blob: 7dfa1d6243d34f8f1814d9c008b6e2dc6256efe7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "kudu/common/column_predicate.h"
#include "kudu/common/common.pb.h"
#include "kudu/common/iterator.h"
#include "kudu/common/partial_row.h"
#include "kudu/common/scan_spec.h"
#include "kudu/common/schema.h"
#include "kudu/common/types.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/stringprintf.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/local_tablet_writer.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/tablet-test-util.h"
#include "kudu/util/compression/compression.pb.h"
#include "kudu/util/memory/arena.h"
#include "kudu/util/slice.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
#include "kudu/util/stopwatch.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_macros.h"
using std::unique_ptr;
using strings::Substitute;
namespace kudu {
namespace tablet {
// Column numbers; kColX refers to column with name "val_x".
static const int kColA = 1;
static const int kColB = 2;
static const int kColC = 3;
// Rows added after altering and before altering the table.
static const int kNumAddedRows = 2000;
static const int kNumBaseRows = 10000;
// Number of unique values in each column.
static const int kCardinality = 21;
// Lower and upper bounds of the predicates.
static const int kLower = 3;
static const int kUpper = 10;
// Number of elements to allocate memory for. Each range predicate requires two elements, and each
// call to AddColumn(read_default) requires one. Must be greater than the number of elements
// actually needed.
static const int kNumAllocatedElements = 32;
// Strings and binaries will have the following string length.
static const int kStrlen = 10;
struct RowOpsBase {
RowOpsBase(DataType type, EncodingType encoding) : type_(type), encoding_(encoding) {
schema_ = Schema({ColumnSchema("key", INT32),
ColumnSchema("val_a", type, true, nullptr, nullptr,
ColumnStorageAttributes(encoding, DEFAULT_COMPRESSION)),
ColumnSchema("val_b", type, true, nullptr, nullptr,
ColumnStorageAttributes(encoding, DEFAULT_COMPRESSION))}, 1);
DataType type_;
EncodingType encoding_;
Schema schema_;
Schema altered_schema_;
template<typename KeyTypeWrapper>
struct SliceTypeRowOps : public RowOpsBase {
SliceTypeRowOps() : RowOpsBase(KeyTypeWrapper::kType, KeyTypeWrapper::kEncoding),
strs_(kNumAllocatedElements), slices_(kNumAllocatedElements), cur(0) {}
// Assumes the string representation of n is under strlen characters.
std::string LeftZeroPadded(int n, int strlen) {
return StringPrintf(Substitute("%0$0$1", strlen, PRId64).c_str(), static_cast<int64_t>(n));
void GenerateRow(int value, bool altered, KuduPartialRow* row) {
if (value < 0) {
if (altered) {
} else {
std::string string_a = LeftZeroPadded(value, 10);
std::string string_b = LeftZeroPadded(value, 10);
std::string string_c = LeftZeroPadded(value, 10);
Slice slice_a(string_a);
Slice slice_b(string_b);
Slice slice_c(string_c);
CHECK_OK(row->SetSliceCopy<TypeTraits<KeyTypeWrapper::kType>>(kColA, slice_a));
CHECK_OK(row->SetSliceCopy<TypeTraits<KeyTypeWrapper::kType>>(kColB, slice_b));
if (altered) {
CHECK_OK(row->SetSliceCopy<TypeTraits<KeyTypeWrapper::kType>>(kColC, slice_c));
void* GenerateElement(int value) {
strs_[cur] = LeftZeroPadded(value, kStrlen);
slices_[cur] = Slice(strs_[cur]);
return &slices_[cur++];
ColumnPredicate GenerateRangePredicate(const Schema& schema, size_t col, int lower, int upper) {
// Key predicate strings and slices in scope in a vector.
