blob: 34dccb7d177e1db427e200165d6f660f77fde619 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "kudu/common/row_operations.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <gflags/gflags_declare.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "kudu/common/common.pb.h"
#include "kudu/common/partial_row.h"
#include "kudu/common/row.h"
#include "kudu/common/schema.h"
#include "kudu/common/types.h"
#include "kudu/common/wire_protocol.pb.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/basictypes.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/dynamic_annotations.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/util/bitmap.h"
#include "kudu/util/memory/arena.h"
#include "kudu/util/slice.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_macros.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_util.h"
using std::shared_ptr;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using strings::Substitute;
namespace kudu {
class RowOperationsTest : public KuduTest {
: arena_(1024) {
SchemaBuilder builder;
CHECK_OK(builder.AddKeyColumn("key", INT32));
CHECK_OK(builder.AddColumn("int_val", INT32));
CHECK_OK(builder.AddNullableColumn("string_val", STRING));
schema_ = builder.Build();
schema_without_ids_ = builder.BuildWithoutIds();
void CheckDecodeDoesntCrash(const Schema& client_schema,
const Schema& server_schema,
const RowOperationsPB& pb);
void DoFuzzTest(const Schema& server_schema,
const KuduPartialRow& row,
int n_random_changes);
Schema schema_;
Schema schema_without_ids_;
Arena arena_;
// Perform some random mutation to a random byte in the provided string.
static void DoRandomMutation(string* s) {
int target_idx = random() % s->size();
char* target_byte = &(*s)[target_idx];
switch (random() % 3) {
case 0:
// increment a random byte by 1
case 1:
// decrement a random byte by 1
case 2:
// replace byte with random value
(*target_byte) = random();
void RowOperationsTest::CheckDecodeDoesntCrash(const Schema& client_schema,
const Schema& server_schema,
const RowOperationsPB& pb) {
RowOperationsPBDecoder decoder(&pb, &client_schema, &server_schema, &arena_);
// Decoding the operations, regardless of the mode, should not result in a
// crash.
vector<DecodedRowOperation> ops;
Status s = decoder.DecodeOperations<DecoderMode::WRITE_OPS>(&ops);
if (!s.ok()) {
s = decoder.DecodeOperations<DecoderMode::SPLIT_ROWS>(&ops);
if (s.ok() && !ops.empty()) {
// If we got an OK result, then we should be able to stringify without
// crashing. This ensures that any indirect data (eg strings) gets
// set correctly.
// Bad Status is OK -- we expect corruptions here.
void RowOperationsTest::DoFuzzTest(const Schema& server_schema,
const KuduPartialRow& row,
int n_random_changes) {
for (int operation = 0; operation <= 11; operation++) {
RowOperationsPB pb;
RowOperationsPBEncoder enc(&pb);
switch (operation) {
case 0:
enc.Add(RowOperationsPB::INSERT, row);
case 1:
enc.Add(RowOperationsPB::UPSERT, row);
case 2:
enc.Add(RowOperationsPB::UPDATE, row);
case 3:
enc.Add(RowOperationsPB::DELETE, row);
case 4:
enc.Add(RowOperationsPB::SPLIT_ROW, row);
case 5:
enc.Add(RowOperationsPB::RANGE_LOWER_BOUND, row);
case 6:
enc.Add(RowOperationsPB::RANGE_UPPER_BOUND, row);
case 7:
enc.Add(RowOperationsPB::EXCLUSIVE_RANGE_LOWER_BOUND, row);
case 8:
enc.Add(RowOperationsPB::INCLUSIVE_RANGE_UPPER_BOUND, row);
case 9:
enc.Add(RowOperationsPB::INSERT_IGNORE, row);
case 10:
enc.Add(RowOperationsPB::UPDATE_IGNORE, row);
case 11:
enc.Add(RowOperationsPB::DELETE_IGNORE, row);
const Schema* client_schema = row.schema();
// Check that the un-mutated row doesn't crash.
