blob: d418b4443d5decea8407bf262d5036d439a140ba [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <atomic>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/optional/optional.hpp>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
#include "kudu/consensus/consensus.pb.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/consensus_meta.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include "kudu/consensus/consensus_queue.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/log.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/metadata.pb.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/opid.pb.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/ref_counted_replicate.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/port.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/ref_counted.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/metadata.pb.h"
#include "kudu/tserver/tserver.pb.h"
#include "kudu/util/locks.h"
#include "kudu/util/make_shared.h"
#include "kudu/util/metrics.h"
#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
#include "kudu/util/random.h"
#include "kudu/util/status_callback.h"
namespace kudu {
typedef std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> Lock;
typedef std::unique_ptr<Lock> ScopedLock;
class Status;
class ThreadPool;
class ThreadPoolToken;
namespace rpc {
class PeriodicTimer;
namespace consensus {
class ConsensusMetadataManager;
class ConsensusRound;
class ConsensusRoundHandler;
class PeerManager;
class PeerProxyFactory;
class PendingRounds;
class TimeManager;
struct ConsensusBootstrapInfo;
struct ElectionResult;
// Context containing resources shared by the Raft consensus instances on a
// single server.
struct ServerContext {
// Shared boolean that indicates whether the server is quiescing, in which
// case this replica should not attempt to become leader.
std::atomic<bool>* quiescing;
// Gauge indicating how many Raft tablet leaders are hosted on the server.
scoped_refptr<AtomicGauge<int32_t>> num_leaders;
// Threadpool on which to run Raft tasks.
ThreadPool* raft_pool;
struct ConsensusOptions {
std::string tablet_id;
struct TabletVotingState {
boost::optional<OpId> tombstone_last_logged_opid_;
tablet::TabletDataState data_state_;
TabletVotingState(boost::optional<OpId> tombstone_last_logged_opid,
tablet::TabletDataState data_state)
: tombstone_last_logged_opid_(std::move(tombstone_last_logged_opid)),
data_state_(data_state) {}
typedef int64_t ConsensusTerm;
typedef StatusCallback ConsensusReplicatedCallback;
typedef std::function<void(const std::string& reason)> MarkDirtyCallback;
class RaftConsensus : public std::enable_shared_from_this<RaftConsensus>,
public enable_make_shared<RaftConsensus>,
public PeerMessageQueueObserver {
// Modes for StartElection().
enum ElectionMode {
// A normal leader election. Peers will not vote for this node
// if they believe that a leader is alive.
// A "pre-election". Peers will vote as they would for a normal
// election, except that the votes will not be "binding". In other
// words, they will not durably record their vote.
// In this mode, peers will vote for this candidate even if they
// think a leader is alive. This can be used for a faster hand-off
// between a leader and one of its replicas.
// Reasons for StartElection().
enum ElectionReason {
// The election is being called because the Raft configuration has only
// a single node and has just started up.
// The election is being called because the timeout expired. In other
// words, the previous leader probably failed (or there was no leader
// in this term)
// The election is being started because of an explicit external request.
typedef std::pair<RaftPeerPB::Role, RaftPeerPB::MemberType> RoleAndMemberType;
// Factory method to construct and initialize a RaftConsensus instance.
static Status Create(ConsensusOptions options,
RaftPeerPB local_peer_pb,
scoped_refptr<ConsensusMetadataManager> cmeta_manager,
ServerContext server_ctx,
std::shared_ptr<RaftConsensus>* consensus_out);
// Starts running the Raft consensus algorithm.
// Start() is not thread-safe. Calls to Start() should be externally
// synchronized with calls accessing non-const members of this class.
Status Start(const ConsensusBootstrapInfo& info,
std::unique_ptr<PeerProxyFactory> peer_proxy_factory,
scoped_refptr<log::Log> log,
std::unique_ptr<TimeManager> time_manager,
ConsensusRoundHandler* round_handler,
const scoped_refptr<MetricEntity>& metric_entity,
MarkDirtyCallback cb);
// Returns true if RaftConsensus is running.
bool IsRunning() const;
// Emulates an election by increasing the term number and asserting leadership
// in the configuration by sending a NO_OP to other peers.
// This is NOT safe to use in a distributed configuration with failure detection
// enabled, as it could result in a split-brain scenario.
Status EmulateElectionForTests();
// Triggers a leader election.
Status StartElection(ElectionMode mode, ElectionReason reason);
// Wait until the node has LEADER role.
// Returns Status::TimedOut if the role is not LEADER within 'timeout'.
Status WaitUntilLeaderForTests(const MonoDelta& timeout);
// Return a copy of the failure detector instance. Only for use in tests.
std::shared_ptr<rpc::PeriodicTimer> GetFailureDetectorForTests() const {
return failure_detector_;
// Performs an abrupt leader step down. This node, if the leader, becomes a
// follower immediately and sleeps its failure detector for an extra election
// timeout to decrease its chances of being reelected.
