blob: 40bcc6f3e48b9a0565778244df5e2847fcf16e92 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "kudu/master/placement_policy.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <cstddef>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/master/ts_descriptor.h"
#include "kudu/util/random.h"
#include "kudu/util/random_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_macros.h"
using std::initializer_list;
using std::map;
using std::multiset;
using std::make_optional;
using std::nullopt;
using std::optional;
using std::shared_ptr;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using strings::Substitute;
namespace kudu {
namespace master {
// Fixture to run placement policy-related scenarios.
class PlacementPolicyTest : public ::testing::Test {
struct TSInfo {
// TS identifier
const string id;
// number of tablet replicas hosted by TS
const size_t replica_num;
// number of tablet replicas in each dimension
TabletNumByDimensionMap replica_num_by_dimension;
struct LocationInfo {
const string id; // location identifier
vector<TSInfo> tablet_servers; // tablet servers in the location
typedef map<string, shared_ptr<TSDescriptor>> TSDescriptorsMap;
: rng_(GetRandomSeed32()) {
const TSDescriptorVector& descriptors() const { return descriptors_; }
ThreadSafeRandom* rng() { return &rng_; }
// Get tablet server descriptors for the specified tablet server UUIDs.
TSDescriptorVector GetDescriptors(const vector<string>& uuids) const {
TSDescriptorVector result;
// O(n^2) is not the best way to do this, but it's OK the test purposes.
for (const auto& uuid : uuids) {
for (const auto& desc : descriptors_) {
if (uuid == desc->permanent_uuid()) {
CHECK_EQ(uuids.size(), result.size());
return result;
// Convert the information on the cluster into TSDescriptorVector.
static Status PopulateCluster(const vector<LocationInfo>& cluster_info,
TSDescriptorVector* descs) {
TSDescriptorVector ts_descriptors;
for (const auto& location_info : cluster_info) {
const auto& ts_infos = location_info.tablet_servers;
for (const auto& ts : ts_infos) {
auto tsd(TSDescriptor::make_shared(;
*descs = std::move(ts_descriptors);
return Status::OK();
Status Prepare(const vector<LocationInfo>& cluster_info) {
return PopulateCluster(cluster_info, &descriptors_);
// In tests, working with multiset instead of ReplicaLocationsInfo proves
// to be a bit handier.
Status SelectLocations(int nreplicas,
multiset<string>* locations) {
PlacementPolicy policy(descriptors_, &rng_);
PlacementPolicy::ReplicaLocationsInfo info;
RETURN_NOT_OK(policy.SelectReplicaLocations(nreplicas, &info));
for (const auto& elem : info) {
for (auto i = 0; i < elem.second; ++i) {
return Status::OK();
static Status TSDescriptorVectorToMap(const TSDescriptorVector& v_descs,
TSDescriptorsMap* m_descs) {
for (const auto& desc : v_descs) {
const auto& uuid = desc->permanent_uuid();
if (!m_descs->emplace(uuid, desc).second) {
return Status::IllegalState(
Substitute("$0: TS descriptors with duplicate UUID", uuid));
return Status::OK();
ThreadSafeRandom rng_;
TSDescriptorVector descriptors_;
TEST_F(PlacementPolicyTest, SelectLocationsEdgeCases) {
// 'No location case': expecting backward compatible behavior with
// non-location-aware logic.
const vector<LocationInfo> cluster_info = {
{ "", { { "ts0", 0 }, { "ts1", 10 }, { "ts2", 1 }, } },
multiset<string> locations;
auto s = SelectLocations(3, &locations);
ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.ToString();
ASSERT_EQ(3, locations.size());
EXPECT_EQ(3, locations.count(""));
multiset<string> locations;
auto s = SelectLocations(5, &locations);
ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsNotFound()) << s.ToString();
"could not find next location after placing 3 out of 5 tablet replicas");
TEST_F(PlacementPolicyTest, SelectLocations0) {
const vector<LocationInfo> cluster_info = {
{ "A", { { "A_ts0", 0 }, { "A_ts1", 10 }, } },
{ "B", { { "B_ts0", 0 }, { "B_ts1", 1 }, } },
{ "C", {} },
// No replicas are slated to be hosted by an empty location.
multiset<string> locations;
auto s = SelectLocations(2, &locations);
ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.ToString();
ASSERT_EQ(2, locations.size());
EXPECT_EQ(1, locations.count("A"));
EXPECT_EQ(1, locations.count("B"));
// Choosing location B over A because B has lower weight.
