blob: 67ddefb984fc5107ec5c77c771dc24198dc3d2e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2008 and onwards Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Maintainer: Greg Miller <>
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/split.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "kudu/gutil/integral_types.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/ascii_ctype.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strtoint.h"
using std::unordered_map;
using std::unordered_set;
using std::back_insert_iterator;
using std::map;
using std::numeric_limits;
using std::pair;
using std::set;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
// Implementations for some of the Split2 API. Much of the Split2 API is
// templated so it exists in header files, either strings/split.h or
// strings/split_iternal.h.
namespace strings {
namespace delimiter {
namespace {
// This GenericFind() template function encapsulates the finding algorithm
// shared between the Literal and AnyOf delimiters. The FindPolicy template
// parameter allows each delimiter to customize the actual find function to use
// and the length of the found delimiter. For example, the Literal delimiter
// will ultimately use StringPiece::find(), and the AnyOf delimiter will use
// StringPiece::find_first_of().
template <typename FindPolicy>
StringPiece GenericFind(
StringPiece text,
StringPiece delimiter,
FindPolicy find_policy) {
if (delimiter.empty() && text.length() > 0) {
// Special case for empty string delimiters: always return a zero-length
// StringPiece referring to the item at position 1.
return StringPiece(text.begin() + 1, 0);
int found_pos = StringPiece::npos;
StringPiece found(text.end(), 0); // By default, not found
found_pos = find_policy.Find(text, delimiter);
if (found_pos != StringPiece::npos) {
found.set( + found_pos, find_policy.Length(delimiter));
return found;
// Finds using StringPiece::find(), therefore the length of the found delimiter
// is delimiter.length().
struct LiteralPolicy {
int Find(StringPiece text, StringPiece delimiter) {
return text.find(delimiter);
int Length(StringPiece delimiter) {
return delimiter.length();
// Finds using StringPiece::find_first_of(), therefore the length of the found
// delimiter is 1.
struct AnyOfPolicy {
size_t Find(StringPiece text, StringPiece delimiter) {
return text.find_first_of(delimiter);
int Length(StringPiece delimiter) {
return 1;
} // namespace
// Literal
Literal::Literal(StringPiece sp) : delimiter_(sp.ToString()) {
StringPiece Literal::Find(StringPiece text) const {
return GenericFind(text, delimiter_, LiteralPolicy());
// AnyOf
AnyOf::AnyOf(StringPiece sp) : delimiters_(sp.ToString()) {
StringPiece AnyOf::Find(StringPiece text) const {
return GenericFind(text, delimiters_, AnyOfPolicy());
} // namespace delimiter
} // namespace strings
// ==================== LEGACY SPLIT FUNCTIONS ====================
using ::strings::SkipEmpty;
using ::strings::delimiter::AnyOf;
using ::strings::delimiter::Limit;
namespace {
// Appends the results of a split to the specified container. This function has
// the following overloads:
// - vector<string> - for better performance
// - map<string, string> - to change append semantics
// - unordered_map<string, string> - to change append semantics
template <typename Container, typename Splitter>
void AppendToImpl(Container* container, Splitter splitter) {
Container c = splitter; // Calls implicit conversion operator.
std::copy(c.begin(), c.end(), std::inserter(*container, container->end()));
// Overload of AppendToImpl() that is optimized for appending to vector<string>.
// This version eliminates a couple string copies by using a vector<StringPiece>
// as the intermediate container.
template <typename Splitter>
void AppendToImpl(vector<string>* container, Splitter splitter) {
vector<StringPiece> vsp = splitter; // Calls implicit conversion operator.
size_t container_size = container->size();
container->resize(container_size + vsp.size());
for (const auto& sp : vsp) {
// Here we define two AppendToImpl() overloads for map<> and unordered_map<>. Both of
// these overloads call through to this AppendToMap() function. This is needed
// because inserting a duplicate key into a map does NOT overwrite the previous
// value, which was not the behavior of the split1 Split*() functions. Consider
// this example:
// map<string, string> m;
// m.insert(std::make_pair("a", "1"));
// m.insert(std::make_pair("a", "2")); // <-- doesn't actually insert.