CheckDecodeDoesntCrash(*client_schema, server_schema, pb);
RowOperationsPB mutated;
// Check all possible truncations of the protobuf 'rows' field.
for (int i = 0; i < pb.rows().size(); i++) {
CheckDecodeDoesntCrash(*client_schema, server_schema, mutated);
// Check bit flips of every bit in the first three bytes, which are
// particularly interesting, since they contain the null/isset
// bitmaps.
for (int bit = 0; bit < 8 * 3; bit++) {
int byte_idx = bit / 8;
int bit_idx = bit % 8;
int mask = 1 << bit_idx;
(*mutated.mutable_rows())[byte_idx] ^= mask;
CheckDecodeDoesntCrash(*client_schema, server_schema, mutated);
(*mutated.mutable_rows())[byte_idx] ^= mask;
// Check random byte changes in the 'rows' field.
for (int i = 0; i < n_random_changes; i++) {
CheckDecodeDoesntCrash(*client_schema, server_schema, mutated);
// Test that, even if the protobuf is corrupt in some way, we do not
// crash. These protobufs are provided by clients, so we want to make sure
// a malicious client can't crash the server.
TEST_F(RowOperationsTest, FuzzTest) {
const int n_iters = AllowSlowTests() ? 10000 : 1000;
KuduPartialRow row(&schema_without_ids_);
EXPECT_OK(row.SetInt32("int_val", 54321));
EXPECT_OK(row.SetStringCopy("string_val", "hello world"));
DoFuzzTest(schema_, row, n_iters);
DoFuzzTest(schema_, row, n_iters);
// Add the given column, but with some probability change the type
// and nullability.
void AddFuzzedColumn(SchemaBuilder* builder,
const string& name,
DataType default_type) {
DataType rand_types[] = {INT32, INT64, DOUBLE, STRING};
DataType t = default_type;
if (random() % 3 == 0) {
t = rand_types[random() % arraysize(rand_types)];
bool nullable = random() & 1;
CHECK_OK(builder->AddColumn(name, t, nullable, NULL, NULL));
// Generate a randomized schema, where some columns might be missing,
// and types/nullability are randomized. We weight towards not making
// too many changes so that it's likely we generate compatible client
// and server schemas.
Schema GenRandomSchema(bool with_ids) {
SchemaBuilder builder;
if (random() % 5 != 0) {
AddFuzzedColumn(&builder, "c1", INT32);
if (random() % 5 != 0) {
AddFuzzedColumn(&builder, "c2", INT32);
if (random() % 5 != 0 || !builder.is_valid()) {
AddFuzzedColumn(&builder, "c3", STRING);
return with_ids ? builder.Build() : builder.BuildWithoutIds();
namespace {
struct FailingCase {
Schema* client_schema;
Schema* server_schema;
KuduPartialRow* row;
FailingCase g_failing_case;
// ASAN callback which will dump the case which caused a failure.
void DumpFailingCase() {
LOG(INFO) << "Failed on the following case:";
LOG(INFO) << "Client schema:\n" << g_failing_case.client_schema->ToString();
LOG(INFO) << "Server schema:\n" << g_failing_case.server_schema->ToString();
LOG(INFO) << "Row: " << g_failing_case.row->ToString();
void GlogFailure() {
} // anonymous namespace
// Fuzz test which generates random pairs of client/server schemas, with
// random mutations like adding an extra column, removing a column, changing
// types, and changing nullability.
TEST_F(RowOperationsTest, SchemaFuzz) {
// Prevent timeouts in ASAN build.
const int kSlowTestIters = 1000;
const int kSlowTestIters = 10000;
const int n_iters = AllowSlowTests() ? kSlowTestIters : 10;
for (int i = 0; i < n_iters; i++) {
// Generate a random client and server schema pair.
Schema client_schema = GenRandomSchema(false);
Schema server_schema = GenRandomSchema(true);
KuduPartialRow row(&client_schema);
// On a crash or ASAN failure, dump the case information to the log so we
// can write a more specific repro.
g_failing_case.client_schema = &client_schema;
g_failing_case.server_schema = &server_schema;
g_failing_case.row = &row;
for (int i = 0; i < client_schema.num_columns(); i++) {
if (client_schema.column(i).is_nullable() &&
random() % 3 == 0) {
switch (client_schema.column(i).type_info()->type()) {
case INT32:
CHECK_OK(row.SetInt32(i, 12345));
case INT64:
CHECK_OK(row.SetInt64(i, 12345678));
case DOUBLE:
CHECK_OK(row.SetDouble(i, 1234.5678));
case STRING:
CHECK_OK(row.SetStringCopy(i, "hello"));
DoFuzzTest(server_schema, row, 100);
// One case from SchemaFuzz which failed previously.
