blob: 50232f6fa6e46aae30bb1f72c9d833810193b2ef [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#if !defined(NO_CHRONY)
#include <algorithm>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <cstdint>
#include <ctime>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <gflags/gflags_declare.h>
#if !defined(NO_CHRONY)
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "kudu/clock/builtin_ntp-internal.h"
#if !defined(NO_CHRONY)
#include "kudu/clock/builtin_ntp.h"
#include "kudu/clock/test/mini_chronyd.h"
#include "kudu/clock/test/mini_chronyd_test_util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/stringprintf.h"
#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
#include "kudu/util/net/net_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_macros.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_util.h"
using kudu::clock::internal::FindIntersection;
using kudu::clock::internal::Interval;
using kudu::clock::internal::RecordedResponse;
using kudu::clock::internal::kIntervalNone;
using std::back_inserter;
using std::copy;
using std::string;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::vector;
namespace kudu {
namespace clock {
// Few scenarios for the intersection interval in case of a single NTP response.
// Being a trivial case with regard to the intersection logic itself, it's
// a good case to verify that the uncertainty of the intersection interval
// widens in accordance with the skew of the clock when current time drifts
// further away from the time when a sample of the reference clock was captured.
TEST(TimeIntervalsTest, SingleResponse) {
// Zero clock skew: this is something theoretical, but anyways.
// In case of zero clock skew, regardless of the difference between the
// capture time and current time, the result error is not widening,
// and the result interval is drifting along with current time.
// Zero error.
const vector<RecordedResponse> responses = {
{ 0, 1, 0, },
const auto res0 = FindIntersection(responses, 0, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(1, res0.first);
ASSERT_EQ(1, res0.second);
const auto res1 = FindIntersection(responses, 100, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(101, res1.first);
ASSERT_EQ(101, res1.second);
// Non-zero error.
const vector<RecordedResponse> responses = {
{ 0, 10, 1, },
const auto res0 = FindIntersection(responses, 0, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(9, res0.first);
ASSERT_EQ(11, res0.second);
const auto res1 = FindIntersection(responses, 100, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(109, res1.first);
ASSERT_EQ(111, res1.second);
// Non-zero clock skew.
// In case of non-zero clock skew, the intersection interval is widening when
// current time drifts apart from the capture time. The error of a captured
// sample adds constant delta to the error of result intersection interval.
// Zero error.
const vector<RecordedResponse> responses = {
{ 0, 10, 0, },
const auto res0 = FindIntersection(responses, 0, 1000000);
ASSERT_EQ(10, res0.first);
ASSERT_EQ(10, res0.second);
const auto res1 = FindIntersection(responses, 100, 1000000);
ASSERT_EQ(10, res1.first);
ASSERT_EQ(210, res1.second);
const auto res2 = FindIntersection(responses, 100, 2000000);
ASSERT_EQ(-90, res2.first);
ASSERT_EQ(310, res2.second);
const auto res3 = FindIntersection(responses, 200, 1000000);
ASSERT_EQ(10, res3.first);
ASSERT_EQ(410, res3.second);
// Non-zero error.
const vector<RecordedResponse> responses = {
{ 0, 10, 1, },
const auto res0 = FindIntersection(responses, 0, 1000000);
ASSERT_EQ(9, res0.first);
ASSERT_EQ(11, res0.second);
const auto res1 = FindIntersection(responses, 100, 1000000);
ASSERT_EQ(9, res1.first);
ASSERT_EQ(211, res1.second);
const auto res2 = FindIntersection(responses, 50, 2000000);
ASSERT_EQ(-41, res2.first);
ASSERT_EQ(161, res2.second);
// A case where two samples of the reference clock were acquired.
