blob: 5fc227d25eb9b125d1f43b7718aa7984998004d9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "kudu/client/meta_cache.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <ostream>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <google/protobuf/repeated_field.h> // IWYU pragma: keep
#include "kudu/client/client-internal.h"
#include "kudu/client/client.h"
#include "kudu/client/master_proxy_rpc.h"
#include "kudu/client/schema.h"
#include "kudu/common/common.pb.h"
#include "kudu/common/wire_protocol.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/metadata.pb.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/basictypes.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/map-util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/port.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/stl_util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/master/master.pb.h"
#include "kudu/master/master.proxy.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/response_callback.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/rpc.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/rpc_controller.h"
#include "kudu/tserver/tserver_service.proxy.h"
#include "kudu/util/flag_tags.h"
#include "kudu/util/logging.h"
#include "kudu/util/net/dns_resolver.h"
#include "kudu/util/net/net_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/net/sockaddr.h"
#include "kudu/util/pb_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/scoped_cleanup.h"
using kudu::consensus::RaftPeerPB;
using kudu::master::ANY_REPLICA;
using kudu::master::GetTableLocationsRequestPB;
using kudu::master::GetTableLocationsResponsePB;
using kudu::master::MasterServiceProxy;
using kudu::master::TabletLocationsPB;
using kudu::master::TSInfoPB;
using kudu::rpc::BackoffType;
using kudu::rpc::CredentialsPolicy;
using kudu::tserver::TabletServerServiceProxy;
using std::set;
using std::shared_ptr;
using std::string;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::vector;
using strings::Substitute;
// TODO(todd) before enabling by default, need to think about how this works with
// docker/k8s -- I think the abstract namespace is scoped to a given k8s pod. We
// probably need to have the client blacklist the socket if it attempts to use it
// and can't connect.
DEFINE_bool(client_use_unix_domain_sockets, false,
"Whether to try to connect to tablet servers using unix domain sockets. "
"This will only be attempted if the server has indicated that it is listening "
"on such a socket and the client is running on the same host.");
TAG_FLAG(client_use_unix_domain_sockets, experimental);
namespace kudu {
namespace client {
namespace internal {
RemoteTabletServer::RemoteTabletServer(const master::TSInfoPB& pb)
: uuid_(pb.permanent_uuid()) {
void RemoteTabletServer::DnsResolutionFinished(const HostPort& hp,
vector<Sockaddr>* addrs,
KuduClient* client,
const StatusCallback& user_callback,
const Status &result_status) {
SCOPED_CLEANUP({ delete addrs; });
Status s = result_status;
if (s.ok() && addrs->empty()) {
s = Status::NetworkError("No addresses for " + hp.ToString());
if (!s.ok()) {
s = s.CloneAndPrepend("Failed to resolve address for TS " + uuid_);
VLOG(1) << "Successfully resolved " << hp.ToString() << ": "
<< (*addrs)[0].ToString();
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
proxy_.reset(new TabletServerServiceProxy(client->data_->messenger_, (*addrs)[0],;
void RemoteTabletServer::InitProxy(KuduClient* client, const StatusCallback& cb) {
HostPort hp;
std::unique_lock<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
if (proxy_) {
// Already have a proxy created.
// TODO: if the TS advertises multiple host/ports, pick the right one
// based on some kind of policy. For now just use the first always.
hp = rpc_hostports_[0];
auto addrs = new vector<Sockaddr>();
if (FLAGS_client_use_unix_domain_sockets && unix_domain_socket_path_ &&
client->data_->IsLocalHostPort(hp)) {
Sockaddr unix_socket;
Status parse_status = unix_socket.ParseUnixDomainPath(*unix_domain_socket_path_);
if (!parse_status.ok()) {
<< Substitute("Tablet server $0 ($1) reported an invalid UNIX domain socket path '$2'",
hp.ToString(), uuid_, *unix_domain_socket_path_);
// Fall through to normal TCP path.