strs_[cur] = LeftZeroPadded(lower, 10);
strs_[cur + 1] = LeftZeroPadded(upper, 10);
slices_[cur] = Slice(strs_[cur]);
slices_[cur + 1] = Slice(strs_[cur + 1]);
auto pred = ColumnPredicate::Range(schema.column(col), &slices_[cur], &slices_[cur + 1]);
cur += 2;
return pred;
// To avoid issues where either vector is resized, potentially disrupting the correspondence of
// address/Slice to string, preallocate the sizes of these vectors as needed.
std::vector<std::string> strs_;
std::vector<Slice> slices_;
size_t cur;
template<typename KeyTypeWrapper>
struct NumTypeRowOps : public RowOpsBase {
NumTypeRowOps() : RowOpsBase(KeyTypeWrapper::kType, KeyTypeWrapper::kEncoding),
nums_(kNumAllocatedElements), cur(0) {}
typedef typename TypeTraits<KeyTypeWrapper::kType>::cpp_type CppType;
void GenerateRow(int value, bool altered, KuduPartialRow* row) {
if (value < 0) {
if (altered) {
} else {
row->Set<TypeTraits<KeyTypeWrapper::kType>>(kColA, value);
row->Set<TypeTraits<KeyTypeWrapper::kType>>(kColB, value);
if (altered) {
row->Set<TypeTraits<KeyTypeWrapper::kType>>(kColC, value);
void* GenerateElement(int value) {
nums_[cur] = value;
return &nums_[cur++];
ColumnPredicate GenerateRangePredicate(const Schema& schema, size_t col, int lower, int upper) {
nums_[cur] = lower;
nums_[cur + 1] = upper;
auto pred = ColumnPredicate::Range(schema.column(col), &nums_[cur], &nums_[cur + 1]);
cur += 2;
return pred;
// To avoid issues where the vector is resized, potentially disrupting the correspondence of
// address to value, preallocate the sizes of this vector as needed.
std::vector<CppType> nums_;
size_t cur;
// Calculates the number of values in the range [lower, upper) given a sequential, completely
// non-null pattern that is repeated with the specified cardinality and the specified number
// of rows.
int ExpectedCountSequential(int nrows, int cardinality, int lower_val, int upper_val) {
if (lower_val >= upper_val || lower_val >= cardinality) {
return 0;
int lower = std::max(0, lower_val);
int upper = std::min(cardinality, upper_val);
int last_chunk_count = 0;
int last_chunk_size = nrows % cardinality;
if (last_chunk_size == 0 || last_chunk_size <= lower) {
// e.g. lower: 3, upper: 8, cardinality:10, nrows: 23, last_chunk_size: 3
// Resulting vector: [0001111100 0001111100 000]
last_chunk_count = 0;
} else if (last_chunk_size <= upper) {
// e.g. lower: 3, upper: 8, cardinality:10, nrows: 25, last_chunk_size: 5
// Resulting vector: [0001111100 0001111100 00011]
last_chunk_count = last_chunk_size - lower;
} else {
// e.g. lower: 3, upper: 8, cardinality:10, nrows: 29, last_chunk_size: 9
// Resulting vector: [0001111100 0001111100 000111110]
last_chunk_count = upper - lower;
return (nrows / cardinality) * (upper - lower) + last_chunk_count;
// Calculates number of values in the range [lower_val, upper_val) for a repeating pattern
// like [00111 00222 00333]. The value lies between range [0, cardinality) and
// repeats every "cardinality" chunks where each chunk is "cardinality" rows.
// E.g. nrows: 34, cardinality: 5, null_upper: 2, lower_val: 1, upper_val: 4
// [-, -, 0, 0, 0, -, -, 1, 1, 1, -, -, 2, 2, 2, -, -, 3, 3, 3, -, -, 4, 4, 4, <-- stride
// -, -, 0, 0, 0, -, -, 1, 1]
int ExpectedCountRepeating(int nrows, int cardinality, int null_upper, int lower_val,
int upper_val) {
if (lower_val >= upper_val || lower_val >= cardinality || null_upper >= cardinality) {
return 0;
int lower = std::max(0, lower_val);
int upper = std::min(cardinality, upper_val);
// Each stride comprises of cardinality chunks and each chunk comprises of cardinality rows.