Status StepDown(LeaderStepDownResponsePB* resp);
// Attempts to gracefully transfer leadership to the peer with uuid
// 'new_leader_uuid' or to the next up-to-date peer the leader gets
// a response from if 'new_leader_uuid' is boost::none. To allow peers time
// to catch up, the leader will not accept write or config change requests
// during a 'transfer period' that lasts one election timeout. If no
// successor is eligible by the end of the transfer period, leadership
// transfer fails and the leader resumes normal operation. The transfer is
// asynchronous: once the transfer period is started the method returns
// success.
// Additional calls to this method during the transfer period prolong it.
Status TransferLeadership(const boost::optional<std::string>& new_leader_uuid,
LeaderStepDownResponsePB* resp);
// Begin or end a leadership transfer period. During a transfer period, a
// leader will not accept writes or config changes, but will continue updating
// followers. If a leader transfer period is already in progress,
// BeginLeaderTransferPeriodUnlocked returns ServiceUnavailable.
Status BeginLeaderTransferPeriodUnlocked(
const boost::optional<std::string>& successor_uuid);
void EndLeaderTransferPeriod();
// Creates a new ConsensusRound, the entity that owns all the data
// structures required for a consensus round, such as the ReplicateMsg
// (and later on the CommitMsg). ConsensusRound will also point to and
// increase the reference count for the provided callbacks.
scoped_refptr<ConsensusRound> NewRound(
std::unique_ptr<ReplicateMsg> replicate_msg,
ConsensusReplicatedCallback replicated_cb);
// Called by a Leader to replicate an entry to the state machine.
// From the leader instance perspective execution proceeds as follows:
// Leader RaftConfig
// + +
// 1) Req->| Replicate() |
// | |
// 2) +-------------replicate-------------->|
// |<---------------ACK------------------+
// | |
// 3) +--+ |
// <----+ round.NotifyReplicationFinished()|
// | |
// 3a) | +------ update commitIndex ------->|
// | |
// 1) Caller calls Replicate(), method returns immediately to the caller and
// runs asynchronously.
// 2) Leader replicates the entry to the peers using the consensus
// algorithm, proceeds as soon as a majority of voters acknowledges the
// entry.
// 3) Leader defers to the caller by calling ConsensusRound::NotifyReplicationFinished,
// which calls the ConsensusReplicatedCallback.
// 3a) The leader asynchronously notifies other peers of the new
// commit index, which tells them to apply the operation.
// This method can only be called on the leader, i.e. role() == LEADER
Status Replicate(const scoped_refptr<ConsensusRound>& round);
// Ensures that the consensus implementation is currently acting as LEADER,
// and thus is allowed to submit operations to be prepared before they are
// replicated. To avoid a time-of-check-to-time-of-use (TOCTOU) race, the
// implementation also stores the current term inside the round's "bound_term"
// member. When we eventually are about to replicate the op, we verify
// that the term has not changed in the meantime.
Status CheckLeadershipAndBindTerm(const scoped_refptr<ConsensusRound>& round);
// Messages sent from LEADER to FOLLOWERS and LEARNERS to update their
// state machines. This is equivalent to "AppendEntries()" in Raft
// terminology.
// ConsensusRequestPB contains a sequence of 0 or more operations to apply
// on the replica. If there are 0 operations the request is considered
// 'status-only' i.e. the leader is communicating with the follower only
// in order to pass back and forth information on watermarks (eg committed
// operation ID, replicated op id, etc).
// If the sequence contains 1 or more operations they will be replicated
// in the same order as the leader, and submitted for asynchronous Prepare
// in the same order.
// The leader also provides information on the index of the latest
// operation considered committed by consensus. The replica uses this
// information to update the state of any pending (previously replicated/prepared)
// ops.
// Returns Status::OK if the response has been filled (regardless of accepting
// or rejecting the specific request). Returns non-OK Status if a specific
// error response could not be formed, which will result in the service
// returning an UNKNOWN_ERROR RPC error code to the caller and including the
// stringified Status message.
Status Update(const ConsensusRequestPB* request,
ConsensusResponsePB* response);
// Messages sent from CANDIDATEs to voting peers to request their vote
// in leader election.
// If 'tombstone_last_logged_opid' is set, this replica will attempt to vote
// in kInitialized and kStopped states, instead of just in the kRunning
// state.
Status RequestVote(const VoteRequestPB* request,
TabletVotingState tablet_voting_state,
VoteResponsePB* response);
// Implement a ChangeConfig() request.
Status ChangeConfig(const ChangeConfigRequestPB& req,
StatusCallback client_cb,
boost::optional<tserver::TabletServerErrorPB::Code>* error_code);
// Implement a BulkChangeConfig() request.
Status BulkChangeConfig(const BulkChangeConfigRequestPB& req,
StatusCallback client_cb,
boost::optional<tserver::TabletServerErrorPB::Code>* error_code);
// Implement an UnsafeChangeConfig() request.
