blob: d87dd9bbe7a337975cec181f82bb230bfccfbcde [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "kudu/transactions/transactions.pb.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
namespace kudu {
class Schema;
namespace tablet {
class TabletReplica;
} // namespace tablet
namespace tserver {
class TabletServerErrorPB;
class WriteRequestPB;
} // namespace tserver
namespace transactions {
typedef std::pair<std::string, TxnParticipantEntryPB> ParticipantIdAndPB;
// Encapsulates the reading of state of the transaction status tablet.
// Different implementations of visitors may store the contents of the
// transactions differently in-memory.
class TransactionsVisitor {
// Signal to the visitor that a transaction exists with the given transaction
// ID and status, with the given group of participants.
virtual void VisitTransactionEntries(int64_t txn_id, TxnStatusEntryPB status_entry_pb,
std::vector<ParticipantIdAndPB> participants) = 0;
// TxnStatusTablet is a partition of a Kudu table that keeps track of
// transaction-related system information like the statuses and IDs of
// transactions and participants.
// It has the schema:
// (txn_id INT64, entry_type INT8, identifier STRING) -> metadata STRING
// - txn_id: the transaction ID associated with the entry. It is the first part
// of the compound key so iteration over the table entries yields all state
// relevant to a given transaction ID at once.
// - entry_type: a TxnStatusEntryType that indicates whether the entry is a
// transaction entry, participant entry, etc.
// - identifier: an extra identifier record that is used differently by
// different kinds of entries. For participant entries, this is the
// participant's tablet ID.
// - metadata: a protobuf message whose type depends on the entry_type.
// While the methods of this class are thread-safe, it is up to the caller
// to enforce any desired consistency constraints. E.g. if requested, the
// TxnStatusTablet will happily write entries indicating the presence of
// participants without there being a corresponding transaction status entry.
// If that behavior is not desirable, callers should coordinate calls to the
// TxnStatusTablet to avoid it.
// Expected usage of this class is to have a management layer that reads and
// writes to the underlying replica only if it is leader.
// TODO(awong): ensure that only the leader TxnStatusManager can call these.
// TODO(awong): delete transactions that are entirely aborted or committed.
// TODO(awong): consider batching writes.
class TxnStatusTablet {
static const char* const kTxnIdColName;
static const char* const kEntryTypeColName;
static const char* const kIdentifierColName;
static const char* const kMetadataColName;
static const char* const kTxnStatusTableName;
enum TxnStatusEntryType {
explicit TxnStatusTablet(tablet::TabletReplica* tablet_replica);
// Returns the schema of the transactions status table.
static const Schema& GetSchema();
static const Schema& GetSchemaWithoutIds();
// Uses the given visitor to iterate over the entries in the rows of the
// underlying tablet replica. This allows the visitor to load the on-disk
// contents of the tablet into a more usable memory representation.
Status VisitTransactions(TransactionsVisitor* visitor);
// Writes to the underlying storage. If there was an error replicating the
// request, returns the specific error via 'ts_error' and returns a non-OK
// error. If there was otherwise a logical error with the request (e.g. row
// already exists), returns an error without populating 'ts_error'.
Status AddNewTransaction(int64_t txn_id, const std::string& user,
tserver::TabletServerErrorPB* ts_error);
Status UpdateTransaction(int64_t txn_id, const TxnStatusEntryPB& pb,
tserver::TabletServerErrorPB* ts_error);
Status AddNewParticipant(int64_t txn_id, const std::string& tablet_id,
tserver::TabletServerErrorPB* ts_error);
Status UpdateParticipant(int64_t txn_id, const std::string& tablet_id,
const TxnParticipantEntryPB& pb,
tserver::TabletServerErrorPB* ts_error);
friend class TxnStatusManager;
// Writes 'req' to the underlying tablet replica, populating 'ts_error' and
// returning non-OK if there was a problem replicating the request, or simply
// returning a non-OK error if there were any row errors.
Status SyncWrite(const tserver::WriteRequestPB& req, tserver::TabletServerErrorPB* ts_error);
// The tablet replica that backs this transaction status tablet.
tablet::TabletReplica* tablet_replica_;
} // namespace transactions
} // namespace kudu