// For above example there is 1 full stride comprising of 25 (5 * 5) rows.
int strides = nrows / (cardinality * cardinality);
// For above example there are 3 full matching chunks in a full stride.
int matching_chunks_per_stride = upper - lower;
// Matching rows in a chunk where chunk itself is within lower and upper.
// For above example if value in chunk lies between lower and upper
// then there are 3 rows in each such matching chunk.
int matching_rows_per_chunk = cardinality - null_upper;
// For above example there is 1 full chunk in last partial stride.
int chunks_in_last_stride = (nrows % (cardinality * cardinality)) / cardinality;
int matching_chunks_in_last_stride = std::max(0, std::min(upper, chunks_in_last_stride) - lower);
// For above example there are 4 remainder rows [-, -, 1, 1], 2 of which are within range.
int remainder_rows = (nrows % (cardinality * cardinality)) % cardinality;
int remainder_matching_rows = std::max(0, remainder_rows - null_upper);
if (remainder_matching_rows > 0) {
int val_in_remainder_rows = chunks_in_last_stride;
if (!(val_in_remainder_rows >= lower && val_in_remainder_rows < upper)) {
remainder_matching_rows = 0;
return strides * matching_chunks_per_stride * matching_rows_per_chunk +
matching_chunks_in_last_stride * matching_rows_per_chunk +
std::string TraceMsg(const std::string& test_name, int expected, int actual) {
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << test_name << " Scan Results: " << expected << " expected, " << actual << " returned.";
return ss.str();
// Tests for correctness by running predicates on repeated patterns of rows, specified by nrows,
// cardinality, and null_upper. RowOps is a specialized RowOpsBase, defining how the tablet should
// add rows and generate predicates for various types.
template <class RowOps>
class AllTypesScanCorrectnessTest : public KuduTabletTest {
AllTypesScanCorrectnessTest() : KuduTabletTest(RowOps().schema_), rowops_(RowOps()),
schema_(rowops_.schema_), altered_schema_(schema_),
base_nrows_(0), base_cardinality_(0), base_null_upper_(0), added_nrows_(0) {}
void SetUp() override {
// Adds a pattern of sequential values in every "cardinality" rows with the
// first "null_upper" being set to null. This pattern of sequential values is then
// repeated after every "cardinality" rows.
// E.g. nrows: 9, cardinality: 5, null_upper: 2
// [-, -, 2, 3, 4, -, -, 2, 3]
void FillTestTabletWithSequentialPattern(int nrows, int cardinality, int null_upper) {
base_nrows_ = nrows;
base_cardinality_ = cardinality;
base_null_upper_ = null_upper;
LocalTabletWriter writer(tablet().get(), &client_schema_);
KuduPartialRow row(&client_schema_);
for (int i = 0; i < nrows; i++) {
CHECK_OK(row.SetInt32(0, i));
// Populate the bottom of the repeating pattern with NULLs.
// Note: Non-positive null_upper will yield a completely non-NULL column.
if (i % cardinality < null_upper) {
rowops_.GenerateRow(-1, false, &row);
} else {
rowops_.GenerateRow(i % cardinality, false, &row);
// Adds a pattern of repeating value for every "cardinality" rows with the
// first "null_upper" being set to null. The repeating value cycles from
// [0, cardinality) values after every "cardinality" rows. This helps test RLE.