multiset<string> locations;
auto s = SelectLocations(3, &locations);
ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.ToString();
ASSERT_EQ(3, locations.size());
EXPECT_EQ(1, locations.count("A"));
EXPECT_EQ(2, locations.count("B"));
multiset<string> locations;
auto s = SelectLocations(4, &locations);
ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.ToString();
ASSERT_EQ(4, locations.size());
EXPECT_EQ(2, locations.count("A"));
EXPECT_EQ(2, locations.count("B"));
multiset<string> locations;
auto s = SelectLocations(5, &locations);
ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsNotFound()) << s.ToString();
"could not find next location after placing 4 out of 5 tablet replicas");
TEST_F(PlacementPolicyTest, SelectLocations1) {
const vector<LocationInfo> cluster_info = {
{ "A", { { "A_ts0", 0 }, { "A_ts1", 10 }, { "A_ts2", 1 }, { "A_ts3", 3 }, } },
{ "B", { { "B_ts0", 0 }, { "B_ts1", 1 }, { "B_ts2", 2 }, } },
{ "C", { { "C_ts0", 0 }, { "C_ts1", 5}, } },
{ "D", {} },
multiset<string> locations;
auto s = SelectLocations(3, &locations);
ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.ToString();
ASSERT_EQ(3, locations.size());
EXPECT_EQ(1, locations.count("A"));
EXPECT_EQ(1, locations.count("B"));
EXPECT_EQ(1, locations.count("C"));
for (auto loc_num : { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }) {
multiset<string> locations;
auto s = SelectLocations(loc_num, &locations);
ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.ToString();
ASSERT_EQ(loc_num, locations.size());
for (const auto& loc : locations) {
EXPECT_LT(locations.count(loc), loc_num / 2 + 1)
<< loc << ": location is slated to contain the majority of replicas";
TEST_F(PlacementPolicyTest, PlaceExtraTabletReplicaNoLoc) {
// 'No location case': expecting backward compatible behavior with
// non-location-aware logic.
const vector<LocationInfo> cluster_info = {
{ "ts0", 0 },
{ "ts1", 10, { { "labelA", 10 } } },
{ "ts2", 1, { { "labelA", 1 } } },
const auto& all = descriptors();
PlacementPolicy policy(all, rng());
for (const auto& label : initializer_list<optional<string>>{ nullopt, string("labelA") }) {
TSDescriptorVector existing(all.begin(), all.end());
shared_ptr<TSDescriptor> extra_ts;
ASSERT_OK(policy.PlaceExtraTabletReplica(existing, label, &extra_ts));
ASSERT_EQ("ts2", extra_ts->permanent_uuid());
TSDescriptorVector existing(all.begin(), all.end());
shared_ptr<TSDescriptor> extra_ts;
ASSERT_OK(policy.PlaceExtraTabletReplica(existing, label, &extra_ts));
ASSERT_EQ("ts2", extra_ts->permanent_uuid());
TSDescriptorVector existing(all.begin(), all.end());
shared_ptr<TSDescriptor> extra_ts;
const auto s = policy.PlaceExtraTabletReplica(existing, label, &extra_ts);
ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsNotFound()) << s.ToString();
"could not select location for extra replica");
TEST_F(PlacementPolicyTest, PlaceTabletReplicasNoLoc) {
// 'No location case': expecting backward-compatible behavior with the
// legacy (i.e. non-location-aware) logic.
const vector<LocationInfo> cluster_info = {
{ "ts0", 0 },
{ "ts1", 10, { { "labelA", 10 } } },
{ "ts2", 1, { { "labelA", 1 } } },
const auto& all = descriptors();
PlacementPolicy policy(all, rng());
for (const auto& label : initializer_list<optional<string>>{ nullopt, string("labelA") }) {
// Ask just for a single replica.
TSDescriptorVector result;
ASSERT_OK(policy.PlaceTabletReplicas(1, label, &result));
ASSERT_EQ(1, result.size());
TSDescriptorsMap m;
ASSERT_OK(TSDescriptorVectorToMap(result, &m));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.size());
// "Power of Two Choices" should select less loaded servers.
ASSERT_TRUE(m.count("ts0") == 1 || m.count("ts2") == 1);
ASSERT_EQ(0, m.count("ts1"));
// Ask for number of replicas equal to the number of available tablet servers.
TSDescriptorVector result;
ASSERT_OK(policy.PlaceTabletReplicas(3, label, &result));
ASSERT_EQ(3, result.size());
TSDescriptorsMap m;
ASSERT_OK(TSDescriptorVectorToMap(result, &m));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("ts0"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("ts1"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("ts2"));
// Try to ask for too many replicas when too few tablet servers are available.