Status UnsafeChangeConfig(const UnsafeChangeConfigRequestPB& req,
boost::optional<tserver::TabletServerErrorPB::Code>* error_code);
// Returns the last OpId (either received or committed, depending on the
// 'type' argument) that the Consensus implementation knows about.
// Returns boost::none if RaftConsensus was not properly initialized.
boost::optional<OpId> GetLastOpId(OpIdType type);
// Returns the current Raft role of this instance.
RaftPeerPB::Role role() const;
// Returns the current Raft role and member type of this instance.
// May return <UNKNOWN_ROLE, UNKNOWN_MEMBER_TYPE> if the information is not available.
RoleAndMemberType GetRoleAndMemberType() const;
// Returns the current term.
int64_t CurrentTerm() const;
// Returns the uuid of this peer.
// Thread-safe.
const std::string& peer_uuid() const;
// Returns the id of the tablet whose updates this consensus instance helps coordinate.
// Thread-safe.
const std::string& tablet_id() const;
TimeManager* time_manager() const { return time_manager_.get(); }
// Returns a copy of the state of the consensus system.
// If 'report_health' is set to 'INCLUDE_HEALTH_REPORT', and if the
// local replica believes it is the leader of the config, it will include a
// health report about each active peer in the committed config.
// If RaftConsensus has been shut down, returns Status::IllegalState.
// Does not modify the out-param 'cstate' unless an OK status is returned.
Status ConsensusState(ConsensusStatePB* cstate,
IncludeHealthReport report_health = EXCLUDE_HEALTH_REPORT) const;
// Returns a copy of the current committed Raft configuration.
RaftConfigPB CommittedConfig() const;
void DumpStatusHtml(std::ostream& out) const;
// Transition to kStopped state. See State enum definition for details.
// This is a no-op if the tablet is already in kStopped or kShutdown state;
// otherwise, Raft will pass through the kStopping state on the way to
// kStopped.
void Stop();
// Transition to kShutdown state. See State enum definition for details.
// It is legal to call this method while in any lifecycle state.
void Shutdown();
// Makes this peer advance it's term (and step down if leader), for tests.
Status AdvanceTermForTests(int64_t new_term);
int update_calls_for_tests() const {
return update_calls_for_tests_;
// PeerMessageQueueObserver implementation
// Updates the committed_index and triggers the Apply()s for whatever
// ops were pending.
// This is idempotent.
void NotifyCommitIndex(int64_t commit_index) override;
void NotifyTermChange(int64_t term) override;
void NotifyFailedFollower(const std::string& uuid,
int64_t term,
const std::string& reason) override;
void NotifyPeerToPromote(const std::string& peer_uuid) override;
void NotifyPeerToStartElection(const std::string& peer_uuid) override;
void NotifyPeerHealthChange() override;
// Return the log indexes which the consensus implementation would like to retain.
// The returned 'for_durability' index ensures that no logs are GCed before
// the operation is fully committed. The returned 'for_peers' index indicates
// the index of the farthest-behind peer so that the log will try to avoid
// GCing these before the peer has caught up.
log::RetentionIndexes GetRetentionIndexes();
// Return the on-disk size of the consensus metadata, in bytes.
int64_t MetadataOnDiskSize() const;
int64_t GetMillisSinceLastLeaderHeartbeat() const;
RaftConsensus(ConsensusOptions options,
RaftPeerPB local_peer_pb,
scoped_refptr<ConsensusMetadataManager> cmeta_manager,
ServerContext server_ctx);
friend class RaftConsensusQuorumTest;
FRIEND_TEST(RaftConsensusQuorumTest, TestConsensusContinuesIfAMinorityFallsBehind);
FRIEND_TEST(RaftConsensusQuorumTest, TestConsensusStopsIfAMajorityFallsBehind);
FRIEND_TEST(RaftConsensusQuorumTest, TestLeaderElectionWithQuiescedQuorum);
FRIEND_TEST(RaftConsensusQuorumTest, TestReplicasEnforceTheLogMatchingProperty);
FRIEND_TEST(RaftConsensusQuorumTest, TestRequestVote);
// RaftConsensus lifecycle states.
// Legal state transitions:
// kNew -> kInitialized -+-> kRunning -> kStopping -> kStopped -> kShutdown
// `----------------^
// NOTE: When adding / changing values in this enum, add the corresponding
// values to State_Name() as well.
enum State {
// The RaftConsensus object has been freshly constructed and is not yet
// initialized. A RaftConsensus object will never be made externally
// visible in this state.
// Raft has been initialized. It cannot accept writes, but it may be able
// to vote. See RequestVote() for details.
// Raft is running normally and will accept write requests and vote
// requests.
// Raft is in the process of stopping and will not accept writes. Voting
// may still be allowed. See RequestVote() for details.
// Raft is stopped and no longer accepting writes. However, voting may
// still be allowed; See RequestVote() for details.
