blob: d02d27f20007bbf1c485fc9451750e20ca518257 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package org.apache.kudu.client;
import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy;
import com.stumbleupon.async.Callback;
import com.stumbleupon.async.Deferred;
import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceStability;
import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffers;
import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.frame.LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder;
import org.jboss.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutException;
import org.jboss.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutHandler;
import org.jboss.netty.util.HashedWheelTimer;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.apache.kudu.rpc.RpcHeader;
import org.apache.kudu.rpc.RpcHeader.RpcFeatureFlag;
* Class representing a connection from the client to a Kudu server (master or tablet server):
* a high-level wrapper for the TCP connection between the client and the server.
* <p>
* It's a stateful handler that manages a connection to a Kudu server.
* <p>
* This handler manages the RPC IDs, and keeps track of the RPCs in flight for which
* a response is currently awaited, as well as temporarily buffered RPCs that are waiting
* to be sent to the server.
* <p>
* Acquiring the monitor on an object of this class will prevent it from
* accepting write requests as well as buffering requests if the underlying
* channel isn't connected.
class Connection extends SimpleChannelUpstreamHandler {
* Authentication credentials policy for negotiating outbound connections. Some requests
* (e.g. {@link ConnectToMasterRequest}) behave differently depending on the type of credentials
* used for authentication when negotiating on the underlying connection. If some particular
* behavior is required, it's necessary to specify appropriate credentials policy while creating
* an instance of this object.
public enum CredentialsPolicy {
/** It's acceptable to use authentication credentials of any type, primary or secondary ones. */
* Only primary credentials are acceptable. Primary credentials are Kerberos tickets,
* TLS certificate. Secondary credentials are authentication tokens: they are 'derived'
* in the sense that it's possible to acquire them using 'primary' credentials.
/** Information on the target server. */
private final ServerInfo serverInfo;
/** Security context to use for connection negotiation. */
private final SecurityContext securityContext;
/** Timer to monitor read timeouts for the connection (used by Netty's ReadTimeoutHandler). */
private final HashedWheelTimer timer;
/** Credentials policy to use when authenticating. */
private final CredentialsPolicy credentialsPolicy;
/** The underlying Netty's socket channel. */
private final SocketChannel channel;
* Set to true when disconnect initiated explicitly from the client side. The channelDisconnected
* event handler then knows not to log any warning about unexpected disconnection from the peer.
private volatile boolean explicitlyDisconnected = false;
/** Logger: a sink for the log messages originated from this class. */
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Connection.class);
private static final byte RPC_CURRENT_VERSION = 9;
/** Initial header sent by the client upon connection establishment. */
private static final byte[] CONNECTION_HEADER = new byte[]{'h', 'r', 'p', 'c',
private static final String NEGOTIATION_TIMEOUT_HANDLER = "negotiation-timeout-handler";
private static final long NEGOTIATION_TIMEOUT_MS = 10000;
/** Lock to guard access to some of the fields below. */
private final ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock();
/** The current state of this Connection object. */
private State state;
* A hash table to store { callId, statusReportCallback } pairs, representing messages which have
* already been sent and pending responses from the server side. Once the server responds to a
* message, the corresponding entry is removed from the container and the response callback
* is invoked with the results represented by {@link CallResponseInfo}.
private HashMap<Integer, Callback<Void, CallResponseInfo>> inflightMessages = new HashMap<>();
/** Messages enqueued while the connection was not ready to start sending them over the wire. */
private ArrayList<QueuedMessage> queuedMessages = Lists.newArrayList();
/** The result of the successful connection negotiation. */
private Negotiator.Success negotiationResult = null;
/** The result of failed connection negotiation. */
private Negotiator.Failure negotiationFailure = null;
/** A monotonically increasing counter for RPC IDs. */
private int nextCallId = 0;
/** The future for the connection attempt. Set only once connect() is called. */
private ChannelFuture connectFuture;
* Create a new Connection object to the specified destination.