TSDescriptorVector result;
auto s = policy.PlaceTabletReplicas(4, label, &result);
ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsNotFound()) << s.ToString();
"could not find next location after placing "
"3 out of 4 tablet replicas");
TEST_F(PlacementPolicyTest, PlaceTabletReplicas) {
const vector<LocationInfo> cluster_info = {
{ "A", { { "A_ts0", 2 }, { "A_ts1", 1 }, { "A_ts2", 3 }, } },
{ "B", { { "B_ts0", 1 }, { "B_ts1", 2 }, { "B_ts2", 3 }, } },
{ "C", { { "C_ts0", 10 }, } },
const auto& all = descriptors();
PlacementPolicy policy(all, rng());
// Ask for number of replicas equal to the number of available locations.
TSDescriptorVector result;
ASSERT_OK(policy.PlaceTabletReplicas(3, nullopt, &result));
ASSERT_EQ(3, result.size());
TSDescriptorsMap m;
ASSERT_OK(TSDescriptorVectorToMap(result, &m));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("A_ts0") + m.count("A_ts1"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("B_ts0") + m.count("B_ts1"));
ASSERT_EQ(0, m.count("A_ts2"));
ASSERT_EQ(0, m.count("B_ts2"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("C_ts0"));
// Make sure no location contains the majority of replicas when there is
// enough locations to spread the replicas.
TSDescriptorVector result;
ASSERT_OK(policy.PlaceTabletReplicas(5, nullopt, &result));
ASSERT_EQ(5, result.size());
TSDescriptorsMap m;
ASSERT_OK(TSDescriptorVectorToMap(result, &m));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("A_ts0"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("A_ts1"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("B_ts0"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("B_ts1"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("C_ts0"));
// Ask for number of replicas greater than the number of tablet servers.
TSDescriptorVector result;
auto s = policy.PlaceTabletReplicas(8, nullopt, &result);
ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsNotFound()) << s.ToString();
"could not find next location after placing "
"7 out of 8 tablet replicas");
TEST_F(PlacementPolicyTest, PlaceTabletReplicasOneTSPerLocation) {
const vector<LocationInfo> cluster_info = {
{ "A", { { "A_ts0", 1 }, } },
{ "B", { { "B_ts0", 2 }, } },
{ "C", { { "C_ts0", 0 }, } },
{ "D", { { "D_ts0", 3 }, } },
{ "E", { { "E_ts0", 4 }, } },
const auto& all = descriptors();
PlacementPolicy policy(all, rng());
// Ask for number of replicas equal to the number of available locations.
TSDescriptorVector result;
ASSERT_OK(policy.PlaceTabletReplicas(3, nullopt, &result));
ASSERT_EQ(3, result.size());
TSDescriptorsMap m;
ASSERT_OK(TSDescriptorVectorToMap(result, &m));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("A_ts0"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("B_ts0"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("C_ts0"));
ASSERT_EQ(0, m.count("D_ts0"));
ASSERT_EQ(0, m.count("E_ts0"));
// Ask for number of replicas equal to the number of available locations.
TSDescriptorVector result;
ASSERT_OK(policy.PlaceTabletReplicas(5, nullopt, &result));
ASSERT_EQ(5, result.size());
TSDescriptorsMap m;
ASSERT_OK(TSDescriptorVectorToMap(result, &m));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("A_ts0"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("B_ts0"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("C_ts0"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("D_ts0"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("E_ts0"));
// Ask for number of replicas greater than the number of tablet servers.
TSDescriptorVector result;
auto s = policy.PlaceTabletReplicas(6, nullopt, &result);
ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsNotFound()) << s.ToString();
"could not find next location after placing "
"5 out of 6 tablet replicas");
TEST_F(PlacementPolicyTest, PlaceTabletReplicasBalancingLocations) {
const vector<LocationInfo> cluster_info = {
{ "A", { { "A_ts0", 0 }, { "A_ts1", 1 }, } },
{ "B", { { "B_ts0", 1 }, { "B_ts1", 2 }, } },
{ "C", { { "C_ts0", 2 }, } },
{ "D", { { "D_ts0", 3 }, } },
{ "E", { { "E_ts0", 10 }, } },
const auto& all = descriptors();
PlacementPolicy policy(all, rng());
// Make sure no location contains the majority of replicas.
TSDescriptorVector result;
ASSERT_OK(policy.PlaceTabletReplicas(3, nullopt, &result));
ASSERT_EQ(3, result.size());
TSDescriptorsMap m;
ASSERT_OK(TSDescriptorVectorToMap(result, &m));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("A_ts0"));
ASSERT_EQ(0, m.count("A_ts1"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("B_ts0"));
ASSERT_EQ(0, m.count("B_ts1"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("C_ts0"));
ASSERT_EQ(0, m.count("D_ts0"));
ASSERT_EQ(0, m.count("E_ts0"));
// Current location selection algorithm loads the locations evenly.
