blob: a275fdecf6e18c6a099a2f339d32e255a8bc0cd6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "kudu/common/partial_row.h"
#include "kudu/common/row.h"
#include "kudu/common/scan_spec.h"
#include "kudu/common/schema.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/numbers.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/walltime.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/local_tablet_writer.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/tablet-test-util.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/tablet.h"
#include "kudu/util/env.h"
#include "kudu/util/memory/arena.h"
#include "kudu/util/stopwatch.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_graph.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_macros.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_util.h"
namespace kudu {
namespace tablet {
// The base class takes as a template argument a "setup" class
// which can customize the schema for the tests. This way we can
// get coverage on various schemas without duplicating test code.
struct StringKeyTestSetup {
static Schema CreateSchema() {
return Schema({ ColumnSchema("key", STRING),
ColumnSchema("key_idx", INT32),
ColumnSchema("val", INT32) },
void BuildRowKey(KuduPartialRow *row, int64_t key_idx) {
// This is called from multiple threads, so can't move this buffer
// to be a class member. However, it's likely to get inlined anyway
// and loop-hosted.
char buf[256];
FormatKey(buf, sizeof(buf), key_idx);
CHECK_OK(row->SetStringCopy(0, Slice(buf)));
// builds a row key from an existing row for updates
void BuildRowKeyFromExistingRow(KuduPartialRow *row, const RowBlockRow& src_row) {
CHECK_OK(row->SetStringCopy(0, *reinterpret_cast<const Slice*>(src_row.cell_ptr(0))));
void BuildRow(KuduPartialRow *row, int64_t key_idx, int32_t val = 0) {
BuildRowKey(row, key_idx);
CHECK_OK(row->SetInt32(1, key_idx));
CHECK_OK(row->SetInt32(2, val));
static void FormatKey(char *buf, size_t buf_size, int64_t key_idx) {
snprintf(buf, buf_size, "hello %" PRId64, key_idx);
std::string FormatDebugRow(int64_t key_idx, int32_t val, bool updated) {
char buf[256];
FormatKey(buf, sizeof(buf), key_idx);
return strings::Substitute(
R"((string key="$0", int32 key_idx=$1, int32 val=$2))",
buf, key_idx, val);
// Slices can be arbitrarily large
// but in practice tests won't overflow a uint64_t
uint64_t GetMaxRows() const {
return std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() - 1;
// Setup for testing composite keys
struct CompositeKeyTestSetup {
static Schema CreateSchema() {
return Schema({ ColumnSchema("key1", STRING),
ColumnSchema("key2", INT32),
ColumnSchema("key_idx", INT32),
ColumnSchema("val", INT32) },
// builds a row key from an existing row for updates
void BuildRowKeyFromExistingRow(KuduPartialRow *row, const RowBlockRow& src_row) {
CHECK_OK(row->SetStringCopy(0, *reinterpret_cast<const Slice*>(src_row.cell_ptr(0))));
CHECK_OK(row->SetInt32(1, *reinterpret_cast<const int32_t*>(src_row.cell_ptr(1))));
static void FormatKey(char *buf, size_t buf_size, int64_t key_idx) {
snprintf(buf, buf_size, "hello %" PRId64, key_idx);
std::string FormatDebugRow(int64_t key_idx, int32_t val, bool updated) {
char buf[256];
FormatKey(buf, sizeof(buf), key_idx);
return strings::Substitute(
"(string key1=$0, int32 key2=$1, int32 val=$2, int32 val=$3)",
buf, key_idx, key_idx, val);