TEST(TimeIntervalsTest, TwoResponses) {
// The same interval: a single point at the time of sample capture.
const vector<RecordedResponse> responses = {
{ 0, 3, 0, },
{ 0, 3, 0, },
const auto res0 = FindIntersection(responses, 0, 1000000);
ASSERT_EQ(3, res0.first);
ASSERT_EQ(3, res0.second);
const auto res1 = FindIntersection(responses, 1, 1000000);
// [3, 5] & [3, 5]
ASSERT_EQ(3, res1.first);
ASSERT_EQ(5, res1.second);
// Single intersection point: the edge.
const vector<RecordedResponse> responses = {
{ 0, 2, 1, },
{ 0, 5, 2, },
const auto res0 = FindIntersection(responses, 0, 1000000);
// [1, 3] & [3, 7]
ASSERT_EQ(3, res0.first);
ASSERT_EQ(3, res0.second);
// Embedded intervals with the same reported time but different errors.
const vector<RecordedResponse> responses = {
{ 0, 10, 1, },
{ 0, 10, 2, },
const auto res0 = FindIntersection(responses, 0, 1000000);
// [9, 11] & [8, 12]
ASSERT_EQ(9, res0.first);
ASSERT_EQ(11, res0.second);
const auto res1 = FindIntersection(responses, 5, 1000000);
// [9, 21] & [8, 22]
ASSERT_EQ(9, res1.first);
ASSERT_EQ(21, res1.second);
// Embedded intervals with the same reported time but different errors.
// The second interval represents a corner case of zero-error sample.
const vector<RecordedResponse> responses = {
{ 0, 10, 1, },
{ 0, 10, 0, },
const auto res0 = FindIntersection(responses, 0, 1000000);
// [9, 11] & [10, 10]
ASSERT_EQ(10, res0.first);
ASSERT_EQ(10, res0.second);
const auto res1 = FindIntersection(responses, 5, 1000000);
// [9, 21] & [10, 20]
ASSERT_EQ(10, res1.first);
ASSERT_EQ(20, res1.second);
// Embedded intervals with different reported time.
const vector<RecordedResponse> responses = {
{ 0, 1, 1, },
{ 0, 2, 2, },
const auto res0 = FindIntersection(responses, 0, 1000000);
// [0, 2] & [0, 4]
ASSERT_EQ(0, res0.first);
ASSERT_EQ(2, res0.second);
const auto res1 = FindIntersection(responses, 10, 1000000);
// [0, 22] & [0, 24]
ASSERT_EQ(0, res1.first);
ASSERT_EQ(22, res1.second);
// Non-intersecting (as of time of capture) intervals.
const vector<RecordedResponse> responses = {
{ 0, 1, 1, },
{ 0, 5, 1, },
const auto res0 = FindIntersection(responses, 0, 1000000);
// [0, 2] & [4, 6]
ASSERT_EQ(kIntervalNone, res0);
const auto res1 = FindIntersection(responses, 5, 1000000);
// [0, 12] & [4, 16]
ASSERT_EQ(4, res1.first);
ASSERT_EQ(12, res1.second);
// A case where three samples of the reference clock were acquired.
TEST(TimeIntervalsTest, ThreeResponses) {
// The same interval: a single point at the time of sample capture.
const vector<RecordedResponse> responses = {
{ 0, 3, 0, },
{ 0, 3, 0, },
{ 0, 3, 0, },
const auto res0 = FindIntersection(responses, 0, 1000000);
ASSERT_EQ(3, res0.first);
ASSERT_EQ(3, res0.second);
const auto res1 = FindIntersection(responses, 1, 1000000);
// [3, 5] & [3, 5] & [3, 5]
ASSERT_EQ(3, res1.first);
ASSERT_EQ(5, res1.second);
// Non-intersecting (as of time of capture) intervals.
const vector<RecordedResponse> responses = {
{ 0, 1, 1, },
{ 0, 4, 1, },
{ 0, 7, 1, },
const auto res0 = FindIntersection(responses, 0, 1000000);
// [0, 2] & [3, 5] & [6, 8]
ASSERT_EQ(kIntervalNone, res0);
const auto res1 = FindIntersection(responses, 10, 1000000);
// [0, 22] & [3, 25] & [6, 28]
ASSERT_EQ(6, res1.first);
ASSERT_EQ(22, res1.second);
// Embedded intervals with the same reported time but different errors.