TSDescriptorVector result;
ASSERT_OK(policy.PlaceTabletReplicas(5, nullopt, &result));
ASSERT_EQ(5, result.size());
TSDescriptorsMap m;
ASSERT_OK(TSDescriptorVectorToMap(result, &m));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("A_ts0"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("B_ts0"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("C_ts0"));
ASSERT_EQ(0, m.count("D_ts0"));
ASSERT_EQ(0, m.count("E_ts0"));
// Place as many tablet replicas as possible given the number of tablet
// servers in the cluster.
TSDescriptorVector result;
ASSERT_OK(policy.PlaceTabletReplicas(7, nullopt, &result));
ASSERT_EQ(7, result.size());
TSDescriptorsMap m;
ASSERT_OK(TSDescriptorVectorToMap(result, &m));
for (const auto& uuid : { "A_ts0", "A_ts1", "B_ts0", "B_ts1", "C_ts0",
"D_ts0", "E_ts0" }) {
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count(uuid));
// A few test scenarios to verify the functionality of PlaceExtraTabletReplica()
// in the presence of more than two locations. The use cases behind are
// automatic re-replication and replica movement.
TEST_F(PlacementPolicyTest, PlaceExtraTabletReplicaViolatedPolicy) {
const vector<LocationInfo> cluster_info = {
{ "A", { { "A_ts0", 10 }, { "A_ts1", 9 }, { "A_ts2", 8 }, { "A_ts3", 0 }, } },
{ "B", { { "B_ts0", 25 }, { "B_ts1", 50 }, { "B_ts2", 100 }, } },
{ "C", { { "C_ts0", 0 }, { "C_ts1", 1 }, { "C_ts2", 2 }, } },
const auto& all = descriptors();
PlacementPolicy policy(all, rng());
// Start with some replica distribution that violates the very basic
// constraint of no-majority-in-single-location. In this scenario, all three
// replicas are in same location. Let's make sure that an additional replica
// is placed elsewhere even if a spare tablet server is available
// in the same location.
const auto existing = GetDescriptors({ "A_ts0", "A_ts1", "A_ts2", });
shared_ptr<TSDescriptor> extra_ts;
ASSERT_OK(policy.PlaceExtraTabletReplica(existing, nullopt, &extra_ts));
// Within location a replica is placed by the 'power of 2' algorithm.
ASSERT_TRUE(extra_ts->permanent_uuid() == "C_ts0" ||
extra_ts->permanent_uuid() == "C_ts1")
<< extra_ts->permanent_uuid();
// Make sure the replica placement algorithm avoid placing an extra replica
// into the least loaded location if the no-majority-in-single-location
// constraint would be violated.
const auto existing = GetDescriptors({ "A_ts0", "A_ts1", "C_ts1", "C_ts2", });
shared_ptr<TSDescriptor> extra_ts;
ASSERT_OK(policy.PlaceExtraTabletReplica(existing, nullopt, &extra_ts));
// Within location a replica is placed by the 'power of 2' algorithm.
ASSERT_TRUE(extra_ts->permanent_uuid() == "B_ts0" ||
extra_ts->permanent_uuid() == "B_ts1")
<< extra_ts->permanent_uuid();
// Test for randomness while selecting among locations of the same load.
TEST_F(PlacementPolicyTest, SelectLocationRandomnessForExtraReplica) {
const vector<LocationInfo> cluster_info = {
{ "A", { { "A_ts0", 1 }, { "A_ts1", 1 }, { "A_ts2", 1 }, } },
{ "B", { { "B_ts0", 1 }, { "B_ts1", 1 }, { "B_ts2", 1 }, } },
{ "C", { { "C_ts0", 1 }, { "C_ts1", 1 }, { "C_ts2", 1 }, } },
// Information on replicas already slated for placement.
const PlacementPolicy::ReplicaLocationsInfo info = {
{ "A", 1 }, { "B", 1 }, { "C", 1 },
const auto& all = descriptors();
PlacementPolicy policy(all, rng());
map<string, int> locations_stats;
// Test for uniform distribution of the selected locations if selecting among
// locations of the same load.
for (auto i = 0; i < 3000; ++i) {
string location;
ASSERT_OK(policy.SelectLocation(3, info, &location));
ASSERT_EQ(3, locations_stats.size());
EXPECT_LT(500, locations_stats["A"]);
EXPECT_GT(1500, locations_stats["A"]);
EXPECT_LT(500, locations_stats["B"]);
EXPECT_GT(1500, locations_stats["B"]);
EXPECT_LT(500, locations_stats["C"]);
EXPECT_GT(1500, locations_stats["C"]);
// Place replicas into an empty cluster with 5 locations and 7 tablet servers.