// ASSERT_EQ(m["a"], "1"); // <-- "a" has value "1" not "2".
// Due to this behavior of map::insert, we can't rely on a normal std::inserter
// for a maps. Instead, maps and unordered_maps need to be special cased to implement
// the desired append semantic of inserting an existing value overwrites the
// previous value.
// This same issue is true with sets as well. However, since sets don't have a
// separate key and value, failing to overwrite an existing value in a set is
// fine because the value already exists in the set.
template <typename Map, typename Splitter>
void AppendToMap(Map* m, Splitter splitter) {
Map tmp = splitter; // Calls implicit conversion operator.
for (typename Map::const_iterator it = tmp.begin(); it != tmp.end(); ++it) {
(*m)[it->first] = it->second;
template <typename Splitter>
void AppendToImpl(map<string, string>* map_container, Splitter splitter) {
AppendToMap(map_container, splitter);
template <typename Splitter>
void AppendToImpl(unordered_map<string, string>* map_container, Splitter splitter) {
AppendToMap(map_container, splitter);
// Appends the results of a call to strings::Split() to the specified container.
// This function is used with the new strings::Split() API to implement the
// append semantics of the legacy Split*() functions.
// The "Splitter" template parameter is intended to be a
// ::strings::internal::Splitter<>, which is the return value of a call to
// strings::Split(). Sample usage:
// vector<string> v;
// ... add stuff to "v" ...
// AppendTo(&v, strings::Split("a,b,c", ","));
template <typename Container, typename Splitter>
void AppendTo(Container* container, Splitter splitter) {
if (container->empty()) {
// "Appending" to an empty container is by far the common case. For this we
// assign directly to the output container, which is more efficient than
// explicitly appending.
*container = splitter; // Calls implicit conversion operator.
} else {
AppendToImpl(container, splitter);
} // anonymous namespace
// Constants for ClipString()
static const int kMaxOverCut = 12;
// The ellipsis to add to strings that are too long
static const char kCutStr[] = "...";
static const int kCutStrSize = sizeof(kCutStr) - 1;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Return the place to clip the string at, or -1
// if the string doesn't need to be clipped.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
static int ClipStringHelper(const char* str, int max_len, bool use_ellipsis) {
if (strlen(str) <= max_len)
return -1;
int max_substr_len = max_len;
if (use_ellipsis && max_len > kCutStrSize) {
max_substr_len -= kCutStrSize;
const char* cut_by =
(max_substr_len < kMaxOverCut ? str : str + max_len - kMaxOverCut);
const char* cut_at = str + max_substr_len;
while (!ascii_isspace(*cut_at) && cut_at > cut_by)
if (cut_at == cut_by) {
// No space was found
return max_substr_len;
} else {
return cut_at-str;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ClipString
// Clip a string to a max length. We try to clip on a word boundary
// if this is possible. If the string is clipped, we append an
// ellipsis.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
void ClipString(char* str, int max_len) {
int cut_at = ClipStringHelper(str, max_len, true);
if (cut_at != -1) {
if (max_len > kCutStrSize) {
strcpy(str+cut_at, kCutStr);
} else {
strcpy(str+cut_at, "");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ClipString
// Version of ClipString() that uses string instead of char*.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
void ClipString(string* full_str, int max_len) {
int cut_at = ClipStringHelper(full_str->c_str(), max_len, true);
if (cut_at != -1) {
if (max_len > kCutStrSize) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SplitStringToIteratorAllowEmpty()
// Split a string using a character delimiter. Append the components
// to 'result'. If there are consecutive delimiters, this function
// will return corresponding empty strings. The string is split into
// at most the specified number of pieces greedily. This means that the
// last piece may possibly be split further. To split into as many pieces
// as possible, specify 0 as the number of pieces.
// If "full" is the empty string, yields an empty string as the only value.