} else {
VLOG(1) << Substitute("Will try to connect to UNIX socket $0 for local tablet server $1 ($2)",
unix_socket.ToString(), hp.ToString(), uuid_);
this->DnsResolutionFinished(hp, addrs, client, cb, Status::OK());
hp, addrs, [=](const Status& s) {
this->DnsResolutionFinished(hp, addrs, client, cb, s);
void RemoteTabletServer::Update(const master::TSInfoPB& pb) {
CHECK_EQ(pb.permanent_uuid(), uuid_);
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
for (const HostPortPB& hostport_pb : pb.rpc_addresses()) {
rpc_hostports_.emplace_back(, hostport_pb.port());
location_ = pb.location();
if (pb.has_unix_domain_socket_path()) {
unix_domain_socket_path_ = pb.unix_domain_socket_path();
} else {
unix_domain_socket_path_ = boost::none;
const string& RemoteTabletServer::permanent_uuid() const {
return uuid_;
string RemoteTabletServer::location() const {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
return location_;
shared_ptr<TabletServerServiceProxy> RemoteTabletServer::proxy() const {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
return proxy_;
string RemoteTabletServer::ToString() const {
string ret = uuid_;
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
if (!rpc_hostports_.empty()) {
strings::SubstituteAndAppend(&ret, " ($0)", rpc_hostports_[0].ToString());
return ret;
void RemoteTabletServer::GetHostPorts(vector<HostPort>* host_ports) const {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
*host_ports = rpc_hostports_;
Status RemoteTablet::Refresh(
const TabletServerMap& tservers,
const TabletLocationsPB& locs_pb,
const google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<TSInfoPB>& ts_info_dict) {
vector<RemoteReplica> replicas;
// Handle "old-style" non-interned replicas. It's used for backward compatibility.
for (const auto& r : locs_pb.deprecated_replicas()) {
RemoteReplica replica = { FindOrDie(tservers, r.ts_info().permanent_uuid()),
r.role(), /*failed=*/false };
// Handle interned replicas.
for (const auto& r : locs_pb.interned_replicas()) {
if (r.ts_info_idx() >= ts_info_dict.size()) {
return Status::Corruption(Substitute(
"invalid response from master: referenced tablet idx $0 but only $1 present",
r.ts_info_idx(), ts_info_dict.size()));
const TSInfoPB& ts_info = ts_info_dict.Get(r.ts_info_idx());
RemoteReplica replica = { FindOrDie(tservers, ts_info.permanent_uuid()),
r.role(), /*failed=*/false };
// Adopt the data from the successful response.
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
replicas_ = std::move(replicas);
stale_ = false;
return Status::OK();
void RemoteTablet::MarkStale() {
stale_ = true;
bool RemoteTablet::stale() const {
return stale_;
void RemoteTablet::MarkReplicaFailed(RemoteTabletServer *ts,
const Status& status) {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
VLOG(2) << "Tablet " << tablet_id_ << ": Current remote replicas in meta cache: "
<< ReplicasAsStringUnlocked();
KLOG_EVERY_N_SECS(WARNING, 1) << "Tablet " << tablet_id_ << ": Replica " << ts->ToString()
<< " has failed: " << status.ToString();
for (RemoteReplica& rep : replicas_) {
if (rep.ts == ts) {
rep.failed = true;
int RemoteTablet::GetNumFailedReplicas() const {
int failed = 0;
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
for (const RemoteReplica& rep : replicas_) {
if (rep.failed) {
return failed;
RemoteTabletServer* RemoteTablet::LeaderTServer() const {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
for (const RemoteReplica& replica : replicas_) {
if (!replica.failed && replica.role == RaftPeerPB::LEADER) {
return replica.ts;
return nullptr;
bool RemoteTablet::HasLeader() const {
return LeaderTServer() != nullptr;
void RemoteTablet::GetRemoteTabletServers(vector<RemoteTabletServer*>* servers) const {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
for (const RemoteReplica& replica : replicas_) {
if (replica.failed) {
