blob: f5870415b4ac5e3aa97ded58a405be42daddf4d5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "kudu/util/net/net_util.h"
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <ifaddrs.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/container_hash/extensions.hpp>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "kudu/gutil/endian.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/map-util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/port.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/join.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/numbers.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/split.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/strip.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/util.h"
#include "kudu/util/debug/trace_event.h"
#include "kudu/util/errno.h"
#include "kudu/util/flag_tags.h"
#include "kudu/util/net/sockaddr.h"
#include "kudu/util/net/socket.h"
#include "kudu/util/scoped_cleanup.h"
#include "kudu/util/stopwatch.h"
#include "kudu/util/string_case.h"
#include "kudu/util/subprocess.h"
#include "kudu/util/thread_restrictions.h"
#include "kudu/util/trace.h"
// Mac OS 10.9 does not appear to define HOST_NAME_MAX in unistd.h
#define HOST_NAME_MAX 64
DEFINE_bool(fail_dns_resolution, false, "Whether to fail dns resolution, for tests.");
TAG_FLAG(fail_dns_resolution, hidden);
DEFINE_string(fail_dns_resolution_hostports, "",
"Comma-separated list of hostports that fail dns resolution. If empty, fails all "
"dns resolution attempts. Only takes effect if --fail_dns_resolution is 'true'.");
TAG_FLAG(fail_dns_resolution_hostports, hidden);
DEFINE_string(dns_addr_resolution_override, "",
"Comma-separated list of '='-separated pairs of hosts to addresses. The left-hand "
"side of the '=' is taken as a host, and will resolve to the right-hand side which "
"is expected to be a socket address with no port.");
TAG_FLAG(dns_addr_resolution_override, hidden);
DEFINE_string(host_for_tests, "", "Host to use when resolving a given server's locally bound or "
"advertised addresses.");
using std::function;
using std::string;
using std::unordered_set;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::vector;
using strings::Split;
using strings::Substitute;
namespace kudu {
// Allow 18-bit PIDs, max PID up to 262143, for binding in UNIQUE_LOOPBACK mode.
static const int kPidBits = 18;
// The PID and server indices share the same 24-bit space. The 24-bit space
// corresponds to the subnet.
static const int kServerIdxBits = 24 - kPidBits;
// The maximum allowed number of 'indexed servers' for binding in UNIQUE_LOOPBACK mode.
const int kServersMaxNum = (1 << kServerIdxBits) - 2;
namespace {
using AddrInfo = unique_ptr<addrinfo, function<void(addrinfo*)>>;
// A utility wrapper around getaddrinfo() call to convert the return code
// of the libc library function into Status.
Status GetAddrInfo(const string& hostname,
const addrinfo& hints,
const string& op_description,
AddrInfo* info) {
addrinfo* res = nullptr;
const int rc = getaddrinfo(hostname.c_str(), nullptr, &hints, &res);
const int err = errno; // preserving the errno from the getaddrinfo() call
AddrInfo result(res, ::freeaddrinfo);
if (rc == 0) {
if (info != nullptr) {
return Status::OK();
const string err_msg = Substitute("unable to $0", op_description);
if (rc == EAI_SYSTEM) {
return Status::NetworkError(err_msg, ErrnoToString(err), err);
return Status::NetworkError(err_msg, gai_strerror(rc));
// Converts the given Sockaddr into a HostPort, substituting the FQDN
// in the case that the provided address is the wildcard.
// In the case of other addresses, the returned HostPort will contain just the
// stringified form of the IP.
Status HostPortFromSockaddrReplaceWildcard(const Sockaddr& addr, HostPort* hp) {
string host;
if (!FLAGS_host_for_tests.empty() || addr.IsWildcard()) {
} else {
host =;
return Status::OK();
} // anonymous namespace
: host_(""),
port_(0) {
HostPort::HostPort(std::string host, uint16_t port)
: host_(std::move(host)), port_(port) {}
HostPort::HostPort(const Sockaddr& addr)
: host_(,
port_(addr.port()) {
bool operator==(const HostPort& hp1, const HostPort& hp2) {
return hp1.port() == hp2.port() && ==;
size_t HostPort::HashCode() const {
size_t seed = 0;
boost::hash_combine(seed, host_);
boost::hash_combine(seed, port_);
return seed;
Status HostPort::ParseString(const string& str, uint16_t default_port) {
std::pair<string, string> p = strings::Split(str, strings::delimiter::Limit(":", 1));
// Strip any whitespace from the host.