TEST_F(PlacementPolicyTest, PlaceTabletReplicasEmptyCluster_L5_TS7) {
const vector<LocationInfo> cluster_info = {
{ "A", { { "A_ts0", 0 }, { "A_ts1", 0 }, } },
{ "B", { { "B_ts0", 0 }, { "B_ts1", 0 }, } },
{ "C", { { "C_ts0", 0 }, } },
{ "D", { { "D_ts0", 0 }, } },
{ "E", { { "E_ts0", 0 }, } },
const auto& all = descriptors();
PlacementPolicy policy(all, rng());
// Less tablet replicas than available locations.
static constexpr auto num_replicas = 3;
TSDescriptorVector result;
ASSERT_OK(policy.PlaceTabletReplicas(num_replicas, nullopt, &result));
ASSERT_EQ(num_replicas, result.size());
TSDescriptorsMap m;
// Make sure the placement of replicas conforms with the main constraint:
// no location should contain the majority of replicas, so no location
// should get two replicas.
ASSERT_OK(TSDescriptorVectorToMap(result, &m));
ASSERT_GE(1, m.count("A_ts0") + m.count("A_ts1"));
ASSERT_GE(1, m.count("B_ts0") + m.count("B_ts1"));
ASSERT_GE(1, m.count("C_ts0"));
ASSERT_GE(1, m.count("D_ts0"));
ASSERT_GE(1, m.count("E_ts0"));
m.count("A_ts0") + m.count("A_ts1") +
m.count("B_ts0") + m.count("B_ts1") +
m.count("C_ts0") + m.count("D_ts0") + m.count("E_ts0"));
// Current location selection algorithm loads the locations evenly.
static constexpr auto num_replicas = 5;
TSDescriptorVector result;
ASSERT_OK(policy.PlaceTabletReplicas(num_replicas, nullopt, &result));
ASSERT_EQ(num_replicas, result.size());
TSDescriptorsMap m;
ASSERT_OK(TSDescriptorVectorToMap(result, &m));
// Make sure the replicas are placed evently accross available locations.
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("A_ts0") + m.count("A_ts1"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("B_ts0") + m.count("B_ts1"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("C_ts0"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("D_ts0"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("E_ts0"));
// Place as many tablet replicas as possible given the number of tablet
// servers in the cluster.
static constexpr auto num_replicas = 7;
TSDescriptorVector result;
ASSERT_OK(policy.PlaceTabletReplicas(num_replicas, nullopt, &result));
ASSERT_EQ(num_replicas, result.size());
TSDescriptorsMap m;
ASSERT_OK(TSDescriptorVectorToMap(result, &m));
for (const auto& uuid : { "A_ts0", "A_ts1", "B_ts0", "B_ts1",
"C_ts0", "D_ts0", "E_ts0" }) {
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count(uuid));
// Ask for number of replicas greater than the number of tablet servers.
static constexpr auto num_replicas = 9;
TSDescriptorVector result;
auto s = policy.PlaceTabletReplicas(num_replicas, nullopt, &result);
ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsNotFound()) << s.ToString();
const string ref_msg = Substitute(
"could not find next location after placing 7 out of $0 tablet replicas",
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(s.ToString(), ref_msg);
// Verify the functionality of PlaceExtraTabletReplica() in the presence of more
// than two locations when there is room to balance tablet replica distribution.
// The use case behind is rebalancing the replica distribution location-wise.
TEST_F(PlacementPolicyTest, PlaceExtraTablet_L5_TS10_RF5) {
const vector<LocationInfo> cluster_info = {
{ "A", { { "A_ts0", 1 }, { "A_ts1", 1 }, { "A_ts2", 0 }, } },
{ "B", { { "B_ts0", 2 }, { "B_ts1", 1 }, { "B_ts2", 1 }, { "B_ts3", 0 }, } },
{ "C", { { "C_ts0", 1 }, } },
{ "D", { { "D_ts0", 2 }, } },
{ "E", { { "E_ts0", 3 }, } },
const auto& all = descriptors();
PlacementPolicy policy(all, rng());
// A RF=5 tablet, with the 'ideal' replica distribution: one replica
// per location.
const auto existing = GetDescriptors(
{ "A_ts0", "B_ts0", "C_ts0", "D_ts0", "E_ts0", });
shared_ptr<TSDescriptor> extra_ts;
ASSERT_OK(policy.PlaceExtraTabletReplica(existing, nullopt, &extra_ts));
// The location with lowest load is selected for the extra replica.