void RemoteTablet::GetRemoteReplicas(vector<RemoteReplica>* replicas) const {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
for (const auto& r : replicas_) {
if (r.failed) {
void RemoteTablet::MarkTServerAsLeader(const RemoteTabletServer* server) {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
for (RemoteReplica& replica : replicas_) {
if (replica.ts == server) {
replica.role = RaftPeerPB::LEADER;
} else if (replica.role == RaftPeerPB::LEADER) {
replica.role = RaftPeerPB::FOLLOWER;
VLOG(3) << "Latest replicas: " << ReplicasAsStringUnlocked();
void RemoteTablet::MarkTServerAsFollower(const RemoteTabletServer* server) {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
for (RemoteReplica& replica : replicas_) {
if (replica.ts == server) {
replica.role = RaftPeerPB::FOLLOWER;
VLOG(3) << "Latest replicas: " << ReplicasAsStringUnlocked();
string RemoteTablet::ReplicasAsString() const {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
return ReplicasAsStringUnlocked();
string RemoteTablet::ReplicasAsStringUnlocked() const {
string replicas_str;
for (const RemoteReplica& rep : replicas_) {
if (!replicas_str.empty()) replicas_str += ", ";
strings::SubstituteAndAppend(&replicas_str, "$0 ($1, $2)",
rep.failed ? "FAILED" : "OK");
return replicas_str;
bool MetaCacheEntry::Contains(const string& partition_key) const {
return lower_bound_partition_key() <= partition_key &&
(upper_bound_partition_key().empty() || upper_bound_partition_key() > partition_key);
bool MetaCacheEntry::stale() const {
return expiration_time_ < MonoTime::Now() ||
(!is_non_covered_range() && tablet_->stale());
string MetaCacheEntry::DebugString(const KuduTable* table) const {
const string& lower_bound = lower_bound_partition_key();
const string& upper_bound = upper_bound_partition_key();
string lower_bound_string = MetaCache::DebugLowerBoundPartitionKey(table, lower_bound);
string upper_bound_string = upper_bound.empty() ? "<end>" :
table->partition_schema().PartitionKeyDebugString(upper_bound, *table->schema().schema_);
MonoDelta ttl = expiration_time_ - MonoTime::Now();
if (is_non_covered_range()) {
return strings::Substitute(
"NonCoveredRange { lower_bound: ($0), upper_bound: ($1), ttl: $2ms }",
lower_bound_string, upper_bound_string, ttl.ToMilliseconds());
} else {
return strings::Substitute(
"Tablet { id: $0, lower_bound: ($1), upper_bound: ($2), ttl: $3ms }",
tablet()->tablet_id(), lower_bound_string, upper_bound_string, ttl.ToMilliseconds());
MetaCacheServerPicker::MetaCacheServerPicker(KuduClient* client,
scoped_refptr<MetaCache> meta_cache,
const KuduTable* table,
RemoteTablet* const tablet)
: client_(client),
tablet_(tablet) {}
void MetaCacheServerPicker::PickLeader(const ServerPickedCallback& callback,
const MonoTime& deadline) {
// Choose a destination TS according to the following algorithm:
// 1. If the tablet metadata is stale, refresh it (goto step 5).
// 2. Select the leader, provided:
// a. The current leader is known,
// b. It hasn't failed, and
// c. It isn't currently marked as a follower.
// 3. If there's no good leader select another replica, provided:
// a. It hasn't failed, and
// b. It hasn't rejected our write due to being a follower.
// 4. Preemptively mark the replica we selected in step 3 as "leader" in the
// meta cache, so that our selection remains sticky until the next Master
// metadata refresh.
// 5. If we're out of appropriate replicas, force a lookup to the master
// to fetch new consensus configuration information.
// 6. When the lookup finishes, forget which replicas were followers and
// retry the write (i.e. goto 2).
// 7. If we issue the write and it fails because the destination was a
// follower, remember that fact and retry the write (i.e. goto 2).
// 8. Repeat steps 1-7 until the write succeeds, fails for other reasons,
// or the write's deadline expires.