// Parse the port.
uint32_t port;
if (p.second.empty() && strcount(str, ':') == 0) {
// No port specified.
port = default_port;
} else if (!SimpleAtoi(p.second, &port) ||
port > 65535) {
return Status::InvalidArgument("invalid port", str);
port_ = port;
return Status::OK();
Status HostPort::ParseStringWithScheme(const string& str, uint16_t default_port) {
string str_copy(str);
const string kSchemeSeparator = "://";
const string kPathSeparator = "/";
auto scheme_idx = str_copy.find(kSchemeSeparator);
if (scheme_idx == 0) {
return Status::InvalidArgument("invalid scheme format", str_copy);
if (scheme_idx != string::npos) {
str_copy.erase(0, scheme_idx + kSchemeSeparator.size());
auto path_idx = str_copy.find(kPathSeparator);
if (path_idx == 0) {
return Status::InvalidArgument("invalid address format", str_copy);
if (path_idx != string::npos) {
str_copy.erase(path_idx, str_copy.size());
return ParseString(str_copy, default_port);
Status HostPort::ResolveAddresses(vector<Sockaddr>* addresses) const {
TRACE_EVENT1("net", "HostPort::ResolveAddresses",
"host", host_);
if (PREDICT_FALSE(!FLAGS_dns_addr_resolution_override.empty())) {
vector<string> hosts_and_addrs = Split(FLAGS_dns_addr_resolution_override, ",");
for (const auto& ha : hosts_and_addrs) {
vector<string> host_and_addr = Split(ha, "=");
if (host_and_addr.size() != 2) {
return Status::InvalidArgument("failed to parse injected address override");
if (iequals(host_and_addr[0], host_)) {
Sockaddr addr;
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(addr.ParseString(host_and_addr[1], port_),
"failed to parse injected address override");
*addresses = { addr };
return Status::OK();
struct addrinfo hints;
memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
hints.ai_family = AF_INET;
hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
AddrInfo result;
const string op_description = Substitute("resolve address for $0", host_);
LOG_SLOW_EXECUTION(WARNING, 200, op_description) {
RETURN_NOT_OK(GetAddrInfo(host_, hints, op_description, &result));
// DNS may return the same host multiple times. We want to return only the unique
// addresses, but in the same order as DNS returned them. To do so, we keep track
// of the already-inserted elements in a set.
unordered_set<Sockaddr> inserted;
vector<Sockaddr> result_addresses;
for (const addrinfo* ai = result.get(); ai != nullptr; ai = ai->ai_next) {
CHECK_EQ(AF_INET, ai->ai_family);
sockaddr_in* addr = reinterpret_cast<sockaddr_in*>(ai->ai_addr);
addr->sin_port = htons(port_);
Sockaddr sockaddr(*addr);
VLOG(2) << Substitute("resolved address $0 for host/port $1",
sockaddr.ToString(), ToString());
if (InsertIfNotPresent(&inserted, sockaddr)) {
if (PREDICT_FALSE(FLAGS_fail_dns_resolution)) {
if (FLAGS_fail_dns_resolution_hostports.empty()) {
return Status::NetworkError("injected DNS resolution failure");
unordered_set<string> failed_hostports =
Split(FLAGS_fail_dns_resolution_hostports, ",");
for (const auto& hp_str : failed_hostports) {
HostPort hp;
Status s = hp.ParseString(hp_str, /*default_port=*/0);
if (!s.ok()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Could not parse: " << hp_str;
if (hp == *this) {
return Status::NetworkError("injected DNS resolution failure", hp_str);
if (addresses) {
*addresses = std::move(result_addresses);
return Status::OK();
Status HostPort::ParseStrings(const string& comma_sep_addrs,
uint16_t default_port,
vector<HostPort>* res) {
return ParseAddresses(strings::Split(comma_sep_addrs, ",", strings::SkipEmpty()),
default_port, res);
Status HostPort::ParseAddresses(const vector<string>& addrs, uint16_t default_port,
vector<HostPort>* res) {
for (const string& addr : addrs) {
HostPort host_port;
RETURN_NOT_OK(host_port.ParseString(addr, default_port));
return Status::OK();
Status HostPort::ParseStringsWithScheme(const string& comma_sep_addrs,
uint16_t default_port,
vector<HostPort>* res) {
vector<string> addr_strings = strings::Split(comma_sep_addrs, ",", strings::SkipEmpty());
for (const string& addr_string : addr_strings) {
HostPort host_port;
