blob: 03ee9afefe5934dd745230e0de6a315e88057b29 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# Tool to parse the output of "debug" refcounted objects.
# This is helpful for tracking down ref-counting leaks.
# Generate compatible logs by making your refcounted object inherit
# from kudu::DebugRefCountedThreadSafe<T>.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $verbose = 0;
while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-v/) {
my $infile = shift;
if (!defined $infile || $infile eq '-h' || $infile eq '-help' || $infile eq '--help') {
die "Usage: $0 [-v] input.log\n";
open(FILE, "< $infile") or die "Error: unable to open input file ($infile) for read: $!";
my $content = '';
read(FILE, $content, -s FILE) or die "Error: unable to read input file ($infile): $!";
close FILE;
my @lines = split /\n/, $content;
chomp @lines;
# First, find all the objects we are interested in.
# The really interesting ones have a mismatch in their Inc/Dec counts.
my @incdec = grep { /Incremented ref|Decrementing ref/ } @lines;
my %counts = (); # map of address -> final ref count
foreach my $line (@incdec) {
if ($line =~ /(Incremented|Decrementing) ref on (0x[a-z0-9]+):/) {
my $op = $1;
my $addr = $2;
if ($op eq 'Incremented') {
} else {
my @bad_addrs = ();
foreach my $addr (sort keys %counts) {
if ($counts{$addr} != 0) {
push @bad_addrs, $addr;
# Print all the interesting stack traces of the relevant addresses.
foreach my $addr (@bad_addrs) {
print "Address $addr has bad ref count: " . ($counts{$addr}) . "\n";
# Parse the stack traces:
# Find a debug line and grab thru the next two lines that contain "kudu",
# which should be kudu::DebugRefCountedThreadSafe frame through the likely
# "interesting" frame where the scoped_refptr was instantiated or destroyed.
my @matches = $content =~ /([^\n]*(?:Incremented|Decrementing) ref on $addr:\n.*?[^\n]+kudu[^\n]+\n.*?[^\n]+kudu[^\n]+\n)/smg;
foreach (@matches) {
if ($verbose) {
# In "verbose" mode, print a slightly larger trace.
} else {
# Regular mode... we just try to get the frame that caused the ref change.
s/\n.*\n//sm; # Only keep the first and last lines.
s/\s+\@\s+/ /; # Make it look a little nicer.
print "$_\n";