blob: 390740a335c603f8f2e9b35a77f89a3bb85d6679 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "kudu/common/generic_iterators.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <deque>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <numeric>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <boost/heap/skew_heap.hpp>
#include <boost/intrusive/list.hpp>
#include <boost/intrusive/list_hook.hpp>
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "kudu/common/column_materialization_context.h"
#include "kudu/common/column_predicate.h"
#include "kudu/common/columnblock.h"
#include "kudu/common/common.pb.h"
#include "kudu/common/iterator.h"
#include "kudu/common/iterator_stats.h"
#include "kudu/common/predicate_effectiveness.h"
#include "kudu/common/row.h"
#include "kudu/common/rowblock.h"
#include "kudu/common/rowblock_memory.h"
#include "kudu/common/scan_spec.h"
#include "kudu/common/schema.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/casts.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/map-util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/port.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/join.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/util/flag_tags.h"
#include "kudu/util/locks.h"
#include "kudu/util/memory/arena.h"
#include "kudu/util/object_pool.h"
namespace boost {
namespace heap {
template <class T> struct compare;
} // namespace heap
} // namespace boost
using std::deque;
using std::get;
using std::sort;
using std::string;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::vector;
using strings::Substitute;
DEFINE_bool(materializing_iterator_do_pushdown, true,
"Should MaterializingIterator do predicate pushdown");
TAG_FLAG(materializing_iterator_do_pushdown, hidden);
DEFINE_bool(materializing_iterator_decoder_eval, true,
"Should MaterializingIterator do decoder-level evaluation");
TAG_FLAG(materializing_iterator_decoder_eval, hidden);
TAG_FLAG(materializing_iterator_decoder_eval, runtime);
namespace kudu {
namespace {
void AddIterStats(const RowwiseIterator& iter,
vector<IteratorStats>* stats) {
vector<IteratorStats> iter_stats;
DCHECK_EQ(stats->size(), iter_stats.size());
for (int i = 0; i < iter_stats.size(); i++) {
(*stats)[i] += iter_stats[i];
} // anonymous namespace
typedef std::pair<int32_t, ColumnPredicate> ColumnIdxAndPredicate;
// MergeIterator
// This is sized to a power of 2 to improve BitmapCopy performance when copying
// a RowBlock.
// TODO(todd): this should be sized by # bytes, not # rows.
static const int kMergeRowBuffer = 1024;
// MergeIterState wraps a RowwiseIterator for use by the MergeIterator.
class MergeIterState : public boost::intrusive::list_base_hook<> {
explicit MergeIterState(IterWithBounds iwb)
: iwb_(std::move(iwb)),
// Fetches the next row from the iterator's current block, or the iterator's
// absolute lower bound if a block has not yet been pulled.
// Does not advance the iterator.
const RowBlockRow& next_row() const {
if (read_block_) {
DCHECK_LT(next_row_idx_, read_block_->nrows());
return next_row_;
return decoded_bounds_->lower;
// Fetches the last row from the iterator's current block, or the iterator's
// absolute upper bound if a block has not yet been pulled.
// Does not advance the iterator.
const RowBlockRow& last_row() const {
if (read_block_) {
return last_row_;
return decoded_bounds_->upper;
// Finishes construction of the MergeIterState by decoding the bounds if they
// exist. If not, we have to pull a block immediately: after Init() is
// finished it must be safe to call next_row() and last_row().
// Decoded bound allocations are done against the arena in 'decoded_bounds_memory'.
Status Init(RowBlockMemory* decoded_bounds_memory) {
if (iwb_.encoded_bounds) {
decoded_bounds_.emplace(&schema(), decoded_bounds_memory);
decoded_bounds_->lower = decoded_bounds_->block.row(0);
decoded_bounds_->upper = decoded_bounds_->block.row(1);
iwb_.encoded_bounds->first, &decoded_bounds_->lower, &decoded_bounds_memory->arena));
iwb_.encoded_bounds->second, &decoded_bounds_->upper, &decoded_bounds_memory->arena));
} else {
return Status::OK();
// Returns true if the underlying iterator is fully exhausted.
bool IsFullyExhausted() const {
return (!read_block_ || read_block_->nrows() == 0) && !iwb_.iter->HasNext();
// Advances to the next row in the underlying iterator.
// If successful, 'pulled_new_block' is true if this block was exhausted and a
// new block was pulled from the underlying iterator.
Status Advance(size_t num_rows, bool* pulled_new_block);
// Adds statistics about the underlying iterator to the given vector.
void AddStats(vector<IteratorStats>* stats) const {
AddIterStats(*iwb_.iter, stats);
// Returns the number of rows remaining in the current block.
size_t remaining_in_block() const {
return read_block_->nrows() - next_row_idx_;
// Returns the schema from the underlying iterator.
const Schema& schema() const {
return iwb_.iter->schema();
// Pulls the next block from the underlying iterator.
Status PullNextBlock();
// Copies as many rows as possible from the current block of buffered rows to
// 'dst' (starting at 'dst_offset').
// If successful, 'num_rows_copied' will be set to the number of rows copied.
Status CopyBlock(RowBlock* dst, size_t dst_offset, size_t* num_rows_copied);
// Returns true if the current block in the underlying iterator is exhausted.
bool IsBlockExhausted() const {
return !read_block_ || read_block_->nrows() == next_row_idx_;
string ToString() const {
return Substitute("[$0,$1]: $2",
// The iterator (and optional bounds) whose rows are to be merged with other
// iterators.
// Must already be Init'ed at MergeIterState construction time.
IterWithBounds iwb_;
// Allocates memory for read_block_.
RowBlockMemory memory_;
// Optional rowset bounds, decoded during Init().
struct DecodedBounds {
// 'block' must be constructed immediately; the bounds themselves can be
// initialized later.
DecodedBounds(const Schema* schema, RowBlockMemory* mem)
: block(schema, /*nrows=*/2, mem) {}
RowBlock block;
RowBlockRow lower;
RowBlockRow upper;
boost::optional<DecodedBounds> decoded_bounds_;
// Current block of buffered rows from the iterator.
// The memory backing the rows was allocated out of the arena.
unique_ptr<RowBlock> read_block_;
// The row currently pointed to by the iterator.