TEST_F(RowOperationsTest, TestFuzz1) {
SchemaBuilder client_schema_builder;
client_schema_builder.AddColumn("c1", INT32, false, nullptr, nullptr);
client_schema_builder.AddColumn("c2", STRING, false, nullptr, nullptr);
Schema client_schema = client_schema_builder.BuildWithoutIds();
SchemaBuilder server_schema_builder;
server_schema_builder.AddColumn("c1", INT32, false, nullptr, nullptr);
server_schema_builder.AddColumn("c2", STRING, false, nullptr, nullptr);
Schema server_schema = server_schema_builder.Build();
KuduPartialRow row(&client_schema);
CHECK_OK(row.SetInt32(0, 12345));
CHECK_OK(row.SetStringCopy(1, "hello"));
DoFuzzTest(server_schema, row, 100);
// Another case from SchemaFuzz which failed previously.
TEST_F(RowOperationsTest, TestFuzz2) {
SchemaBuilder client_schema_builder;
client_schema_builder.AddColumn("c1", STRING, true, nullptr, nullptr);
client_schema_builder.AddColumn("c2", STRING, false, nullptr, nullptr);
Schema client_schema = client_schema_builder.BuildWithoutIds();
SchemaBuilder server_schema_builder;
server_schema_builder.AddColumn("c1", STRING, true, nullptr, nullptr);
server_schema_builder.AddColumn("c2", STRING, false, nullptr, nullptr);
Schema server_schema = server_schema_builder.Build();
KuduPartialRow row(&client_schema);
CHECK_OK(row.SetStringCopy(1, "hello"));
DoFuzzTest(server_schema, row, 100);
namespace {
// Project client_row into server_schema, and stringify the result.
// If an error occurs, the result string is "error: <stringified Status>"
string TestProjection(RowOperationsPB::Type type,
const KuduPartialRow& client_row,
const Schema& server_schema) {
RowOperationsPB pb;
RowOperationsPBEncoder enc(&pb);
enc.Add(type, client_row);
// Decode it
Arena arena(1024);
vector<DecodedRowOperation> ops;
RowOperationsPBDecoder dec(&pb, client_row.schema(), &server_schema, &arena);
Status s = dec.DecodeOperations<DecoderMode::WRITE_OPS>(&ops);
if (!s.ok()) {
return "error: " + s.ToString();
CHECK_EQ(1, ops.size());
return ops[0].ToString(server_schema);
} // anonymous namespace
// Test decoding partial rows from a client who has a schema which matches
// the table schema.
TEST_F(RowOperationsTest, ProjectionTestWholeSchemaSpecified) {
Schema client_schema({ ColumnSchema("key", INT32),
ColumnSchema("int_val", INT32),
ColumnSchema("string_val", STRING, true) },
// Test a row missing 'key', which is key column.
KuduPartialRow client_row(&client_schema);
EXPECT_EQ("row error: Invalid argument: No value provided for required column: "
"key INT32 NOT NULL",
TestProjection(RowOperationsPB::INSERT, client_row, schema_));
// Force to set null on key column.
int col_idx;
ASSERT_OK(client_schema.FindColumn("key", &col_idx));
KuduPartialRow client_row(&client_schema);
ContiguousRow row(&client_schema, client_row.row_data_);
row.set_null(col_idx, true);
BitmapSet(client_row.isset_bitmap_, col_idx);
EXPECT_EQ("row error: Invalid argument: NULL values not allowed for non-nullable column: "
"key INT32 NOT NULL",
TestProjection(RowOperationsPB::INSERT, client_row, schema_));
// Test a row missing 'int_val', which is required.
KuduPartialRow client_row(&client_schema);
CHECK_OK(client_row.SetInt32("key", 12345));
EXPECT_EQ("row error: Invalid argument: No value provided for required column: "
"int_val INT32 NOT NULL",
TestProjection(RowOperationsPB::INSERT, client_row, schema_));
// Test a row missing 'string_val', which is nullable
KuduPartialRow client_row(&client_schema);
CHECK_OK(client_row.SetInt32("key", 12345));
CHECK_OK(client_row.SetInt32("int_val", 54321));
// The NULL should get filled in.
EXPECT_EQ("INSERT (int32 key=12345, int32 int_val=54321, string string_val=NULL)",
TestProjection(RowOperationsPB::INSERT, client_row, schema_));
// Test a row with all of the fields specified, both with the nullable field
// specified to be NULL and non-NULL.
