blob: a649d53ca3834c0c663df7fa4d94a2466ff36372 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "kudu/hms/hms_catalog.h"
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <map>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/optional/optional.hpp>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "kudu/common/common.pb.h"
#include "kudu/common/schema.h"
#include "kudu/common/table_util.h"
#include "kudu/common/types.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/map-util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/ascii_ctype.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/split.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/hms/hive_metastore_types.h"
#include "kudu/hms/hms_client.h"
#include "kudu/thrift/client.h"
#include "kudu/util/flag_tags.h"
#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
#include "kudu/util/net/net_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/slice.h"
#include "kudu/util/thread.h"
using boost::optional;
using std::move;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using strings::Substitute;
DEFINE_string(hive_metastore_uris, "",
"Address of the Hive Metastore instance(s). The provided port must be for the HMS "
"Thrift service. If a port is not provided, defaults to 9083. If the HMS is deployed "
"in an HA configuration, multiple comma-separated addresses should be supplied. "
"If not set, the Kudu master will not send Kudu table catalog updates to Hive. The "
"configured value must match the Hive hive.metastore.uris configuration.");
DEFINE_validator(hive_metastore_uris, &kudu::hms::HmsCatalog::ValidateUris);
// Note: the hive_metastore_sasl_enabled and keytab_file combination is validated in
DEFINE_bool(hive_metastore_sasl_enabled, false,
"Configures whether Thrift connections to the Hive Metastore use SASL "
"(Kerberos) security. Must match the value of the "
"hive.metastore.sasl.enabled option in the Hive Metastore configuration. "
"When enabled, the --keytab_file flag must be provided.");
DEFINE_string(hive_metastore_kerberos_principal, "hive",
"The service principal of the Hive Metastore server. Must match "
"the primary (user) portion of hive.metastore.kerberos.principal option "
"in the Hive Metastore configuration.");
DEFINE_int32(hive_metastore_retry_count, 1,
"The number of times that HMS operations will retry after "
"encountering retriable failures, such as network errors.");
TAG_FLAG(hive_metastore_retry_count, advanced);
DEFINE_int32(hive_metastore_send_timeout_seconds, 60,
"Configures the socket send timeout, in seconds, for Thrift "
"connections to the Hive Metastore.");
TAG_FLAG(hive_metastore_send_timeout_seconds, advanced);
DEFINE_int32(hive_metastore_recv_timeout_seconds, 60,
"Configures the socket receive timeout, in seconds, for Thrift "
"connections to the Hive Metastore.");
TAG_FLAG(hive_metastore_recv_timeout_seconds, advanced);
DEFINE_int32(hive_metastore_conn_timeout_seconds, 60,
"Configures the socket connect timeout, in seconds, for Thrift "
"connections to the Hive Metastore.");
TAG_FLAG(hive_metastore_conn_timeout_seconds, advanced);
DEFINE_int32(hive_metastore_max_message_size_bytes, 100 * 1024 * 1024,
"Maximum size of Hive Metastore objects that can be received by the "
"HMS client in bytes. Should match the metastore.server.max.message.size "
TAG_FLAG(hive_metastore_max_message_size_bytes, advanced);
namespace kudu {
namespace hms {
HmsCatalog::HmsCatalog(string master_addresses)
: master_addresses_(std::move(master_addresses)),
running_(1) {
HmsCatalog::~HmsCatalog() {
Status HmsCatalog::Start(HmsClientVerifyKuduSyncConfig verify_service_config) {
