG(INFO) << "Removing write privilege: " << WritePrivilegeToString(priv_to_remove);
// With a required privilege missing, the write request should be
// rejected.
Status s = SendWrite(write_ops, privileges);
ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsRemoteError()) << s.ToString();
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(s.ToString(), "not authorized");
// Adding the required privileges should permit our operations.
for (const auto& p : required_privileges) {
InsertIfNotPresent(&privileges, p);
ASSERT_OK(SendWrite(write_ops, privileges));
// Returns a randomly selected set of write operation types to be used for
// sending write requests. Always returns at least one type.
RowOpTypes RandomOpTypes() const {
static const vector<RowOperationsPB::Type> write_op_types = {
RowOpTypes types;
vector<RowOperationsPB::Type>, RowOperationsPB::Type, Random>(
write_op_types, /*min_to_return=*/1, &prng_));
return types;
// Returns a randomly selected set of write privileges to be used for
// generating authz tokens. May be empty.
WritePrivileges RandomWritePrivileges() const {
static const vector<WritePrivilegeType> write_privilege_types {
vector<WritePrivilegeType> rand_types =
SelectRandomSubset<vector<WritePrivilegeType>, WritePrivilegeType, Random>(
write_privilege_types, /*min_to_return=*/0, &prng_);
WritePrivileges privileges;
return privileges;
// Simple test for individual write operations.
TEST_F(WritePrivilegeAuthzTest, TestSingleWriteOperations) {
vector<WriteOpDescriptor> batch({
{ RowOperationsPB::INSERT, /*key=*/0, /*val=*/0 }
NO_FATALS(CheckWritePrivileges(batch, WritePrivileges{ WritePrivilegeType::INSERT }));
vector<WriteOpDescriptor> batch({
{ RowOperationsPB::INSERT_IGNORE, /*key=*/0, /*val=*/0 }
NO_FATALS(CheckWritePrivileges(batch, WritePrivileges{ WritePrivilegeType::INSERT }));
vector<WriteOpDescriptor> batch({
{ RowOperationsPB::UPDATE, /*key=*/0, /*val=*/1234 }
NO_FATALS(CheckWritePrivileges(batch, WritePrivileges{ WritePrivilegeType::UPDATE }));
vector<WriteOpDescriptor> batch({
{ RowOperationsPB::UPDATE_IGNORE, /*key=*/0, /*val=*/1234 }
NO_FATALS(CheckWritePrivileges(batch, WritePrivileges{ WritePrivilegeType::UPDATE }));
vector<WriteOpDescriptor> batch({
{ RowOperationsPB::UPSERT, /*key=*/0, /*val=*/3465 }
NO_FATALS(CheckWritePrivileges(batch, WritePrivileges{ WritePrivilegeType::INSERT,
WritePrivilegeType::UPDATE }));
vector<WriteOpDescriptor> batch({
{ RowOperationsPB::DELETE, /*key=*/0, /*val=*/0 }
NO_FATALS(CheckWritePrivileges(batch, WritePrivileges{ WritePrivilegeType::DELETE }));
vector<WriteOpDescriptor> batch({
{ RowOperationsPB::DELETE_IGNORE, /*key=*/0, /*val=*/0 }
NO_FATALS(CheckWritePrivileges(batch, WritePrivileges{ WritePrivilegeType::DELETE }));
// Like the above test, but sent in a batch.
TEST_F(WritePrivilegeAuthzTest, TestWritesBatch) {
vector<WriteOpDescriptor> batch({
{ RowOperationsPB::INSERT, /*key=*/0, /*val=*/0 },
{ RowOperationsPB::UPDATE, /*key=*/0, /*val=*/1234 },
{ RowOperationsPB::UPSERT, /*key=*/0, /*val=*/3465 },
{ RowOperationsPB::DELETE, /*key=*/0, /*val=*/0 },
NO_FATALS(CheckWritePrivileges(batch, WritePrivileges{ WritePrivilegeType::INSERT,
WritePrivilegeType::DELETE }));
// Like the above test, but randomized. Note: we only care about authorizing
// the requests, not checking the results. Hence our lack of care in selecting
// which keys to send over.
TEST_F(WritePrivilegeAuthzTest, TestWritesRandomized) {
const int kNumOps = 10;
const auto op_types = RandomOpTypes();
vector<WriteOpDescriptor> batch;
WritePrivileges required_privileges;
for (int i = 0; i < kNumOps; i++) {
const auto op_type = SelectRandomElement<RowOpTypes, RowOperationsPB::Type, Random>(
op_types, &prng_);
.op_type = op_type,
.key = rand(),
.val = rand(),
AddWritePrivilegesForRowOperations(op_type, &required_privileges);
LOG(INFO) << WritesToString(batch);
LOG(INFO) << WritePrivilegesToString(required_privileges);
NO_FATALS(CheckWritePrivileges(batch, required_privileges));
} // namespace tserver
} // namespace kudu