// Raft is fully shut down and cannot accept writes or vote requests.
// Enum for the 'flush' argument to SetCurrentTermUnlocked() below.
enum FlushToDisk {
// Helper struct that contains the messages from the leader that we need to
// append to our log, after they've been deduplicated.
struct LeaderRequest {
std::string leader_uuid;
const OpId* preceding_opid;
std::vector<ReplicateRefPtr> messages;
// The positional index of the first message selected to be appended, in the
// original leader's request message sequence.
int64_t first_message_idx;
std::string OpsRangeString() const;
using LockGuard = std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock>;
using UniqueLock = std::unique_lock<simple_spinlock>;
// Returns string description for State enum value.
static const char* State_Name(State state);
// Return the minimum election timeout. Due to backoff and random
// jitter, election timeouts may be longer than this.
static MonoDelta MinimumElectionTimeout();
// Initializes the RaftConsensus object, including loading the consensus
// metadata.
Status Init();
// Change the lifecycle state of RaftConsensus. The definition of the State
// enum documents legal state transitions.
void SetStateUnlocked(State new_state);
// Set the leader UUID of the configuration and mark the tablet config dirty for
// reporting to the master.
void SetLeaderUuidUnlocked(const std::string& uuid);
// Replicate (as leader) a config change. This includes validating the new
// config and updating the peers and setting the new_configuration as pending.
// The old_configuration must be the currently-committed configuration.
Status ReplicateConfigChangeUnlocked(
RaftConfigPB old_config,
RaftConfigPB new_config,
StatusCallback client_cb);
// Update the peers and queue to be consistent with a new active configuration.
// Should only be called by the leader.
Status RefreshConsensusQueueAndPeersUnlocked();
// Makes the peer become leader.
// Returns OK once the change config op that has this peer as leader
// has been enqueued, the op will complete asynchronously.
// 'lock_' must be held for configuration change before calling.
Status BecomeLeaderUnlocked();
// Makes the peer become a replica, i.e. a FOLLOWER or a LEARNER.
// See EnableFailureDetector() for description of the 'fd_delta' parameter.
// 'lock_' must be held for configuration change before calling.
Status BecomeReplicaUnlocked(boost::optional<MonoDelta> fd_delta = boost::none);
// Updates the state in a replica by storing the received operations in the log
// and triggering the required ops. This method won't return until all
// operations have been stored in the log and all Prepares() have been completed,
// and a replica cannot accept any more Update() requests until this is done.
Status UpdateReplica(const ConsensusRequestPB* request,
ConsensusResponsePB* response);
// Deduplicates an RPC request making sure that we get only messages that we
// haven't appended to our log yet.
// On return 'deduplicated_req' is instantiated with only the new messages
// and the correct preceding id.
void DeduplicateLeaderRequestUnlocked(const ConsensusRequestPB* rpc_req,
LeaderRequest* deduplicated_req);
// Handles a request from a leader, refusing the request if the term is lower than
// ours or stepping down if it's higher.
Status HandleLeaderRequestTermUnlocked(const ConsensusRequestPB* request,
ConsensusResponsePB* response);
// Checks that the preceding op in 'req' is locally committed or pending and sets an
// appropriate error message in 'response' if not.
// If there is term mismatch between the preceding op id in 'req' and the local log's
// pending operations, we proactively abort those pending operations after and including
// the preceding op in 'req' to avoid a pointless cache miss in the leader's log cache.
Status EnforceLogMatchingPropertyMatchesUnlocked(const LeaderRequest& req,
ConsensusResponsePB* response)
// Check a request received from a leader, making sure:
// - The request is in the right term
// - The log matching property holds
// - Messages are de-duplicated so that we only process previously unprocessed requests.
// - We abort ops if the leader sends ops that have the same index as ops
// currently on the pendings set, but different terms.
// If this returns ok and the response has no errors, 'deduped_req' is set with only
// the messages to add to our state machine.
Status CheckLeaderRequestUnlocked(const ConsensusRequestPB* request,
ConsensusResponsePB* response,
LeaderRequest* deduped_req) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Abort any pending operations after the given op index,
// and also truncate the LogCache accordingly.
void TruncateAndAbortOpsAfterUnlocked(int64_t truncate_after_index);
// Begin a replica op. If the type of message in 'msg' is not a type
// that uses ops, delegates to StartConsensusOnlyRoundUnlocked().
Status StartFollowerOpUnlocked(const ReplicateRefPtr& msg);
// Returns true if this node is the only voter in the Raft configuration.
bool IsSingleVoterConfig() const;
// Return header string for RequestVote log messages, no 'lock_' is necessary.
std::string GetRequestVoteLogPrefixThreadSafe(const VoteRequestPB& request) const;
// Similar to the method above, but outputs more detailed information on the
// metadata of the RaftConsensus object. 'lock_' must be held.
std::string GetRequestVoteLogPrefixUnlocked(const VoteRequestPB& request) const;
// Fills the response with the current status, if an update was successful.
void FillConsensusResponseOKUnlocked(ConsensusResponsePB* response);
// Fills the response with an error code and error message.
void FillConsensusResponseError(ConsensusResponsePB* response,
ConsensusErrorPB::Code error_code,
const Status& status);
// Fill VoteResponsePB with the following information:
// - Update responder_term to current local term.