// The second interval represents a corner case of zero-error sample.
const vector<RecordedResponse> responses = {
{ 0, 10, 5, },
{ 0, 10, 1, },
{ 0, 10, 10, },
const auto res0 = FindIntersection(responses, 0, 1000000);
// [5, 15] & [9, 11] & [0, 20]
ASSERT_EQ(9, res0.first);
ASSERT_EQ(11, res0.second);
const auto res1 = FindIntersection(responses, 10, 1000000);
// [5, 35] & [9, 31] & [0, 40]
ASSERT_EQ(9, res1.first);
ASSERT_EQ(31, res1.second);
// Three 'chained' intervals that have a single intersection point at the time
// of samples capture.
const vector<RecordedResponse> responses = {
{ 0, 4, 2, },
{ 0, 6, 2, },
{ 0, 8, 2, },
const auto res0 = FindIntersection(responses, 0, 1000000);
// [2, 6] & [4, 8] & [6, 10]
ASSERT_EQ(6, res0.first);
ASSERT_EQ(6, res0.second);
const auto res1 = FindIntersection(responses, 1, 1000000);
// [2, 8] & [4, 10] & [6, 12]
ASSERT_EQ(6, res1.first);
ASSERT_EQ(8, res1.second);
// Three 'chained' intervals without a single intersection point.
// As of now, the first intersection interval (the earlier) is chosen.
const vector<RecordedResponse> responses = {
{ 0, 3, 2, },
{ 0, 6, 2, },
{ 0, 9, 2, },
const auto res0 = FindIntersection(responses, 0, 1000000);
// [1, 5] & [4, 8] & [7, 11]
ASSERT_EQ(4, res0.first);
ASSERT_EQ(5, res0.second);
// Two intersections: first two points, then two intervals. As of now,
// the first (the earlier) is chosen.
const vector<RecordedResponse> responses = {
{ 0, 3, 2, },
{ 0, 6, 2, },
{ 0, 9, 2, },
const auto res0 = FindIntersection(responses, 0, 1000000);
// [1, 5] & [4, 8] & [7, 11]
ASSERT_EQ(4, res0.first);
ASSERT_EQ(5, res0.second);
// One interval contains two other (no boundary intesections), so the total
// is two intervals. The first (the earliest) one is chosen as the result.
const vector<RecordedResponse> responses = {
{ 0, 6, 6, },
{ 0, 2, 1, },
{ 0, 5, 1, },
const auto res0 = FindIntersection(responses, 0, 1000000);
// [0, 12] & [1, 3] & [4, 6]
ASSERT_EQ(1, res0.first);
ASSERT_EQ(3, res0.second);
// One interval contains two other, but with boundary intesection, there is
// one common point among all three intervals.
const vector<RecordedResponse> responses = {
{ 0, 4, 4, },
{ 0, 2, 2, },
{ 0, 6, 2, },
const auto res0 = FindIntersection(responses, 0, 1000000);
// [0, 8] & [0, 4] & [4, 8]
ASSERT_EQ(4, res0.first);
ASSERT_EQ(4, res0.second);
#if !defined(NO_CHRONY)
#define WALLTIME_DIAG_FMT "%" PRId64 " +/- %8" PRId64 " us"
// Test to verify functionality of the built-in NTP client by communicating
// with real NTP server (chronyd) in various scenarios.
// NOTE: In all these scenarios, the reference chronyd servers are not using
// the default NTP port 123 because it's a privileged one and usually
// requires super-user privileges to bind to.
// NOTE: Some scenarios and sub-scenarios are disabled on macOS because
// of a bug in chronyd: it doesn't differentiate between configured NTP
// sources by IP address + port, using only IP address as the key.
// On macOS, the same IP address (loopback) is used for all
// the test NTP servers since multiple loopback addresses from
// the range are not available out of the box. So, on macOS,
// the end-points of the test NTP servers differ only by their port
// number. It means chronyd doesn't see multiple NTP servers and talks
// only with the first one as listed in chrony.conf configuration file.
// In essence, any scenario which involves multiple NTP servers as source
// of true time for chrony doesn't run as expected on macOS.
