blob: 0c4d0de667c2705a73f6f02f556e0ce2cbcada32 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "kudu/tools/tool_action.h"
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "kudu/tools/tool_action_common.h"
#include "kudu/util/net/net_util.h"
// gflags for optional action parameters
DEFINE_bool(opt_bool, false, "obd");
DEFINE_string(opt_string, "", "osd");
namespace kudu {
namespace tools {
using std::string;
using std::stringstream;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::vector;
TEST(ToolActionTest, TestActionBuildHelpXML) {
unique_ptr<Action> action =
ActionBuilder("sample", nullptr)
.AddRequiredParameter({ "required", "rpd" })
.AddRequiredVariadicParameter({ "variadic", "vpd" })
string xml = action->BuildHelpXML(vector<Mode*>());
stringstream ss;
ss << "<action>";
ss << "<name>sample</name>";
ss << "<description>d</description>";
ss << "<extra_description>ed</extra_description>";
ss << "<argument><kind>required</kind><name>required</name>"
ss << "<argument><kind>variadic</kind><name>variadic</name>"
ss << "<argument><kind>optional</kind><name>opt_string</name>"
ss << "<argument><kind>optional</kind><name>opt_bool</name>"
ss << "<usage> sample &amp;lt;required&amp;gt; &amp;lt;variadic&amp;gt;... "
"[-opt_string=&amp;lt;string&amp;gt;] [-opt_bool]</usage>";
ss << "</action>";
string expected_xml = ss.str();
ASSERT_EQ(expected_xml, xml);
TEST(ToolActionTest, TestModeBuildHelpXML) {
unique_ptr<Action> action =
ActionBuilder("action", nullptr)
.AddRequiredParameter({ "required", "rpd" })
unique_ptr<Mode> submode = ModeBuilder("submode")
unique_ptr<Mode> mode = ModeBuilder("mode")
vector<Mode*> chain = { mode.get() };
string xml = mode->BuildHelpXML(chain);
stringstream ss;
ss << "<mode><name>mode</name>";
ss << "<description>md</description>";
ss << "<mode><name>submode</name>";
ss << "<description>subd</description>";
ss << "<action><name>action</name>";
ss << "<description>ad</description><extra_description></extra_description>";
ss << "<argument><kind>required</kind><name>required</name>"
ss << "<usage>mode submode action &amp;lt;required&amp;gt;</usage>";
ss << "</action>";
ss << "</mode>";
ss << "</mode>";
string expected_xml = ss.str();
ASSERT_EQ(expected_xml, xml);
TEST(ToolActionTest, TestMasterAddressesToSet) {
// A standard master address string ordered and including the default port.
string master_addrs_std = "host-1:7051,host-2:7051,host-3:7051";
UnorderedHostPortSet std_set;
MasterAddressesToSet(master_addrs_std, &std_set);
ASSERT_EQ(3, std_set.size());
// A messy master address string that is unordered, has no port, and includes duplicates.
string master_addrs_messy = "host-3,host-1,host-2,host-1:7051,host-2";
UnorderedHostPortSet messy_set;
MasterAddressesToSet(master_addrs_messy, &messy_set);
ASSERT_EQ(3, messy_set.size());
ASSERT_EQ(std_set, messy_set);
// A master address string that matches all but one port.
string master_addrs_bad_port = "host-1:7051,host-2:7050,host-3:7051";
UnorderedHostPortSet bad_port_set;
MasterAddressesToSet(master_addrs_bad_port, &bad_port_set);
ASSERT_EQ(3, bad_port_set.size());
ASSERT_NE(std_set, bad_port_set);
// A master address string that matches all but one host.
string master_addrs_bad_host = "host-1:7051,host-21:7051,host-3:7051";
UnorderedHostPortSet bad_host_set;
MasterAddressesToSet(master_addrs_bad_host, &bad_host_set);
ASSERT_EQ(3, bad_host_set.size());
ASSERT_NE(std_set, bad_host_set);
TEST(ToolActionTest, TestAppendHardWrapped) {
// Case 1: string is empty.
