blob: a0bd562f4326538cf8db582793eac5527f364d12 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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This script parses a set of metrics logs output from a tablet server,
and outputs a TSV file including some metrics.
This isn't meant to be used standalone as written, but rather as a template
which is edited based on whatever metrics you'd like to extract. The set
of metrics described below are just a starting point to work from.
from collections import defaultdict
import gzip
import simplejson as json
import json
import sys
# Even if the input data has very frequent metrics, for graphing purposes we
# may not want to look at such fine-grained data. This constant can be set
# to drop samples which were measured within a given number of seconds
# from the prior sample.
# These metrics will be extracted "as-is" into the TSV.
# The first element of each tuple is the metric name.
# The second is the name that will be used in the TSV header line.
("server.generic_current_allocated_bytes", "heap_allocated"),
("server.log_block_manager_bytes_under_management", "bytes_on_disk"),
("tablet.memrowset_size", "mrs_size"),
("server.block_cache_usage", "bc_usage"),
# These metrics will be extracted as per-second rates into the TSV.
("server.block_manager_total_bytes_read", "bytes_r_per_sec"),
("server.block_manager_total_bytes_written", "bytes_w_per_sec"),
("server.block_cache_lookups", "bc_lookups_per_sec"),
("server.cpu_utime", "cpu_utime"),
("server.cpu_stime", "cpu_stime"),
("server.involuntary_context_switches", "invol_cs"),
("server.voluntary_context_switches", "vol_cs"),
("tablet.rows_inserted", "inserts_per_sec"),
("tablet.rows_upserted", "upserts_per_sec"),
("tablet.leader_memory_pressure_rejections", "mem_rejections"),
# These metrics will be extracted as percentile metrics into the TSV.
# Each metric will generate several columns in the output TSV, with
# percentile numbers suffixed to the column name provided here (foo_p95,
# foo_p99, etc)
("server.op_apply_run_time", "apply_run_time"),
("server.handler_latency_kudu_tserver_TabletServerService_Write", "write"),
("server.handler_latency_kudu_consensus_ConsensusService_UpdateConsensus", "cons_update"),
("server.handler_latency_kudu_consensus_ConsensusService_RequestVote", "vote"),
("server.handler_latency_kudu_tserver_TabletCopyService_FetchData", "fetch_data"),
("tablet.bloom_lookups_per_op", "bloom_lookups"),
("tablet.log_append_latency", "log"),
("tablet.op_prepare_run_time", "prep"),
("tablet.write_op_duration_client_propagated_consistency", "op_dur")
NaN = float('nan')
UNKNOWN_PERCENTILES = dict(p50=0, p95=0, p99=0, p999=0, max=0)
def strip_metric(m):
Strip the input metric string, returning only the values and counts for the
metric, as appropriate.
if 'value' in m:
return m['value']
if 'counts' in m:
return dict(zip(m.get('values', []), m.get('counts')))
return NaN
def json_to_map(j, parse_metric_keys):
Parse the JSON structure in the log into a python dictionary of the form:
{ <entity>.<metric name>:String => { <entity id>:String => <values> } }
Only returns the metrics listed in PARSE_METRIC_KEYS.
ret = defaultdict(dict)
for entity in j:
for m in entity['metrics']:
entity_id = entity['id']
metric_key = entity['type'] + "." + m['name']
if metric_key not in parse_metric_keys:
# Add the metric_id to the metrics map.
ret[metric_key][entity_id] = strip_metric(m)
return ret
def delta(prev, cur, m):
""" Compute the delta in metric 'm' between two metric snapshots. """
if m not in prev or m not in cur:
return 0
return cur[m] - prev[m]
def aggregate_metrics(metric_to_eid_to_vals):
""" Aggregates metrics across entity ids """
ret = {}
for metric_name in metric_to_eid_to_vals:
if metric_name == "ts":
ret['ts'] = metric_to_eid_to_vals['ts']
eid_to_vals = metric_to_eid_to_vals[metric_name]
# Iterate through all the entities for this metric.
for eid in eid_to_vals:
# Aggregate the bucket counts for histogram metrics.
vals = eid_to_vals[eid]
if isinstance(vals, dict):
if metric_name not in ret:
# Insert the counts if none exist for the metric.
ret[metric_name] = vals.copy()
# Otherwise, add the counts to what's there.
for val, count in vals.items():
if val in ret[metric_name]:
ret[metric_name][val] += count
ret[metric_name][val] = count
# Sum the values for normal metrics.
if metric_name in ret:
ret[metric_name] += vals
ret[metric_name] = vals
return ret
def histogram_stats(aggregated_prev, aggregated_cur, m):
Compute percentile stats for the metric 'm' in the window between two
metric snapshots.