// - Set vote_granted to true.
void FillVoteResponseVoteGranted(VoteResponsePB* response);
// Enum for the 'responder_term' parameter of the FillVoterResponseVoteDenied()
// method below. Controls whether to populate the 'responder_term' field
// in the 'response' output parameter.
enum class ResponderTermPolicy {
DO_NOT_SET, // don't set the field
SET, // populate/set the field
// Fill VoteResponsePB with the following information:
// - Set vote_granted to false.
// - Set consensus_error.code to the given code.
// - Set or leave the responder_term field unset as prescribed by the
// 'responder_term' parameter.
void FillVoteResponseVoteDenied(
ConsensusErrorPB::Code error_code,
VoteResponsePB* response,
ResponderTermPolicy responder_term_policy = ResponderTermPolicy::SET);
// Respond to VoteRequest that the candidate has an old term.
Status RequestVoteRespondInvalidTerm(const VoteRequestPB* request, VoteResponsePB* response);
// Respond to VoteRequest that we already granted our vote to the candidate.
Status RequestVoteRespondVoteAlreadyGranted(const VoteRequestPB* request,
VoteResponsePB* response);
// Respond to VoteRequest that we already granted our vote to someone else.
Status RequestVoteRespondAlreadyVotedForOther(const VoteRequestPB* request,
VoteResponsePB* response);
// Respond to VoteRequest that the candidate's last-logged OpId is too old.
Status RequestVoteRespondLastOpIdTooOld(const OpId& local_last_logged_opid,
const VoteRequestPB* request,
VoteResponsePB* response);
// Respond to VoteRequest that the vote was not granted because we believe
// the leader to be alive.
Status RequestVoteRespondLeaderIsAlive(const VoteRequestPB* request,
VoteResponsePB* response);
// Respond to VoteRequest that the replica is already in the middle of servicing
// another vote request or an update from a valid leader.
Status RequestVoteRespondIsBusy(const VoteRequestPB* request,
VoteResponsePB* response);
// Respond to VoteRequest that the vote is granted for candidate.
Status RequestVoteRespondVoteGranted(const VoteRequestPB* request,
VoteResponsePB* response);
// Callback for leader election driver. ElectionCallback is run on the
// reactor thread, so it simply defers its work to DoElectionCallback.
void ElectionCallback(ElectionReason reason, const ElectionResult& result);
void DoElectionCallback(ElectionReason reason, const ElectionResult& result);
// Starts tracking the leader for failures. This occurs at startup, when a
// local peer transitions from LEADER to FOLLOWER or from NON_VOTER to VOTER,
// or after a failed election.
// If the failure detector is "snoozed" (see SnoozeFailureDetector()), it
// means some leader activity was observed and the failure detection period
// should be reset.
// If 'delta' is set, it is used as the initial period for leader failure
// detection. Otherwise, the minimum election timeout is used.
// If the failure detector is already enabled, this has no effect.
void EnableFailureDetector(boost::optional<MonoDelta> delta = boost::none);
// Stops tracking the leader for failures. This occurs when a local peer
// transitions from FOLLOWER to LEADER or from VOTER to NON_VOTER.
// If the failure detector is already disabled, this has no effect.
void DisableFailureDetector();
// Enables or disables the failure detector based on the role of the local
// peer in the active config. If the local peer a VOTER, but not the leader,
// then failure detection will be enabled. If the local peer is the leader,
// or a NON_VOTER, then failure detection will be disabled.
// See EnableFailureDetector() for an explanation of the 'delta' parameter,
// which is used if it is determined that the failure detector should be
// enabled.
void UpdateFailureDetectorState(boost::optional<MonoDelta> delta = boost::none);
// "Reset" the failure detector to indicate leader activity.
// When this is called a failure is guaranteed not to be detected before
// 'FLAGS_leader_failure_max_missed_heartbeat_periods' *
// 'FLAGS_raft_heartbeat_interval_ms' has elapsed, unless 'delta' is set, in
// which case its value is used as the next failure period.
// If 'reason_for_log' is set, then this method will print a log message when called.
// If the failure detector is unregistered, has no effect.
void SnoozeFailureDetector(boost::optional<std::string> reason_for_log = boost::none,
boost::optional<MonoDelta> delta = boost::none);
// Update the voting withhold interval, bumping it up for the minimum
// election timeout interval, i.e. 'FLAGS_raft_heartbeat_interval_ms' *
// 'FLAGS_leader_failure_max_missed_heartbeat_periods' milliseconds.
// This method is safe to call even it's a leader replica.
void WithholdVotes();
// Calculates a snooze delta for leader election.
