blob: 2e684e7e81247c713e24217224cada092e2870c8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
// Utilities for working with Thrift clients.
#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "kudu/gutil/port.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/ref_counted.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/thrift/ha_client_metrics.h"
#include "kudu/util/async_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/metrics.h"
#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
#include "kudu/util/net/net_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
#include "kudu/util/threadpool.h"
namespace apache {
namespace thrift {
namespace protocol {
class TProtocol;
} // namespace protocol
} // namespace thrift
} // namespace apache
namespace kudu {
namespace thrift {
// Options for a Thrift client connection.
struct ClientOptions {
// Thrift socket send timeout
MonoDelta send_timeout = MonoDelta::FromSeconds(60);
// Thrift socket receive timeout.
MonoDelta recv_timeout = MonoDelta::FromSeconds(60);
// Thrift socket connect timeout.
MonoDelta conn_timeout = MonoDelta::FromSeconds(60);
// Whether to use SASL Kerberos authentication.
bool enable_kerberos = false;
// The registered name of the service (Kerberos principal).
// Must be set if kerberos is enabled.
std::string service_principal;
// Maximum size of objects which can be received on the Thrift connection.
// Defaults to 100MiB to match Thrift TSaslTransport.receiveSaslMessage.
int32_t max_buf_size = 100 * 1024 * 1024;
// Number of times an RPC is retried by the HA client after encountering
// retriable failures, such as network failures.
int32_t retry_count = 1;
// Whether the client should, upon connecting, verify the Thrift service
// configuration is correct.
bool verify_service_config = false;
std::shared_ptr<apache::thrift::protocol::TProtocol> CreateClientProtocol(
const HostPort& address, const ClientOptions& options);
// Returns 'true' if the error should result in the Thrift client being torn down.
bool IsFatalError(const Status& error);
// A wrapper class around a Thrift service client which provides support for HA
// service configurations, retrying, backoff, and fault-tolerance.
// This client manages the lifecycle of the underlying Thrift clients,
// automatically reconnecting on faults and retrying requests.
// This class is thread safe after Start() is called.
template<typename Service>
class HaClient {
// Starts the highly available Thrift service client instance.
Status Start(std::vector<HostPort> addresses, ClientOptions options);
// Stops the highly available Thrift service client instance.
void Stop();
// Synchronously executes a task with exclusive access to the thrift service client.
Status Execute(std::function<Status(Service*)> task) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Set metrics to account for various events.
void SetMetrics(std::unique_ptr<HaClientMetrics> metrics);
// Reconnects to an instance of the Thrift service, or returns an error if all
// service instances are unavailable.
Status Reconnect();
// Background thread which executes calls to the Thrift service.
std::unique_ptr<ThreadPool> threadpool_;
// Client options.
std::vector<HostPort> addresses_;
ClientOptions options_;
// The actual client service instance (HmsClient or SentryClient).
Service service_client_;
// Fields which track consecutive reconnection attempts and backoff.
MonoTime reconnect_after_;
Status reconnect_failure_;
int consecutive_reconnect_failures_;
int reconnect_idx_;
std::unique_ptr<HaClientMetrics> metrics_;
// HaClient class definitions
// HaClient is defined inline so that it can be instantiated with HmsClient and
// SentryClient as template parameters, which live in modules which are not
// linked to the thrift module.
template<typename Service>
: service_client_(HostPort("", 0), options_),
reconnect_idx_(0) {
template<typename Service>
HaClient<Service>::~HaClient() {
template<typename Service>
Status HaClient<Service>::Start(std::vector<HostPort> addresses, ClientOptions options) {
if (threadpool_) {
return Status::IllegalState(strings::Substitute(
"$0 HA client is already started", Service::kServiceName));
addresses_ = std::move(addresses);
options_ = std::move(options);
// The thread pool must be capped at one thread to ensure serialized access to
// the fields of the service client (which isn't thread safe).
return Status::OK();
template<typename Service>
void HaClient<Service>::Stop() {
if (threadpool_) {
template<typename Service>
Status HaClient<Service>::Execute(std::function<Status(Service*)> task) {
const MonoTime start_time(MonoTime::Now());
Synchronizer synchronizer;
auto callback = synchronizer.AsStdStatusCallback();
// TODO(todd): wrapping this in a TRACE_EVENT scope and a LOG_IF_SLOW and such
// would be helpful. Perhaps a TRACE message and/or a TRACE_COUNTER_INCREMENT
// too to keep track of how much time is spent in calls to the Thrift client.
// That will also require propagating the current Trace object into the 'Rpc'
// object. Note that the Thrift client classes already have LOG_IF_SLOW calls
// internally.