* @param serverInfo the destination server
* @param securityContext security context to use for connection negotiation
* @param timer timer to set up read timeout on the corresponding Netty channel
* @param channelFactory Netty factory to create corresponding Netty channel
* @param credentialsPolicy policy controlling which credentials to use while negotiating on the
* connection to the target server:
* if {@link CredentialsPolicy#PRIMARY_CREDENTIALS}, the authentication
* token from the security context is ignored
Connection(ServerInfo serverInfo,
SecurityContext securityContext,
HashedWheelTimer timer,
ClientSocketChannelFactory channelFactory,
CredentialsPolicy credentialsPolicy) {
this.serverInfo = serverInfo;
this.securityContext = securityContext;
this.state = State.NEW;
this.timer = timer;
this.credentialsPolicy = credentialsPolicy;
final ConnectionPipeline pipeline = new ConnectionPipeline();
channel = channelFactory.newChannel(pipeline);
SocketChannelConfig config = channel.getConfig();
// Unfortunately there is no way to override the keep-alive timeout in
// Java since the JRE doesn't expose any way to call setsockopt() with
// TCP_KEEPIDLE. And of course the default timeout is >2h. Sigh.
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void channelConnected(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx,
final ChannelStateEvent e) {
try {
if (state == State.TERMINATED) {
Preconditions.checkState(state == State.CONNECTING);
state = State.NEGOTIATING;
} finally {
Channels.write(channel, ChannelBuffers.wrappedBuffer(CONNECTION_HEADER));
Negotiator negotiator = new Negotiator(serverInfo.getAndCanonicalizeHostname(), securityContext,
(credentialsPolicy == CredentialsPolicy.PRIMARY_CREDENTIALS));
ctx.getPipeline().addBefore(ctx.getName(), "negotiation", negotiator);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void handleUpstream(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx,
final ChannelEvent e) throws Exception {
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("{} upstream event {}", getLogPrefix(), e);
super.handleUpstream(ctx, e);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void channelDisconnected(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final ChannelStateEvent e) {
// No need to call super.channelDisconnected(ctx, e) -- there should be nobody in the upstream
// pipeline after Connection itself. So, just handle the disconnection event ourselves.
cleanup(new RecoverableException(Status.NetworkError("connection disconnected")));
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void channelClosed(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final ChannelStateEvent e) {
String msg = "connection closed";
// Connection failures are reported as channelClosed() before exceptionCaught() is called.
// We can detect this case by looking at whether connectFuture has been marked complete
// and grabbing the exception from there.
try {
if (connectFuture != null && connectFuture.getCause() != null) {
msg = connectFuture.getCause().toString();
} finally {
// No need to call super.channelClosed(ctx, e) -- there should be nobody in the upstream
// pipeline after Connection itself. So, just handle the close event ourselves.
cleanup(new RecoverableException(Status.NetworkError(msg)));
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void messageReceived(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, MessageEvent evt) throws Exception {
Object m = evt.getMessage();
// Process the results of a successful negotiation.
if (m instanceof Negotiator.Success) {
try {
negotiationResult = (Negotiator.Success) m;
Preconditions.checkState(state == State.TERMINATED || inflightMessages.isEmpty());
// Before switching to the READY state, it's necessary to empty the queuedMessages. There
// might be concurrent activity on adding new messages into the queue if enqueueMessage()
// is called in the middle.
while (state != State.TERMINATED && !queuedMessages.isEmpty()) {
// Register the messages into the inflightMessages before sending them to the wire. This
// is to be able to invoke appropriate callback when the response received. This should
// be done under the lock since the inflightMessages itself does not provide any
// concurrency guarantees.
List<QueuedMessage> queued = queuedMessages;
for (final QueuedMessage qm : queued) {
Callback<Void, CallResponseInfo> empty = inflightMessages.put(
qm.message.getHeaderBuilder().getCallId(), qm.cb);
Preconditions.checkState(empty == null);
queuedMessages = Lists.newArrayList();
try {
// Send out the enqueued messages while not holding the lock. This is to avoid
// deadlock if channelDisconnected/channelClosed event happens and cleanup() is called.
for (final QueuedMessage qm : queued) {
} finally {
// The connection may have been terminated while the lock was dropped.
if (state == State.TERMINATED) {
Preconditions.checkState(state == State.NEGOTIATING);
queuedMessages = null;
// Drop the negotiation timeout handler from the pipeline.
// Set the state to READY -- that means the incoming messages should be no longer put into
// the queuedMessages, but sent to wire right away (see the enqueueMessage() for details).
state = State.READY;
} finally {
// Process the results of a failed negotiation.
if (m instanceof Negotiator.Failure) {
try {
if (state == State.TERMINATED) {
Preconditions.checkState(state == State.NEGOTIATING);
negotiationFailure = (Negotiator.Failure) m;
} finally {
// Calling Channels.close() triggers the cleanup() which will handle the negotiation
// failure appropriately.