// The delta increases exponentially with the difference between the current
// term and the term of the last committed operation.
// The maximum delta is capped by 'FLAGS_leader_failure_exp_backoff_max_delta_ms'.
MonoDelta LeaderElectionExpBackoffDeltaUnlocked();
// Handle when the term has advanced beyond the current term.
// 'flush' may be used to control whether the term change is flushed to disk.
Status HandleTermAdvanceUnlocked(ConsensusTerm new_term,
FlushToDisk flush = FLUSH_TO_DISK);
// Asynchronously (on thread_pool_) notify the TabletReplica that the consensus configuration
// has changed, thus reporting it back to the master.
void MarkDirty(const std::string& reason);
// Calls MarkDirty() if 'status' == OK. Then, always calls 'client_cb' with
// 'status' as its argument.
void MarkDirtyOnSuccess(const std::string& reason,
const StatusCallback& client_cb,
const Status& status);
// Attempt to remove the follower with the specified 'uuid' from the config,
// if the 'committed_config' is still the committed config and if the current
// node is the leader.
// Since this is inherently an asynchronous operation run on a thread pool,
// it may fail due to the configuration changing, the local node losing
// leadership, or the tablet shutting down.
// Logs a warning on failure.
void TryRemoveFollowerTask(const std::string& uuid,
const RaftConfigPB& committed_config,
const std::string& reason);
// Attempt to promote the given non-voter to a voter.
void TryPromoteNonVoterTask(const std::string& peer_uuid);
void TryStartElectionOnPeerTask(const std::string& peer_uuid);
// Called when the failure detector expires.
// Submits ReportFailureDetectedTask() to a thread pool.
void ReportFailureDetected();
// Call StartElection(), log a warning if the call fails (usually due to
// being shut down).
void ReportFailureDetectedTask();
// Handle the completion of replication of a config change operation.
// If 'status' is OK, this takes care of persisting the new configuration
// to disk as the committed configuration. A non-OK status indicates that
// the replication failed, in which case the pending configuration needs
// to be cleared such that we revert back to the old configuration.
void CompleteConfigChangeRoundUnlocked(ConsensusRound* round,
const Status& status);
// Trigger that a no-op ConsensusRound has finished replication.
// If the replication was successful, an status will be OK. Otherwise, it
// may be Aborted or some other error status.
// If 'status' is OK, write a Commit message to the local WAL based on the
// type of message it is.
// The 'client_cb' will be invoked at the end of this execution.
// NOTE: Must be called while holding 'lock_'.
void NonTxRoundReplicationFinished(ConsensusRound* round,
const StatusCallback& client_cb,
const Status& status);
// As a leader, append a new ConsensusRound to the queue.
Status AppendNewRoundToQueueUnlocked(const scoped_refptr<ConsensusRound>& round);
// As a follower, start a consensus round not associated with an op.
Status StartConsensusOnlyRoundUnlocked(const ReplicateRefPtr& msg);
// Add a new pending operation to PendingRounds, including the special handling
// necessary if this round contains a configuration change. These rounds must
// take effect as soon as they are received, rather than waiting for commitment
// (see Diego Ongaro's thesis section 4.1).
Status AddPendingOperationUnlocked(const scoped_refptr<ConsensusRound>& round);
// Checks that the replica is in the appropriate state and role to replicate
// the provided operation and that the replicate message does not yet have an
// OpId assigned.
Status CheckSafeToReplicateUnlocked(const ReplicateMsg& msg) const WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Return Status::IllegalState if 'state_' != kRunning, OK otherwise.
Status CheckRunningUnlocked() const WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Ensure the local peer is the active leader.
// Returns OK if leader, IllegalState otherwise.
Status CheckActiveLeaderUnlocked() const WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Returns OK if there is currently *no* configuration change pending, and
// IllegalState is there *is* a configuration change pending.
Status CheckNoConfigChangePendingUnlocked() const WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Sets the given configuration as pending commit. Does not persist into the peers
// metadata. In order to be persisted, SetCommittedConfigUnlocked() must be called.
Status SetPendingConfigUnlocked(const RaftConfigPB& new_config) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Changes the committed config for this replica. Checks that there is a
// pending configuration and that it is equal to this one. Persists changes to disk.
// Resets the pending configuration to null.
Status SetCommittedConfigUnlocked(const RaftConfigPB& config_to_commit);
// Checks if the term change is legal. If so, sets 'current_term'
// to 'new_term' and sets 'has voted' to no for the current term.
// If the caller knows that it will call another method soon after
// to flush the change to disk, it may set 'flush' to 'SKIP_FLUSH_TO_DISK'.
Status SetCurrentTermUnlocked(int64_t new_term,
FlushToDisk flush) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Returns the term set in the last config change round.
int64_t CurrentTermUnlocked() const;
// Accessors for the leader of the current term.
std::string GetLeaderUuidUnlocked() const;
bool HasLeaderUnlocked() const;
void ClearLeaderUnlocked();
// Return whether this peer has voted in the current term.
bool HasVotedCurrentTermUnlocked() const;
// Record replica's vote for the current term, then flush the consensus
// metadata to disk.