// If "pieces" is negative for some reason, it returns the whole string
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename StringType, typename ITR>
static inline
void SplitStringToIteratorAllowEmpty(const StringType& full,
const char* delim,
int pieces,
ITR& result) {
string::size_type begin_index, end_index;
begin_index = 0;
for (int i = 0; (i < pieces-1) || (pieces == 0); i++) {
end_index = full.find_first_of(delim, begin_index);
if (end_index == string::npos) {
*result++ = full.substr(begin_index);
*result++ = full.substr(begin_index, (end_index - begin_index));
begin_index = end_index + 1;
*result++ = full.substr(begin_index);
void SplitStringIntoNPiecesAllowEmpty(const string& full,
const char* delim,
int pieces,
vector<string>* result) {
if (pieces == 0) {
// No limit when pieces is 0.
AppendTo(result, strings::Split(full, AnyOf(delim)));
} else {
// The input argument "pieces" specifies the max size that *result should
// be. However, the argument to the Limit() delimiter is the max number of
// delimiters, which should be one less than "pieces". Example: "a,b,c" has
// 3 pieces and two comma delimiters.
int limit = std::max(pieces - 1, 0);
AppendTo(result, strings::Split(full, Limit(AnyOf(delim), limit)));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SplitStringAllowEmpty
// Split a string using a character delimiter. Append the components
// to 'result'. If there are consecutive delimiters, this function
// will return corresponding empty strings.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
void SplitStringAllowEmpty(const string& full, const char* delim,
vector<string>* result) {
AppendTo(result, strings::Split(full, AnyOf(delim)));
// If we know how much to allocate for a vector of strings, we can
// allocate the vector<string> only once and directly to the right size.
// This saves in between 33-66 % of memory space needed for the result,
// and runs faster in the microbenchmarks.
// The reserve is only implemented for the single character delim.
// The implementation for counting is cut-and-pasted from
// SplitStringToIteratorUsing. I could have written my own counting iterator,
// and use the existing template function, but probably this is more clear
// and more sure to get optimized to reasonable code.
static int CalculateReserveForVector(const string& full, const char* delim) {
int count = 0;
if (delim[0] != '\0' && delim[1] == '\0') {
// Optimize the common case where delim is a single character.
char c = delim[0];
const char* p =;
const char* end = p + full.size();
while (p != end) {
if (*p == c) { // This could be optimized with hasless(v,1) trick.
} else {
while (++p != end && *p != c) {
// Skip to the next occurence of the delimiter.
return count;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SplitStringUsing()
// SplitStringToHashsetUsing()
// SplitStringToSetUsing()
// SplitStringToMapUsing()
// SplitStringToHashmapUsing()
// Split a string using a character delimiter. Append the components
// to 'result'.
// Note: For multi-character delimiters, this routine will split on *ANY* of
// the characters in the string, not the entire string as a single delimiter.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename StringType, typename ITR>
static inline
void SplitStringToIteratorUsing(const StringType& full,
const char* delim,
ITR& result) {
// Optimize the common case where delim is a single character.
if (delim[0] != '\0' && delim[1] == '\0') {
char c = delim[0];
const char* p =;
const char* end = p + full.size();
while (p != end) {
if (*p == c) {
} else {
const char* start = p;
while (++p != end && *p != c) {
// Skip to the next occurence of the delimiter.