// E.g. nrows: 34, cardinality: 5, null_upper: 2
// [-, -, 0, 0, 0, -, -, 1, 1, 1, -, -, 2, 2, 2, -, -, 3, 3, 3, -, -, 4, 4, 4, <-- stride
// -, -, 0, 0, 0, -, -, 1, 1]
void FillTestTabletWithRepeatPattern(int nrows, int cardinality, int null_upper) {
base_nrows_ = nrows;
base_cardinality_ = cardinality;
base_null_upper_ = null_upper;
LocalTabletWriter writer(tablet().get(), &client_schema_);
KuduPartialRow row(&client_schema_);
int val = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nrows;) {
CHECK_OK(row.SetInt32(0, i));
// Populate the bottom of the repeating pattern with NULLs.
// Note: Non-positive null_upper will yield a completely non-NULL column.
if (i % cardinality < null_upper) {
rowops_.GenerateRow(-1, false, &row);
} else {
rowops_.GenerateRow(val, false, &row);
if (i % cardinality == 0) {
val = (val + 1) % cardinality;
// Adds the above pattern to the table with keys starting after the base rows.
void FillAlteredTestTablet(int nrows) {
added_nrows_ = nrows;
LocalTabletWriter writer(tablet().get(), &altered_schema_);
KuduPartialRow row(&altered_schema_);
for (int i = 0; i < nrows; i++) {
CHECK_OK(row.SetInt32(0, base_nrows_ + i));
if (i % base_cardinality_ < base_null_upper_) {
rowops_.GenerateRow(-1, true, &row);
} else {
rowops_.GenerateRow(i % base_cardinality_, true, &row);
// Adds a column called "val_c" to the schema with the specified read-default.
void AddColumn(int read_default) {
void* default_ptr;
if (read_default < 0) {
default_ptr = nullptr;
} else {
default_ptr = rowops_.GenerateElement(read_default);
SchemaBuilder builder(tablet()->metadata()->schema());
ASSERT_OK(builder.AddColumn("val_c", rowops_.type_, true, default_ptr, nullptr));
altered_schema_ = Schema({ColumnSchema("key", INT32),
ColumnSchema("val_a", rowops_.type_, true, nullptr, nullptr,
ColumnStorageAttributes(rowops_.encoding_, DEFAULT_COMPRESSION)),
ColumnSchema("val_b", rowops_.type_, true, nullptr, nullptr,
ColumnStorageAttributes(rowops_.encoding_, DEFAULT_COMPRESSION)),
ColumnSchema("val_c", rowops_.type_, true, default_ptr, nullptr,
ColumnStorageAttributes(rowops_.encoding_, DEFAULT_COMPRESSION))}, 1);
// Scan the results of a query. Set "count" to the number of results satisfying the predicates.
// ScanSpec must have all desired predicates already added to it.
void ScanWithSpec(const Schema& schema, ScanSpec spec, int* count) {
Arena arena(1024);
*count = 0;
spec.OptimizeScan(schema, &arena, true);
unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> iter;
ASSERT_OK(tablet()->NewRowIterator(schema, &iter));
ASSERT_TRUE(spec.predicates().empty()) << "Should have accepted all predicate.";
ASSERT_OK(SilentIterateToStringList(iter.get(), count));
void RunSequentialTests() {
void RunRepeatingTests() {
void RunUnalteredRepeatingTabletTests() {
int count = 0;
ScanSpec spec;
auto pred = rowops_.GenerateRangePredicate(schema_, kColA, kLower, kUpper);
ScanWithSpec(schema_, spec, &count);
int expected_count = ExpectedCountRepeating(base_nrows_, base_cardinality_, base_null_upper_,
kLower, kUpper);
SCOPED_TRACE(TraceMsg("Range", expected_count, count));
ASSERT_EQ(expected_count, count);
// MultiColumn Range scan
// This predicates two columns:
// col_a: [0, upper_val)
// col_b: [lower_val, cardinality)
// Since the two columns have identical data, the result will be:
// AND: [lower_val, upper_val)
ScanSpec spec;
ColumnPredicate pred_a = rowops_.GenerateRangePredicate(schema_, kColA, 0, kUpper);
ColumnPredicate pred_b = rowops_.GenerateRangePredicate(schema_, kColB, kLower,
LOG_TIMING(INFO, "MultiColumn Range") {
ScanWithSpec(schema_, spec, &count);
int expected_count = ExpectedCountRepeating(base_nrows_, base_cardinality_, base_null_upper_,
kLower, kUpper);
SCOPED_TRACE(TraceMsg("MultiColumn Range", expected_count, count));
ASSERT_EQ(expected_count, count);
ScanSpec spec;
auto pred = ColumnPredicate::IsNotNull(schema_.column(kColB));
ScanWithSpec(schema_, spec, &count);
int expected_count = ExpectedCountRepeating(base_nrows_, base_cardinality_, base_null_upper_,
0, base_cardinality_);
SCOPED_TRACE(TraceMsg("IsNotNull", expected_count, count));
ASSERT_EQ(expected_count, count);
ScanSpec spec;
auto pred = ColumnPredicate::IsNull(schema_.column(kColB));
ScanWithSpec(schema_, spec, &count);
int expected_count = base_nrows_ -
ExpectedCountRepeating(base_nrows_, base_cardinality_, base_null_upper_, 0,
SCOPED_TRACE(TraceMsg("IsNull", expected_count, count));
ASSERT_EQ(expected_count, count);
// Runs queries on an un-altered table. Correctness is determined by comparing the number of rows
// returned with the number of rows expected by each query.
void RunUnalteredSequentialTabletTests() {
int lower_non_null = kLower;
if (kLower < base_null_upper_) {
lower_non_null = base_null_upper_;
int count = 0;
ScanSpec spec;
auto pred = rowops_.GenerateRangePredicate(schema_, kColA, kLower, kUpper);
ScanWithSpec(schema_, spec, &count);
int expected_count =
ExpectedCountSequential(base_nrows_, base_cardinality_, lower_non_null, kUpper);
SCOPED_TRACE(TraceMsg("Range", expected_count, count));
ASSERT_EQ(expected_count, count);
// MultiColumn Range scan
// This predicates two columns:
// col_a: [0, upper_val)
// col_b: [lower_val, cardinality)
// Since the two columns have identical data, the result will be:
// AND: [lower_val, upper_val)
ScanSpec spec;
ColumnPredicate pred_a = rowops_.GenerateRangePredicate(schema_, kColA, 0, kUpper);
ColumnPredicate pred_b = rowops_.GenerateRangePredicate(schema_, kColB, kLower,
ScanWithSpec(schema_, spec, &count);
int expected_count =
ExpectedCountSequential(base_nrows_, base_cardinality_, lower_non_null, kUpper);
SCOPED_TRACE(TraceMsg("MultiColumn Range", expected_count, count));
ASSERT_EQ(expected_count, count);
ScanSpec spec;
auto pred = ColumnPredicate::IsNotNull(schema_.column(kColB));
ScanWithSpec(schema_, spec, &count);
int expected_count = ExpectedCountSequential(base_nrows_, base_cardinality_, base_null_upper_,
SCOPED_TRACE(TraceMsg("IsNotNull", expected_count, count));
ASSERT_EQ(expected_count, count);
ScanSpec spec;
auto pred = ColumnPredicate::IsNull(schema_.column(kColB));
ScanWithSpec(schema_, spec, &count);
int expected_count =
ExpectedCountSequential(base_nrows_, base_cardinality_, 0, base_null_upper_);
SCOPED_TRACE(TraceMsg("IsNull", expected_count, count));
ASSERT_EQ(expected_count, count);
// Runs tests with an altered table. Queries are run with different read-defaults and are deemed
// correct if they return the correct number of results.
void RunAlteredSequentialTabletTests() {
int lower_non_null = kLower;
// Determine the lowest non-null value in the data range. Used in getting expected counts.