Status SetVotedForCurrentTermUnlocked(const std::string& uuid) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Return replica's vote for the current term.
// The vote must be set; use HasVotedCurrentTermUnlocked() to check.
const std::string& GetVotedForCurrentTermUnlocked() const;
const ConsensusOptions& GetOptions() const;
// See GetLastOpId().
boost::optional<OpId> GetLastOpIdUnlocked(OpIdType type);
std::string LogPrefix() const;
std::string LogPrefixUnlocked() const;
// A variant of LogPrefix which does not take the lock. This is a slightly
// less thorough prefix which only includes immutable (and thus thread-safe)
// information, but does not require the lock.
std::string LogPrefixThreadSafe() const;
std::string ToString() const;
std::string ToStringUnlocked() const;
ConsensusMetadata* consensus_metadata_for_tests() const;
const ConsensusOptions options_;
// Information about the local peer, including the local UUID.
const RaftPeerPB local_peer_pb_;
// Consensus metadata service.
const scoped_refptr<ConsensusMetadataManager> cmeta_manager_;
// State shared by Raft instances on a given server.
const ServerContext server_ctx_;
// TODO(dralves) hack to serialize updates due to repeated/out-of-order messages
// should probably be refactored out.
// Lock ordering note: If both 'update_lock_' and 'lock_' are to be taken,
// 'update_lock_' lock must be taken first.
mutable simple_spinlock update_lock_;
// Coarse-grained lock that protects all mutable data members.
mutable simple_spinlock lock_;
std::atomic<State> state_;
// Consensus metadata persistence object.
scoped_refptr<ConsensusMetadata> cmeta_;
// Threadpool token for constructing requests to peers, handling RPC callbacks, etc.
std::unique_ptr<ThreadPoolToken> raft_pool_token_;
scoped_refptr<log::Log> log_;
std::unique_ptr<TimeManager> time_manager_;
std::unique_ptr<PeerProxyFactory> peer_proxy_factory_;
// When we receive a message from a remote peer telling us to start an op, or
// finish a round, we use this handler to handle it. This may update replica
// state (e.g. the tablet replica).
ConsensusRoundHandler* round_handler_;
std::unique_ptr<PeerManager> peer_manager_;
// The queue of messages that must be sent to peers.
std::unique_ptr<PeerMessageQueue> queue_;
// The currently pending rounds that have not yet been committed by
// consensus. Protected by 'lock_'.
// TODO(todd) these locks will become more fine-grained.
std::unique_ptr<PendingRounds> pending_;
Random rng_;
std::shared_ptr<rpc::PeriodicTimer> failure_detector_;
// Whether a replica, switched into the leader mode, has successfully
// scheduled a NO_OP Raft message to replicate, asserting its leadership in
// the term where it has just become a leader.
std::atomic<bool> leader_is_ready_;
// A few fields used for the leadership transfer process.
std::atomic<bool> leader_transfer_in_progress_;
boost::optional<std::string> designated_successor_uuid_;
std::shared_ptr<rpc::PeriodicTimer> transfer_period_timer_;
// Any RequestVote() arriving before this timestamp is ignored (i.e. responded
// to with NO vote). This prevents abandoned or partitioned nodes from
// disturbing the healthy leader.
std::atomic<MonoTime> withhold_votes_until_;
// The last OpId received from the current leader. This is updated whenever the follower
// accepts operations from a leader, and passed back so that the leader knows from what
// point to continue sending operations.
OpId last_received_cur_leader_;
// The number of times this node has called and lost a leader election since
// the last time it saw a stable leader (either itself or another node).
// This is used to calculate back-off of the election timeout.
int64_t failed_elections_since_stable_leader_;
MarkDirtyCallback mark_dirty_clbk_;
// A flag to help us avoid taking a lock on the reactor thread if the object
// is already in kShutdown state.
// TODO(mpercy): Try to get rid of this extra flag.
std::atomic<bool> shutdown_;
// The number of times Update() has been called, used for some test assertions.
std::atomic<int32_t> update_calls_for_tests_;
// The wrapping into std::atomic<> is to simplify the synchronization between
// consensus-related writers and readers of the attached metric gauge.
std::atomic<int64_t> last_leader_communication_time_micros_;
scoped_refptr<Counter> follower_memory_pressure_rejections_;
scoped_refptr<AtomicGauge<int64_t>> term_metric_;
scoped_refptr<AtomicGauge<int64_t>> num_failed_elections_metric_;
// NOTE: it's important that this is the first member to be destructed. This
// ensures we do not attempt to collect metrics while calling the destructor.
FunctionGaugeDetacher metric_detacher_;
// After completing bootstrap, some of the results need to be plumbed through
// into the consensus implementation.
struct ConsensusBootstrapInfo {
// The id of the last operation in the log
OpId last_id;
// The id of the last committed operation in the log.