RemoteTabletServer* leader = nullptr;
if (!tablet_->stale()) {
leader = tablet_->LeaderTServer();
bool marked_as_follower = false;
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> lock(lock_);
marked_as_follower = ContainsKey(followers_, leader);
if (leader && marked_as_follower) {
VLOG(2) << "Tablet " << tablet_->tablet_id() << ": We have a follower for a leader: "
<< leader->ToString();
// Mark the node as a follower in the cache so that on the next go-round,
// LeaderTServer() will not return it as a leader unless a full metadata
// refresh has occurred. This also avoids LookupTabletByKey() going into
// "fast path" mode and not actually performing a metadata refresh from the
// Master when it needs to.
leader = nullptr;
if (!leader) {
// Try to "guess" the next leader.
vector<RemoteTabletServer*> replicas;
set<RemoteTabletServer*> followers_copy;
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> lock(lock_);
followers_copy = followers_;
for (RemoteTabletServer* ts : replicas) {
if (!ContainsKey(followers_copy, ts)) {
leader = ts;
if (leader) {
// Mark this next replica "preemptively" as the leader in the meta cache,
// so we go to it first on the next write if writing was successful.
VLOG(1) << "Tablet " << tablet_->tablet_id() << ": Previous leader failed. "
<< "Preemptively marking tserver " << leader->ToString()
<< " as leader in the meta cache.";
// If we've tried all replicas, force a lookup to the master to find the
// new leader. This relies on some properties of LookupTabletByKey():
// 1. The fast path only works when there's a non-failed leader (which we
// know is untrue here).
// 2. The slow path always fetches consensus configuration information and updates the
// looked-up tablet.
// Put another way, we don't care about the lookup results at all; we're
// just using it to fetch the latest consensus configuration information.
// TODO: When we support tablet splits, we should let the lookup shift
// the write to another tablet (i.e. if it's since been split).
if (!leader) {
[this, callback, deadline](const Status& s) {
this->LookUpTabletCb(callback, deadline, s);
// If we have a current TS initialize the proxy.
// Make sure we have a working proxy before sending out the RPC.
leader->InitProxy(client_, [this, callback, leader](const Status& s) {
this->InitProxyCb(callback, leader, s);
void MetaCacheServerPicker::MarkServerFailed(RemoteTabletServer* replica, const Status& status) {
tablet_->MarkReplicaFailed(CHECK_NOTNULL(replica), status);
void MetaCacheServerPicker::MarkReplicaNotLeader(RemoteTabletServer* replica) {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> lock(lock_);
void MetaCacheServerPicker::MarkResourceNotFound(RemoteTabletServer* /*replica*/) {
// Called whenever a tablet lookup in the metacache completes.
void MetaCacheServerPicker::LookUpTabletCb(const ServerPickedCallback& callback,
const MonoTime& deadline,
const Status& status) {
// Whenever we lookup the tablet, clear the set of followers.
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> lock(lock_);
// If we couldn't lookup the tablet call the user callback immediately.
if (!status.ok()) {
callback(status, nullptr);
// If we could lookup the tablet run the picking method again.
// TODO if we add new Pick* methods the method to (re-)call needs to be passed as
// a callback, for now we just have PickLeader so we can call it directly.
PickLeader(callback, deadline);
void MetaCacheServerPicker::InitProxyCb(const ServerPickedCallback& callback,
RemoteTabletServer* replica,
const Status& status) {
callback(status, replica);
MetaCache::MetaCache(KuduClient* client,
ReplicaController::Visibility replica_visibility)
: client_(client),
replica_visibility_(replica_visibility) {
MetaCache::~MetaCache() {
void MetaCache::UpdateTabletServer(const TSInfoPB& pb) {
RemoteTabletServer* ts = FindPtrOrNull(ts_cache_, pb.permanent_uuid());
if (ts) {
VLOG(1) << "Client caching new TabletServer " << pb.permanent_uuid();
InsertOrDie(&ts_cache_, pb.permanent_uuid(), new RemoteTabletServer(pb));
// A (table, partition_key) --> tablet lookup. May be in-flight to a master, or
// may be handled locally.
// Keeps a reference on the owning meta cache while alive.
class LookupRpc
: public AsyncLeaderMasterRpc<GetTableLocationsRequestPB,
GetTableLocationsResponsePB> {
LookupRpc(scoped_refptr<MetaCache> meta_cache,
StatusCallback user_cb,
const KuduTable* table,
string partition_key,
scoped_refptr<RemoteTablet>* remote_tablet,
const MonoTime& deadline,
MetaCache::LookupType lookup_type,
ReplicaController::Visibility replica_visibility);
virtual ~LookupRpc();
// Looks up the tablet location in the meta cache, and if it isn't there,
// sends an RPC to perform the lookup.