if (kLower < base_null_upper_) {
lower_non_null = base_null_upper_;
// Tests with null read-default. Ex. case: (-: null, 1: pred satisfied, 0: pred not satisfied)
// kLower: 5, kUpper: 8
// Base nrows: 30 |Altered nrows: 25
// Cardinality: 20, null_upper: 3, read_default: NULL
// Predicate: (val_b >= 0 && val_b < 8) && (val_c >= 5 && val_c < 20)
// 0 5 10 15 20 25 |30 35 40 45 50 key
// [---11111000000000000---1111100|---11111000000000000---11] val_b
// [------------------------------|---00111111111111111---00] val_c
// [000000000000000000000000000000|0000011100000000000000000] Result
int count = 0;
ScanSpec spec;
// val_b >= kLower && val_b <= kUpper && val_c is null
auto pred_b = rowops_.GenerateRangePredicate(altered_schema_, kColB, kLower, kUpper);
auto pred_c = ColumnPredicate::IsNull(altered_schema_.column(kColC));
ScanWithSpec(altered_schema_, spec, &count);
int base_expected_count = ExpectedCountSequential(base_nrows_,
// Since the new column has the same data as the base columns, IsNull with a Range predicate
// should yield no rows from the added rows.
int altered_expected_count = 0;
int expected_count = base_expected_count + altered_expected_count;
SCOPED_TRACE(TraceMsg("Null default, Range+IsNull", expected_count, count));
ASSERT_EQ(expected_count, count);
ScanSpec spec;
// val_b >= kLower && val_b <= kUpper && val_c is not null
auto pred_b = rowops_.GenerateRangePredicate(altered_schema_, kColB, kLower, kUpper);
auto pred_c = ColumnPredicate::IsNotNull(altered_schema_.column(kColC));
ScanWithSpec(altered_schema_, spec, &count);
// Since the table has a null read-default on the added column, the IsNotNull predicate
// should filter out all rows in the base data.
int base_expected_count = 0;
int altered_expected_count = ExpectedCountSequential(added_nrows_,
int expected_count = base_expected_count + altered_expected_count;
SCOPED_TRACE(TraceMsg("Null default, Range+IsNotNull", expected_count, count));
ASSERT_EQ(expected_count, count);
ScanSpec spec;
// val_b >= 0 && val_b < kUpper && val_c >= kLower && val_c < cardinality
auto pred_b = rowops_.GenerateRangePredicate(altered_schema_, kColB, 0, kUpper);
auto pred_c = rowops_.GenerateRangePredicate(altered_schema_, kColC, kLower,
ScanWithSpec(altered_schema_, spec, &count);
// Since the added column has a null read-default, the base rows will be completely filtered.
int base_expected_count = 0;
// The added data will be predicated with [lower, upper).
int altered_expected_count = ExpectedCountSequential(added_nrows_,
int expected_count = base_expected_count + altered_expected_count;
SCOPED_TRACE(TraceMsg("Null default, Range", expected_count, count));
ASSERT_EQ(expected_count, count);
// Tests with non-null read-default. Ex. case:
// kLower: 5, kUpper: 8
// Base nrows: 30 |Altered nrows: 25
// Cardinality: 20, null_upper: 3, read_default: 7
// Predicate: (val_b >= 0 && val_b < 8) && (val_c >= 5 && val_c < 20)
// 0 5 10 15 20 25 |30 35 40 45 50 key
// [---11111000000000000---1111100|---11111000000000000---11] val_b
// [111111111111111111111111111111|---00111111111111111---00] val_c
// [000111110000000000000001111100|0000011100000000000000000] Result
int read_default = 7;
ScanSpec spec;
// val_b >= kLower && val_b <= kUpper && val_c is null
auto pred_b = rowops_.GenerateRangePredicate(altered_schema_, kColB, kLower, kUpper);
auto pred_c = ColumnPredicate::IsNull(altered_schema_.column(kColC));
ScanWithSpec(altered_schema_, spec, &count);
// The base data is not null, since there is a read-default.