// Some other event which the connection does not handle.
if (!(m instanceof CallResponse)) {
final CallResponse response = (CallResponse) m;
final RpcHeader.ResponseHeader header = response.getHeader();
if (!header.hasCallId()) {
final int size = response.getTotalResponseSize();
final String msg = getLogPrefix() +
" RPC response (size: " + size + ") doesn't" + " have callID: " + header;
throw new NonRecoverableException(Status.Incomplete(msg));
final int callId = header.getCallId();
Callback<Void, CallResponseInfo> responseCbk;
try {
if (state == State.TERMINATED) {
Preconditions.checkState(state == State.READY);
responseCbk = inflightMessages.remove(callId);
} finally {
if (responseCbk == null) {
final String msg = getLogPrefix() + " invalid callID: " + callId;
// If we get a bad RPC ID back, we are probably somehow misaligned from
// the server. So, we disconnect the connection.
throw new NonRecoverableException(Status.IllegalState(msg));
if (!header.hasIsError() || !header.getIsError()) {
// The success case. CallResponseInfo(response, null));
final RpcHeader.ErrorStatusPB.Builder errorBuilder = RpcHeader.ErrorStatusPB.newBuilder();
KuduRpc.readProtobuf(response.getPBMessage(), errorBuilder);
final RpcHeader.ErrorStatusPB error =;
RpcHeader.ErrorStatusPB.RpcErrorCodePB code = error.getCode();
if (code.equals(RpcHeader.ErrorStatusPB.RpcErrorCodePB.ERROR_SERVER_TOO_BUSY) ||
code.equals(RpcHeader.ErrorStatusPB.RpcErrorCodePB.ERROR_UNAVAILABLE)) { CallResponseInfo(
response, new RecoverableException(Status.ServiceUnavailable(error.getMessage()))));
if (code.equals(RpcHeader.ErrorStatusPB.RpcErrorCodePB.ERROR_INVALID_AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN)) { CallResponseInfo(
response, new InvalidAuthzTokenException(Status.NotAuthorized(error.getMessage()))));
final String message = getLogPrefix() + " server sent error " + error.getMessage();
LOG.error(message); // can be useful CallResponseInfo(
response, new RpcRemoteException(Status.RemoteError(message), error)));
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void exceptionCaught(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final ExceptionEvent event) {
Throwable e = event.getCause();
Channel c = event.getChannel();
KuduException error;
if (e instanceof KuduException) {
error = (KuduException) e;
} else if (e instanceof RejectedExecutionException) {
String message = String.format("%s RPC rejected by the executor (ignore if shutting down)",
error = new RecoverableException(Status.NetworkError(message), e);
LOG.warn(message, e);
} else if (e instanceof ReadTimeoutException) {
String message = String.format("%s encountered a read timeout; closing the channel",
error = new RecoverableException(Status.NetworkError(message), e);
} else if (e instanceof ClosedChannelException) {
String message = String.format(
explicitlyDisconnected ? "%s disconnected from peer" : "%s lost connection to peer",
error = new RecoverableException(Status.NetworkError(message), e);;
} else if (e instanceof ConnectException) {
String message = "Failed to connect to peer " + serverInfo + ": " + e.getMessage();
error = new RecoverableException(Status.NetworkError(message), e);;
} else if (e instanceof SSLException && explicitlyDisconnected) {
// There's a race in Netty where, when we call Channel.close(), it tries
// to send a TLS 'shutdown' message and enters a shutdown state. If another
// thread races to send actual data on the channel, then Netty will get a
// bit confused that we are trying to send data and misinterpret it as a
// renegotiation attempt, and throw an SSLException. So, we just ignore any
// SSLException if we've already attempted to close, otherwise log the error.
error = new RecoverableException(Status.NetworkError(
String.format("%s disconnected from peer", getLogPrefix())));
} else if (e instanceof SSLPeerUnverifiedException) {
String m = String.format("unable to verify identity of peer %s: %s",
serverInfo, e.getMessage());
error = new NonRecoverableException(Status.NetworkError(m), e);
LOG.error(m, e);
} else {
// If the connection was explicitly disconnected via a call to disconnect(), we should
// have either gotten a ClosedChannelException or an SSLException.