KuduPartialRow client_row(&client_schema);
CHECK_OK(client_row.SetInt32("key", 12345));
CHECK_OK(client_row.SetInt32("int_val", 54321));
CHECK_OK(client_row.SetStringCopy("string_val", "hello world"));
EXPECT_EQ(R"(INSERT (int32 key=12345, int32 int_val=54321, string string_val="hello world"))",
TestProjection(RowOperationsPB::INSERT, client_row, schema_));
// The first result should have the field specified.
// The second result should have the field NULL, since it was explicitly set.
EXPECT_EQ("INSERT (int32 key=12345, int32 int_val=54321, string string_val=NULL)",
TestProjection(RowOperationsPB::INSERT, client_row, schema_));
TEST_F(RowOperationsTest, ProjectionTestWithDefaults) {
int32_t nullable_default = 123;
int32_t non_null_default = 456;
SchemaBuilder b;
CHECK_OK(b.AddKeyColumn("key", INT32));
CHECK_OK(b.AddColumn("nullable_with_default", INT32, true,
&nullable_default, &nullable_default));
CHECK_OK(b.AddColumn("non_null_with_default", INT32, false,
&non_null_default, &non_null_default));
Schema server_schema = b.Build();
// Clients may not have the defaults specified.
// TODO: evaluate whether this should be true - how "dumb" should clients be?
Schema client_schema({ ColumnSchema("key", INT32),
ColumnSchema("nullable_with_default", INT32, true),
ColumnSchema("non_null_with_default", INT32, false) },
// Specify just the key. The other two columns have defaults, so they'll get filled in.
KuduPartialRow client_row(&client_schema);
CHECK_OK(client_row.SetInt32("key", 12345));
EXPECT_EQ("INSERT (int32 key=12345, int32 nullable_with_default=123,"
" int32 non_null_with_default=456)",
TestProjection(RowOperationsPB::INSERT, client_row, server_schema));
// Specify the key and override both defaults
KuduPartialRow client_row(&client_schema);
CHECK_OK(client_row.SetInt32("key", 12345));
CHECK_OK(client_row.SetInt32("nullable_with_default", 12345));
CHECK_OK(client_row.SetInt32("non_null_with_default", 54321));
EXPECT_EQ("INSERT (int32 key=12345, int32 nullable_with_default=12345,"
" int32 non_null_with_default=54321)",
TestProjection(RowOperationsPB::INSERT, client_row, server_schema));
// Specify the key and override both defaults, overriding the nullable
// one to NULL.
KuduPartialRow client_row(&client_schema);
CHECK_OK(client_row.SetInt32("key", 12345));
CHECK_OK(client_row.SetInt32("non_null_with_default", 54321));
EXPECT_EQ("INSERT (int32 key=12345, int32 nullable_with_default=NULL,"
" int32 non_null_with_default=54321)",
TestProjection(RowOperationsPB::INSERT, client_row, server_schema));
// Specify the key and override both defaults, overriding the non-nullable
// one to NULL.
KuduPartialRow client_row(&client_schema);
CHECK_OK(client_row.SetInt32("key", 12345));
CHECK_OK(client_row.SetInt32("nullable_with_default", 12345));
Status s = client_row.SetNull("non_null_with_default");
EXPECT_EQ("INSERT (int32 key=12345, int32 nullable_with_default=12345,"
" int32 non_null_with_default=456)",
TestProjection(RowOperationsPB::INSERT, client_row, server_schema));
// Test cases where the client only has a subset of the fields
// of the table, but where the missing columns have defaults
// or are NULLable.
TEST_F(RowOperationsTest, ProjectionTestWithClientHavingValidSubset) {
int32_t nullable_default = 123;
SchemaBuilder b;
CHECK_OK(b.AddKeyColumn("key", INT32));
CHECK_OK(b.AddColumn("int_val", INT32));
CHECK_OK(b.AddColumn("new_int_with_default", INT32, false,
&nullable_default, &nullable_default));
CHECK_OK(b.AddNullableColumn("new_nullable_int", INT32));
Schema server_schema = b.Build();
Schema client_schema({ ColumnSchema("key", INT32),
ColumnSchema("int_val", INT32) },
// Specify just the key. This is an error because we're missing int_val.
KuduPartialRow client_row(&client_schema);
CHECK_OK(client_row.SetInt32("key", 12345));
EXPECT_EQ("row error: Invalid argument: No value provided for required column:"
" int_val INT32 NOT NULL",
TestProjection(RowOperationsPB::INSERT, client_row, server_schema));
// Specify both of the columns that the client is aware of.