RowBlockRow next_row_;
// The last row available in read_block_.
RowBlockRow last_row_;
// The index of the row currently pointed to by the iterator. Guaranteed to be
// a selected row.
size_t next_row_idx_;
Status MergeIterState::Advance(size_t num_rows, bool* pulled_new_block) {
DCHECK_GE(read_block_->nrows(), next_row_idx_ + num_rows);
next_row_idx_ += num_rows;
// If advancing didn't exhaust this block outright, find the next selected row.
size_t idx;
if (!IsBlockExhausted() &&
read_block_->selection_vector()->FindFirstRowSelected(next_row_idx_, &idx)) {
next_row_idx_ = idx;
next_row_.Reset(read_block_.get(), next_row_idx_);
*pulled_new_block = false;
return Status::OK();
// We either exhausted the block outright, or all subsequent rows were
// deselected. Either way, we need to pull the next block.
next_row_idx_ = read_block_->nrows();
*pulled_new_block = true;
return Status::OK();
Status MergeIterState::PullNextBlock() {
<< "should not pull next block until current block is exhausted";
if (!read_block_) {
read_block_.reset(new RowBlock(&schema(), kMergeRowBuffer, &memory_));
while (iwb_.iter->HasNext()) {
SelectionVector *selection = read_block_->selection_vector();
DCHECK_EQ(selection->nrows(), read_block_->nrows());
DCHECK_LE(selection->CountSelected(), read_block_->nrows());
size_t rows_valid = selection->CountSelected();
VLOG(2) << Substitute("$0/$1 rows selected", rows_valid, read_block_->nrows());
if (rows_valid == 0) {
// Short-circuit: this block is entirely unselected and can be skipped.
// Seek next_row_ and last_row_ to the first and last selected rows
// respectively (which could be identical).
CHECK(selection->FindFirstRowSelected(0, &next_row_idx_));
next_row_.Reset(read_block_.get(), next_row_idx_);
// We use a signed size_t type to avoid underflowing when finding last_row_.
// TODO(adar): this can be simplified if there was a BitmapFindLastSet().
for (ssize_t row_idx = read_block_->nrows() - 1; row_idx >= 0; row_idx--) {
if (selection->IsRowSelected(row_idx)) {
last_row_.Reset(read_block_.get(), row_idx);
VLOG(1) << "Pulled new block: " << ToString();
return Status::OK();
LOG(FATAL) << "unreachable code"; // guaranteed by the short-circuit above
// The underlying iterator is fully exhausted.
next_row_idx_ = 0;
return Status::OK();
Status MergeIterState::CopyBlock(RowBlock* dst, size_t dst_offset,
size_t* num_rows_copied) {
size_t num_rows_to_copy = std::min(remaining_in_block(),
dst->nrows() - dst_offset);
VLOG(3) << Substitute(
"Copying $0 rows from RowBlock (s:$1,o:$2) to RowBlock (s:$3,o:$4): $5",
num_rows_to_copy, read_block_->nrows(), next_row_idx_, dst->nrows(),
dst_offset, ToString());
RETURN_NOT_OK(read_block_->CopyTo(dst, next_row_idx_,
dst_offset, num_rows_to_copy));
*num_rows_copied = num_rows_to_copy;
return Status::OK();
// An iterator which merges the results of other iterators, comparing
// based on keys.
// Three different heaps are used to optimize the merge process. To explain how
// it works, let's start with an explanation of a traditional heap-based merge:
// there exist N sorted lists of elements and the goal is to produce a single
// sorted list containing all of the elements.
// To begin:
// - For each list, peek the first element into a per-list buffer.
// - Add all of the lists to a min-heap ordered on the per-list buffers. This
// means that the heap's top-most entry (accessible in O(1) time) will be the
// list containing the smallest not-yet-consumed element.
// To perform the merge, loop while the min-heap isn't empty:
// - Pop the top-most list from the min-heap.
// - Copy that list's peeked element to the output.
// - Peek the list's next element. If the list is empty, discard it.
// - If the list has more elements, push it back into the min-heap.
// This algorithm runs in O(n log n) time and is generally superior to a naive
// O(n^2) merge. However, it requires peeked elements to remain resident in
// memory during the merge.
// The MergeIterator's sub-iterators operate much like the lists described
// above: elements correspond to rows and sorting is based on rows' primary
// keys. However, there are several important differences that open the door for
// further optimization:
// 1. Each sub-iterator corresponds to a Kudu rowset, and DiskRowSets' smallest
// and largest possible primary keys (i.e. bounds) are known ahead of time.
// 2. When iterating on DiskRowSets, peeking even one row means decoding a page
// of columnar data for each projected column. This decoded data remains
// resident in memory so that we needn't repeat the decoding for each row,
// but it means we have a strong motivation to minimize the set of peeked
// sub-iterators in order to minimize memory consumption.
// 2a. Related to #2, there's little reason not to peek more than row at a time,
// since the predominant source of memory usage is in the decoded pages
// rather than the buffered rows.
// The aggressive peeking allows us to tweak the list model slightly: instead
// of treating sub-iterators as continuous sequences of single rows, we can
// think of each as a sequence of discrete row "runs". Each run has a lower
// bound (the key of the first row in the run) and an upper bound (the key of
// the last row). One run in each sub-iterator is NEXT in that its rows have
// been peeked and are resident in memory. When we draw rows from the
// sub-iterator, we'll draw them from this run. We can use the bounds to
// establish overlapping relationships between runs across sub-iterators. In
// theory, the less overlap, the fewer runs need to be considered when merging.
// To exploit this, we need to formally define the concept of a "merge window".
// The window describes, at any given time, the key space interval where we
// expect to find the row with the smallest key. A sub-iterator whose NEXT
// overlaps with the merge window is said to be actively participating in the merge.
// The merge window is defined as follows:
// 1. The window's start is the smallest lower bound of all sub-iterators. We
// refer to the sub-iterator that owns this lower bound as LOW.
// 2. The window’s end is the smallest upper bound of all sub-iterators whose
// lower bounds are less than or equal to LOW's upper bound.
// 2a. The window's end could be LOW's upper bound itself, if it is the smallest
// upper bound, but this isn't necessarily the case.