if m not in aggregated_prev or m not in aggregated_cur or not isinstance(aggregated_cur, dict):
prev = aggregated_prev[m]
cur = aggregated_cur[m]
# Determine the total count we should expect between the current and previous
# snapshots.
delta_total = sum([val for _, val in cur.items()]) - \
sum([val for _, val in prev.items()])
if delta_total == 0:
res = dict()
cum_count = 0
# Iterate over all of the buckets for the current and previous snapshots,
# summing them up, and assigning percentiles to the bucket as appropriate.
for cur_val, cur_count in sorted(aggregated_cur[m].items()):
prev_count = prev.get(cur_val, 0)
delta_count = cur_count - prev_count
cum_count += delta_count
# Determine which percentiles this bucket belongs to.
percentile = float(cum_count) / delta_total
if 'p50' not in res and percentile > 0.50:
res['p50'] = cur_val
if 'p95' not in res and percentile > 0.95:
res['p95'] = cur_val
if 'p99' not in res and percentile > 0.99:
res['p99'] = cur_val
if 'p999' not in res and percentile > 0.999:
res['p999'] = cur_val
if cum_count == delta_total:
res['max'] = cur_val
return res
def cache_hit_ratio(aggregated_prev, aggregated_cur):
Calculate the cache hit ratio between the two samples.
If there were no cache hits or misses, this returns NaN.
delta_hits = delta(aggregated_prev, aggregated_cur, 'server.block_cache_hits_caching')
delta_misses = delta(aggregated_prev, aggregated_cur, 'server.block_cache_misses_caching')
if delta_hits + delta_misses > 0:
cache_ratio = float(delta_hits) / (delta_hits + delta_misses)
cache_ratio = NaN
return cache_ratio
def process(aggregated_prev, aggregated_cur, simple_metrics, rate_metrics, histogram_metrics):
""" Process a pair of metric snapshots, outputting a line of TSV. """
if not aggregated_prev:
aggregated_prev = aggregate_metrics(aggregated_prev)
delta_ts = aggregated_cur['ts'] - aggregated_prev['ts']
calc_vals = []
cache_ratio = cache_hit_ratio(aggregated_prev, aggregated_cur)
for metric, _ in simple_metrics:
if metric in aggregated_cur:
calc_vals.extend((delta(aggregated_prev, aggregated_cur, metric))/delta_ts \
for metric, _ in rate_metrics)
for metric, _ in histogram_metrics:
stats = histogram_stats(aggregated_prev, aggregated_cur, metric)
calc_vals.extend([stats['p50'], stats['p95'], stats['p99'], stats['p999'], stats['max']])
return tuple([(aggregated_cur['ts'] + aggregated_prev['ts'])/2, cache_ratio] + calc_vals)
class MetricsLogParser(object):
def __init__(self, paths,
self.paths = paths
self.simple_metrics = simple_metrics
self.rate_metrics = rate_metrics
self.histogram_metrics = histogram_metrics
# Get the set of metrics we actually want to bother parsing from the log.
self.parse_metric_keys = set(key for (key, _) in (simple_metrics + rate_metrics + histogram_metrics))
# The script always reports cache-hit metrics.
def column_names(self):
simple_headers = [header for _, header in self.simple_metrics + self.rate_metrics]
for _, header in self.histogram_metrics:
simple_headers.append(header + "_p50")
simple_headers.append(header + "_p95")
simple_headers.append(header + "_p99")
simple_headers.append(header + "_p999")
simple_headers.append(header + "_max")
return tuple(["time", "cache_hit_ratio"] + simple_headers)
def __iter__(self):
prev_data = None
aggregated_prev = None
for path in sorted(self.paths):
if path.endswith(".gz"):
f = gzip.GzipFile(path)
f = open(path)
for line_number, line in enumerate(f, start=1):
# Only parse out the "metrics" lines.
(_, _, log_type, ts, metrics_json) = line.split(" ")
except ValueError:
if log_type != "metrics":
ts = float(ts) / 1000000.0
prev_ts = prev_data['ts'] if prev_data else 0
# Enforce that the samples come in time-sorted order.
if ts <= prev_ts:
raise Exception("timestamps must be in ascending order (%f <= %f at %s:%d)"
% (ts, prev_ts, path, line_number))
if prev_data and ts < prev_ts + GRANULARITY_SECS:
# Parse the metrics json into a map of the form:
# { metric key => { entity id => metric value } }
data = json_to_map(json.loads(metrics_json), self.parse_metric_keys)
data['ts'] = ts
if prev_data:
# Copy missing metrics from prev_data.
for m, prev_eid_to_vals in prev_data.items():
if m is 'ts':
# The metric was missing entirely; copy it over.
if m not in data:
data[m] = prev_eid_to_vals
# If the metric was missing for a specific entity, copy the metric
# from the previous snapshot.
for eid, prev_vals in prev_eid_to_vals.items():
if eid not in data[m]:
data[m][eid] = prev_vals
aggregated_cur = aggregate_metrics(data)
if prev_data:
if not aggregated_prev:
aggregated_prev = aggregate_metrics(prev_data)
yield process(aggregated_prev, aggregated_cur,
self.simple_metrics, self.rate_metrics, self.histogram_metrics)
prev_data = data
aggregated_prev = aggregated_cur
def main(argv):
for line in parser:
if __name__ == "__main__":