// The abstraction is a bit muddied since this may not actually send an RPC
// if the location exists in the meta cache. It's written in this way to
// avoid extraneous RPC calls and to leverage common retry logic.
// Upon completion, either the user callback will be called and this object
// should delete itself, or a retry has been rescheduled and the object
// should remain alive.
void SendRpc() override;
// Send an RPC to perform the lookup without consulting the meta cache.
void SendRpcSlowPath();
string ToString() const override;
const GetTableLocationsRequestPB& req() const { return req_; }
const GetTableLocationsResponsePB& resp() const { return resp_; }
const string& table_name() const { return table_->name(); }
const string& table_id() const { return table_->id(); }
const string& partition_key() const { return partition_key_; }
bool is_exact_lookup() const {
return lookup_type_ == MetaCache::LookupType::kPoint;
int locations_to_fetch() const {
switch (lookup_type_) {
case MetaCache::LookupType::kLowerBound:
return kFetchTabletsPerRangeLookup;
case MetaCache::LookupType::kPoint:
return kFetchTabletsPerPointLookup;
const KuduTable* table() const { return table_; }
void ResetMasterLeaderAndRetry(CredentialsPolicy creds_policy) override;
// Handles retry logic and processes the response, sticking locations into
// the meta cache.
void SendRpcCb(const Status& status) override;
std::shared_ptr<MasterServiceProxy> master_proxy() const {
return table_->client()->data_->master_proxy();
// Pointer back to the tablet cache. Populated with location information
// if the lookup finishes successfully.
// When the RPC is destroyed, a master lookup permit is returned to the
// cache if one was acquired in the first place.
scoped_refptr<MetaCache> meta_cache_;
// Request body.
GetTableLocationsRequestPB req_;
// Response body.
GetTableLocationsResponsePB resp_;
// Table to lookup.
const KuduTable* table_;
// Encoded partition key to lookup.
string partition_key_;
// When lookup finishes successfully, the selected tablet is written here
// prior to invoking the user-provided callback.
scoped_refptr<RemoteTablet>* remote_tablet_;
// Whether this lookup has acquired a master lookup permit.
bool has_permit_;
// Whether this lookup is for a range or a point.
const MetaCache::LookupType lookup_type_;
// Controlling which replicas to look up. If set to Visibility::ALL,
// non-voter tablet replicas, if any, appear in the lookup result in addition
// to 'regular' voter replicas.
const ReplicaController::Visibility replica_visibility_;
LookupRpc::LookupRpc(scoped_refptr<MetaCache> meta_cache,
StatusCallback user_cb, const KuduTable* table,
string partition_key,
scoped_refptr<RemoteTablet>* remote_tablet,
const MonoTime& deadline,
MetaCache::LookupType lookup_type,
ReplicaController::Visibility replica_visibility)
: AsyncLeaderMasterRpc(deadline, table->client(), BackoffType::LINEAR, req_, &resp_,
"LookupRpc", std::move(user_cb), {}),
replica_visibility_(replica_visibility) {
LookupRpc::~LookupRpc() {
if (has_permit_) {
void LookupRpc::SendRpc() {
Status fastpath_status = meta_cache_->DoFastPathLookup(
table_, &partition_key_, lookup_type_, remote_tablet_);
if (!fastpath_status.IsIncomplete()) {
delete this;
void LookupRpc::SendRpcSlowPath() {
// Slow path: must lookup the tablet in the master.