RETURN_NOT_OK(threadpool_->SubmitFunc([=] {
// The main run routine of the threadpool thread. Runs the task with
// exclusive access to the Thrift service client. If the task fails, it will
// be retried, unless the failure type is non-retriable or the maximum
// number of retries has been exceeded. Also handles re-connecting the
// Thrift service client after a fatal error.
// Since every task submitted to the (single thread) pool runs this, it's
// essentially a single iteration of a run loop which handles service client
// reconnection and task processing.
// Notes on error handling:
// There are three separate error scenarios below:
// * Error while (re)connecting the client - This is considered a
// 'non-recoverable' error. The current task is immediately failed. In order
// to avoid hot-looping and hammering the service with reconnect attempts on
// every queued task, we set a backoff period. Any tasks which subsequently
// run during this backoff period are also immediately failed.
// * Task results in a fatal error - a fatal error is any error caused by a
// network or IO fault (not an application level failure). The HA client
// will attempt to reconnect, and the task will be retried (up to a limit).
// * Task results in a non-fatal error - a non-fatal error is an application
// level error, and causes the task to be failed immediately (no retries).
// Keep track of the first attempt's failure. Typically the first failure is
// the most informative.
Status first_failure;
for (int attempt = 0; attempt <= options_.retry_count; attempt++) {
if (!service_client_.IsConnected()) {
if (reconnect_after_ > MonoTime::Now()) {
// Not yet ready to attempt reconnection; fail the task immediately.
return callback(reconnect_failure_);
// Attempt to reconnect.
Status reconnect_status = Reconnect();
if (reconnect_status.ok()) {
if (PREDICT_TRUE(metrics_)) {
} else {
if (PREDICT_TRUE(metrics_)) {
// Reconnect failed; retry with exponential backoff capped at 10s and
// fail the task. We don't bother with jitter here because only the
// leader master should be attempting this in any given period per
// cluster.
reconnect_after_ = MonoTime::Now() +
std::min(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(100 << consecutive_reconnect_failures_),
reconnect_failure_ = std::move(reconnect_status);
return callback(reconnect_failure_);
consecutive_reconnect_failures_ = 0;
// Execute the task.
Status task_status = task(&service_client_);
// If the task succeeds, or it's a non-retriable error, return the result.
if (task_status.ok() || !IsFatalError(task_status)) {
if (PREDICT_TRUE(metrics_)) {
if (task_status.ok()) {
} else {
return callback(task_status);
// A fatal error occurred. Tear down the connection, and try again. We
// don't log loudly here because odds are the reconnection will fail if
// it's a true fault, at which point we do log loudly.
VLOG(1) << strings::Substitute(
"Call to $0 failed: $1", Service::kServiceName, task_status.ToString());
if (attempt == 0) {
first_failure = std::move(task_status);
if (PREDICT_TRUE(metrics_)) {
strings::Substitute("Failed to stop $0 client", Service::kServiceName));
// We've exhausted the allowed retries.
LOG(WARNING) << strings::Substitute(
"Call to $0 failed after $1 retries: $2",
Service::kServiceName, options_.retry_count, first_failure.ToString());
return callback(first_failure);
const auto s = synchronizer.Wait();
if (PREDICT_TRUE(metrics_)) {
(MonoTime::Now() - start_time).ToMicroseconds());
return s;
template<typename Service>
void HaClient<Service>::SetMetrics(std::unique_ptr<HaClientMetrics> metrics) {
metrics_ = std::move(metrics);
// Note: Thrift provides a handy TSocketPool class which could be useful in
// allowing the Thrift client to transparently handle connecting to a pool of HA
// service instances. However, because TSocketPool handles choosing the instance
// during socket connect, it can't determine if the remote endpoint is actually
// a Thrift service, or just a random listening TCP socket. Nor can it do
// application-level checks like ensuring that the connected service is
// configured correctly. So, it's better to handle reconnecting and failover in
// this higher-level construct.
template<typename Service>
Status HaClient<Service>::Reconnect() {
Status s;
// Try reconnecting to each service instance in sequence, returning the first
// one which succeeds. In order to avoid getting 'stuck' on a partially failed
// instance, we remember which we connected to previously and try it last.
for (int i = 0; i < addresses_.size(); i++) {
const auto& address = addresses_[reconnect_idx_];
reconnect_idx_ = (reconnect_idx_ + 1) % addresses_.size();
service_client_ = Service(address, options_);
s = service_client_.Start();
if (s.ok()) {
VLOG(1) << strings::Substitute(
"Connected to $0 $1", Service::kServiceName, address.ToString());
return Status::OK();
WARN_NOT_OK(s, strings::Substitute("Failed to connect to $0 ($1)",
Service::kServiceName, address.ToString()));
strings::Substitute("Failed to stop $0 client", Service::kServiceName));
return s;
} // namespace thrift
} // namespace kudu