// 3. The merge window's dimensions change as the merge proceeds, though it
// only ever moves "to the right" (i.e. the window start/end only increase).
// Armed with the merge window concept, we can bifurcate the sub-iterators into
// a set whose NEXTs overlap with the merge window and a set whose NEXTs do not.
// We store the first set in a HOT min-heap (ordered by each's NEXT's lower
// bound). Now the merge steady state resembles that of a traditional heap-based
// merge: the top-most sub-iterator is popped from HOT, the lower bound is
// copied to the output and advanced, and the sub-iterator is pushed back to
// HOT. The bifurcation hasn't yielded any algorithmic improvements, but the
// more non-overlapped the input (i.e. the more compacted the tablet), the fewer
// sub-iterators will be in HOT and thus the fewer comparisons and heap motion
// will take place.
// How do sub-iterators move between the two sets? At the outset, we examine all
// sub-iterators to find the initial merge window and bifurcate accordingly. In
// the steady state, we need to move to HOT whenever the end of the merge window
// moves; that's a sign that the window may now overlap with a NEXT belonging to
// a sub-iterator in the second set. The end of the merge window moves when a
// sub-iterator is fully exhausted (i.e. all rows have been copied to the
// output), or when a sub-iterator finishes its NEXT and needs to peek again.
// But which sub-iterators should be moved? To answer this question efficiently,
// we need two more heaps:
// - COLD: a min-heap for sub-iterators in the second set, ordered by each's
// NEXT's lower bound. At any given time, the NEXT belonging to the top-most
// sub-iterator in COLD is nearest the merge window.
// - HOTMAXES: a min-heap for keys. Each entry corresponds to a sub-iterator
// present in HOT, and specifically, to its NEXT's upper bound. At any given
// time, the top-most key in HOTMAXES represents the end of the merge window.
// When the merge window's end has moved and we need to refill HOT, the top-most
// sub-iterator in COLD is the best candidate. To figure out whether it should
// be moved, we compare its NEXT's lower bound against the top-most key in
// HOTMAXES: if the lower bound is less than or equal to the key, we move the
// sub-iterator from COLD to HOT. On the flip side, when a sub-iterator from HOT
// finishes its NEXT and peeks again, we also need to check whether it has
// exited the merge window. The approach is similar: if its NEXT's lower bound
// is greater than the top-most key in HOTMAXES, it's time to move it to COLD.
// There's one more piece to this puzzle: the absolute bounds that are known
// ahead of time are used as stand-ins for NEXT's lower and upper bounds. This
// helps defer peeking for as long as possible, at least until the sub-iterator
// moves from COLD to HOT. After that, peeked memory must remain resident until
// the sub-iterator is fully exhausted.
// For another description of this algorithm including pseudocode, see
class MergeIterator : public RowwiseIterator {
// Constructs a MergeIterator of the given iterators.
// The iterators must have matching schemas and should not yet be initialized.
// Note: the iterators must be constructed using a projection that includes
// all key columns; otherwise a CHECK will fire at initialization time.
MergeIterator(MergeIteratorOptions opts, vector<IterWithBounds> iters);
virtual ~MergeIterator();
// The passed-in iterators should be already initialized.
Status Init(ScanSpec *spec) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool HasNext() const OVERRIDE;
virtual string ToString() const OVERRIDE;
virtual const Schema& schema() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void GetIteratorStats(vector<IteratorStats>* stats) const OVERRIDE;
virtual Status NextBlock(RowBlock* dst) OVERRIDE;
// Materializes as much of the next block's worth of data into 'dst' at offset
// 'dst_row_idx' as possible. Only permitted when there's only one
// sub-iterator in the hot heap.
// On success, the selection vector in 'dst' and 'dst_row_idx' are both updated.
Status MaterializeBlock(RowBlock* dst, size_t* dst_row_idx);
// Finds the next row and materializes it into 'dst' at offset 'dst_row_idx'.
// On success, the selection vector in 'dst' and 'dst_row_idx' are both updated.
Status MaterializeOneRow(RowBlock* dst, size_t* dst_row_idx);
// Calls Init() on all of sub-iterators, wrapping them in predicate evaluating
// iterators if necessary and setting up additional per-iterator bookkeeping.
Status InitSubIterators(ScanSpec *spec);
// Advances 'state' by 'num_rows_to_advance', destroying it and/or updating
// the three heaps if necessary.
Status AdvanceAndReheap(MergeIterState* state, size_t num_rows_to_advance);
// Moves sub-iterators from cold_ to hot_ if they now overlap with the merge
// window. Should be called whenever the merge window moves.
Status RefillHotHeap();
// Destroys a fully exhausted sub-iterator.
void DestroySubIterator(MergeIterState* state);
const MergeIteratorOptions opts_;
// Initialized during Init.
unique_ptr<Schema> schema_;
bool initted_;
// Holds the sub-iterators until Init is called, at which point this is
// cleared. This is required because we can't create a MergeIterState of an
// uninitialized sub-iterator.
vector<IterWithBounds> orig_iters_;
// See UnionIterator::iters_lock_ for details on locking. This follows the same
// pattern.
mutable rw_spinlock states_lock_;
boost::intrusive::list<MergeIterState> states_; // NOLINT(*)
// Statistics (keyed by projection column index) accumulated so far by any
// fully-consumed sub-iterators.
vector<IteratorStats> finished_iter_stats_by_col_;
// The number of iterators, used by ToString().
const int num_orig_iters_;
// When the underlying iterators are initialized, each needs its own
// copy of the scan spec in order to do its own pushdown calculations, etc.
// The copies are allocated from this pool so they can be automatically freed
// when the UnionIterator goes out of scope.
ObjectPool<ScanSpec> scan_spec_copies_;
// Arena dedicated to MergeIterState bounds decoding.
// Each MergeIterState has an arena for buffered row data, but it is reset
// every time a new block is pulled. This single arena ensures that a
// MergeIterState's decoded bounds remain allocated for its lifetime.