vector<HostPort> addresses;
RETURN_NOT_OK(ParseUris(FLAGS_hive_metastore_uris, &addresses));
thrift::ClientOptions options;
options.send_timeout = MonoDelta::FromSeconds(FLAGS_hive_metastore_send_timeout_seconds);
options.recv_timeout = MonoDelta::FromSeconds(FLAGS_hive_metastore_recv_timeout_seconds);
options.conn_timeout = MonoDelta::FromSeconds(FLAGS_hive_metastore_conn_timeout_seconds);
options.enable_kerberos = FLAGS_hive_metastore_sasl_enabled;
options.service_principal = FLAGS_hive_metastore_kerberos_principal;
options.max_buf_size = FLAGS_hive_metastore_max_message_size_bytes;
options.retry_count = FLAGS_hive_metastore_retry_count;
options.verify_service_config = verify_service_config == VERIFY;
RETURN_NOT_OK(ha_client_.Start(std::move(addresses), std::move(options)));
RETURN_NOT_OK(Thread::Create("hms_catalog", "fetch_uuid",
[this](){ this->LoopInitializeUuid(); },
return Status::OK();
void HmsCatalog::Stop() {
if (uuid_initializing_thread_) {
Status HmsCatalog::CreateTable(const string& id,
const string& name,
const string& cluster_id,
const optional<const string&>& owner,
const Schema& schema,
const string& comment,
const string& table_type) {
hive::Table table;
RETURN_NOT_OK(PopulateTable(id, name, owner, schema, comment, cluster_id,
master_addresses_, table_type, &table));
return ha_client_.Execute([&] (HmsClient* client) {
return client->CreateTable(table, EnvironmentContext());
Status HmsCatalog::DropTable(const string& id, const string& name) {
hive::EnvironmentContext env_ctx = EnvironmentContext();, id));
return DropTable(name, env_ctx);
Status HmsCatalog::DropLegacyTable(const string& name) {
return DropTable(name, EnvironmentContext());
Status HmsCatalog::DropTable(const string& name, const hive::EnvironmentContext& env_ctx) {
Slice hms_database;
Slice hms_table;
RETURN_NOT_OK(ParseHiveTableIdentifier(name, &hms_database, &hms_table));
return ha_client_.Execute([&] (HmsClient* client) {
return client->DropTable(hms_database.ToString(), hms_table.ToString(), env_ctx);
Status HmsCatalog::UpgradeLegacyImpalaTable(const string& id,
const string& cluster_id,
const string& db_name,
const string& tb_name,
const Schema& schema,
const string& comment) {
return ha_client_.Execute([&] (HmsClient* client) {
hive::Table table;
RETURN_NOT_OK(client->GetTable(db_name, tb_name, &table));
if (table.parameters[HmsClient::kStorageHandlerKey] !=
HmsClient::kLegacyKuduStorageHandler) {
return Status::IllegalState("non-legacy table cannot be upgraded");
if (table.tableType != HmsClient::kManagedTable &&
table.tableType != HmsClient::kExternalTable) {
return Status::IllegalState(Substitute("Unsupported table type $0", table.tableType));
// If this is an unsynchronized table, only upgrade the storage handler.
if (!HmsClient::IsSynchronized(table)) {
table.parameters[HmsClient::kStorageHandlerKey] = HmsClient::kKuduStorageHandler;
} else {
RETURN_NOT_OK(PopulateTable(id, Substitute("$0.$1", db_name, tb_name), table.owner, schema,
comment, cluster_id, master_addresses_, table.tableType, &table));
return client->AlterTable(db_name, tb_name, table, EnvironmentContext());
Status HmsCatalog::DowngradeToLegacyImpalaTable(const string& name) {
Slice hms_database;
Slice hms_table;
RETURN_NOT_OK(ParseHiveTableIdentifier(name, &hms_database, &hms_table));
return ha_client_.Execute([&] (HmsClient* client) {
hive::Table table;
RETURN_NOT_OK(client->GetTable(hms_database.ToString(), hms_table.ToString(), &table));
if (!hms::HmsClient::IsKuduTable(table)) {
return Status::IllegalState("non-Kudu table cannot be downgraded");
// Downgrade the storage handler.