// Slices can be arbitrarily large
// but in practice tests won't overflow a uint64_t
uint64_t GetMaxRows() const {
return std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() - 1;
// Setup for testing integer keys
template<DataType Type>
struct IntKeyTestSetup {
static Schema CreateSchema() {
return Schema({ ColumnSchema("key", Type),
ColumnSchema("key_idx", INT32),
ColumnSchema("val", INT32) }, 1);
void BuildRowKey(KuduPartialRow *row, int64_t i) {
CHECK(false) << "Unsupported type";
// builds a row key from an existing row for updates
template<class RowType>
void BuildRowKeyFromExistingRow(KuduPartialRow * /*row*/,
const RowType& /*src_row*/) {
CHECK(false) << "Unsupported type";
void BuildRow(KuduPartialRow *row, int64_t key_idx,
int32_t val = 0) {
BuildRowKey(row, key_idx);
CHECK_OK(row->SetInt32(1, key_idx));
CHECK_OK(row->SetInt32(2, val));
std::string FormatDebugRow(int64_t key_idx, int32_t val, bool updated) {
CHECK(false) << "Unsupported type";
return "";
uint64_t GetMaxRows() const {
return std::numeric_limits<typename DataTypeTraits<Type>::cpp_type>::max() - 1;
void IntKeyTestSetup<INT8>::BuildRowKey(KuduPartialRow *row, int64_t i) {
CHECK_OK(row->SetInt8(0, (int8_t) i * (i % 2 == 0 ? -1 : 1)));
void IntKeyTestSetup<INT16>::BuildRowKey(KuduPartialRow *row, int64_t i) {
CHECK_OK(row->SetInt16(0, (int16_t) i * (i % 2 == 0 ? -1 : 1)));
void IntKeyTestSetup<INT32>::BuildRowKey(KuduPartialRow *row, int64_t i) {
CHECK_OK(row->SetInt32(0, (int32_t) i * (i % 2 == 0 ? -1 : 1)));
void IntKeyTestSetup<INT64>::BuildRowKey(KuduPartialRow *row, int64_t i) {
CHECK_OK(row->SetInt64(0, (int64_t) i * (i % 2 == 0 ? -1 : 1)));
template<> template<class RowType>
void IntKeyTestSetup<INT8>::BuildRowKeyFromExistingRow(KuduPartialRow *row,
const RowType& src_row) {
CHECK_OK(row->SetInt8(0, *reinterpret_cast<const int8_t*>(src_row.cell_ptr(0))));
template<> template<class RowType>
void IntKeyTestSetup<INT16>::BuildRowKeyFromExistingRow(KuduPartialRow *row,
const RowType& src_row) {
CHECK_OK(row->SetInt16(0, *reinterpret_cast<const int16_t*>(src_row.cell_ptr(0))));
template<> template<class RowType>
void IntKeyTestSetup<INT32>::BuildRowKeyFromExistingRow(KuduPartialRow *row,
const RowType& src_row) {
CHECK_OK(row->SetInt32(0, *reinterpret_cast<const int32_t*>(src_row.cell_ptr(0))));
template<> template<class RowType>
void IntKeyTestSetup<INT64>::BuildRowKeyFromExistingRow(KuduPartialRow *row,
const RowType& src_row) {
CHECK_OK(row->SetInt64(0, *reinterpret_cast<const int64_t*>(src_row.cell_ptr(0))));
std::string IntKeyTestSetup<INT8>::FormatDebugRow(int64_t key_idx, int32_t val, bool updated) {
return strings::Substitute(
"(int8 key=$0, int32 key_idx=$1, int32 val=$2)",
(key_idx % 2 == 0) ? -key_idx : key_idx, key_idx, val);
std::string IntKeyTestSetup<INT16>::FormatDebugRow(int64_t key_idx, int32_t val, bool updated) {
return strings::Substitute(
"(int16 key=$0, int32 key_idx=$1, int32 val=$2)",
(key_idx % 2 == 0) ? -key_idx : key_idx, key_idx, val);
std::string IntKeyTestSetup<INT32>::FormatDebugRow(int64_t key_idx, int32_t val, bool updated) {
return strings::Substitute(
"(int32 key=$0, int32 key_idx=$1, int32 val=$2)",
(key_idx % 2 == 0) ? -key_idx : key_idx, key_idx, val);
std::string IntKeyTestSetup<INT64>::FormatDebugRow(int64_t key_idx, int32_t val, bool updated) {
return strings::Substitute(