OpId last_committed_id;
// REPLICATE messages which were in the log with no accompanying
// COMMIT. These need to be passed along to consensus init in order
// to potentially commit them.
// These are owned by the ConsensusBootstrapInfo instance.
std::vector<ReplicateMsg*> orphaned_replicates;
// Handler for consensus rounds.
// An implementation of this handler must be registered prior to consensus
// start, and is used to:
// - Create ops when the consensus implementation receives messages from the
// leader.
// - Handle when the consensus implementation finishes a no-op round
// Follower ops execute the following way:
// - When a ReplicateMsg is first received from the leader, the RaftConsensus
// instance creates the ConsensusRound and calls StartFollowerOp().
// This will trigger the Prepare(). At the same time, the follower's consensus
// instance immediately stores the ReplicateMsg in the Log. Once the
// message is stored in stable storage an ACK is sent to the leader (i.e. the
// replica RaftConsensus instance does not wait for Prepare() to finish).
// - When the CommitMsg for a replicate is first received from the leader, the
// follower waits for the corresponding Prepare() to finish (if it has not
// completed yet) and then proceeds to trigger the Apply().
// - Once Apply() completes the ConsensusRoundHandler is responsible for logging
// a CommitMsg to the log to ensure that the operation can be properly restored
// on a restart.
class ConsensusRoundHandler {
virtual ~ConsensusRoundHandler() {}
virtual Status StartFollowerOp(const scoped_refptr<ConsensusRound>& context) = 0;
// Consensus-only rounds complete when the no-op finishes replication. This
// can be used to trigger callbacks, akin to an Apply() for regular ops.
virtual void FinishConsensusOnlyRound(ConsensusRound* round) = 0;
// Context for a consensus round on the LEADER side, typically created as an
// out-parameter of RaftConsensus::Append().
// This class is ref-counted because we want to ensure it stays alive for the
// duration of the Op when it is associated with a Op, while
// we also want to ensure it has a proper lifecycle when a ConsensusRound is
// pushed that is not associated with a Tablet op.
class ConsensusRound : public RefCountedThreadSafe<ConsensusRound> {
// Ctor used for leader ops. Leader ops can and must specify the
// callbacks prior to initiating the consensus round.
ConsensusRound(RaftConsensus* consensus,
std::unique_ptr<ReplicateMsg> replicate_msg,
ConsensusReplicatedCallback replicated_cb);
// Ctor used for follower/learner ops. These ops do not use the
// replicate callback and the commit callback is set later, after the op
// is actually started.
ConsensusRound(RaftConsensus* consensus,
ReplicateRefPtr replicate_msg);
ReplicateMsg* replicate_msg() {
return replicate_msg_->get();
const ReplicateRefPtr& replicate_scoped_refptr() {
return replicate_msg_;
// Returns the id of the (replicate) operation this context
// refers to. This is only set _after_ RaftConsensus::Replicate(context).
OpId id() const {
return replicate_msg_->get()->id();
// Register a callback that is called by RaftConsensus to notify that the round
// is considered either replicated, if 'status' is OK(), or that it has
// permanently failed to replicate if 'status' is anything else. If 'status'
// is OK() then the operation can be applied to the state machine, otherwise
// the operation should be aborted.
void SetConsensusReplicatedCallback(ConsensusReplicatedCallback replicated_cb) {
replicated_cb_ = std::move(replicated_cb);
// If a continuation was set, notifies it that the round has been replicated.
void NotifyReplicationFinished(const Status& status);
// Binds this round such that it may not be eventually executed in any term
// other than 'term'. See CheckBoundTerm().
void BindToTerm(int64_t term) {
DCHECK_EQ(bound_term_, -1);
bound_term_ = term;
// Check for a rare race in which an operation is submitted to the LEADER in some term,
// then before the operation is prepared, the replica loses its leadership, receives
// more operations as a FOLLOWER, and then regains its leadership. We detect this case
// by setting the ConsensusRound's "bound term" when it is first submitted to the
// PREPARE queue, and validate that the term is still the same when we have finished
// preparing it. See KUDU-597 for details.
// If this round has not been bound to any term, this is a no-op.
Status CheckBoundTerm(int64_t current_term) const;
friend class RefCountedThreadSafe<ConsensusRound>;
friend class RaftConsensusQuorumTest;
~ConsensusRound() {}
RaftConsensus* consensus_;
// This round's replicate message.
ReplicateRefPtr replicate_msg_;
// The continuation that will be called once the op is deemed
// committed/aborted by consensus.
ConsensusReplicatedCallback replicated_cb_;
// The leader term that this round was submitted in. CheckBoundTerm()
// ensures that, when it is eventually replicated, the term has not
// changed in the meantime.
// Set to -1 if no term has been bound.
int64_t bound_term_;
} // namespace consensus
} // namespace kudu