*result++ = StringType(start, p - start);
string::size_type begin_index, end_index;
begin_index = full.find_first_not_of(delim);
while (begin_index != string::npos) {
end_index = full.find_first_of(delim, begin_index);
if (end_index == string::npos) {
*result++ = full.substr(begin_index);
*result++ = full.substr(begin_index, (end_index - begin_index));
begin_index = full.find_first_not_of(delim, end_index);
void SplitStringUsing(const string& full,
const char* delim,
vector<string>* result) {
result->reserve(result->size() + CalculateReserveForVector(full, delim));
std::back_insert_iterator< vector<string> > it(*result);
SplitStringToIteratorUsing(full, delim, it);
void SplitStringToHashsetUsing(const string& full, const char* delim,
unordered_set<string>* result) {
AppendTo(result, strings::Split(full, AnyOf(delim), strings::SkipEmpty()));
void SplitStringToSetUsing(const string& full, const char* delim,
set<string>* result) {
AppendTo(result, strings::Split(full, AnyOf(delim), strings::SkipEmpty()));
void SplitStringToMapUsing(const string& full, const char* delim,
map<string, string>* result) {
AppendTo(result, strings::Split(full, AnyOf(delim), strings::SkipEmpty()));
void SplitStringToHashmapUsing(const string& full, const char* delim,
unordered_map<string, string>* result) {
AppendTo(result, strings::Split(full, AnyOf(delim), strings::SkipEmpty()));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SplitStringPieceToVector()
// Split a StringPiece into sub-StringPieces based on delim
// and appends the pieces to 'vec'.
// If omit empty strings is true, empty strings are omitted
// from the resulting vector.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
void SplitStringPieceToVector(const StringPiece& full,
const char* delim,
vector<StringPiece>* vec,
bool omit_empty_strings) {
if (omit_empty_strings) {
AppendTo(vec, strings::Split(full, AnyOf(delim), SkipEmpty()));
} else {
AppendTo(vec, strings::Split(full, AnyOf(delim)));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SplitUsing()
// Split a string using a string of delimiters, returning vector
// of strings. The original string is modified to insert nulls.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
vector<char*>* SplitUsing(char* full, const char* delim) {
auto vec = new vector<char*>;
SplitToVector(full, delim, vec, true); // Omit empty strings
return vec;
void SplitToVector(char* full, const char* delim, vector<char*>* vec,
bool omit_empty_strings) {
char* next = full;
while ((next = gstrsep(&full, delim)) != nullptr) {
if (omit_empty_strings && next[0] == '\0') continue;
// Add last element (or full string if no delimeter found):
if (full != nullptr) {
void SplitToVector(char* full, const char* delim, vector<const char*>* vec,
bool omit_empty_strings) {
char* next = full;
while ((next = gstrsep(&full, delim)) != nullptr) {
if (omit_empty_strings && next[0] == '\0') continue;
// Add last element (or full string if no delimeter found):
if (full != nullptr) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SplitOneStringToken()
// Mainly a stringified wrapper around strpbrk()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
string SplitOneStringToken(const char ** source, const char * delim) {
if (!*source) {
return string();
const char * begin = *source;
// Optimize the common case where delim is a single character.
if (delim[0] != '\0' && delim[1] == '\0') {
*source = strchr(*source, delim[0]);
} else {
*source = strpbrk(*source, delim);
if (*source) {
return string(begin, (*source)++);
} else {
return string(begin);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SplitStringWithEscaping()
// SplitStringWithEscapingAllowEmpty()
// SplitStringWithEscapingToSet()
// SplitStringWithWithEscapingToHashset()
// Split the string using the specified delimiters, taking escaping into
// account. '\' is not allowed as a delimiter.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename ITR>
static inline
void SplitStringWithEscapingToIterator(const string& src,
const strings::CharSet& delimiters,
const bool allow_empty,
ITR* result) {
CHECK(!delimiters.Test('\\')) << "\\ is not allowed as a delimiter.";
string part;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < src.size(); ++i) {
char current_char = src[i];
if (delimiters.Test(current_char)) {
// Push substrings when we encounter delimiters.
if (allow_empty || !part.empty()) {
*(*result)++ = part;
} else if (current_char == '\\' && ++i < src.size()) {
// If we see a backslash, the next delimiter or backslash is literal.
current_char = src[i];
if (current_char != '\\' && !delimiters.Test(current_char)) {
// Don't honour unknown escape sequences: emit \f for \f.
} else {
// Otherwise, we have a normal character or trailing backslash.