"(int64 key=$0, int32 key_idx=$1, int32 val=$2)",
(key_idx % 2 == 0) ? -key_idx : key_idx, key_idx, val);
// Setup for testing nullable columns
struct NullableValueTestSetup {
static Schema CreateSchema() {
return Schema({ ColumnSchema("key", INT32),
ColumnSchema("key_idx", INT32),
ColumnSchema("val", INT32, true) }, 1);
void BuildRowKey(KuduPartialRow *row, int64_t i) {
CHECK_OK(row->SetInt32(0, (int32_t)i));
// builds a row key from an existing row for updates
template<class RowType>
void BuildRowKeyFromExistingRow(KuduPartialRow *row, const RowType& src_row) {
CHECK_OK(row->SetInt32(0, *reinterpret_cast<const int32_t*>(src_row.cell_ptr(0))));
void BuildRow(KuduPartialRow *row, int64_t key_idx, int32_t val = 0) {
BuildRowKey(row, key_idx);
CHECK_OK(row->SetInt32(1, key_idx));
if (ShouldInsertAsNull(key_idx)) {
} else {
CHECK_OK(row->SetInt32(2, val));
std::string FormatDebugRow(int64_t key_idx, int64_t val, bool updated) {
if (!updated && ShouldInsertAsNull(key_idx)) {
return strings::Substitute(
"(int32 key=$0, int32 key_idx=$1, int32 val=NULL)",
(int32_t)key_idx, key_idx);
return strings::Substitute(
"(int32 key=$0, int32 key_idx=$1, int32 val=$2)",
(int32_t)key_idx, key_idx, val);
static bool ShouldInsertAsNull(int64_t key_idx) {
return (key_idx & 2) != 0;
uint64_t GetMaxRows() const {
return std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max() - 1;
// Setup for testing nullable columns
struct ImmutableColumnTestSetup {
static Schema CreateSchema() {
return Schema({ ColumnSchema("key", INT32),
ColumnSchema("key_idx", INT32),
ColumnSchema("val", INT32),
ColumnSchema("imm_val", INT32, true, true) }, 1);
static void BuildRowKey(KuduPartialRow *row, int64_t i) {
CHECK_OK(row->SetInt32(0, (int32_t)i));
// builds a row key from an existing row for updates
template<class RowType>
void BuildRowKeyFromExistingRow(KuduPartialRow *row, const RowType& src_row) {
CHECK_OK(row->SetInt32(0, *reinterpret_cast<const int32_t*>(src_row.cell_ptr(0))));
static void BuildRow(KuduPartialRow *row, int64_t key_idx,
int32_t val = 0, bool set_immutable_column = false) {
BuildRowKey(row, key_idx);
CHECK_OK(row->SetInt32(1, key_idx));
CHECK_OK(row->SetInt32(2, val));
if (set_immutable_column) {
CHECK_OK(row->SetInt32(3, val));
} else {
static std::string FormatDebugRow(int64_t key_idx, int64_t val, bool /* updated */,
std::optional<int64_t> immutable_column_val = std::nullopt) {
if (immutable_column_val) {
return strings::Substitute(
"(int32 key=$0, int32 key_idx=$1, int32 val=$2, int32 imm_val=$3)",
static_cast<int32_t>(key_idx), key_idx, val, *immutable_column_val);
return strings::Substitute(
"(int32 key=$0, int32 key_idx=$1, int32 val=$2, int32 imm_val=NULL)",
static_cast<int32_t>(key_idx), key_idx, val);
static uint64_t GetMaxRows() {
return std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max() - 1;
// Use this with TYPED_TEST_SUITE from gtest
typedef ::testing::Types<
> TabletTestHelperTypes;
typedef ::testing::Types<ImmutableColumnTestSetup> TestImmutableColumnHelperTypes;
template<class TESTSETUP>
class TabletTestBase : public KuduTabletTest {
typedef std::function<bool(int32_t, int32_t)> TestRowVerifier;
TabletTestBase(TabletHarness::Options::ClockType clock_type =
TabletHarness::Options::ClockType::LOGICAL_CLOCK) :
KuduTabletTest(TESTSETUP::CreateSchema(), clock_type),
// Inserts "count" rows.