table.parameters[HmsClient::kStorageHandlerKey] = HmsClient::kLegacyKuduStorageHandler;
// Remove the Kudu-specific fields 'kudu.table_id' and `kudu.cluster_id`
EraseKeyReturnValuePtr(&table.parameters, HmsClient::kKuduTableIdKey);
EraseKeyReturnValuePtr(&table.parameters, HmsClient::kKuduClusterIdKey);
return client->AlterTable(table.dbName, table.tableName, table, EnvironmentContext());
Status HmsCatalog::GetKuduTables(vector<hive::Table>* kudu_tables) {
return ha_client_.Execute([&] (HmsClient* client) {
vector<string> database_names;
vector<string> table_names;
vector<hive::Table> tables;
for (const auto& database_name : database_names) {
// NOTE: LIKE filters are used instead of = filters due to HIVE-21614
Substitute("$0$1 LIKE \"$2\" OR $0$1 LIKE \"$3\"",
if (!table_names.empty()) {
RETURN_NOT_OK(client->GetTables(database_name, table_names, &tables));
std::move(tables.begin(), tables.end(), std::back_inserter(*kudu_tables));
return Status::OK();
Status HmsCatalog::AlterTable(const string& id,
const string& name,
const string& new_name,
const string& cluster_id,
optional<const string&> owner,
const Schema& schema,
const std::string& comment,
const bool& check_id) {
Slice hms_database;
Slice hms_table;
RETURN_NOT_OK(ParseHiveTableIdentifier(name, &hms_database, &hms_table));
return ha_client_.Execute([&] (HmsClient* client) {
// The HMS does not have a way to alter individual fields of a table
// entry, so we must request the existing table entry from the HMS, update
// the fields, and write it back. Otherwise we'd overwrite metadata fields
// that other tools put into place, such as table statistics. We do
// overwrite all Kudu-specific entries such as the Kudu master addresses
// and the full set of columns. This ensures entries are fully 'repaired'
// during an alter operation.
// This can go wrong in a number of ways, including:
// - The original table name isn't a valid Hive database/table pair
// - The new table name isn't a valid Hive database/table pair
// - The original table does not exist in the HMS
// - The original table doesn't match the Kudu table being altered
hive::Table table;
RETURN_NOT_OK(client->GetTable(hms_database.ToString(), hms_table.ToString(), &table));
// Check that the HMS entry belongs to the table being altered.
if (!hms::HmsClient::IsKuduTable(table) ||
(check_id && table.parameters[HmsClient::kKuduTableIdKey] != id)) {
// The original table isn't a Kudu table, or isn't the same Kudu table.
return Status::NotFound("the HMS entry for the table being "
"altered belongs to another table");
// Overwrite fields in the table that have changed, including the new name.
RETURN_NOT_OK(PopulateTable(id, new_name, owner, schema, comment, cluster_id,
master_addresses_, table.tableType, &table));
return client->AlterTable(hms_database.ToString(), hms_table.ToString(),
table, EnvironmentContext(check_id));
Status HmsCatalog::GetNotificationEvents(int64_t last_event_id, int max_events,
vector<hive::NotificationEvent>* events) {
return ha_client_.Execute([&] (HmsClient* client) {
return client->GetNotificationEvents(last_event_id, max_events, events);
Status HmsCatalog::GetUuid(string* uuid) {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(uuid_lock_);
if (!uuid_) {
return Status::NotSupported("No HMS UUID available");
*uuid = uuid_.value();
return Status::OK();
namespace {
string column_to_field_type(const ColumnSchema& column) {
// See org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde.serdeConstants.
switch (column.type_info()->type()) {
case BOOL: return "boolean";
case INT8: return "tinyint";
case INT16: return "smallint";
case INT32: return "int";
case INT64: return "bigint";
case DECIMAL32:
case DECIMAL64:
case DECIMAL128: return Substitute("decimal($0,$1)",
case FLOAT: return "float";
case DOUBLE: return "double";
case STRING: return "string";
case BINARY: return "binary";
case VARCHAR: return Substitute("varchar($0)",
case UNIXTIME_MICROS: return "timestamp";
case DATE: return "date";
default: LOG(FATAL) << "unhandled column type: " << column.TypeToString();
hive::FieldSchema column_to_field(const ColumnSchema& column) {
hive::FieldSchema field; =;
field.type = column_to_field_type(column);
field.comment = column.comment();
return field;
// Convert an ASCII encoded string to lowercase in place.
void ToLowerCase(Slice s) {
for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) {
s.mutable_data()[i] = ascii_tolower(s[i]);
} // anonymous namespace
Status HmsCatalog::PopulateTable(const string& id,
const string& name,
const optional<const string&>& owner,
const Schema& schema,
const std::string& comment,
const string& cluster_id,
const string& master_addresses,
const string& table_type,
hive::Table* table) {
Slice hms_database_name;
Slice hms_table_name;
RETURN_NOT_OK(ParseHiveTableIdentifier(name, &hms_database_name, &hms_table_name));
table->dbName = hms_database_name.ToString();
table->tableName = hms_table_name.ToString();
table->parameters[HmsClient::kTableCommentKey] = comment;
if (owner) {
table->owner = *owner;
// TODO(HIVE-21640): Fix the issue described below and in HIVE-21640
// Setting the table type to managed means the table's (HD)FS directory will
// be deleted when the table is dropped. Deleting the directory is
// unnecessary, and causes a race in the HMS between concurrent DROP TABLE and
// CREATE TABLE operations on existing tables.
table->tableType = table_type;
// TODO(HIVE-19253): Used along with table type to indicate an external table.
if (table_type == HmsClient::kExternalTable) {
table->parameters[HmsClient::kExternalTableKey] = "TRUE";
// Ensure the kExternalTableKey property is unset on a managed table.