const string& msg1 = "";
string formated_msg1;
AppendHardWrapped(msg1, 0, &formated_msg1);
ASSERT_EQ("", formated_msg1);
// Case 2: string is a blank space.
const string& msg3 = " ";
string formated_msg3;
AppendHardWrapped(msg3, 0, &formated_msg3);
ASSERT_EQ(" ", formated_msg3);
// Case 3: string length is less than 78.
const string& msg2 = "Attempts to create on-disk metadata";
string formated_msg2;
AppendHardWrapped(msg2, 0, &formated_msg2);
ASSERT_EQ("Attempts to create on-disk metadata", formated_msg2);
// Case 4: string length is more than 78 a little.
const string& msg4 = "Attempts to create on-disk metadata "
"that can be used by a non-replicated master";
string formated_msg4;
AppendHardWrapped(msg4, 0, &formated_msg4);
const string& expected_output4 = "Attempts to create on-disk metadata "
"that can be used by a non-replicated \nmaster";
// Contains one '\n'.
ASSERT_EQ(expected_output4, formated_msg4);
// Case 5: string length is less than 78 with one '\n' in the end.
const string& msg5 = "Attempts to create on-disk metadata\n";
string formated_msg5;
AppendHardWrapped(msg5, 0, &formated_msg5);
// Contains one '\n'
ASSERT_EQ("Attempts to create on-disk metadata\n", formated_msg5);
// Case 6: string length is more than 78 with one '\n' in the middle.
const string& msg6 = "Attempts to create on-disk metadata \n"
"that can be used by a non-replicated master";
string formated_msg6;
AppendHardWrapped(msg6, 0, &formated_msg6);
const string& expected_output6 = "Attempts to create on-disk metadata \n"
"that can be used by a non-replicated master";
// Contains one '\n'
ASSERT_EQ(expected_output6, formated_msg6);
// Case 7: string length is more than 78 with one '\n' in the end.
const string& msg7 = "Attempts to create on-disk metadata "
"that can be used by a non-replicated master\n";
string formated_msg7;
AppendHardWrapped(msg7, 0, &formated_msg7);
const string& expected_output7 = "Attempts to create on-disk metadata "
"that can be used by a non-replicated \nmaster\n";
// Contains two '\n'
ASSERT_EQ(expected_output7, formated_msg7);
// Case 8: 2 '\n' in the end.
const string& msg8 = "Attempts to create on-disk metadata "
"that can be used by a non-replicated master\n\n";
string formated_msg8;
AppendHardWrapped(msg8, 0, &formated_msg8);
const string& expected_output8 = "Attempts to create on-disk metadata "
"that can be used by a non-replicated \nmaster\n\n";
// contains 3 '\n'.
ASSERT_EQ(expected_output8, formated_msg8);
// Case 9: string is '\n'.
const string& msg9 = "\n";
string formated_msg9;
AppendHardWrapped(msg9, 0, &formated_msg9);
ASSERT_EQ("\n", formated_msg9);
// Case 10: string length is more than 78,
// dst is not null and does not contain '\n'.
// The old string in dst will be a new line.
const string& msg10 = "New line to create on-disk metadata";
string formated_msg10 = "Old line to create on-disk metadata. "
"that can be used by a non-replicated master";
AppendHardWrapped(msg10, 0, &formated_msg10);
const string& expected_output10 = "Old line to create on-disk metadata. "
"that can be used by a non-replicated master\n"
"New line to create on-disk metadata";
ASSERT_EQ(expected_output10, formated_msg10);
// Case 11: dst and to_append are all empty.
const string& msg11 = "";
string formated_msg11 = "";
AppendHardWrapped(msg11, 0, &formated_msg11);
ASSERT_EQ("", formated_msg11);
// Case 12: string length is more than 78,
// continue indent is 2.
const string& msg12 = "Old line to create on-disk metadata. "
"that can be used by a non-replicated master";
string formated_msg12;
AppendHardWrapped(msg12, 2, &formated_msg12);
const string& expected_output12 = "Old line to create on-disk metadata. "
"that can be used by a non-replicated \n master";
ASSERT_EQ(expected_output12, formated_msg12);
} // namespace tools
} // namespace kudu