void InsertTestRows(int64_t first_row,
int64_t count,
int32_t val,
TimeSeries *ts = nullptr) {
InsertOrUpsertTestRows(RowOperationsPB::INSERT, first_row, count, val, ts);
// Insert "count" rows, ignoring duplicate key errors.
void InsertIgnoreTestRows(int64_t first_row,
int64_t count,
int32_t val,
TimeSeries *ts = nullptr) {
InsertOrUpsertTestRows(RowOperationsPB::INSERT_IGNORE, first_row, count, val, ts);
// Upserts "count" rows.
void UpsertTestRows(int64_t first_row,
int64_t count,
int32_t val,
TimeSeries *ts = nullptr) {
InsertOrUpsertTestRows(RowOperationsPB::UPSERT, first_row, count, val, ts);
// Upserts "count" rows, ignoring immutable column errors.
void UpsertIgnoreTestRows(int64_t first_row,
int64_t count,
int32_t val,
TimeSeries *ts = nullptr) {
InsertOrUpsertTestRows(RowOperationsPB::UPSERT_IGNORE, first_row, count, val, ts);
// Deletes 'count' rows, starting with 'first_row'.
void DeleteTestRows(int64_t first_row, int64_t count) {
LocalTabletWriter writer(tablet().get(), &client_schema_);
for (auto i = first_row; i < first_row + count; i++) {
CHECK_OK(DeleteTestRow(&writer, i));
void InsertOrUpsertTestRows(RowOperationsPB::Type type,
int64_t first_row,
int64_t count,
int32_t val,
TimeSeries *ts = nullptr) {
LocalTabletWriter writer(tablet().get(), &client_schema_);
KuduPartialRow row(&client_schema_);
uint64_t inserted_since_last_report = 0;
for (int64_t i = first_row; i < first_row + count; i++) {
setup_.BuildRow(&row, i, val);
if (type == RowOperationsPB::INSERT) {
} else if (type == RowOperationsPB::INSERT_IGNORE) {
} else if (type == RowOperationsPB::UPSERT) {
} else if (type == RowOperationsPB::UPSERT_IGNORE) {
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "bad type: " << type;
if ((inserted_since_last_report++ > 100) && ts) {
inserted_since_last_report = 0;
if (ts) {
// Inserts a single test row.
Status InsertTestRow(LocalTabletWriter* writer,
int64_t key_idx,
int32_t val) {
KuduPartialRow row(&client_schema_);
setup_.BuildRow(&row, key_idx, val);
return writer->Insert(row);
Status UpdateTestRow(LocalTabletWriter* writer,
int64_t key_idx,
int32_t new_val,
int num_updates = 1) {
std::vector<KuduPartialRow> rows;
for (int i = 0; i < num_updates; i++) {
KuduPartialRow row(&client_schema_);
setup_.BuildRowKey(&row, key_idx);
// Select the col to update (the third if there is only one key
// or the fourth if there are two col keys).
int col_idx = schema_.num_key_columns() == 1 ? 2 : 3;
CHECK_OK(row.SetInt32(col_idx, new_val++));
std::vector<LocalTabletWriter::RowOp> ops;
for (const auto& row : rows) {
ops.emplace_back(RowOperationsPB::UPDATE, &row);
return writer->WriteBatch(ops);
Status UpdateTestRowToNull(LocalTabletWriter* writer,
int64_t key_idx) {
KuduPartialRow row(&client_schema_);
setup_.BuildRowKey(&row, key_idx);
// select the col to update (the third if there is only one key
// or the fourth if there are two col keys).