ASSERT_EQ("A_ts2", extra_ts->permanent_uuid());
// A RF=5 tablet, with 'not ideal' replica distribution
// (where the 'ideal' distribution would be one replica per location).
const auto existing = GetDescriptors(
{ "A_ts0", "A_ts1", "B_ts0", "B_ts1", "C_ts0", });
shared_ptr<TSDescriptor> extra_ts;
ASSERT_OK(policy.PlaceExtraTabletReplica(existing, nullopt, &extra_ts));
// The location with lowest load is selected for the extra replica.
ASSERT_EQ("D_ts0", extra_ts->permanent_uuid());
// A RF=5 tablet, with the replica distribution violating the placement
// policy constraints.
const auto existing = GetDescriptors(
{ "A_ts0", "B_ts0", "B_ts1", "B_ts2", "E_ts0", });
shared_ptr<TSDescriptor> extra_ts;
ASSERT_OK(policy.PlaceExtraTabletReplica(existing, nullopt, &extra_ts));
// Among the locations where an additional replica can be placed,
// location A and location C have the least load. As for the preferences
// within location A, the replica is placed using power-of-two choices among
// the available servers (A_ts0 is not available since it hosts one replica
// already). The important thing is to make sure an extra replica is not put
// into location B, where it's already the majority of replicas for RF=5.
extra_ts->permanent_uuid() == "A_ts2" ||
extra_ts->permanent_uuid() == "C_ts0") << extra_ts->permanent_uuid();
// This test verifies how evenly an extra replica is placed among the available
// tablet servers in the least loaded locations.
TEST_F(PlacementPolicyTest, PlaceExtraTablet_L5_TS16_RF5) {
const vector<LocationInfo> cluster_info = {
{ "A", { { "A_ts0", 1 }, { "A_ts1", 0 }, { "A_ts2", 0 }, { "A_ts3", 0 }, } },
{ "B", { { "B_ts0", 1 }, { "B_ts1", 0 }, { "B_ts2", 0 }, { "B_ts3", 0 }, } },
{ "C", { { "C_ts0", 1 }, { "C_ts1", 1 }, { "C_ts2", 0 }, } },
{ "D", { { "D_ts0", 1 }, { "D_ts1", 1 }, { "D_ts2", 0 }, } },
{ "E", { { "E_ts0", 1 }, { "E_ts1", 0 }, } },
// Slightly non-optimal replica placement.
const auto existing = GetDescriptors(
{ "C_ts0", "C_ts1", "D_ts0", "D_ts1", "E_ts0", });
const auto& all = descriptors();
PlacementPolicy policy(all, rng());
// Test for uniform distribution of the selected locations if selecting among
// locations of the same load.
map<string, int> placement_stats;
for (auto i = 0; i < 6000; ++i) {
shared_ptr<TSDescriptor> extra_ts;
ASSERT_OK(policy.PlaceExtraTabletReplica(existing, nullopt, &extra_ts));
const auto& ts_uuid = extra_ts->permanent_uuid();
ASSERT_TRUE(ts_uuid == "A_ts1" ||
ts_uuid == "A_ts2" ||
ts_uuid == "A_ts3" ||
ts_uuid == "B_ts1" ||
ts_uuid == "B_ts2" ||
ts_uuid == "B_ts3")
<< extra_ts->permanent_uuid();
ASSERT_EQ(6, placement_stats.size());
EXPECT_LT(500, placement_stats["A_ts1"]);
EXPECT_GT(1500, placement_stats["A_ts1"]);
EXPECT_LT(500, placement_stats["A_ts2"]);
EXPECT_GT(1500, placement_stats["A_ts2"]);
EXPECT_LT(500, placement_stats["A_ts3"]);
EXPECT_GT(1500, placement_stats["A_ts3"]);
EXPECT_LT(500, placement_stats["B_ts1"]);
EXPECT_GT(1500, placement_stats["B_ts1"]);
EXPECT_LT(500, placement_stats["B_ts2"]);
EXPECT_GT(1500, placement_stats["B_ts2"]);
EXPECT_LT(500, placement_stats["B_ts3"]);
EXPECT_GT(1500, placement_stats["B_ts3"]);
// Even RF case: edge cases with 2 locaitons.