int base_expected_count = 0;
// Since the new column has the same data as the base columns, IsNull with a Range predicate
// should yield no rows from the added rows.
int altered_expected_count = 0;
int expected_count = base_expected_count + altered_expected_count;
SCOPED_TRACE(TraceMsg("Non-null default, Range+IsNull", expected_count, count));
ASSERT_EQ(expected_count, count);
ScanSpec spec;
// val_b >= kLower && val_b <= kUpper && val_c is not null
auto pred_b = rowops_.GenerateRangePredicate(altered_schema_, kColB, kLower, kUpper);
auto pred_c = ColumnPredicate::IsNotNull(altered_schema_.column(kColC));
ScanWithSpec(altered_schema_, spec, &count);
int base_expected_count =
ExpectedCountSequential(base_nrows_, base_cardinality_, lower_non_null,
// Since the new column has the same data as the base columns, IsNotNull with a Range
// predicate should yield the same rows as the Range query alone on the altered data.
int altered_expected_count =
ExpectedCountSequential(added_nrows_, base_cardinality_, lower_non_null,
int expected_count = base_expected_count + altered_expected_count;
SCOPED_TRACE(TraceMsg("Non-null default, Range+IsNotNull", expected_count, count));
ASSERT_EQ(expected_count, count);
int lower = 0;
ScanSpec spec;
// val_b >= 0 && val_b < kUpper && val_c >= kLower && val_c < cardinality
auto pred_b = rowops_.GenerateRangePredicate(altered_schema_, kColB, 0, kUpper);
auto pred_c = rowops_.GenerateRangePredicate(altered_schema_, kColC, kLower,
ScanWithSpec(altered_schema_, spec, &count);
// Take into account possible null values when calculating expected counts.
if (base_null_upper_ > 0) {
lower = base_null_upper_;
// Because the read_default is in range, the predicate on "val_c" will be satisfied
// by base data, and all rows that satisfy "pred_b" will be returned.
int base_expected_count =
ExpectedCountSequential(base_nrows_, base_cardinality_, lower, kUpper);
int altered_expected_count = ExpectedCountSequential(added_nrows_,
int expected_count = base_expected_count + altered_expected_count;
SCOPED_TRACE(TraceMsg("Non-null default, Range with Default", expected_count, count));
ASSERT_EQ(expected_count, count);
// Used to ensure the query does not select the read-default.
int default_plus_one = read_default + 1;
ScanSpec spec;
// val_b >= 0 && val_b < kUpper && val_c >= read_default + 1 && val_c < cardinality
auto pred_b = rowops_.GenerateRangePredicate(altered_schema_, kColB, 0, kUpper);
auto pred_c = rowops_.GenerateRangePredicate(altered_schema_, kColC, default_plus_one,
ScanWithSpec(altered_schema_, spec, &count);
if (default_plus_one < base_null_upper_) {
default_plus_one = base_null_upper_;
// Because the read_default is out of range, the "pred_c" will not be satisfied by base data,
// so all base rows will be filtered.