// Defaults should be filled for the other two.
KuduPartialRow client_row(&client_schema);
CHECK_OK(client_row.SetInt32("key", 12345));
CHECK_OK(client_row.SetInt32("int_val", 12345));
EXPECT_EQ("INSERT (int32 key=12345, int32 int_val=12345,"
" int32 new_int_with_default=123, int32 new_nullable_int=NULL)",
TestProjection(RowOperationsPB::INSERT, client_row, server_schema));
// Test cases where the client is missing a column which is non-null
// and has no default. This is an incompatible client.
TEST_F(RowOperationsTest, ProjectionTestWithClientHavingInvalidSubset) {
SchemaBuilder b;
CHECK_OK(b.AddKeyColumn("key", INT32));
CHECK_OK(b.AddColumn("int_val", INT32));
Schema server_schema = b.Build();
Schema client_schema = b.BuildWithoutIds();
KuduPartialRow client_row(&client_schema);
CHECK_OK(client_row.SetInt32("key", 12345));
EXPECT_EQ("error: Invalid argument: Client missing required column:"
" int_val INT32 NOT NULL",
TestProjection(RowOperationsPB::INSERT, client_row, server_schema));
// Simple Update case where the client and server schemas match.
TEST_F(RowOperationsTest, TestProjectUpdates) {
Schema client_schema({ ColumnSchema("key", INT32),
ColumnSchema("int_val", INT32),
ColumnSchema("string_val", STRING, true) },
Schema server_schema = SchemaBuilder(client_schema).Build();
// Check without specifying any columns
KuduPartialRow client_row(&client_schema);
EXPECT_EQ("row error: Invalid argument: No value provided for key column: key INT32 NOT NULL",
TestProjection(RowOperationsPB::UPDATE, client_row, server_schema));
// Specify the key and no columns to update
ASSERT_OK(client_row.SetInt32("key", 12345));
EXPECT_EQ("row error: Invalid argument: No fields updated, key is: (int32 key=12345)",
TestProjection(RowOperationsPB::UPDATE, client_row, server_schema));
// Specify the key and update one column.
ASSERT_OK(client_row.SetInt32("int_val", 12345));
EXPECT_EQ("MUTATE (int32 key=12345) SET int_val=12345",
TestProjection(RowOperationsPB::UPDATE, client_row, server_schema));
// Specify the key and update both columns
ASSERT_OK(client_row.SetStringNoCopy("string_val", "foo"));
EXPECT_EQ(R"(MUTATE (int32 key=12345) SET int_val=12345, string_val="foo")",
TestProjection(RowOperationsPB::UPDATE, client_row, server_schema));
// Update the nullable column to null.
EXPECT_EQ("MUTATE (int32 key=12345) SET int_val=12345, string_val=NULL",
TestProjection(RowOperationsPB::UPDATE, client_row, server_schema));
// Force to set null on key column.
KuduPartialRow client_row(&client_schema);
int col_idx;
ASSERT_OK(client_schema.FindColumn("key", &col_idx));
ContiguousRow row(&client_schema, client_row.row_data_);
row.set_null(col_idx, true);
BitmapSet(client_row.isset_bitmap_, col_idx);
EXPECT_EQ("row error: Invalid argument: NULL values not allowed for key column: "
"key INT32 NOT NULL",
TestProjection(RowOperationsPB::UPDATE, client_row, server_schema));
// Force to set null on non-nullable column.
KuduPartialRow client_row(&client_schema);
ASSERT_OK(client_row.SetInt32("key", 12345));
int col_idx;
ASSERT_OK(client_schema.FindColumn("int_val", &col_idx));
ContiguousRow row(&client_schema, client_row.row_data_);
row.set_null(col_idx, true);
BitmapSet(client_row.isset_bitmap_, col_idx);
EXPECT_EQ("row error: Invalid argument: NULL value not allowed for non-nullable column: "
"int_val INT32 NOT NULL",
TestProjection(RowOperationsPB::UPDATE, client_row, server_schema));
// Client schema has the columns in a different order. Makes
// sure the name-based projection is functioning.