// TODO(aserbin): fix the described chrony's bug, at least in thirdparty
class BuiltinNtpWithMiniChronydTest: public KuduTest {
void CheckInitUnsync(BuiltInNtp* ntp_client) {
auto deadline = MonoTime::Now() +
Status s;
do {
uint64_t now_us;
uint64_t err_us;
s = ntp_client->WalltimeWithError(&now_us, &err_us);
if (!s.IsServiceUnavailable()) {
} while (MonoTime::Now() < deadline);
ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsServiceUnavailable()) << s.ToString();
"no valid NTP responses yet");
void CheckWallTimeUnavailable(BuiltInNtp* ntp_client,
const string& expected_err_msg =
"wallclock is not synchronized: no valid NTP responses yet") {
uint64_t now;
uint64_t err;
auto s = ntp_client->WalltimeWithError(&now, &err);
ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsServiceUnavailable()) << s.ToString();
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(s.ToString(), expected_err_msg);
void CheckNoNtpSource(const vector<HostPort>& servers, int timeout_sec = 3) {
auto s = MiniChronyd::CheckNtpSource(servers, timeout_sec);
ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsRuntimeError()) << s.ToString();
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(s.ToString(), "No suitable source for synchronisation");
// This is a basic scenario to verify that built-in NTP client is able
// to synchronize with NTP servers.
TEST_F(BuiltinNtpWithMiniChronydTest, Basic) {
vector<unique_ptr<MiniChronyd>> servers;
vector<HostPort> servers_endpoints;
for (auto idx = 0; idx < 3; ++idx) {
unique_ptr<MiniChronyd> chrony;
MiniChronydOptions options;
options.index = idx;
ASSERT_OK(StartChronydAtAutoReservedPort(std::move(options), &chrony));
// All chronyd servers that use the system clock as a reference lock should
// present themselves as a set of NTP servers suitable for synchronisation.
// chronyd supports very short polling intervals (down to 1/64 second).
FLAGS_builtin_ntp_poll_interval_ms = 50;
BuiltInNtp c(servers_endpoints);
uint64_t now_us;
uint64_t err_us;
ASSERT_OK(c.WalltimeWithError(&now_us, &err_us));
// Make sure WalltimeWithError() works with the built-in NTP client once
// it has initted/synchronized with the reference test NTP servers.
for (auto i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
uint64_t now, error;
ASSERT_OK(c.WalltimeWithError(&now, &error));
LOG(INFO) << StringPrintf("built-in: " WALLTIME_DIAG_FMT, now, error);
#ifndef __APPLE__
// Make sure the built-in client doesn't latch on NTP servers if they have their
// true time spaced far away from each other. Basically, when no intersection is
// registered between the true time reference intervals, the build-in NTP client
// should not synchronize its clock with any of the servers.
// NOTE: see class-wide notes for details on macOS-specific exclusion
TEST_F(BuiltinNtpWithMiniChronydTest, NoIntersectionIntervalAtStartup) {
vector<HostPort> servers_endpoints;
vector<unique_ptr<MiniChronyd>> servers;
for (auto idx = 0; idx < 3; ++idx) {
unique_ptr<MiniChronyd> chrony;
MiniChronydOptions options;
options.index = idx;
ASSERT_OK(StartChronydAtAutoReservedPort(std::move(options), &chrony));
const auto time_now = time(nullptr);
ASSERT_OK(servers[0]->SetTime(time_now - 60));
ASSERT_OK(servers[1]->SetTime(time_now + 60));
// Don't wait for too long: we don't expect to synchronize anyways.
FLAGS_ntp_initial_sync_wait_secs = 2;
// chronyd supports very short polling intervals (down to 1/64 second).
FLAGS_builtin_ntp_poll_interval_ms = 50;
BuiltInNtp c(servers_endpoints);
// A scenario where the built-in NTP client is pointed to various combinations
// of synchronized and unsynchronized NTP servers. In the scenarios where the
// set of NTP servers is not a good clock source, the client shouldn't
// synchronize and report appropriate error upon calling WalltimeWithError().