TEST_F(PlacementPolicyTest, PlaceTabletReplicasEmptyCluster_L2_EvenRFEdgeCase) {
const vector<LocationInfo> cluster_info = {
{ "A", { { "A_ts0", 10 }, { "A_ts1", 10 }, { "A_ts2", 10 }, } },
{ "B", { { "B_ts0", 0 }, { "B_ts1", 0 }, { "B_ts2", 1 }, { "B_ts3", 10 }, } },
const auto& all = descriptors();
PlacementPolicy policy(all, rng());
static constexpr auto num_replicas = 2;
TSDescriptorVector result;
ASSERT_OK(policy.PlaceTabletReplicas(num_replicas, nullopt, &result));
ASSERT_EQ(num_replicas, result.size());
TSDescriptorsMap m;
ASSERT_OK(TSDescriptorVectorToMap(result, &m));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("A_ts0") + m.count("A_ts1") + m.count("A_ts2"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("B_ts0") + m.count("B_ts1") + m.count("B_ts2"));
static constexpr auto num_replicas = 4;
TSDescriptorVector result;
ASSERT_OK(policy.PlaceTabletReplicas(num_replicas, nullopt, &result));
ASSERT_EQ(num_replicas, result.size());
TSDescriptorsMap m;
ASSERT_OK(TSDescriptorVectorToMap(result, &m));
ASSERT_EQ(2, m.count("A_ts0") + m.count("A_ts1") + m.count("A_ts2"));
ASSERT_EQ(2, m.count("B_ts0") + m.count("B_ts1") + m.count("B_ts2"));
static constexpr auto num_replicas = 6;
TSDescriptorVector result;
ASSERT_OK(policy.PlaceTabletReplicas(num_replicas, nullopt, &result));
ASSERT_EQ(num_replicas, result.size());
TSDescriptorsMap m;
ASSERT_OK(TSDescriptorVectorToMap(result, &m));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("A_ts0"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("A_ts1"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("A_ts2"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("B_ts0"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("B_ts1"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("B_ts2") + m.count("B_ts3"));
// Odd RF case: edge cases with 2 locaitons.
// Make sure replicas are placed into both locations, even if ideal density
// distribution would have them in a single location.
TEST_F(PlacementPolicyTest, PlaceTabletReplicasCluster_L2_OddRFEdgeCase) {
const vector<LocationInfo> cluster_info = {
{ "A", { { "A_ts0", 10 }, { "A_ts1", 10 }, { "A_ts2", 10 }, } },
{ "B", { { "B_ts0", 9 }, { "B_ts1", 9 }, { "B_ts2", 9 }, } },
const auto& all = descriptors();
PlacementPolicy policy(all, rng());
static constexpr auto num_replicas = 3;
TSDescriptorVector result;
ASSERT_OK(policy.PlaceTabletReplicas(num_replicas, nullopt, &result));
ASSERT_EQ(num_replicas, result.size());
TSDescriptorsMap m;
ASSERT_OK(TSDescriptorVectorToMap(result, &m));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("A_ts0") + m.count("A_ts1") + m.count("A_ts2"));
ASSERT_EQ(2, m.count("B_ts0") + m.count("B_ts1") + m.count("B_ts2"));
static constexpr auto num_replicas = 5;
TSDescriptorVector result;
ASSERT_OK(policy.PlaceTabletReplicas(num_replicas, nullopt, &result));
ASSERT_EQ(num_replicas, result.size());
TSDescriptorsMap m;
ASSERT_OK(TSDescriptorVectorToMap(result, &m));
ASSERT_EQ(2, m.count("A_ts0") + m.count("A_ts1") + m.count("A_ts2"));
ASSERT_EQ(3, m.count("B_ts0") + m.count("B_ts1") + m.count("B_ts2"));
// Even RF case: place tablet replicas into a cluster with 3 locations.
TEST_F(PlacementPolicyTest, PlaceTabletReplicasEmptyCluster_L3_EvenRF) {
const vector<LocationInfo> cluster_info = {
{ "A", { { "A_ts0", 10 }, { "A_ts1", 10 }, { "A_ts2", 10 }, } },
{ "B", { { "B_ts0", 0 }, { "B_ts1", 0 }, { "B_ts2", 10 }, } },
{ "C", { { "C_ts0", 0 }, { "C_ts1", 0 }, { "C_ts2", 10 }, } },
const auto& all = descriptors();
PlacementPolicy policy(all, rng());
static constexpr auto num_replicas = 2;
TSDescriptorVector result;
ASSERT_OK(policy.PlaceTabletReplicas(num_replicas, nullopt, &result));
ASSERT_EQ(num_replicas, result.size());
TSDescriptorsMap m;
ASSERT_OK(TSDescriptorVectorToMap(result, &m));
// Two location are to have one replica, one location to have nullopt.