VLOG(4) << "Fast lookup: no cache entry for " << ToString()
<< ": refreshing our metadata from the Master";
if (!has_permit_) {
has_permit_ = meta_cache_->AcquireMasterLookupPermit();
if (!has_permit_) {
// Couldn't get a permit, try again in a little while.
mutable_retrier()->DelayedRetry(this, Status::TimedOut(
"client has too many outstanding requests to the master"));
// The end partition key is left unset intentionally so that we'll prefetch
// some additional tablets.
if (replica_visibility_ == ReplicaController::Visibility::ALL) {
// Actually send the request.
string LookupRpc::ToString() const {
return Substitute("$0 { table: '$1', partition-key: ($2), attempt: $3 }",
MetaCache::DebugLowerBoundPartitionKey(table_, partition_key_),
void LookupRpc::ResetMasterLeaderAndRetry(CredentialsPolicy creds_policy) {
[=](const Status& s) { this->NewLeaderMasterDeterminedCb(creds_policy, s); },
void LookupRpc::SendRpcCb(const Status& status) {
// If we exit and haven't scheduled a retry, this object should delete
// itself.
unique_ptr<LookupRpc> delete_me(this);
// Check for generic errors.
Status new_status = status;
if (RetryOrReconnectIfNecessary(&new_status)) {
// Check for more application errors.
// Note: RetryOrReconnectIfNecessary only checked for generic application
// errors. This check is specific to LookupRpc.
if (new_status.ok() && resp_.has_error()) {
new_status = StatusFromPB(resp_.error().status());
if (new_status.IsServiceUnavailable()) {
// One or more of the tablets is not running. Retry after some time.
mutable_retrier()->DelayedRetry(this, new_status);
// If there were no errors, process the response.
if (new_status.ok()) {
MetaCacheEntry entry;
new_status = meta_cache_->ProcessLookupResponse(*this, &entry, locations_to_fetch());
if (entry.is_non_covered_range()) {
new_status = Status::NotFound("No tablet covering the requested range partition",
} else if (remote_tablet_) {
*remote_tablet_ = entry.tablet();
} else {
// Otherwise, prep the final error.
new_status = new_status.CloneAndPrepend(Substitute("$0 failed", ToString()));
KLOG_EVERY_N_SECS(WARNING, 1) << new_status.ToString();
Status MetaCache::ProcessLookupResponse(const LookupRpc& rpc,
MetaCacheEntry* cache_entry,
int max_returned_locations) {
VLOG(2) << "Processing master response for " << rpc.ToString()
<< ". Response: " << pb_util::SecureShortDebugString(rpc.resp());
MonoTime expiration_time = MonoTime::Now() +
std::lock_guard<percpu_rwlock> l(lock_);
TabletMap& tablets_by_key = LookupOrInsert(&tablets_by_table_and_key_,
rpc.table_id(), TabletMap());
const auto& tablet_locations = rpc.resp().tablet_locations();
if (tablet_locations.empty()) {
// If there are no tablets in the response, then the table is empty. If
// there were any tablets in the table they would have been returned, since
// the master guarantees that if the partition key falls in a non-covered
// range, the previous tablet will be returned, and we did not set an upper
// bound partition key on the request.
MetaCacheEntry entry(expiration_time, "", "");
VLOG(3) << "Caching '" << rpc.table_name() << "' entry " << entry.DebugString(rpc.table());
InsertOrDie(&tablets_by_key, "", entry);
} else {
// First, update the tserver cache, needed for the Refresh calls below.
// It's used for backward compatibility.
for (const TabletLocationsPB& tablet : tablet_locations) {
for (const auto& replicas : tablet.deprecated_replicas()) {
// In the case of "interned" replicas, the above 'deprecated_replicas' lists will be empty
// and instead we'll need to update from the top-level list of tservers.
const auto& ts_infos = rpc.resp().ts_infos();
for (const TSInfoPB& ts_info : ts_infos) {
// The comments below will reference the following diagram:
// +---+ +---+---+
// | | | | |
// A | B | C | D | E | F
// | | | | |
// +---+ +---+---+
// It depicts a tablet locations response from the master containing three
// tablets: B, D and E. Three non-covered ranges are present: A, C, and F.
// An RPC response containing B, D and E could occur if the lookup partition
// key falls in A, B, or C, although the existence of A as an initial
// non-covered range can only be inferred if the lookup partition key falls
// in A.
const auto& first_lower_bound = tablet_locations.Get(0).partition().partition_key_start();
if (rpc.partition_key() < first_lower_bound) {
// If the first tablet is past the requested partition key, then the
// partition key falls in an initial non-covered range, such as A.