// Push the trailing part.
if (allow_empty || !part.empty()) {
*(*result)++ = part;
void SplitStringWithEscaping(const string &full,
const strings::CharSet& delimiters,
vector<string> *result) {
std::back_insert_iterator< vector<string> > it(*result);
SplitStringWithEscapingToIterator(full, delimiters, false, &it);
void SplitStringWithEscapingAllowEmpty(const string &full,
const strings::CharSet& delimiters,
vector<string> *result) {
std::back_insert_iterator< vector<string> > it(*result);
SplitStringWithEscapingToIterator(full, delimiters, true, &it);
void SplitStringWithEscapingToSet(const string &full,
const strings::CharSet& delimiters,
set<string> *result) {
std::insert_iterator< set<string> > it(*result, result->end());
SplitStringWithEscapingToIterator(full, delimiters, false, &it);
void SplitStringWithEscapingToHashset(const string &full,
const strings::CharSet& delimiters,
unordered_set<string> *result) {
std::insert_iterator< unordered_set<string> > it(*result, result->end());
SplitStringWithEscapingToIterator(full, delimiters, false, &it);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SplitOneIntToken()
// SplitOneInt32Token()
// SplitOneUint32Token()
// SplitOneInt64Token()
// SplitOneUint64Token()
// SplitOneDoubleToken()
// SplitOneFloatToken()
// SplitOneDecimalIntToken()
// SplitOneDecimalInt32Token()
// SplitOneDecimalUint32Token()
// SplitOneDecimalInt64Token()
// SplitOneDecimalUint64Token()
// SplitOneHexUint32Token()
// SplitOneHexUint64Token()
// Mainly a stringified wrapper around strtol/strtoul/strtod
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Curried functions for the macro below
static inline long strto32_0(const char * source, char ** end) {
return strto32(source, end, 0); }
static inline unsigned long strtou32_0(const char * source, char ** end) {
return strtou32(source, end, 0); }
static inline int64 strto64_0(const char * source, char ** end) {
return strto64(source, end, 0); }
static inline uint64 strtou64_0(const char * source, char ** end) {
return strtou64(source, end, 0); }
static inline long strto32_10(const char * source, char ** end) {
return strto32(source, end, 10); }
static inline unsigned long strtou32_10(const char * source, char ** end) {
return strtou32(source, end, 10); }
static inline int64 strto64_10(const char * source, char ** end) {
return strto64(source, end, 10); }
static inline uint64 strtou64_10(const char * source, char ** end) {
return strtou64(source, end, 10); }
static inline uint32 strtou32_16(const char * source, char ** end) {
return strtou32(source, end, 16); }
static inline uint64 strtou64_16(const char * source, char ** end) {
return strtou64(source, end, 16); }
#define DEFINE_SPLIT_ONE_NUMBER_TOKEN(name, type, function) \
bool SplitOne##name##Token(const char ** source, const char * delim, \
type * value) { \
assert(source); \
assert(delim); \
assert(value); \
if (!*source) \
return false; \
/* Parse int */ \
char * end; \
*value = function(*source, &end); \
if (end == *source) \
return false; /* number not present at start of string */ \
if (end[0] && !strchr(delim, end[0])) \
return false; /* Garbage characters after int */ \
/* Advance past token */ \
if (*end != '\0') \
*source = const_cast<const char *>(end+1); \
else \
*source = NULL; \
return true; \
DEFINE_SPLIT_ONE_NUMBER_TOKEN(Int32, int32, strto32_0)
DEFINE_SPLIT_ONE_NUMBER_TOKEN(Uint32, uint32, strtou32_0)
DEFINE_SPLIT_ONE_NUMBER_TOKEN(Int64, int64, strto64_0)
DEFINE_SPLIT_ONE_NUMBER_TOKEN(Uint64, uint64, strtou64_0)
DEFINE_SPLIT_ONE_NUMBER_TOKEN(Double, double, strtod)
#ifdef _MSC_VER // has no strtof()
// Note: does an implicit cast to float.