TEST_F(RowOperationsTest, TestProjectUpdatesReorderedColumns) {
Schema client_schema({ ColumnSchema("key", INT32),
ColumnSchema("string_val", STRING, true),
ColumnSchema("int_val", INT32) },
Schema server_schema({ ColumnSchema("key", INT32),
ColumnSchema("int_val", INT32),
ColumnSchema("string_val", STRING, true) },
server_schema = SchemaBuilder(server_schema).Build();
KuduPartialRow client_row(&client_schema);
ASSERT_OK(client_row.SetInt32("key", 12345));
ASSERT_OK(client_row.SetInt32("int_val", 54321));
EXPECT_EQ("MUTATE (int32 key=12345) SET int_val=54321",
TestProjection(RowOperationsPB::UPDATE, client_row, server_schema));
// Client schema is missing one of the columns in the server schema.
// This is OK on an update.
TEST_F(RowOperationsTest, DISABLED_TestProjectUpdatesSubsetOfColumns) {
Schema client_schema({ ColumnSchema("key", INT32),
ColumnSchema("string_val", STRING, true) },
Schema server_schema({ ColumnSchema("key", INT32),
ColumnSchema("int_val", INT32),
ColumnSchema("string_val", STRING, true) },
server_schema = SchemaBuilder(server_schema).Build();
KuduPartialRow client_row(&client_schema);
ASSERT_OK(client_row.SetInt32("key", 12345));
ASSERT_OK(client_row.SetStringNoCopy("string_val", "foo"));
EXPECT_EQ("MUTATE (int32 key=12345) SET string_val=foo",
TestProjection(RowOperationsPB::UPDATE, client_row, server_schema));
TEST_F(RowOperationsTest, TestClientMismatchedType) {
Schema client_schema({ ColumnSchema("key", INT32),
ColumnSchema("int_val", INT8) },
Schema server_schema({ ColumnSchema("key", INT32),
ColumnSchema("int_val", INT32) },
server_schema = SchemaBuilder(server_schema).Build();
KuduPartialRow client_row(&client_schema);
ASSERT_OK(client_row.SetInt32("key", 12345));
ASSERT_OK(client_row.SetInt8("int_val", 1));
EXPECT_EQ("error: Invalid argument: The column 'int_val' must have type "
TestProjection(RowOperationsPB::UPDATE, client_row, server_schema));
TEST_F(RowOperationsTest, TestProjectDeletes) {
Schema client_schema({ ColumnSchema("key", INT32),
ColumnSchema("key_2", INT32),
ColumnSchema("int_val", INT32),
ColumnSchema("string_val", STRING, true) },
Schema server_schema = SchemaBuilder(client_schema).Build();
KuduPartialRow client_row(&client_schema);
// No columns set
EXPECT_EQ("row error: Invalid argument: No value provided for key column: key INT32 NOT NULL",
TestProjection(RowOperationsPB::DELETE, client_row, server_schema));
// Only half the key set
ASSERT_OK(client_row.SetInt32("key", 12345));
EXPECT_EQ("row error: Invalid argument: No value provided for key column: key_2 INT32 NOT NULL",
TestProjection(RowOperationsPB::DELETE, client_row, server_schema));
// Whole key set (correct)
ASSERT_OK(client_row.SetInt32("key_2", 54321));
EXPECT_EQ("MUTATE (int32 key=12345, int32 key_2=54321) DELETE",
TestProjection(RowOperationsPB::DELETE, client_row, server_schema));
// Extra column set
EXPECT_EQ("row error: Invalid argument: DELETE should not have a value for column: "
"string_val STRING NULLABLE",
TestProjection(RowOperationsPB::DELETE, client_row, server_schema));
// Extra column set (incorrect)
ASSERT_OK(client_row.SetStringNoCopy("string_val", "hello"));
EXPECT_EQ("row error: Invalid argument: DELETE should not have a value for column: "
"string_val STRING NULLABLE",
TestProjection(RowOperationsPB::DELETE, client_row, server_schema));
// Force to set null on key column.
KuduPartialRow client_row(&client_schema);
int col_idx;
ASSERT_OK(client_schema.FindColumn("key", &col_idx));
ContiguousRow row(&client_schema, client_row.row_data_);
row.set_null(col_idx, true);
BitmapSet(client_row.isset_bitmap_, col_idx);
EXPECT_EQ("row error: Invalid argument: NULL values not allowed for key column: "
"key INT32 NOT NULL",
TestProjection(RowOperationsPB::DELETE, client_row, server_schema));
// Force to set null on non-key column.