RowBlockMemory decoded_bounds_memory_;
// Min-heap that orders rows by their keys. A call to top() will yield the row
// with the smallest key.
struct RowComparator {
bool operator()(const RowBlockRow& a, const RowBlockRow& b) const {
// This is counter-intuitive, but it's because boost::heap defaults to
// a max-heap; the comparator must be inverted to yield a min-heap.
return a.schema()->Compare(a, b) > 0;
typedef boost::heap::skew_heap<
RowBlockRow, boost::heap::compare<RowComparator>> RowMinHeap;
// Min-heap that orders sub-iterators by their next row key. A call to top()
// will yield the sub-iterator with the smallest next row key.
struct MergeIterStateComparator {
bool operator()(const MergeIterState* a, const MergeIterState* b) const {
// This is counter-intuitive, but it's because boost::heap defaults to
// a max-heap; the comparator must be inverted to yield a min-heap.
return a->schema().Compare(a->next_row(), b->next_row()) > 0;
typedef boost::heap::skew_heap<
MergeIterState*, boost::heap::compare<MergeIterStateComparator>> MergeStateMinHeap;
// The three heaps as described in the algorithm above.
// Note that the heaps do not "own" any of the objects they contain:
// - The MergeIterStates in hot_ and cold_ are owned by states_.
// - The data backing the rows in hotmaxes_ is owned by all states' read_block_.
// Care must be taken to remove entries from the heaps when the corresponding
// objects are destroyed.
// Boost offers a variety of different heap data structures[1]. Perf testing
// via generic_iterators-test (TestMerge and TestMergeNonOverlapping with
// num_iters=10, num_lists=1000, and num_rows=1000) shows that while all heaps
// perform more or less equally well for non-overlapping input, skew heaps
// outperform the rest for overlapping input. Basic priority queues (i.e.
// boost::heap::priority_queue and std::priority_queue) were excluded as they
// do not offer ordered iteration.
// 1.
MergeStateMinHeap hot_;
MergeStateMinHeap cold_;
RowMinHeap hotmaxes_;
MergeIterator::MergeIterator(MergeIteratorOptions opts,
vector<IterWithBounds> iters)
: opts_(opts),
decoded_bounds_memory_(1024) {
CHECK_GT(orig_iters_.size(), 0);
MergeIterator::~MergeIterator() {
states_.clear_and_dispose([](MergeIterState* s) { delete s; });
Status MergeIterator::Init(ScanSpec *spec) {
// Initialize the iterators and the per-iterator merge states.
// When this method finishes, orig_iters_ has been cleared and states_ has
// been populated.
// Verify that the schemas match in debug builds.
// It's important to do the verification after initializing the iterators, as
// they may not know their own schemas until they've been initialized (in the
// case of a union of unions).
schema_.reset(new Schema(states_.front().schema()));
CHECK_GT(schema_->num_key_columns(), 0);
#ifndef NDEBUG
for (const auto& s : states_) {
if (!s.schema().Equals(*schema_)) {
return Status::InvalidArgument(
Substitute("Schemas do not match: $0 vs. $1",
schema_->ToString(), s.schema().ToString()));
if (opts_.include_deleted_rows &&
schema_->first_is_deleted_virtual_column_idx() == Schema::kColumnNotFound) {
return Status::InvalidArgument("Merge iterator cannot deduplicate deleted "
"rows without an IS_DELETED column");
// Before we copy any rows, clean up any iterators which were empty
// to start with. Otherwise, HasNext() won't properly return false
// if we were passed only empty iterators.
[](const MergeIterState& s) { return PREDICT_FALSE(s.IsFullyExhausted()); },
[](MergeIterState* s) { delete s; });
// Establish the merge window and initialize the three heaps.
for (auto& s : states_) {
initted_ = true;
return Status::OK();
bool MergeIterator::HasNext() const {
return !states_.empty();
Status MergeIterator::InitSubIterators(ScanSpec *spec) {
// Initialize all the sub iterators.
for (auto& i : orig_iters_) {
ScanSpec *spec_copy = spec != nullptr ? scan_spec_copies_.Construct(*spec) : nullptr;
RETURN_NOT_OK(InitAndMaybeWrap(&i.iter, spec_copy));
unique_ptr<MergeIterState> state(new MergeIterState(std::move(i)));
// Since we handle predicates in all the wrapped iterators, we can clear
// them here.
if (spec != nullptr) {
return Status::OK();
Status MergeIterator::AdvanceAndReheap(MergeIterState* state,
size_t num_rows_to_advance) {
bool pulled_new_block;
RETURN_NOT_OK(state->Advance(num_rows_to_advance, &pulled_new_block));
// Note that hotmaxes_ is not yet popped as it's not necessary to do so if the
// merge window hasn't changed. Thus, we can avoid some work by deferring it
// into the cases below.
if (state->IsFullyExhausted()) {
// This sub-iterator's removal means the end of the merge window may have shifted.
} else if (pulled_new_block) {
// This sub-iterator has a new block, which means the end of the merge window
//may have shifted.
if (!hotmaxes_.empty() &&
schema_->Compare(, state->next_row()) < 0) {
// The new block lies beyond the new end of the merge window.
VLOG(2) << "Block finished, became cold: " << state->ToString();
} else {
// The new block is still within the merge window.
VLOG(2) << "Block finished, still hot: " << state->ToString();
} else {
// The sub-iterator's block's upper bound remains the same; the merge window
// has not changed.
return Status::OK();
Status MergeIterator::RefillHotHeap() {
VLOG(2) << "Refilling hot heap";
while (!cold_.empty() &&
(hotmaxes_.empty() ||
schema_->Compare(,>next_row()) >= 0)) {
MergeIterState* warmest =;
// This will only be true once per sub-iterator, when it becomes hot for the
// very first time.
if (warmest->IsBlockExhausted()) {
// After pulling a block, we can't just assume 'warmest' overlaps the
// merge window: there could have been a huge gap between the pulled block
// and the sub-iterator's absolute bounds. In other words, although the
// bounds told us that 'warmest' was the best candidate, the block is the
// ultimate source of truth.