DEFINE_SPLIT_ONE_NUMBER_TOKEN(DecimalInt, int, strto32_10)
DEFINE_SPLIT_ONE_NUMBER_TOKEN(DecimalInt32, int32, strto32_10)
DEFINE_SPLIT_ONE_NUMBER_TOKEN(DecimalUint32, uint32, strtou32_10)
DEFINE_SPLIT_ONE_NUMBER_TOKEN(DecimalInt64, int64, strto64_10)
DEFINE_SPLIT_ONE_NUMBER_TOKEN(DecimalUint64, uint64, strtou64_10)
DEFINE_SPLIT_ONE_NUMBER_TOKEN(HexUint32, uint32, strtou32_16)
DEFINE_SPLIT_ONE_NUMBER_TOKEN(HexUint64, uint64, strtou64_16)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SplitRange()
// Splits a string of the form "<from>-<to>". Either or both can be
// missing. A raw number (<to>) is interpreted as "<to>-". Modifies
// parameters insofar as they're specified by the string. RETURNS
// true iff the input is a well-formed range. If it RETURNS false,
// from and to remain unchanged. The range in rangestr should be
// terminated either by "\0" or by whitespace.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#define EOS(ch) ( (ch) == '\0' || ascii_isspace(ch) )
bool SplitRange(const char* rangestr, int* from, int* to) {
// We need to do the const-cast because strol takes a char**, not const char**
char* val = const_cast<char*>(rangestr);
if (val == nullptr || EOS(*val)) return true; // we'll say nothingness is ok
if ( val[0] == '-' && EOS(val[1]) ) // CASE 1: -
return true; // nothing changes
if ( val[0] == '-' ) { // CASE 2: -<i2>
const int int2 = strto32(val+1, &val, 10);
if ( !EOS(*val) ) return false; // not a valid integer
*to = int2; // only "to" changes
return true;
} else {
const int int1 = strto32(val, &val, 10);
if ( EOS(*val) || (*val == '-' && EOS(*(val+1))) ) {
*from = int1; // CASE 3: <i1>, same as <i1>-
return true; // only "from" changes
} else if (*val != '-') { // not a valid range
return false;
const int int2 = strto32(val+1, &val, 10);
if ( !EOS(*val) ) return false; // not a valid integer
*from = int1; // CASE 4: <i1>-<i2>
*to = int2;
return true;
void SplitCSVLineWithDelimiter(char* line, char delimiter,
vector<char*>* cols) {
char* end_of_line = line + strlen(line);
char* end;
char* start;
for (; line < end_of_line; line++) {
// Skip leading whitespace, unless said whitespace is the delimiter.
while (ascii_isspace(*line) && *line != delimiter)
if (*line == '"' && delimiter == ',') { // Quoted value...
start = ++line;
end = start;
for (; *line; line++) {
if (*line == '"') {
if (*line != '"') // [""] is an escaped ["]
break; // but just ["] is end of value
*end++ = *line;
// All characters after the closing quote and before the comma
// are ignored.
line = strchr(line, delimiter);
if (!line) line = end_of_line;
} else {
start = line;
line = strchr(line, delimiter);
if (!line) line = end_of_line;
// Skip all trailing whitespace, unless said whitespace is the delimiter.
for (end = line; end > start; --end) {
if (!ascii_isspace(end[-1]) || end[-1] == delimiter)
const bool need_another_column =
(*line == delimiter) && (line == end_of_line - 1);
*end = '\0';
// If line was something like [paul,] (comma is the last character
// and is not proceeded by whitespace or quote) then we are about
// to eliminate the last column (which is empty). This would be
// incorrect.
if (need_another_column)
assert(*line == '\0' || *line == delimiter);
void SplitCSVLine(char* line, vector<char*>* cols) {
SplitCSVLineWithDelimiter(line, ',', cols);
void SplitCSVLineWithDelimiterForStrings(const string &line,
char delimiter,
vector<string> *cols) {
// Unfortunately, the interface requires char* instead of const char*
// which requires copying the string.
