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package org.apache.kudu.backup
import org.apache.kudu.spark.kudu.KuduTestSuite
import org.junit.Assert._
import org.junit.Test
class TestOptions extends KuduTestSuite {
def testBackupOptionsHelp() {
val expectedStr =
"""Usage: spark-submit --class org.apache.kudu.backup.KuduBackup [spark-options] <application-jar> [options] <table>...
| --rootPath <value> The root path to output backup data. Accepts any Spark compatible path.
| --kuduMasterAddresses <value>
| Comma-separated addresses of Kudu masters. Default: localhost
| --forceFull <value> If true, this will be a full backup even if another full already exists. Default: false
| --fromMs <value> A UNIX timestamp in milliseconds that defines the start time of an incremental backup. If unset, the fromMs will be defined by previous backups in the root directory.
| --timestampMs <value> A UNIX timestamp in milliseconds since the epoch to execute scans at. Default: `System.currentTimeMillis()`
| --scanBatchSize <value> The maximum number of bytes returned by the scanner, on each batch. Default: 20971520
| --scanRequestTimeoutMs <value>
| Sets how long in milliseconds each scan request to a server can last. Default: 30000
| --keepAlivePeriodMs <value>
| Sets the period at which to send keep-alive requests to the tablet server to ensure that scanners do not time out. Default: 15000
| --failOnFirstError Whether to fail the backup job as soon as a single table backup fails. Default: false
| --help prints this usage text
| <table>... A list of tables to be backed up.""".stripMargin
assertEquals(expectedStr, BackupOptions.parser.usage)
def testRestoreOptionsHelp() {
val expectedStr =
"""Usage: spark-submit --class org.apache.kudu.backup.KuduRestore [spark-options] <application-jar> [options] <table>...
| --rootPath <value> The root path to the backup data. Accepts any Spark compatible path.
| --kuduMasterAddresses <value>
| Comma-separated addresses of Kudu masters. Default: localhost
| --createTables <value> If true, create the tables during restore. Set to false if the target tables already exist. Default: true
| --removeImpalaPrefix <value>
| If true, removes the "impala::" prefix, if present from the restored table names. This is advisable if backup was taken in a Kudu cluster without HMS sync and restoring to Kudu cluster which has HMS sync in place. Only used when createTables is true. Default: false
| --newDatabaseName <value>
| If set, replaces the existing database name and if there is no existing database name, a new database name is added. Setting this to an empty string will have the same effect of not using the flag at all. For example, if this is set to newdb for the tables testtable and impala::db.testtable the restored tables will have the names newdb.testtable and impala::newdb.testtable respectively, assuming removeImpalaPrefix is set to false
| --tableSuffix <value> If set, the suffix to add to the restored table names. Only used when createTables is true.
| --timestampMs <value> A UNIX timestamp in milliseconds that defines the latest time to use when selecting restore candidates. Default: `System.currentTimeMillis()`
| --failOnFirstError Whether to fail the restore job as soon as a single table restore fails. Default: false
| --restoreOwner <value> If true, it restores table ownership when creating new tables, otherwise creates tables as the logged in user. Only used when createTables is true. Default: true
| --help prints this usage text
| <table>... A list of tables to be restored.""".stripMargin
assertEquals(expectedStr, RestoreOptions.parser.usage)