assert !explicitlyDisconnected;
String message = String.format("%s unexpected exception from downstream on %s",
getLogPrefix(), c);
error = new RecoverableException(Status.NetworkError(message), e);
LOG.error(message, e);
if (c.isOpen()) {
/** Getter for the peer's end-point information */
public ServerInfo getServerInfo() {
return serverInfo;
/** The credentials policy used for the connection negotiation. */
CredentialsPolicy getCredentialsPolicy() {
return credentialsPolicy;
/** @return true iff the connection is in the TERMINATED state */
boolean isTerminated() {
try {
return state == State.TERMINATED;
} finally {
* TODO(aserbin) make it possible to avoid calling this when the server features are not known yet
* @return the set of server's features, if known; null otherwise
Set<RpcFeatureFlag> getPeerFeatures() {
Set<RpcFeatureFlag> features = null;
try {
if (negotiationResult != null) {
features = negotiationResult.serverFeatures;
} finally {
return features;
/** @return string representation of the peer information suitable for logging */
String getLogPrefix() {
return "[peer " + serverInfo + "]";
* Enqueue outbound message for sending to the remote server via Kudu RPC. The enqueueMessage()
* accepts messages even if the connection hasn't yet been established: the enqueued messages
* are sent out as soon as the connection to the server is ready. The connection is initiated upon
* enqueuing the very first outbound message.
void enqueueMessage(RpcOutboundMessage msg, Callback<Void, CallResponseInfo> cb)
throws RecoverableException {
try {
if (state == State.TERMINATED) {
// The upper-level caller should handle the exception and retry using a new connection.
throw new RecoverableException(Status.IllegalState("connection is terminated"));
if (state == State.NEW) {
// Schedule connecting to the server.
// Set the call identifier for the outgoing RPC.
final int callId = nextCallId++;
RpcHeader.RequestHeader.Builder headerBuilder = msg.getHeaderBuilder();
// Amend the timeout for the call, if necessary.
final int timeoutMs = headerBuilder.getTimeoutMillis();
if (timeoutMs > 0) {
// If the connection hasn't been negotiated yet, add the message into the queuedMessages list.
// The elements of the queuedMessages list will be processed when the negotiation either
// succeeds or fails.
if (state != State.READY) {
queuedMessages.add(new QueuedMessage(msg, cb));
assert state == State.READY;
// Register the message into the inflightMessages before sending it to the wire.
final Callback<Void, CallResponseInfo> empty = inflightMessages.put(callId, cb);
Preconditions.checkState(empty == null);
} finally {
// It's time to initiate sending the message over the wire. This is done outside of the lock
// to prevent deadlocks due to the reverse order of locking while working with Connection.lock
// and the lower-level Netty locks. The other order of taking those two locks could happen
// upon receiving ChannelDisconnected or ChannelClosed events. Upon receiving those events,
// the low-level Netty lock is held and the channelDisconnected()/channelClosed() methods
// would call the cleanup() method. In its turn, the cleanup() method tries to acquire the
// Connection.lock lock, while the low-level Netty lock might be already acquired.
// More details and an example of a stack trace is available in KUDU-1894 comments.
* Triggers the channel to be disconnected, which will asynchronously cause all
* queued and in-flight RPCs to be failed. This method is idempotent.
* @return future object to wait on the disconnect completion, if necessary
ChannelFuture disconnect() {
explicitlyDisconnected = true;
return Channels.disconnect(channel);
* If open, forcefully shut down the connection to the server. This is the same as
* {@link #disconnect}, but it returns Deferred instead of ChannelFuture.
* @return deferred object for tracking the shutting down of this connection
Deferred<Void> shutdown() {
final ChannelFuture disconnectFuture = disconnect();
final Deferred<Void> d = new Deferred<>();
disconnectFuture.addListener(new ChannelFutureListener() {
public void operationComplete(final ChannelFuture future) {
if (future.isSuccess()) {
final Throwable t = future.getCause();
if (t instanceof Exception) {
} else {
d.callback(new NonRecoverableException(
Status.IllegalState("failed to shutdown: " + this), t));
return d;
/** @return string representation of this object (suitable for printing into the logs, etc.) */
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
.append(", uuid=")
int queuedMessagesNum = 0;
int inflightMessagesNum = 0;
try {
queuedMessagesNum = queuedMessages == null ? 0 : queuedMessages.size();
inflightMessagesNum = inflightMessages == null ? 0 : inflightMessages.size();
} finally {
buf.append(", #queued=").append(queuedMessagesNum)
.append(", #inflight=").append(inflightMessagesNum)
return buf.toString();
* This is test-only method.