RETURN_NOT_OK(host_port.ParseStringWithScheme(addr_string, default_port));
return Status::OK();
string HostPort::ToString() const {
return Substitute("$0:$1", host_, port_);
string HostPort::ToCommaSeparatedString(const vector<HostPort>& hostports) {
vector<string> hostport_strs;
for (const HostPort& hostport : hostports) {
return JoinStrings(hostport_strs, ",");
bool HostPort::IsLoopback(uint32_t addr) {
return (NetworkByteOrder::FromHost32(addr) >> 24) == 127;
string HostPort::AddrToString(uint32_t addr) {
::inet_ntop(AF_INET, &addr, str, INET_ADDRSTRLEN);
return str;
: addr_(0),
netmask_(0) {
Network::Network(uint32_t addr, uint32_t netmask)
: addr_(addr), netmask_(netmask) {}
bool Network::WithinNetwork(const Sockaddr& addr) const {
return ((addr.ipv4_addr().sin_addr.s_addr & netmask_) ==
(addr_ & netmask_));
Status Network::ParseCIDRString(const string& addr) {
std::pair<string, string> p = strings::Split(addr, strings::delimiter::Limit("/", 1));
kudu::Sockaddr sockaddr;
Status s = sockaddr.ParseString(p.first, 0);
uint32_t bits;
bool success = SimpleAtoi(p.second, &bits);
if (!s.ok() || !success || bits > 32) {
return Status::NetworkError("Unable to parse CIDR address", addr);
// Netmask in network byte order
uint32_t netmask = NetworkByteOrder::FromHost32(~(0xffffffff >> bits));
addr_ = sockaddr.ipv4_addr().sin_addr.s_addr;
netmask_ = netmask;
return Status::OK();
Status Network::ParseCIDRStrings(const string& comma_sep_addrs,
vector<Network>* res) {
vector<string> addr_strings = strings::Split(comma_sep_addrs, ",", strings::SkipEmpty());
for (const string& addr_string : addr_strings) {
Network network;
return Status::OK();
bool Network::IsLoopback() const {
return HostPort::IsLoopback(addr_);
string Network::GetAddrAsString() const {
return HostPort::AddrToString(addr_);
bool IsPrivilegedPort(uint16_t port) {
return port <= 1024 && port != 0;
Status ParseAddressList(const std::string& addr_list,
uint16_t default_port,
std::vector<Sockaddr>* addresses) {
vector<HostPort> host_ports;
RETURN_NOT_OK(HostPort::ParseStrings(addr_list, default_port, &host_ports));
if (host_ports.empty()) {
return Status::InvalidArgument("No address specified");
unordered_set<Sockaddr> uniqued;
for (const HostPort& host_port : host_ports) {
vector<Sockaddr> this_addresses;
// Only add the unique ones -- the user may have specified
// some IP addresses in multiple ways
for (const Sockaddr& addr : this_addresses) {
if (InsertIfNotPresent(&uniqued, addr)) {
} else {
LOG(INFO) << "Address " << addr.ToString() << " for " << host_port.ToString()
<< " duplicates an earlier resolved entry.";
return Status::OK();
Status GetHostname(string* hostname) {
TRACE_EVENT0("net", "GetHostname");
if (!FLAGS_host_for_tests.empty()) {
*hostname = FLAGS_host_for_tests;
return Status::OK();
char name[HOST_NAME_MAX];
if (gethostname(name, HOST_NAME_MAX) != 0) {
const int err = errno;
return Status::NetworkError(
"Unable to determine local hostname", ErrnoToString(err), err);
*hostname = name;
return Status::OK();
Status GetLocalNetworks(std::vector<Network>* net) {
struct ifaddrs* ifap = nullptr;
if (ifap) {
if (getifaddrs(&ifap) != 0) {
const int err = errno;
return Status::NetworkError(
"Unable to determine local network addresses", ErrnoToString(err), err);
for (struct ifaddrs *ifa = ifap; ifa; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) {
if (ifa->ifa_addr == nullptr || ifa->ifa_netmask == nullptr) {
if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET) {
auto* ifa_address = reinterpret_cast<struct sockaddr_in*>(ifa->ifa_addr);
auto* ifa_netmask = reinterpret_cast<struct sockaddr_in*>(ifa->ifa_netmask);
if (ifa_netmask->sin_family == AF_UNSPEC) {
// Tunnel interfaces created by some VPN implementations do not have
// their network mask's address family (sin_family) properly set. If
// the address family for the network mask is left as AF_UNSPEC, this
// code sets the address family of the network mask to be the same as
// the family of the network address itself. This is to satisfy the
// constraints in the Sockaddr class.