int col_idx = schema_.num_key_columns() == 1 ? 2 : 3;
return writer->Update(row);
Status DeleteTestRow(LocalTabletWriter* writer, int64_t key_idx) {
KuduPartialRow row(&client_schema_);
setup_.BuildRowKey(&row, key_idx);
return writer->Delete(row);
template <class RowType>
void VerifyRow(const RowType& row, int32_t key_idx, int32_t val) {
ASSERT_EQ(setup_.FormatDebugRow(key_idx, val, false), schema_.DebugRow(row));
void VerifyTestRows(int32_t first_row, uint64_t expected_count) {
VerifyTestRowsWithVerifier(first_row, expected_count, std::nullopt);
void VerifyTestRowsWithVerifier(int32_t first_row, uint64_t expected_count,
const std::optional<TestRowVerifier>& verifier) {
std::unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> iter;
ASSERT_OK(tablet()->NewRowIterator(client_schema_, &iter));
VerifyTestRowsWithRowIteratorAndVerifier(first_row, expected_count, std::move(iter), verifier);
void VerifyTestRowsWithTimestampAndVerifier(int32_t first_row, uint64_t expected_count,
Timestamp timestamp,
const std::optional<TestRowVerifier>& verifier) {
RowIteratorOptions opts;
opts.projection = &client_schema_;
opts.snap_to_include = MvccSnapshot(timestamp);
std::unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> iter;
ASSERT_OK(tablet()->NewRowIterator(std::move(opts), &iter));
VerifyTestRowsWithRowIteratorAndVerifier(first_row, expected_count, std::move(iter), verifier);
void VerifyTestRowsWithRowIteratorAndVerifier(int32_t first_row, uint64_t expected_row_count,
std::unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> iter,
const std::optional<TestRowVerifier>& verifier) {
int batch_size = std::max<size_t>(1, std::min<size_t>(expected_row_count / 10,
4L * 1024 * 1024 / schema_.byte_size()));
RowBlockMemory mem(32 * 1024);
RowBlock block(&schema_, batch_size, &mem);
bool check_for_dups = true;
if (expected_row_count > INT_MAX) {
check_for_dups = false;
LOG(WARNING) << "Not checking rows for duplicates -- duplicates expected since "
<< "there were more than " << INT_MAX << " rows inserted.";
// Keep a bitmap of which rows have been seen from the requested
// range.
std::vector<bool> seen_rows;
uint64_t actual_row_count = 0;
while (iter->HasNext()) {
RowBlockRow rb_row = block.row(0);
VLOG(2) << Substitute("Fetched batch of $0\nFirst row: $1",
block.nrows(), schema_.DebugRow(rb_row));
for (int i = 0; i < block.nrows(); i++) {
rb_row.Reset(&block, i);
int32_t key_idx = *schema_.ExtractColumnFromRow<INT32>(rb_row, 1);
if (key_idx >= first_row && block.selection_vector()->IsRowSelected(i)) {
if (key_idx < first_row + expected_row_count) {
size_t rel_idx = key_idx - first_row;
if (check_for_dups && seen_rows[rel_idx]) {
FAIL() << "Saw row " << key_idx << " twice!\n"
<< "Row: " << schema_.DebugRow(rb_row);
seen_rows[rel_idx] = true;
if (verifier) {
int32_t val = *schema_.ExtractColumnFromRow<INT32>(rb_row, 2);
ASSERT_TRUE((*verifier)(key_idx, val))
<< "Key index: " << key_idx << ", value: " << val;
// Verify that all the rows were seen.
for (int i = 0; i < expected_row_count; i++) {
ASSERT_EQ(true, seen_rows[i]) << "Never saw row " << (i + first_row);
ASSERT_EQ(expected_row_count, actual_row_count)
<< "Expected row count didn't match actual row count";
LOG(INFO) << "Successfully verified " << expected_row_count << "rows";
// Iterate through the full table, stringifying the resulting rows
// into the given vector. This is only useful in tests which insert
// a very small number of rows.
Status IterateToStringList(std::vector<std::string> *out) {
std::unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> iter;
RETURN_NOT_OK(this->tablet()->NewRowIterator(this->client_schema_, &iter));
return kudu::tablet::IterateToStringList(iter.get(), out);
// Return the number of rows in the tablet.
uint64_t TabletCount() const {
uint64_t count;
return count;
// because some types are small we need to
// make sure that we don't overflow the type on inserts
// or else we get errors because the key already exists
uint64_t ClampRowCount(uint64_t proposal) const {
uint64_t num_rows = std::min(max_rows_, proposal);
if (num_rows < proposal) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Clamping max rows to " << num_rows << " to prevent overflow";
return num_rows;
const uint64_t max_rows_;
} // namespace tablet
} // namespace kudu