// Clear any existing entries which overlap with the discovered non-covered range.
tablets_by_key.erase(tablets_by_key.begin(), tablets_by_key.lower_bound(first_lower_bound));
MetaCacheEntry entry(expiration_time, "", first_lower_bound);
VLOG(3) << "Caching '" << rpc.table_name() << "' entry " << entry.DebugString(rpc.table());
InsertOrDie(&tablets_by_key, "", entry);
// last_upper_bound tracks the upper bound of the previously processed
// entry, so that we can determine when we have found a non-covered range.
string last_upper_bound = first_lower_bound;
for (const TabletLocationsPB& tablet : tablet_locations) {
const auto& tablet_lower_bound = tablet.partition().partition_key_start();
const auto& tablet_upper_bound = tablet.partition().partition_key_end();
if (last_upper_bound < tablet_lower_bound) {
// There is a non-covered range between the previous tablet and this tablet.
// This will discover C while processing the tablet location for D.
// Clear any existing entries which overlap with the discovered non-covered range.
MetaCacheEntry entry(expiration_time, last_upper_bound, tablet_lower_bound);
VLOG(3) << "Caching '" << rpc.table_name() << "' entry " << entry.DebugString(rpc.table());
InsertOrDie(&tablets_by_key, last_upper_bound, entry);
last_upper_bound = tablet_upper_bound;
// Now process the tablet itself (such as B, D, or E). If we already know
// about the tablet, then we only need to refresh it's replica locations
// and the entry TTL. If the tablet is unknown, then we need to create a
// new RemoteTablet for it.
const string& tablet_id = tablet.tablet_id();
scoped_refptr<RemoteTablet> remote = FindPtrOrNull(tablets_by_id_, tablet_id);
if (remote.get() != nullptr) {
// Partition should not have changed.
DCHECK_EQ(tablet_lower_bound, remote->partition().partition_key_start());
DCHECK_EQ(tablet_upper_bound, remote->partition().partition_key_end());
VLOG(3) << "Refreshing tablet " << tablet_id << ": "
<< pb_util::SecureShortDebugString(tablet);
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(remote->Refresh(ts_cache_, tablet, ts_infos),
Substitute("failed to refresh locations for tablet $0",
// Update the entry TTL.
auto& entry = FindOrDie(tablets_by_key, tablet_lower_bound);
DCHECK(!entry.is_non_covered_range() &&
entry.upper_bound_partition_key() == tablet_upper_bound);
// Clear any existing entries which overlap with the discovered tablet.
tablet_upper_bound.empty() ? tablets_by_key.end() :
Partition partition;
Partition::FromPB(tablet.partition(), &partition);
remote = new RemoteTablet(tablet_id, partition);
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(remote->Refresh(ts_cache_, tablet, ts_infos),
Substitute("failed to refresh locations for tablet $0",
MetaCacheEntry entry(expiration_time, remote);
VLOG(3) << "Caching '" << rpc.table_name() << "' entry " << entry.DebugString(rpc.table());
InsertOrDie(&tablets_by_id_, tablet_id, remote);
InsertOrDie(&tablets_by_key, tablet_lower_bound, entry);
if (!last_upper_bound.empty() && tablet_locations.size() < max_returned_locations) {
// There is a non-covered range between the last tablet and the end of the
// partition key space, such as F.
// Clear existing entries which overlap with the discovered non-covered range.
MetaCacheEntry entry(expiration_time, last_upper_bound, "");
VLOG(3) << "Caching '" << rpc.table_name() << "' entry " << entry.DebugString(rpc.table());
InsertOrDie(&tablets_by_key, last_upper_bound, entry);
// Finally, lookup the discovered entry and return it to the requestor.