// To deal with this, we pretend 'warmest' doesn't overlap and restart the
// algorithm. In the worst case (little to no gap between the block and
// the bounds), we'll pop 'warmest' right back out again.
if (warmest->IsFullyExhausted()) {
} else {
VLOG(2) << "Became hot: " << warmest->ToString();
if (VLOG_IS_ON(2)) {
VLOG(2) << "Done refilling hot heap";
for (const auto* c : cold_) {
VLOG(2) << "Still cold: " << c->ToString();
return Status::OK();
void MergeIterator::DestroySubIterator(MergeIterState* state) {
std::lock_guard<rw_spinlock> l(states_lock_);
[](MergeIterState* s) { delete s; });
Status MergeIterator::NextBlock(RowBlock* dst) {
VLOG(3) << "Called NextBlock (" << dst->nrows() << " rows) on " << ToString();
DCHECK_SCHEMA_EQ(*dst->schema(), schema());
if (dst->arena()) {
size_t dst_row_idx = 0;
while (dst_row_idx < dst->nrows()) {
// If the hot heap is empty, we must be out of sub-iterators.
if (PREDICT_FALSE(hot_.empty())) {
// If there's just one hot sub-iterator, we can copy its entire block
// instead of copying row-by-row.
// When N sub-iterators fully overlap, there'll only be one hot sub-iterator
// when consuming the very last row. A block copy for this case is more
// overhead than just copying out the last row.
// TODO(adar): this can be further optimized by "attaching" data to 'dst'
// rather than copying it.
if (hot_.size() == 1 &&>remaining_in_block() > 1) {
RETURN_NOT_OK(MaterializeBlock(dst, &dst_row_idx));
} else {
RETURN_NOT_OK(MaterializeOneRow(dst, &dst_row_idx));
if (dst_row_idx < dst->nrows()) {
return Status::OK();
Status MergeIterator::MaterializeBlock(RowBlock* dst, size_t* dst_row_idx) {
DCHECK_EQ(1, hot_.size());
MergeIterState* state =;
size_t num_rows_copied;
RETURN_NOT_OK(state->CopyBlock(dst, *dst_row_idx, &num_rows_copied));
RETURN_NOT_OK(AdvanceAndReheap(state, num_rows_copied));
// CopyBlock() already updated dst's SelectionVector.
*dst_row_idx += num_rows_copied;
return Status::OK();
// TODO(todd): this is an obvious spot to add codegen - there's a ton of branching
// and such around the comparisons. A simple experiment indicated there's some
// 2x to be gained.
Status MergeIterator::MaterializeOneRow(RowBlock* dst, size_t* dst_row_idx) {
// We need a vector to track the iterators whose next_row() contains the
// smallest row key at a given moment during the merge because there may be
// multiple deleted rows with the same row key across multiple rowsets, and up
// to one live instance, that we have to deduplicate.
vector<MergeIterState*> smallest;
// Find the set of sub-iterators whose matching next row keys are the smallest
// across all sub-iterators.
// Note: heap ordered iteration isn't the same as a total ordering. For
// example, the two absolute smallest keys might be in the same sub-iterator
// rather than in the first two sub-iterators yielded via ordered iteration.
// However, the goal here is to identify a group of matching keys for the
// purpose of deduplication, and we're guaranteed that such matching keys
// cannot exist in the same sub-iterator (i.e. the same rowset).
for (auto iter = hot_.ordered_begin(); iter != hot_.ordered_end(); ++iter) {
MergeIterState* state = *iter;
if (!smallest.empty() &&
schema_->Compare(state->next_row(), smallest[0]->next_row()) != 0) {
MergeIterState* row_to_return_iter = nullptr;
if (!opts_.include_deleted_rows) {
// Since deleted rows are not included here, there can only be a single
// instance of any given row key in 'smallest'.
CHECK_EQ(1, smallest.size()) << "expected only a single smallest row";
row_to_return_iter = smallest[0];
} else {
// Deduplicate any deleted rows. Row instance de-duplication criteria:
// 1. If there is a non-deleted instance, return that instance.
// 2. If all rows are deleted, any instance will suffice because we
// don't guarantee that we will return valid field values for deleted
// rows.
int live_rows_found = 0;
for (const auto& s : smallest) {
bool is_deleted =
s->next_row(), schema_->first_is_deleted_virtual_column_idx());
if (!is_deleted) {
// We found the single live instance of the row.
row_to_return_iter = s;
#ifndef NDEBUG
live_rows_found++; // In DEBUG mode, do a sanity-check count of the live rows.
break; // In RELEASE mode, short-circuit the loop.
DCHECK_LE(live_rows_found, 1) << "expected at most one live row";
// If all instances of a given row are deleted then return an arbitrary
// deleted instance.
if (row_to_return_iter == nullptr) {
row_to_return_iter = smallest[0];
row_to_return_iter->next_row(), schema_->first_is_deleted_virtual_column_idx()))
<< "expected deleted row";
VLOG(3) << Substitute("Copying row $0 from $1",
*dst_row_idx, row_to_return_iter->ToString());
RowBlockRow dst_row = dst->row(*dst_row_idx);
RETURN_NOT_OK(CopyRow(row_to_return_iter->next_row(), &dst_row, dst->arena()));
// Advance all matching sub-iterators and remove any that are exhausted.
for (auto& s : smallest) {
RETURN_NOT_OK(AdvanceAndReheap(s, /*num_rows_to_advance=*/1));
return Status::OK();
string MergeIterator::ToString() const {
return Substitute("Merge($0 iters)", num_orig_iters_);
const Schema& MergeIterator::schema() const {
return *schema_;
void MergeIterator::GetIteratorStats(vector<IteratorStats>* stats) const {
shared_lock<rw_spinlock> l(states_lock_);
*stats = finished_iter_stats_by_col_;
for (const auto& s : states_) {
unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> NewMergeIterator(
MergeIteratorOptions opts, vector<IterWithBounds> iters) {
return unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator>(new MergeIterator(opts, std::move(iters)));
// UnionIterator
// An iterator which unions the results of other iterators.
// This is different from MergeIterator in that it lays the results out end-to-end
// rather than merging them based on keys. Hence it is more efficient since there is
// no comparison needed, and the key column does not need to be read if it is not
// part of the projection.
class UnionIterator : public RowwiseIterator {
// Constructs a UnionIterator of the given iterators.