TEST_F(BuiltinNtpWithMiniChronydTest, SyncAndUnsyncReferenceServers) {
vector<unique_ptr<MiniChronyd>> sync_servers;
vector<HostPort> sync_servers_refs;
for (auto idx = 0; idx < 2; ++idx) {
unique_ptr<MiniChronyd> chrony;
MiniChronydOptions options;
options.index = idx;
ASSERT_OK(StartChronydAtAutoReservedPort(std::move(options), &chrony));
// Introduce a huge offset between the true time tracked
// by each of the servers above.
const auto time_now = time(nullptr);
ASSERT_OK(sync_servers[0]->SetTime(time_now - 60));
ASSERT_OK(sync_servers[1]->SetTime(time_now + 60));
// Verify that chronyd observes the expected conditions itself.
ASSERT_OK(MiniChronyd::CheckNtpSource({ sync_servers_refs[0] }));
ASSERT_OK(MiniChronyd::CheckNtpSource({ sync_servers_refs[1] }));
#ifndef __APPLE__
// NOTE: see class-wide notes for details on macOS-specific exclusion
vector<unique_ptr<MiniChronyd>> unsync_servers;
vector<HostPort> unsync_servers_refs;
// Start a server without any true time reference: it has nothing to
// synchronize with and stays unsynchronized.
unique_ptr<MiniChronyd> chrony;
MiniChronydOptions options;
options.index = 2;
options.local = false;
ASSERT_OK(StartChronydAtAutoReservedPort(std::move(options), &chrony));
// Another NTP server which uses those two synchronized, but far from each
// other NTP servers. As the result, the new NTP server runs unsynchonized.
unique_ptr<MiniChronyd> chrony;
MiniChronydOptions options;
options.index = 3;
options.local = false;
for (const auto& server : sync_servers) {
const auto addr = server->address();
MiniChronydServerOptions server_options;
server_options.address =;
server_options.port = addr.port();
ASSERT_OK(StartChronydAtAutoReservedPort(std::move(options), &chrony));
// chronyd supports very short polling intervals (down to 1/64 second).
FLAGS_builtin_ntp_poll_interval_ms = 50;
// Don't wait for too long: we don't expect to synchronize anyways.
FLAGS_ntp_initial_sync_wait_secs = 2;
// A sub-scenario to verify that the built-in NTP client behaves as expected
// when provided a set of servers which are not good NTP source:
// * Make sure that the reference NTP client doesn't consider the specified
// NTP servers as a good clock source.
// * Make sure the built-in NTP client doesn't "latch" with the specified
// not-so-good NTP source.
auto check_not_a_good_clock_source = [&](const vector<HostPort>& refs) {
// Verify chronyd's client itself does not accept the set of of NTP sources.
BuiltInNtp c(refs);
// Use first unsynchronized server.
NO_FATALS(check_not_a_good_clock_source({ unsync_servers_refs[0] }));
#ifndef __APPLE__
// NOTE: see class-wide notes for details on macOS-specific exclusion
// Use second unsynchronized server.
check_not_a_good_clock_source({ unsync_servers_refs[1] });
// Use both unsynchronized servers.
// Mix all available servers. The NTP client shouldn't be able to synchronize
// because the only synchronized servers are too far from each other and
// the rest are simply unsynchronized.
vector<HostPort> refs;
copy(sync_servers_refs.begin(), sync_servers_refs.end(),
copy(unsync_servers_refs.begin(), unsync_servers_refs.end(),
// If using just one synchronized server, mixing in unsynchronized servers
// shouldn't stop the client from synchronizing and working: the client should
// latch with the good clock source, ignoring the other one.
for (const auto& ref : sync_servers_refs) {
vector<HostPort> refs;
copy(unsync_servers_refs.begin(), unsync_servers_refs.end(),
// Verify chronyd's client itself accepts the set of of NTP sources.
BuiltInNtp c(refs);
uint64_t now_us;
uint64_t err_us;
ASSERT_OK(c.WalltimeWithError(&now_us, &err_us));
#endif // #ifndef __APPLE__
#endif // #if !defined(NO_CHRONY)
} // namespace clock
} // namespace kudu