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;; Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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(ns jepsen.kudu
"Tests for Apache Kudu"
(:require [ :refer :all]
[control :as c]
[db :as db]
[net :as net]
[util :as util :refer [meh]]]
[ :as cnet :refer [heal]]
[jepsen.os.debian :as debian]
[jepsen.kudu.util :as ku]))
(defn db
"The setup/teardown procedure for a Kudu node. A node can run either
a master or a tablet server."
(reify db/DB
(setup! [_ test node]
(info node "Setting up environment")
;; Restore the network. This is to clean-up left-overs from prior
;; nemesis-induced grudges.
(meh (cnet/heal))
(c/exec :service :rsyslog :start)
(ku/prepare-node test node)
(ku/sync-time test node)
(ku/start-kudu test node))
(info node "Kudu ready"))
(teardown! [_ test node]
(info node "Tearing down Kudu")
(when (.contains (:tservers test) node)
(ku/stop-kudu-tserver test node))
(when (.contains (:masters test) node)
(ku/stop-kudu-master test node)))
;; TODO collect table data for debugging
(info node "Kudu stopped"))
(log-files [_ test node]
(cond-> []
(.contains (:tservers test) node) (conj ku/kudu-tserver-log-file)
(.contains (:masters test) node) (conj ku/kudu-master-log-file)))))
(defn merge-options
"Merges the common options for all Kudu tests with the specific options
set on the test itself. This does not include 'db' or 'nodes'."
(let [default-opts {:os debian/os
:net net/iptables
:db (db)
;; The list of nodes that will run tablet servers.
:tservers [:n1 :n2 :n3 :n4 :n5]
;; The list of nodes that will run the kudu master.
:masters [:m1]
(str (:name opts) "-" (System/currentTimeMillis))
:ts-hb-interval-ms 1000
:ts-hb-max-failures-before-backoff 3
:ts-raft-hb-interval-ms 50
:ranges []}
custom-opts (merge default-opts opts)
derived-opts {:master-addresses
(ku/concatenate-addresses ku/master-rpc-port
(:masters custom-opts))
:nodes (vec (concat (:tservers custom-opts)
(:masters custom-opts)))}]
(merge custom-opts derived-opts)))
;; Common setup for all kudu tests.
(defn kudu-test
"Sets up the test parameters."
(merge-options opts))