KuduPartialRow client_row(&client_schema);
ASSERT_OK(client_row.SetInt32("key", 12345));
ASSERT_OK(client_row.SetInt32("key_2", 12345));
int col_idx;
ASSERT_OK(client_schema.FindColumn("int_val", &col_idx));
ContiguousRow row(&client_schema, client_row.row_data_);
row.set_null(col_idx, true);
BitmapSet(client_row.isset_bitmap_, col_idx);
EXPECT_EQ("row error: Invalid argument: DELETE should not have a value for column: "
"int_val INT32 NOT NULL",
TestProjection(RowOperationsPB::DELETE, client_row, server_schema));
TEST_F(RowOperationsTest, SplitKeyRoundTrip) {
Schema client_schema = Schema({ ColumnSchema("int8", INT8),
ColumnSchema("int16", INT16),
ColumnSchema("int32", INT32),
ColumnSchema("int64", INT64),
ColumnSchema("string", STRING),
ColumnSchema("binary", BINARY),
ColumnSchema("timestamp", UNIXTIME_MICROS),
ColumnSchema("missing", STRING) },
// Use values at the upper end of the range.
int8_t int8_expected = 0xFE;
int16_t int16_expected = 0xFFFE;
int32_t int32_expected = 0xFFFFFE;
int64_t int64_expected = 0xFFFFFFFE;
KuduPartialRow row(&client_schema);
ASSERT_OK(row.SetInt8("int8", int8_expected));
ASSERT_OK(row.SetInt16("int16", int16_expected));
ASSERT_OK(row.SetInt32("int32", int32_expected));
ASSERT_OK(row.SetInt64("int64", int64_expected));
ASSERT_OK(row.SetStringNoCopy("string", "string-value"));
ASSERT_OK(row.SetBinaryNoCopy("binary", "binary-value"));
ASSERT_OK(row.SetUnixTimeMicros("timestamp", 9));
RowOperationsPB pb;
RowOperationsPBEncoder(&pb).Add(RowOperationsPB::SPLIT_ROW, row);
Schema schema = client_schema.CopyWithColumnIds();
RowOperationsPBDecoder decoder(&pb, &client_schema, &schema, nullptr);
vector<DecodedRowOperation> ops;
ASSERT_EQ(1, ops.size());
const shared_ptr<KuduPartialRow>& row2 = ops[0].split_row;
int8_t int8_val;
ASSERT_OK(row2->GetInt8("int8", &int8_val));
CHECK_EQ(int8_expected, int8_val);
int16_t int16_val;
ASSERT_OK(row2->GetInt16("int16", &int16_val));
CHECK_EQ(int16_expected, int16_val);
int32_t int32_val;
ASSERT_OK(row2->GetInt32("int32", &int32_val));
CHECK_EQ(int32_expected, int32_val);
int64_t int64_val;
ASSERT_OK(row2->GetInt64("int64", &int64_val));
CHECK_EQ(int64_expected, int64_val);
Slice string_val;
ASSERT_OK(row2->GetString("string", &string_val));
CHECK_EQ("string-value", string_val);
Slice binary_val;
ASSERT_OK(row2->GetBinary("binary", &binary_val));
CHECK_EQ(Slice("binary-value"), binary_val);
namespace {
void CheckExceedCellLimit(const Schema& client_schema,
const vector<string>& col_values,
RowOperationsPB::Type op_type,
const Status& expect_status,
const string& expect_msg) {
ASSERT_EQ(client_schema.num_columns(), col_values.size());
// Fill the row.
KuduPartialRow row(&client_schema);
for (size_t i = 0; i < client_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
if ((op_type == RowOperationsPB::DELETE || op_type == RowOperationsPB::DELETE_IGNORE) &&
i >= client_schema.num_key_columns()) {
// DELETE should not have a value for non-key column.