// The iterators must have matching schemas and should not yet be initialized.
explicit UnionIterator(vector<IterWithBounds> iters);
Status Init(ScanSpec *spec) OVERRIDE;
bool HasNext() const OVERRIDE;
string ToString() const OVERRIDE;
const Schema &schema() const OVERRIDE {
CHECK(schema_.get() != NULL) << "Bad schema in " << ToString();
return *CHECK_NOTNULL(schema_.get());
virtual void GetIteratorStats(vector<IteratorStats>* stats) const OVERRIDE;
virtual Status NextBlock(RowBlock* dst) OVERRIDE;
void PrepareBatch();
Status MaterializeBlock(RowBlock* dst);
void FinishBatch();
Status InitSubIterators(ScanSpec *spec);
// Pop the front iterator from iters_ and accumulate its statistics into
// finished_iter_stats_by_col_.
void PopFront();
// Schema: initialized during Init()
unique_ptr<Schema> schema_;
bool initted_;
// Lock protecting 'iters_' and 'finished_iter_stats_by_col_'.
// Scanners are mostly accessed by the thread doing the scanning, but the HTTP endpoint
// which lists running scans may occasionally need to read as well.
// The "owner" thread of the scanner doesn't need to acquire this in read mode, since
// it's the only thread which might write. However, it does need to acquire in write
// mode when changing 'iters_'.
mutable rw_spinlock iters_lock_;
deque<IterWithBounds> iters_;
// Statistics (keyed by projection column index) accumulated so far by any
// fully-consumed sub-iterators.
vector<IteratorStats> finished_iter_stats_by_col_;
// When the underlying iterators are initialized, each needs its own
// copy of the scan spec in order to do its own pushdown calculations, etc.
// The copies are allocated from this pool so they can be automatically freed
// when the UnionIterator goes out of scope.
ObjectPool<ScanSpec> scan_spec_copies_;
UnionIterator::UnionIterator(vector<IterWithBounds> iters)
: initted_(false),
std::make_move_iterator(iters.end())) {
CHECK_GT(iters_.size(), 0);
Status UnionIterator::Init(ScanSpec *spec) {
// Initialize the underlying iterators
// Verify that the schemas match in debug builds.
// It's important to do the verification after initializing the iterators, as
// they may not know their own schemas until they've been initialized (in the
// case of a union of unions).
schema_.reset(new Schema(iters_.front().iter->schema()));
#ifndef NDEBUG
for (const auto& i : iters_) {
if (!i.iter->schema().Equals(*schema_)) {
return Status::InvalidArgument(
Substitute("Schemas do not match: $0 vs. $1",
schema_->ToString(), i.iter->schema().ToString()));
initted_ = true;
return Status::OK();
Status UnionIterator::InitSubIterators(ScanSpec *spec) {
for (auto& i : iters_) {
ScanSpec *spec_copy = spec != nullptr ? scan_spec_copies_.Construct(*spec) : nullptr;
RETURN_NOT_OK(InitAndMaybeWrap(&i.iter, spec_copy));
// The union iterator doesn't care about these, so let's drop them now to
// free some memory.
// Since we handle predicates in all the wrapped iterators, we can clear
// them here.
if (spec != nullptr) {
return Status::OK();
bool UnionIterator::HasNext() const {
for (const auto& i : iters_) {
if (i.iter->HasNext()) return true;
return false;
Status UnionIterator::NextBlock(RowBlock* dst) {
return Status::OK();
void UnionIterator::PrepareBatch() {
while (!iters_.empty() &&
!iters_.front().iter->HasNext()) {
Status UnionIterator::MaterializeBlock(RowBlock *dst) {
return iters_.front().iter->NextBlock(dst);
void UnionIterator::FinishBatch() {
if (!iters_.front().iter->HasNext()) {
// Iterator exhausted, remove it.
void UnionIterator::PopFront() {
std::lock_guard<rw_spinlock> l(iters_lock_);
AddIterStats(*iters_.front().iter, &finished_iter_stats_by_col_);
string UnionIterator::ToString() const {
string s;
s += JoinMapped(iters_, [](const IterWithBounds& i) {
return i.iter->ToString();
}, ",");
return s;
void UnionIterator::GetIteratorStats(vector<IteratorStats>* stats) const {
shared_lock<rw_spinlock> l(iters_lock_);
*stats = finished_iter_stats_by_col_;
if (!iters_.empty()) {
AddIterStats(*iters_.front().iter, stats);
unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> NewUnionIterator(vector<IterWithBounds> iters) {
return unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator>(new UnionIterator(std::move(iters)));
// MaterializingIterator
// An iterator which wraps a ColumnwiseIterator, materializing it into full rows.
// Column predicates are pushed down into this iterator. While materializing a
// block, columns with associated predicates are materialized first, and the
// predicates evaluated. If the predicates succeed in filtering out an entire
// batch, then other columns may avoid doing any IO.
class MaterializingIterator : public RowwiseIterator {
explicit MaterializingIterator(unique_ptr<ColumnwiseIterator> iter);
// Initialize the iterator, performing predicate pushdown as described above.
Status Init(ScanSpec *spec) OVERRIDE;
bool HasNext() const OVERRIDE;
string ToString() const OVERRIDE;
const Schema &schema() const OVERRIDE {
return iter_->schema();
virtual void GetIteratorStats(std::vector<IteratorStats>* stats) const OVERRIDE {
col_idx_predicates_, stats);
virtual Status NextBlock(RowBlock* dst) OVERRIDE;
const IteratorPredicateEffectivenessContext& effectiveness_context() const {
return predicates_effectiveness_ctx_;
Status MaterializeBlock(RowBlock *dst);
unique_ptr<ColumnwiseIterator> iter_;
// List of (column index, predicate) in order of most to least selective, with
// ties broken by the index.
vector<ColumnIdxAndPredicate> col_idx_predicates_;
// List of column indexes without predicates to materialize.
vector<int32_t> non_predicate_column_indexes_;
// Predicate effective contexts help disable ineffective column predicates.