int base_expected_count = 0;
int altered_expected_count = ExpectedCountSequential(added_nrows_,
int expected_count = base_expected_count + altered_expected_count;
SCOPED_TRACE(TraceMsg("Non-null default, Range without Default", expected_count, count));
ASSERT_EQ(expected_count, count);
RowOps rowops_;
Schema schema_;
Schema altered_schema_;
int base_nrows_;
int base_cardinality_;
int base_null_upper_;
int added_nrows_;
template<DataType KeyType, EncodingType Encoding>
struct KeyTypeWrapper {
static const DataType kType = KeyType;
static const EncodingType kEncoding = Encoding;
typedef ::testing::Types<NumTypeRowOps<KeyTypeWrapper<INT8, BIT_SHUFFLE>>,
NumTypeRowOps<KeyTypeWrapper<INT8, PLAIN_ENCODING>>,
NumTypeRowOps<KeyTypeWrapper<INT8, RLE>>,
NumTypeRowOps<KeyTypeWrapper<INT16, BIT_SHUFFLE>>,
NumTypeRowOps<KeyTypeWrapper<INT16, PLAIN_ENCODING>>,
NumTypeRowOps<KeyTypeWrapper<INT16, RLE>>,
NumTypeRowOps<KeyTypeWrapper<INT32, BIT_SHUFFLE>>,
NumTypeRowOps<KeyTypeWrapper<INT32, PLAIN_ENCODING>>,
NumTypeRowOps<KeyTypeWrapper<INT32, RLE>>,
NumTypeRowOps<KeyTypeWrapper<INT64, BIT_SHUFFLE>>,
NumTypeRowOps<KeyTypeWrapper<INT64, PLAIN_ENCODING>>,
NumTypeRowOps<KeyTypeWrapper<INT64, BIT_SHUFFLE>>,
NumTypeRowOps<KeyTypeWrapper<INT64, RLE>>,
NumTypeRowOps<KeyTypeWrapper<INT128, BIT_SHUFFLE>>,
NumTypeRowOps<KeyTypeWrapper<INT128, PLAIN_ENCODING>>,
// TODO: Uncomment when adding 128 bit support to RLE (KUDU-2284)
// NumTypeRowOps<KeyTypeWrapper<INT128, RLE>>,
NumTypeRowOps<KeyTypeWrapper<FLOAT, BIT_SHUFFLE>>,
NumTypeRowOps<KeyTypeWrapper<FLOAT, PLAIN_ENCODING>>,
NumTypeRowOps<KeyTypeWrapper<DOUBLE, BIT_SHUFFLE>>,
NumTypeRowOps<KeyTypeWrapper<DOUBLE, PLAIN_ENCODING>>,
SliceTypeRowOps<KeyTypeWrapper<STRING, DICT_ENCODING>>,
SliceTypeRowOps<KeyTypeWrapper<STRING, PLAIN_ENCODING>>,
SliceTypeRowOps<KeyTypeWrapper<STRING, PREFIX_ENCODING>>,
SliceTypeRowOps<KeyTypeWrapper<BINARY, DICT_ENCODING>>,
SliceTypeRowOps<KeyTypeWrapper<BINARY, PLAIN_ENCODING>>,
SliceTypeRowOps<KeyTypeWrapper<BINARY, PREFIX_ENCODING>>
> KeyTypes;
TYPED_TEST_SUITE(AllTypesScanCorrectnessTest, KeyTypes);
TYPED_TEST(AllTypesScanCorrectnessTest, AllNonNullSequential) {
int null_upper = 0;
this->FillTestTabletWithSequentialPattern(kNumBaseRows, kCardinality, null_upper);
TYPED_TEST(AllTypesScanCorrectnessTest, SomeNullSequential) {
int null_upper = kUpper/2;
this->FillTestTabletWithSequentialPattern(kNumBaseRows, kCardinality, null_upper);
TYPED_TEST(AllTypesScanCorrectnessTest, AllNullSequential) {
int null_upper = kCardinality;
this->FillTestTabletWithSequentialPattern(kNumBaseRows, kCardinality, null_upper);
TYPED_TEST(AllTypesScanCorrectnessTest, AllNonNullRepeating) {
int null_upper = 0;
this->FillTestTabletWithRepeatPattern(kNumBaseRows, kCardinality, null_upper);
TYPED_TEST(AllTypesScanCorrectnessTest, AllNullRepeating) {
int null_upper = kCardinality;
this->FillTestTabletWithRepeatPattern(kNumBaseRows, kCardinality, null_upper);
TYPED_TEST(AllTypesScanCorrectnessTest, SomeNullRepeating) {
int null_upper = kUpper / 2;
this->FillTestTabletWithRepeatPattern(kNumBaseRows, kCardinality, null_upper);
} // namespace tablet
} // namespace kudu