const ColumnSchema& column_schema = client_schema.column(i);
switch (column_schema.type_info()->type()) {
case STRING:
ASSERT_OK(row.SetStringNoCopy(static_cast<int>(i), col_values[i]));
case BINARY:
ASSERT_OK(row.SetBinaryNoCopy(static_cast<int>(i), col_values[i]));
ASSERT_TRUE(false) << "Unsupported type: " << column_schema.ToString();
RowOperationsPB pb;
RowOperationsPBEncoder(&pb).Add(op_type, row);
Arena arena(1024*1024);
Schema schema = client_schema.CopyWithColumnIds();
RowOperationsPBDecoder decoder(&pb, &client_schema, &schema, &arena);
vector<DecodedRowOperation> ops;
Status s;
switch (op_type) {
case RowOperationsPB::INSERT:
case RowOperationsPB::UPDATE:
case RowOperationsPB::DELETE:
case RowOperationsPB::UPSERT:
case RowOperationsPB::INSERT_IGNORE:
case RowOperationsPB::UPDATE_IGNORE:
case RowOperationsPB::DELETE_IGNORE:
s = decoder.DecodeOperations<WRITE_OPS>(&ops);
case RowOperationsPB::SPLIT_ROW:
case RowOperationsPB::RANGE_LOWER_BOUND:
case RowOperationsPB::RANGE_UPPER_BOUND:
s = decoder.DecodeOperations<SPLIT_ROWS>(&ops);
ASSERT_TRUE(false) << "Unsupported op_type " << op_type;
for (const auto& op : ops) {
expect_status.CodeAsString()) << op.result.message().ToString();
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(op.result.ToString(), expect_msg);
void CheckInsertUpsertExceedCellLimit(const Schema& client_schema,
const vector<string>& col_values,
const Status& expect_status,
const string& expect_msg) {
for (auto op_type : { RowOperationsPB::INSERT,
RowOperationsPB::UPSERT }) {
NO_FATALS(CheckExceedCellLimit(client_schema, col_values, op_type, expect_status, expect_msg));
void CheckUpdateDeleteExceedCellLimit(const Schema& client_schema,
const vector<string>& col_values,
const Status& expect_status,
const string& expect_msg) {
for (auto op_type : { RowOperationsPB::UPDATE,
RowOperationsPB::DELETE_IGNORE }) {
NO_FATALS(CheckExceedCellLimit(client_schema, col_values, op_type, expect_status, expect_msg));
void CheckWriteExceedCellLimit(const Schema& client_schema,
const vector<string>& col_values,
const Status& expect_status,
const string& expect_msg) {
NO_FATALS(CheckInsertUpsertExceedCellLimit(client_schema, col_values, expect_status, expect_msg));
NO_FATALS(CheckUpdateDeleteExceedCellLimit(client_schema, col_values, expect_status, expect_msg));
void CheckSplitExceedCellLimit(const Schema& client_schema,
const vector<string>& col_values,
const Status& expect_status,
const string& expect_msg) {
for (auto op_type : { RowOperationsPB::SPLIT_ROW,
NO_FATALS(CheckExceedCellLimit(client_schema, col_values, op_type, expect_status, expect_msg));
} // anonymous namespace
TEST_F(RowOperationsTest, ExceedCellLimit) {
Schema client_schema = Schema({ ColumnSchema("key_string", STRING),
ColumnSchema("key_binary", BINARY),
ColumnSchema("col_string", STRING),
ColumnSchema("col_binary", BINARY) },
const string long_string(static_cast<size_t>(FLAGS_max_cell_size_bytes), 'a');
const string too_long_string(static_cast<size_t>(FLAGS_max_cell_size_bytes + 1), 'a');
const vector<string> base_col_values(4, long_string);
// All column cell sizes are not exceed.
NO_FATALS(CheckWriteExceedCellLimit(client_schema, base_col_values, Status::OK(), ""));
// Some column cell size exceed for INSERT and UPSERT operation.
for (size_t i = 0; i < client_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
auto col_values(base_col_values);
col_values[i] = too_long_string;
Substitute("value too large for column '$0'"
" ($1 bytes, maximum is $2 bytes)",
FLAGS_max_cell_size_bytes + 1,
// Key column cell size exceed for UPDATE and DELETE operation, it's OK.
for (size_t i = 0; i < client_schema.num_key_columns(); ++i) {
auto col_values(base_col_values);
col_values[i] = too_long_string;
NO_FATALS(CheckUpdateDeleteExceedCellLimit(client_schema, col_values, Status::OK(), ""));
// Non-key column cell size exceed for UPDATE operation.
for (size_t i = client_schema.num_key_columns(); i < client_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
auto col_values(base_col_values);
col_values[i] = too_long_string;
Substitute("value too large for column '$0'"
" ($1 bytes, maximum is $2 bytes)",
FLAGS_max_cell_size_bytes + 1,
// Some column cell size exceed for SPLIT_ROW type operation, it's OK.
for (size_t i = 0; i < client_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
auto col_values(base_col_values);
col_values[i] = too_long_string;
NO_FATALS(CheckSplitExceedCellLimit(client_schema, col_values, Status::OK(), ""));
} // namespace kudu