IteratorPredicateEffectivenessContext predicates_effectiveness_ctx_;
// Set only by test code to disallow pushdown.
bool disallow_pushdown_for_tests_;
bool disallow_decoder_eval_;
MaterializingIterator::MaterializingIterator(unique_ptr<ColumnwiseIterator> iter)
: iter_(std::move(iter)),
disallow_decoder_eval_(!FLAGS_materializing_iterator_decoder_eval) {
Status MaterializingIterator::Init(ScanSpec *spec) {
const int32_t num_columns = schema().num_columns();
if (PREDICT_FALSE(!disallow_pushdown_for_tests_) && spec != nullptr) {
DCHECK_GE(num_columns, spec->predicates().size());
non_predicate_column_indexes_.reserve(num_columns - spec->predicates().size());
for (const auto& col_pred : spec->predicates()) {
const ColumnPredicate& pred = col_pred.second;
int col_idx = schema().find_column(pred.column().name());
if (col_idx == Schema::kColumnNotFound) {
return Status::InvalidArgument("No such column", col_pred.first);
VLOG(1) << "Pushing down predicate " << pred.ToString();
col_idx_predicates_.emplace_back(col_idx, col_pred.second);
for (int32_t col_idx = 0; col_idx < num_columns; col_idx++) {
if (!ContainsKey(spec->predicates(), schema().column(col_idx).name())) {
// Since we'll evaluate these predicates ourselves, remove them from the
// scan spec so higher layers don't repeat our work.
} else {
non_predicate_column_indexes_.end(), 0);
// Sort the predicates by selectivity so that the most selective are evaluated
// earlier, with ties broken by the column index.
sort(col_idx_predicates_.begin(), col_idx_predicates_.end(),
[] (const ColumnIdxAndPredicate& left,
const ColumnIdxAndPredicate& right) {
int comp = SelectivityComparator(left.second, right.second);
return comp ? comp < 0 : left.first < right.first;
// Important to initialize the effectiveness contexts after sorting the predicates
// to get right order of predicate indices.
for (int pred_idx = 0; pred_idx < col_idx_predicates_.size(); pred_idx++) {
const auto* predicate = &col_idx_predicates_[pred_idx].second;
if (IsColumnPredicateDisableable(predicate->predicate_type())) {
predicates_effectiveness_ctx_.AddDisableablePredicate(pred_idx, predicate);
return Status::OK();
bool MaterializingIterator::HasNext() const {
return iter_->HasNext();
Status MaterializingIterator::NextBlock(RowBlock* dst) {
size_t n = dst->row_capacity();
if (dst->arena()) {
return Status::OK();
Status MaterializingIterator::MaterializeBlock(RowBlock *dst) {
// Initialize the selection vector indicating which rows have been
// been deleted.
// It's relatively common to delete large sequential chunks of rows.
// We can fast-path that case and avoid reading any column data.
if (!dst->selection_vector()->AnySelected()) {
DVLOG(1) << "Fast path over " << dst->nrows() << " deleted rows";
return Status::OK();
for (int i = 0; i < col_idx_predicates_.size(); i++) {
const auto& col_pred = col_idx_predicates_[i];
const auto& col_idx = get<0>(col_pred);
const auto& predicate = get<1>(col_pred);
// Materialize the column itself into the row block.
ColumnBlock dst_col(dst->column_block(col_idx));
ColumnMaterializationContext ctx(col_idx,
// None predicates should be short-circuited in scan spec.
DCHECK(ctx.pred()->predicate_type() != PredicateType::None);
auto* effectiveness_ctx = IsColumnPredicateDisableable(predicate.predicate_type()) ?
&predicates_effectiveness_ctx_[i] : nullptr;
// Predicate evaluation will be disabled for a predicate already determined to be ineffective
// both at decoder level and outside.
// Indicate whether the predicate has been disabled or not. If the predicate is not disableable
// (currently only Bloom filter predicates are disableable), both of these are false.
bool disableable_predicate_disabled =
effectiveness_ctx && !effectiveness_ctx->IsPredicateEnabled();
bool disableable_predicate_enabled =
effectiveness_ctx && effectiveness_ctx->IsPredicateEnabled();
if (disallow_decoder_eval_ || disableable_predicate_disabled) {
// This column predicate is determined to be ineffective, hence disable the decoder level
// evaluation.
// Determine the number of rows filtered out by this predicate, if disableable.
// Currently we don't have a mechanism to get precise number of rows filtered out by a
// particular predicate and adding such a stat could in fact slow down the filtering.
// This count of rows filtered out is not precise as the rows filtered out by predicates
// earlier in the sort order get more credit than the ones later in the order. Nevertheless it
// still helps measure whether the predicate is effective in filtering out rows.
auto num_rows_before = disableable_predicate_enabled ?
dst->selection_vector()->CountSelected() : 0;
if (ctx.DecoderEvalNotSupported() && !disableable_predicate_disabled) {
predicate.Evaluate(dst_col, dst->selection_vector());
if (disableable_predicate_enabled) {
auto num_rows_rejected = num_rows_before - dst->selection_vector()->CountSelected();
DCHECK_GE(num_rows_rejected, 0);
DCHECK_LE(num_rows_rejected, num_rows_before);
effectiveness_ctx->rows_rejected += num_rows_rejected;
effectiveness_ctx->rows_read += dst->nrows();
// If after evaluating this predicate the entire row block has been filtered
// out, we don't need to materialize other columns at all.
if (!dst->selection_vector()->AnySelected()) {
DVLOG(1) << "0/" << dst->nrows() << " passed predicate";
return Status::OK();
for (size_t col_idx : non_predicate_column_indexes_) {
// Materialize the column itself into the row block.
ColumnBlock dst_col(dst->column_block(col_idx));
ColumnMaterializationContext ctx(col_idx,
DVLOG(1) << dst->selection_vector()->CountSelected() << "/"
<< dst->nrows() << " passed predicate";
return Status::OK();
string MaterializingIterator::ToString() const {
string s;
return s;
unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> NewMaterializingIterator(
unique_ptr<ColumnwiseIterator> iter) {
return unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator>(
new MaterializingIterator(std::move(iter)));
// PredicateEvaluatingIterator
// An iterator which wraps another iterator and evaluates any predicates that the
// wrapped iterator did not itself handle during push down.
class PredicateEvaluatingIterator : public RowwiseIterator {
// Construct the evaluating iterator.
// This is only called from ::InitAndMaybeWrap()
// REQUIRES: base_iter is already Init()ed.
explicit PredicateEvaluatingIterator(unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> base_iter);
// Initialize the iterator.