ifa_netmask->sin_family = ifa_address->sin_family;
return Status::OK();
Status GetFQDN(string* hostname) {
TRACE_EVENT0("net", "GetFQDN");
// Start with the non-qualified hostname
if (!FLAGS_host_for_tests.empty()) {
return Status::OK();
struct addrinfo hints;
memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM;
hints.ai_flags = AI_CANONNAME;
AddrInfo result;
const string op_description =
Substitute("look up canonical hostname for localhost '$0'", *hostname);
LOG_SLOW_EXECUTION(WARNING, 200, op_description) {
TRACE_EVENT0("net", "getaddrinfo");
RETURN_NOT_OK(GetAddrInfo(*hostname, hints, op_description, &result));
// On macOS ai_cannonname returns null when FQDN doesn't have domain name (ex .local)
if (result->ai_canonname != nullptr) {
*hostname = result->ai_canonname;
return Status::OK();
Status SockaddrFromHostPort(const HostPort& host_port, Sockaddr* addr) {
vector<Sockaddr> addrs;
if (addrs.empty()) {
return Status::NetworkError("Unable to resolve address", host_port.ToString());
*addr = addrs[0];
if (addrs.size() > 1) {
VLOG(1) << "Hostname " << << " resolved to more than one address. "
<< "Using address: " << addr->ToString();
return Status::OK();
Status HostPortsFromAddrs(const vector<Sockaddr>& addrs, vector<HostPort>* hps) {
for (const auto& addr : addrs) {
if (!addr.is_ip()) continue;
HostPort hp;
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(HostPortFromSockaddrReplaceWildcard(addr, &hp),
"could not get RPC hostport");
return Status::OK();
Status GetRandomPort(const string& address, uint16_t* port) {
Sockaddr sockaddr;
sockaddr.ParseString(address, 0);
Socket listener;
RETURN_NOT_OK(listener.Init(, 0));
Sockaddr listen_address;
*port = listen_address.port();
return Status::OK();
void TryRunLsof(const Sockaddr& addr, vector<string>* log) {
#if defined(__APPLE__)
string cmd = Substitute(
"lsof -n -i 'TCP:$0' -sTCP:LISTEN ; "
"for pid in $$(lsof -F p -n -i 'TCP:$0' -sTCP:LISTEN | cut -f 2 -dp) ; do"
" pstree $$pid || ps h -p $$pid;"
// Little inline bash script prints the full ancestry of any pid listening
// on the same port as 'addr'. We could use 'pstree -s', but that option
// doesn't exist on el6.
string cmd = Substitute(
"export PATH=$$PATH:/usr/sbin ; "
"lsof -n -i 'TCP:$0' -sTCP:LISTEN ; "
"for pid in $$(lsof -F p -n -i 'TCP:$0' -sTCP:LISTEN | grep p | cut -f 2 -dp) ; do"
" while [ $$pid -gt 1 ] ; do"
" ps h -fp $$pid ;"
" stat=($$(</proc/$$pid/stat)) ;"
" pid=$${stat[3]} ;"
" done ; "
#endif // defined(__APPLE__)
<< "Trying to use lsof to find any processes listening on "
<< addr.ToString();
LOG_STRING(INFO, log) << "$ " << cmd;
vector<string> argv = { "bash", "-c", cmd };
string results;
Status s = Subprocess::Call(argv, "", &results);
if (PREDICT_FALSE(!s.ok())) {
LOG_STRING(WARNING, log) << s.ToString();
LOG_STRING(WARNING, log) << results;
string GetBindIpForDaemon(int index, BindMode bind_mode) {
// The server index should range from (0, max_servers] since
// the range for last octet for a valid unicast IP address ranges is (0, 255).
CHECK(0 < index && index <= kServersMaxNum) << Substitute(
"server index $0 is not in range ($1, $2]", index, 0, kServersMaxNum);
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxPid = 1 << kPidBits;
switch (bind_mode) {
case BindMode::UNIQUE_LOOPBACK: {
uint32_t pid = getpid();
if (pid >= kMaxPid) {
LOG(INFO) << Substitute(
"PID $0 is more than $1 bits wide, substituted with $2",
pid, kPidBits, pid % kMaxPid);
pid %= kMaxPid;
uint32_t ip = (pid << kServerIdxBits) | static_cast<uint32_t>(index);
uint8_t octets[] = {
static_cast<uint8_t>((ip >> 16) & 0xff),
static_cast<uint8_t>((ip >> 8) & 0xff),
static_cast<uint8_t>((ip >> 0) & 0xff),
// Range for the last octet of a valid unicast IP address is (0, 255).
CHECK(0 < octets[2] && octets[2] < UINT8_MAX) << Substitute(
"last IP octet $0 is not in range ($1, $2)", octets[2], 0, UINT8_MAX);
return Substitute("127.$0.$1.$2", octets[0], octets[1], octets[2]);
case BindMode::WILDCARD:
return kWildcardIpAddr;
case BindMode::LOOPBACK:
return kLoopbackIpAddr;
LOG(FATAL) << "unknown bind mode";
} // namespace kudu