ASSERT_GE(1, m.count("A_ts0") + m.count("A_ts1") + m.count("A_ts2"));
ASSERT_GE(1, m.count("B_ts0") + m.count("B_ts1"));
ASSERT_GE(1, m.count("C_ts0") + m.count("C_ts1"));
static constexpr auto num_replicas = 4;
TSDescriptorVector result;
ASSERT_OK(policy.PlaceTabletReplicas(num_replicas, nullopt, &result));
ASSERT_EQ(num_replicas, result.size());
TSDescriptorsMap m;
ASSERT_OK(TSDescriptorVectorToMap(result, &m));
// One location is to have two replicas, the rest are to have just one.
ASSERT_LE(1, m.count("A_ts0") + m.count("A_ts1") + m.count("A_ts2"));
ASSERT_GE(2, m.count("A_ts0") + m.count("A_ts1") + m.count("A_ts2"));
ASSERT_LE(1, m.count("B_ts0") + m.count("B_ts1"));
ASSERT_GE(2, m.count("B_ts0") + m.count("B_ts1"));
ASSERT_LE(1, m.count("C_ts0") + m.count("C_ts1"));
ASSERT_GE(2, m.count("C_ts0") + m.count("C_ts1"));
static constexpr auto num_replicas = 6;
TSDescriptorVector result;
ASSERT_OK(policy.PlaceTabletReplicas(num_replicas, nullopt, &result));
ASSERT_EQ(num_replicas, result.size());
TSDescriptorsMap m;
ASSERT_OK(TSDescriptorVectorToMap(result, &m));
ASSERT_EQ(2, m.count("A_ts0") + m.count("A_ts1") + m.count("A_ts2"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("B_ts0"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("B_ts1"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("C_ts0"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("C_ts1"));
static constexpr auto num_replicas = 8;
TSDescriptorVector result;
ASSERT_OK(policy.PlaceTabletReplicas(num_replicas, nullopt, &result));
ASSERT_EQ(num_replicas, result.size());
TSDescriptorsMap m;
ASSERT_OK(TSDescriptorVectorToMap(result, &m));
ASSERT_EQ(2, m.count("A_ts0") + m.count("A_ts1") + m.count("A_ts2"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("B_ts0"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("B_ts1"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("B_ts2"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("C_ts0"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("C_ts1"));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m.count("C_ts2"));
// In a Kudu cluster with newly added tablet servers, add tablet replicas with and without
// dimension label and verify the result distribution of the replicas. Check for 1) overall
// distribution of replicas 2) distribution of replicas within the specified dimension.
TEST_F(PlacementPolicyTest, PlaceTabletReplicasWithNewTabletServers) {
const vector<LocationInfo> cluster_info = {
{ "ts0", 0 }, // a new tablet server
{ "ts1", 0 }, // a new tablet server
{ "ts2", 1000, { { "label0", 1000 }, } },
{ "ts3", 1000, { { "label0", 1000 }, } },
{ "ts4", 2000, { { "label0", 2000 }, } },
{ "ts5", 2000, { { "label0", 2000 }, } },
auto calc_stddev_func = [](const map<string, int>& placement_stats, double mean_per_ts) {
double sum_squared_deviation = 0;
for (const auto& stat : placement_stats) {
int num_ts = stat.second;
double deviation = static_cast<double>(num_ts) - mean_per_ts;
sum_squared_deviation += deviation * deviation;
return sqrt(sum_squared_deviation / (mean_per_ts - 1));
// Place three replicas a thousand times.
const auto& all = descriptors();
PlacementPolicy policy(all, rng());
map<string, int> placement_stats;
for (auto i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
TSDescriptorVector result;
// Get the number of tablet replicas on tablet server.
ASSERT_OK(policy.PlaceTabletReplicas(3, nullopt, &result));
ASSERT_EQ(3, result.size());
for (const auto& ts : result) {
const auto& ts_uuid = ts->permanent_uuid();
ASSERT_EQ(6, placement_stats.size());
const double kMeanPerServer = 3000 / 6.0;
double stddev = calc_stddev_func(placement_stats, kMeanPerServer);
ASSERT_GE(stddev, 20.0);
// Place three replicas with dimension labels a thousand times.
const auto& all = descriptors();
PlacementPolicy policy(all, rng());
for (const auto& label : { "label1", "label2", "label3", "label4", "label5" }) {
map<string, int> placement_stats;
for (auto i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
TSDescriptorVector result;
ASSERT_OK(policy.PlaceTabletReplicas(3, make_optional(string(label)), &result));
ASSERT_EQ(3, result.size());
for (const auto& ts : result) {
const auto& ts_uuid = ts->permanent_uuid();
ASSERT_EQ(6, placement_stats.size());
const double kMeanPerServer = 3000 / 6.0;
double stddev = calc_stddev_func(placement_stats, kMeanPerServer);
ASSERT_LE(stddev, 3.0);
} // namespace master
} // namespace kudu