blob: b43e3e64935baa92e39403b019c72d69633ad941 [file] [log] [blame]
;; Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
;; or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
;; distributed with this work for additional information
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;; This is a starter script for maven-clojure-plugin. The script parses passed
;; command-line arguments and starts Kudu jepsen tests with appropriate
;; parameters.
;; The script is invoked via calling 'mvn clojure:run'. The 'clojure:run' target
;; is used instead of 'clojure:test' because the latter does not allow to
;; pass necessary customization parameters for the tests.
;; The script accepts the following command-line options:
;; --masters=<list_of_kudu_master_hostnames>
;; --tservers=<list_of_kudu_tserver_hostnames>
;; --ssh-key-path=<path_to_private_ssh_key_to_login_into_kudu_nodes or empty>
;; --iter-num=<number_of_iterations_to_run> (default is 1)
;; The list of nodes/hostnames can be separated either by single space or comma.
(ns jepsen.kudu-test-runner
"Run Kudu jepsen tests via clojure-maven-plugin on 'mvn clojure:run'"
(:require [ :refer :all]
[clojure.string :as string]
[clojure.test :refer [run-tests]]
[ :refer [parse-opts]]
[jepsen.nemesis :as jn]
[jepsen.control :as jc]
[jepsen.kudu.nemesis :as kn]
[jepsen.kudu-test :refer [instantiate-all-kudu-tests]]))
(def parse-hostnames #(string/split % #"[, ]"))
(defn parse-path
(def trimmed (string/trim input))
(if (= 0 (count trimmed)) nil trimmed))
(def cli-options
[:long-opt "--masters"
:required "<nodes>"
:desc "Set of Kudu master nodes"
:missing "Kudu master nodes are missing"
:parse-fn parse-hostnames]
[:long-opt "--tservers"
:required "<nodes>"
:desc "Set of Kudu tserver nodes"
:missing "Kudu tserver nodes are missing"
:parse-fn parse-hostnames]
[:long-opt "--ssh-key-path"
:required "<path_to_private_ssh_key>"
:desc "Path to the SSH private key to login into the Kudu nodes.
If not specified or empty, keys are retrieved from SSH agent."
:missing "Path to the SSH private key is not specified, using SSH agent."
:parse-fn parse-path]
[:long-opt "--iter-num"
:required "<number_of_iterations>"
:default 1
:desc "Number of iterations to run the test suite in cycle."
:parse-fn #(Integer/parseInt %)]
(defn get-cmd-line-opts
(let [{:keys [options arguments errors summary]}
(parse-opts *command-line-args* cli-options)]
(def cmd-line-opts (get-cmd-line-opts))
(def test-opts (dissoc cmd-line-opts :ssh-key-path :iter-num))
(def private-key-path (:ssh-key-path cmd-line-opts))
(def iter-num (:iter-num cmd-line-opts))
;; Custom reporting for the tests.
(defmulti custom-report :type)
(def old-report clojure.test/report)
(defmethod custom-report :default [m]
(old-report m))
;; Print the name of the test upon starting it.
(defmethod custom-report :begin-test-var [m]
(println (-> m :var meta :name)))
(println "Running" iter-num "iteration(s) of the test suite")
(println "Running with ssh key:" private-key-path)
(println "Running with test options:" test-opts)
(jepsen.kudu-test/instantiate-all-kudu-tests test-opts)
(binding [jc/*strict-host-key-checking* :no
jc/*private-key-path* private-key-path
clojure.test/report custom-report]
(loop [iteration 0]
(when (< iteration iter-num)
(let [summary (run-tests 'jepsen.kudu-test-runner)]
(when-not (= 0 (:fail summary))
(println "FAILURE: tests failed.")
(System/exit 1))
(when-not (= 0 (:error summary))
(println "ERROR: encountered errors while running the tests.")
(System/exit 1))
(println "SUCCESS: all tests passed; no errors.")
(recur (inc iteration)))))
(System/exit 0)))