* @return true iff the connection is in the READY state
boolean isReady() {
try {
return state == State.READY;
} finally {
* Start sending the message to the server over the wire. It's crucial to not hold the lock
* while doing so: see enqueueMessage() and KUDU-1894 for details.
private void sendCallToWire(final RpcOutboundMessage msg) {
assert !lock.isHeldByCurrentThread();
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("{} sending {}", getLogPrefix(), msg);
Channels.write(channel, msg);
* Process the fact that the connection has been disconnected: update the state of this object and
* clean up any outstanding or lingering messages, notifying on the error via their status
* callbacks. The callee is supposed to handle the error and retry sending the messages,
* if needed.
* @param error the exception which caused the connection cleanup
private void cleanup(KuduException error) {
List<QueuedMessage> queued;
Map<Integer, Callback<Void, CallResponseInfo>> inflight;
boolean needNewAuthnToken = false;
try {
if (state == State.TERMINATED) {
// The cleanup has already run.
Preconditions.checkState(queuedMessages == null);
Preconditions.checkState(inflightMessages == null);
if (state == State.NEGOTIATION_FAILED) {
Preconditions.checkState(negotiationFailure != null);
needNewAuthnToken = negotiationFailure.status.getCode().equals(
LOG.debug("{} cleaning up while in state {} due to: {}",
getLogPrefix(), state, error.getMessage());
queued = queuedMessages;
queuedMessages = null;
inflight = inflightMessages;
inflightMessages = null;
state = State.TERMINATED;
} finally {
if (needNewAuthnToken) {
error = new InvalidAuthnTokenException(error.getStatus());
for (Callback<Void, CallResponseInfo> cb : inflight.values()) {
try { CallResponseInfo(null, error));
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("{} exception while aborting in-flight call: {}", getLogPrefix(), e);
if (queued != null) {
for (QueuedMessage qm : queued) {
try { CallResponseInfo(null, error));
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("{} exception while aborting enqueued call: {}", getLogPrefix(), e);
/** Initiate opening TCP connection to the server. */
private void connect() {
Preconditions.checkState(state == State.NEW);
state = State.CONNECTING;
connectFuture = channel.connect(serverInfo.getResolvedAddress());
/** Enumeration to represent the internal state of the Connection object. */
private enum State {
/** The object has just been created. */
/** The establishment of TCP connection to the server has started. */
/** The connection negotiation has started. */
* The underlying TCP connection has been dropped off due to negotiation error and there are
* enqueued messages to handle. Once connection negotiation fails, the Connection object
* handles the affected queued RPCs appropriately. If the negotiation failed due to invalid
* authn token error, the upper-level code may attempt to acquire a new authentication token
* in that case. The connection transitions into the TERMINATED state upon notifying the
* affected RPCs on the connection negotiation failure.
/** The connection to the server is opened, negotiated, and ready to use. */
* The TCP connection has been dropped off, the proper clean-up procedure has run and no queued
* nor in-flight messages are left. In this state, the object does not accept new messages,
* throwing RecoverableException upon call of the enqueueMessage() method.
* The class to represent RPC response received from the remote server.
* If the {@code exception} is null, then it's a success case and the {@code response} contains
* the information on the response. Otherwise it's an error and the {@code exception} provides
* information on the error. For the recoverable error case, the {@code exception} is of
* {@link RecoverableException} type, otherwise it's of {@link NonRecoverableException} type.
static final class CallResponseInfo {
public final CallResponse response;
public final KuduException exception;
CallResponseInfo(CallResponse response, KuduException exception) {
this.response = response;
this.exception = exception;
/** Internal class representing an enqueued outgoing message. */
private static final class QueuedMessage {
private final RpcOutboundMessage message;
private final Callback<Void, CallResponseInfo> cb;
QueuedMessage(RpcOutboundMessage message, Callback<Void, CallResponseInfo> cb) {
this.message = message;
this.cb = cb;
/** The helper class to build the Netty's connection pipeline. */
private final class ConnectionPipeline extends DefaultChannelPipeline {
void init() {
super.addFirst("decode-frames", new LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder(
0, // length comes at offset 0
4, // length prefix is 4 bytes long
0, // no "length adjustment"
4 /* strip the length prefix */));
super.addLast("decode-inbound", new CallResponse.Decoder());
super.addLast("encode-outbound", new RpcOutboundMessage.Encoder());
// Add a socket read timeout handler to function as a timeout for negotiation.
// The handler will be removed once the connection is negotiated.
super.addLast(NEGOTIATION_TIMEOUT_HANDLER, new ReadTimeoutHandler(
Connection.this.timer, NEGOTIATION_TIMEOUT_MS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
super.addLast("kudu-handler", Connection.this);