} else if (table_type == HmsClient::kManagedTable) {
EraseKeyReturnValuePtr(&table->parameters, HmsClient::kExternalTableKey);
// Only set the table id and cluster id on synchronized tables.
if (HmsClient::IsSynchronized(*table)) {
table->parameters[HmsClient::kKuduTableIdKey] = id;
table->parameters[HmsClient::kKuduClusterIdKey] = cluster_id;
// Add the Kudu-specific parameters. This intentionally avoids overwriting
// other parameters.
table->parameters[HmsClient::kKuduTableNameKey] = name;
table->parameters[HmsClient::kKuduMasterAddrsKey] = master_addresses;
table->parameters[HmsClient::kStorageHandlerKey] = HmsClient::kKuduStorageHandler;
// Overwrite the entire set of columns.
vector<hive::FieldSchema> fields;
for (const auto& column : schema.columns()) {
table->sd.cols = std::move(fields);
return Status::OK();
Status HmsCatalog::NormalizeTableName(string* table_name) {
Slice hms_database;
Slice hms_table;
RETURN_NOT_OK(ParseHiveTableIdentifier(*table_name, &hms_database, &hms_table));
return Status::OK();
Status HmsCatalog::ParseUris(const string& metastore_uris, vector<HostPort>* hostports) {
vector<string> uris = strings::Split(metastore_uris, ",", strings::SkipEmpty());
const string kSchemeSeparator = "://";
for (auto& uri : uris) {
auto scheme_idx = uri.find(kSchemeSeparator, 1);
if (scheme_idx == string::npos) {
return Status::InvalidArgument("invalid Hive Metastore URI: missing scheme", uri);
uri.erase(0, scheme_idx + kSchemeSeparator.size());
HostPort hp;
RETURN_NOT_OK(hp.ParseString(uri, HmsClient::kDefaultHmsPort));
// Note: the Java HMS client canonicalizes the hostname to a FQDN at this
// point. We skip that because the krb5 library should handle it for us
// (when rdns = true), whereas the Java GSSAPI implementation apparently
// never canonicalizes.
// See org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetastoreClient.resolveUris.
return Status::OK();
// Validates the hive_metastore_uris gflag.
bool HmsCatalog::ValidateUris(const char* flag_name, const string& metastore_uris) {
vector<HostPort> host_ports;
Status s = HmsCatalog::ParseUris(metastore_uris, &host_ports);
if (!s.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "invalid flag " << flag_name << ": " << s.ToString();
return s.ok();
void HmsCatalog::LoopInitializeUuid() {
do {
// Fetch the UUID of the HMS DB, if available.
string uuid;
Status s = ha_client_.Execute([&] (HmsClient* client) {
return client->GetUuid(&uuid);
if (s.ok()) {
VLOG(1) << "Connected to HMS with uuid " << uuid;
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(uuid_lock_);
uuid_ = std::move(uuid);
if (s.IsNotSupported()) {
VLOG(1) << "Unable to fetch UUID for HMS: " << s.ToString();
// If we couldn't connect to the HMS at all, sleep and try again.
VLOG(1) << "Couldn't connect to HMS: " << s.ToString();
} while (!running_.WaitFor(MonoDelta::FromSeconds(1)));
bool HmsCatalog::IsEnabled() {
return !FLAGS_hive_metastore_uris.empty();
hive::EnvironmentContext HmsCatalog::EnvironmentContext(const bool& check_id) {
hive::EnvironmentContext env_ctx;
std::make_pair(hms::HmsClient::kKuduMasterEventKey, "true"),
std::make_pair(hms::HmsClient::kKuduCheckIdKey, check_id ? "true" : "false"),
return env_ctx;
} // namespace hms
} // namespace kudu