char *cline = strndup_with_new(line.c_str(), line.size());
vector<char *> v;
SplitCSVLineWithDelimiter(cline, delimiter, &v);
for (vector<char*>::const_iterator ci = v.begin(); ci != v.end(); ++ci) {
delete[] cline;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace {
// Helper class used by SplitStructuredLineInternal.
class ClosingSymbolLookup {
explicit ClosingSymbolLookup(const char* symbol_pairs)
: closing_(),
valid_closing_() {
// Initialize the opening/closing arrays.
for (const char* symbol = symbol_pairs; *symbol != 0; ++symbol) {
unsigned char opening = *symbol;
// If the string ends before the closing character has been found,
// use the opening character as the closing character.
unsigned char closing = *symbol != 0 ? *symbol : opening;
closing_[opening] = closing;
valid_closing_[closing] = true;
if (*symbol == 0) break;
// Returns the closing character corresponding to an opening one,
// or 0 if the argument is not an opening character.
char GetClosingChar(char opening) const {
return closing_[static_cast<unsigned char>(opening)];
// Returns true if the argument is a closing character.
bool IsClosing(char c) const {
return valid_closing_[static_cast<unsigned char>(c)];
// Maps an opening character to its closing. If the entry contains 0,
// the character is not in the opening set.
char closing_[256];
// Valid closing characters.
bool valid_closing_[256];
char* SplitStructuredLineInternal(char* line,
char delimiter,
const char* symbol_pairs,
vector<char*>* cols,
bool with_escapes) {
ClosingSymbolLookup lookup(symbol_pairs);
// Stack of symbols expected to close the current opened expressions.
vector<char> expected_to_close;
bool in_escape = false;
char* current;
for (current = line; *current; ++current) {
char c = *current;
if (in_escape) {
in_escape = false;
} else if (with_escapes && c == '\\') {
// We are escaping the next character. Note the escape still appears
// in the output.
in_escape = true;
} else if (expected_to_close.empty() && c == delimiter) {
// We don't have any open expression, this is a valid separator.
*current = 0;
cols->push_back(current + 1);
} else if (!expected_to_close.empty() && c == expected_to_close.back()) {
// Can we close the currently open expression?
} else if (lookup.GetClosingChar(c)) {
// If this is an opening symbol, we open a new expression and push
// the expected closing symbol on the stack.
} else if (lookup.IsClosing(c)) {
// Error: mismatched closing symbol.
return current;
if (!expected_to_close.empty()) {
return current; // Missing closing symbol(s)
return nullptr; // Success
bool SplitStructuredLineInternal(StringPiece line,
char delimiter,
const char* symbol_pairs,
vector<StringPiece>* cols,
bool with_escapes) {
ClosingSymbolLookup lookup(symbol_pairs);
// Stack of symbols expected to close the current opened expressions.
vector<char> expected_to_close;
bool in_escape = false;
for (int i = 0; i < line.size(); ++i) {
char c = line[i];
if (in_escape) {
in_escape = false;
} else if (with_escapes && c == '\\') {
// We are escaping the next character. Note the escape still appears
// in the output.
in_escape = true;
} else if (expected_to_close.empty() && c == delimiter) {
// We don't have any open expression, this is a valid separator.
cols->back().remove_suffix(line.size() - i);
cols->push_back(StringPiece(line, i + 1));
} else if (!expected_to_close.empty() && c == expected_to_close.back()) {
// Can we close the currently open expression?
} else if (lookup.GetClosingChar(c)) {
// If this is an opening symbol, we open a new expression and push
// the expected closing symbol on the stack.