*cache_entry = FindFloorOrDie(tablets_by_key, rpc.partition_key());
if (!rpc.is_exact_lookup() && cache_entry->is_non_covered_range() &&
!cache_entry->upper_bound_partition_key().empty()) {
*cache_entry = FindFloorOrDie(tablets_by_key, cache_entry->upper_bound_partition_key());
return Status::OK();
bool MetaCache::LookupEntryByKeyFastPath(const KuduTable* table,
const string& partition_key,
MetaCacheEntry* entry) {
shared_lock<rw_spinlock> l(lock_.get_lock());
const TabletMap* tablets = FindOrNull(tablets_by_table_and_key_, table->id());
if (PREDICT_FALSE(!tablets)) {
// No cache available for this table.
return false;
const MetaCacheEntry* e = FindFloorOrNull(*tablets, partition_key);
if (PREDICT_FALSE(!e)) {
// No tablets with a start partition key lower than 'partition_key'.
return false;
// Stale entries must be re-fetched.
if (e->stale()) {
return false;
if (e->Contains(partition_key)) {
*entry = *e;
return true;
return false;
Status MetaCache::DoFastPathLookup(const KuduTable* table,
string* partition_key,
MetaCache::LookupType lookup_type,
scoped_refptr<RemoteTablet>* remote_tablet) {
MetaCacheEntry entry;
while (PREDICT_TRUE(LookupEntryByKeyFastPath(table, *partition_key, &entry))
&& (entry.is_non_covered_range() || entry.tablet()->HasLeader())) {
VLOG(4) << "Fast lookup: found " << entry.DebugString(table) << " for "
<< DebugLowerBoundPartitionKey(table, *partition_key);
if (!entry.is_non_covered_range()) {
if (remote_tablet) {
*remote_tablet = entry.tablet();
return Status::OK();
if (lookup_type == LookupType::kPoint || entry.upper_bound_partition_key().empty()) {
return Status::NotFound("No tablet covering the requested range partition",
*partition_key = entry.upper_bound_partition_key();
return Status::Incomplete("");
void MetaCache::ClearNonCoveredRangeEntries(const std::string& table_id) {
VLOG(3) << "Clearing non-covered range entries of table " << table_id;
std::lock_guard<percpu_rwlock> l(lock_);
TabletMap* tablets = FindOrNull(tablets_by_table_and_key_, table_id);
if (PREDICT_FALSE(!tablets)) {
// No cache available for this table.
for (auto it = tablets->begin(); it != tablets->end();) {
if (it->second.is_non_covered_range()) {
it = tablets->erase(it);
} else {
void MetaCache::ClearCache() {
VLOG(3) << "Clearing cache";
std::lock_guard<percpu_rwlock> l(lock_);
void MetaCache::LookupTabletByKey(const KuduTable* table,
string partition_key,
const MonoTime& deadline,
MetaCache::LookupType lookup_type,
scoped_refptr<RemoteTablet>* remote_tablet,
const StatusCallback& callback) {
// Try a fast path without allocating a LookupRpc.
// This avoids the allocation and also reference count increment/decrements.
Status fastpath_status = DoFastPathLookup(
table, &partition_key, lookup_type, remote_tablet);
if (!fastpath_status.IsIncomplete()) {
LookupRpc* rpc = new LookupRpc(this,
void MetaCache::MarkTSFailed(RemoteTabletServer* ts,
const Status& status) {
LOG(INFO) << "Marking tablet server " << ts->ToString() << " as failed.";
Status ts_status = status.CloneAndPrepend("TS failed");
shared_lock<rw_spinlock> l(lock_.get_lock());
// TODO: replace with a ts->tablet multimap for faster lookup?
for (const auto& tablet : tablets_by_id_) {
// We just loop on all tablets; if a tablet does not have a replica on this
// TS, MarkReplicaFailed() returns false and we ignore the return value.
tablet.second->MarkReplicaFailed(ts, ts_status);
bool MetaCache::AcquireMasterLookupPermit() {
return master_lookup_sem_.TryAcquire();
void MetaCache::ReleaseMasterLookupPermit() {
string MetaCache::DebugLowerBoundPartitionKey(const KuduTable* table, const string& partition_key) {
return partition_key.empty() ? "<start>" :
table->partition_schema().PartitionKeyDebugString(partition_key, *table->schema().schema_);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace client
} // namespace kudu