// POSTCONDITION: spec->predicates().empty()
Status Init(ScanSpec *spec) OVERRIDE;
virtual Status NextBlock(RowBlock *dst) OVERRIDE;
bool HasNext() const OVERRIDE;
string ToString() const OVERRIDE;
const Schema &schema() const OVERRIDE {
return base_iter_->schema();
virtual void GetIteratorStats(std::vector<IteratorStats>* stats) const OVERRIDE {
col_idx_predicates_, stats);
// Return the column predicates tracked by this iterator. Only valid for the lifetime of
// the iterator.
vector<const ColumnPredicate*> col_predicates() const {
vector<const ColumnPredicate*> result;
[](const ColumnIdxAndPredicate& idx_and_pred) { return &idx_and_pred.second; });
return result;
const IteratorPredicateEffectivenessContext& effectiveness_context() const {
return predicates_effectiveness_ctx_;
unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> base_iter_;
// List of (column index, predicate) in order of most to least selective, with
// ties broken by the column index.
vector<ColumnIdxAndPredicate> col_idx_predicates_;
// Predicate effective contexts help disable ineffective column predicates.
IteratorPredicateEffectivenessContext predicates_effectiveness_ctx_;
PredicateEvaluatingIterator::PredicateEvaluatingIterator(unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> base_iter)
: base_iter_(std::move(base_iter)) {
Status PredicateEvaluatingIterator::Init(ScanSpec *spec) {
// base_iter_ already Init()ed before this is constructed.
// Gather any predicates that the base iterator did not pushdown, and remove
// the predicates from the spec.
for (const auto& col_pred : spec->predicates()) {
const auto& col_name = col_pred.first;
const ColumnPredicate& pred = col_pred.second;
DCHECK_EQ(col_name, pred.column().name());
int col_idx = schema().find_column(col_name);
if (col_idx == Schema::kColumnNotFound) {
return Status::InvalidArgument("No such column", col_name);
VLOG(1) << "Pushing down predicate " << pred.ToString();
col_idx_predicates_.emplace_back(col_idx, pred);
// Sort the predicates by selectivity so that the most selective are evaluated
// earlier, with ties broken by the column index.
sort(col_idx_predicates_.begin(), col_idx_predicates_.end(),
[] (const ColumnIdxAndPredicate& left,
const ColumnIdxAndPredicate& right) {
int comp = SelectivityComparator(left.second, right.second);
return comp ? comp < 0 : left.first < right.first;
// Important to initialize the effectiveness contexts after sorting the predicates
// to get right order of predicate indices.
for (int pred_idx = 0; pred_idx < col_idx_predicates_.size(); pred_idx++) {
const auto* predicate = &col_idx_predicates_[pred_idx].second;
if (IsColumnPredicateDisableable(predicate->predicate_type())) {
predicates_effectiveness_ctx_.AddDisableablePredicate(pred_idx, predicate);
return Status::OK();
bool PredicateEvaluatingIterator::HasNext() const {
return base_iter_->HasNext();
Status PredicateEvaluatingIterator::NextBlock(RowBlock *dst) {
for (int i = 0; i < col_idx_predicates_.size(); i++) {
const auto& col_idx = col_idx_predicates_[i].first;
const auto& predicate = col_idx_predicates_[i].second;
DCHECK_NE(col_idx, Schema::kColumnNotFound);
auto* effectiveness_ctx = IsColumnPredicateDisableable(predicate.predicate_type()) ?
&predicates_effectiveness_ctx_[i] : nullptr;
if (effectiveness_ctx && !effectiveness_ctx->IsPredicateEnabled()) {
// Column predicate determined to be disabled.
// Determine the number of rows filtered out by this predicate.
// Currently we don't have a mechanism to get precise number of rows filtered out by a
// particular predicate and adding such stat could in fact slow down the filtering.
// This count of rows filtered out is not precise as the rows filtered out by predicates
// earlier in the sort order get more credit than the ones later in the order. Nevertheless it
// still helps measure whether the predicate is effective in filtering out rows.
auto num_rows_before = effectiveness_ctx ?
dst->selection_vector()->CountSelected() : 0;
predicate.Evaluate(dst->column_block(col_idx), dst->selection_vector());
if (effectiveness_ctx) {
auto num_rows_rejected = num_rows_before - dst->selection_vector()->CountSelected();
DCHECK_GE(num_rows_rejected, 0);
DCHECK_LE(num_rows_rejected, num_rows_before);
effectiveness_ctx->rows_rejected += num_rows_rejected;
effectiveness_ctx->rows_read += dst->nrows();
// If after evaluating this predicate, the entire row block has now been
// filtered out, we don't need to evaluate any further predicates.
if (!dst->selection_vector()->AnySelected()) {
return Status::OK();
string PredicateEvaluatingIterator::ToString() const {
return Substitute("PredicateEvaluating($0)", base_iter_->ToString());
Status InitAndMaybeWrap(unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator>* base_iter,
ScanSpec *spec) {
if (spec != nullptr && !spec->predicates().empty()) {
// Underlying iterator did not accept all predicates. Wrap it.
unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> wrapper(new PredicateEvaluatingIterator(std::move(*base_iter)));
*base_iter = std::move(wrapper);
return Status::OK();
vector<const ColumnPredicate*> GetIteratorPredicatesForTests(
const unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator>& iter) {
PredicateEvaluatingIterator* pred_eval =
return pred_eval->col_predicates();
const IteratorPredicateEffectivenessContext& GetIteratorPredicateEffectivenessCtxForTests(
const std::unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator>& iter) {
auto* iter_ptr = iter.get();
// Using dynamic_cast like below is not recommended but okay considering following reasons:
// - This function is only used for tests
// - PredicateEvaluatingIterator and MaterializingIterator are hidden from public access.
// - Introducing effectiveness context for base RowwiseIterator would be unnecessary
// for other derived classes of RowwiseIterator.
if (auto* pred_iter = dynamic_cast<PredicateEvaluatingIterator*>(iter_ptr)) {
return pred_iter->effectiveness_context();
if (auto* pred_iter = dynamic_cast<MaterializingIterator*>(iter_ptr)) {
return pred_iter->effectiveness_context();
LOG(FATAL) << "Effectiveness context not available for iterator type: "
<< typeid(iter_ptr).name();
} // namespace kudu