} else if (lookup.IsClosing(c)) {
// Error: mismatched closing symbol.
return false;
if (!expected_to_close.empty()) {
return false; // Missing closing symbol(s)
return true; // Success
} // anonymous namespace
char* SplitStructuredLine(char* line,
char delimiter,
const char *symbol_pairs,
vector<char*>* cols) {
return SplitStructuredLineInternal(line, delimiter, symbol_pairs, cols,
bool SplitStructuredLine(StringPiece line,
char delimiter,
const char* symbol_pairs,
vector<StringPiece>* cols) {
return SplitStructuredLineInternal(line, delimiter, symbol_pairs, cols,
char* SplitStructuredLineWithEscapes(char* line,
char delimiter,
const char *symbol_pairs,
vector<char*>* cols) {
return SplitStructuredLineInternal(line, delimiter, symbol_pairs, cols,
bool SplitStructuredLineWithEscapes(StringPiece line,
char delimiter,
const char* symbol_pairs,
vector<StringPiece>* cols) {
return SplitStructuredLineInternal(line, delimiter, symbol_pairs, cols,
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SplitStringIntoKeyValues()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
bool SplitStringIntoKeyValues(const string& line,
const string& key_value_delimiters,
const string& value_value_delimiters,
string *key, vector<string> *values) {
// find the key string
size_t end_key_pos = line.find_first_of(key_value_delimiters);
if (end_key_pos == string::npos) {
VLOG(1) << "cannot parse key from line: " << line;
return false; // no key
key->assign(line, 0, end_key_pos);
// find the values string
string remains(line, end_key_pos, line.size() - end_key_pos);
size_t begin_values_pos = remains.find_first_not_of(key_value_delimiters);
if (begin_values_pos == string::npos) {
VLOG(1) << "cannot parse value from line: " << line;
return false; // no value
string values_string(remains,
remains.size() - begin_values_pos);
// construct the values vector
if (value_value_delimiters.empty()) { // one value
} else { // multiple values
SplitStringUsing(values_string, value_value_delimiters.c_str(), values);
if (values->size() < 1) {
VLOG(1) << "cannot parse value from line: " << line;
return false; // no value
return true;
bool SplitStringIntoKeyValuePairs(const string& line,
const string& key_value_delimiters,
const string& key_value_pair_delimiters,
vector<pair<string, string> >* kv_pairs) {
vector<string> pairs;
SplitStringUsing(line, key_value_pair_delimiters.c_str(), &pairs);
bool success = true;
for (const auto& pair : pairs) {
string key;
vector<string> value;
if (!SplitStringIntoKeyValues(pair,
"", &key, &value)) {
// Don't return here, to allow for keys without associated
// values; just record that our split failed.
success = false;
// we expect atmost one value because we passed in an empty vsep to
// SplitStringIntoKeyValues
DCHECK_LE(value.size(), 1);
kv_pairs->push_back(make_pair(key, value.empty()? "" : value[0]));
return success;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SplitLeadingDec32Values()
// SplitLeadingDec64Values()
// A simple parser for space-separated decimal int32/int64 values.
// Appends parsed integers to the end of the result vector, stopping
// at the first unparsable spot. Skips past leading and repeated
// whitespace (does not consume trailing whitespace), and returns
// a pointer beyond the last character parsed.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
const char* SplitLeadingDec32Values(const char *str, vector<int32> *result) {
for (;;) {
char *end = nullptr;
long value = strtol(str, &end, 10);
if (end == str)
// Limit long values to int32 min/max. Needed for lp64.
if (value > numeric_limits<int32>::max()) {
value = numeric_limits<int32>::max();
} else if (value < numeric_limits<int32>::min()) {
value = numeric_limits<int32>::min();
str = end;
if (!ascii_isspace(*end))
return str;
const char* SplitLeadingDec64Values(const char *str, vector<int64> *result) {
for (;;) {
char *end = nullptr;
const int64 value = strtoll(str, &end, 10);
if (end == str)
str = end;
if (!ascii_isspace(*end))
return str;
void SplitStringToLines(const char* full,
int max_len,
int num_lines,
vector<string>* result) {
if (max_len <= 0) {
int pos = 0;
for (int i = 0; (i < num_lines || num_lines <= 0); i++) {
int cut_at = ClipStringHelper(full+pos, max_len, (i == num_lines - 1));
if (cut_at == -1) {
result->push_back(string(full+pos, cut_at));
if (i == num_lines - 1 && max_len > kCutStrSize) {
pos += cut_at;