blob: f627f3297f9259b45b7610a39c38e1af6373f77b [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "kudu/tools/tool_replica_util.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <fstream> // IWYU pragma: keep
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "kudu/client/client.h"
#include "kudu/client/shared_ptr.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include "kudu/common/common.pb.h"
#include "kudu/common/wire_protocol.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/consensus.pb.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/consensus.proxy.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/metadata.pb.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/opid.pb.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/replica_management.pb.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/basictypes.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/stl_util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/split.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/rpc_controller.h"
#include "kudu/tools/ksck.h"
#include "kudu/tools/ksck_remote.h"
#include "kudu/tools/tool_action_common.h"
#include "kudu/tserver/tserver.pb.h"
#include "kudu/util/net/net_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
using kudu::MonoDelta;
using kudu::client::KuduClient;
using kudu::client::KuduTablet;
using kudu::client::KuduTabletServer;
using kudu::consensus::ADD_PEER;
using kudu::consensus::BulkChangeConfigRequestPB;
using kudu::consensus::ChangeConfigType;
using kudu::consensus::ConsensusServiceProxy;
using kudu::consensus::ConsensusStatePB;
using kudu::consensus::GetConsensusStateRequestPB;
using kudu::consensus::GetConsensusStateResponsePB;
using kudu::consensus::GetLastOpIdRequestPB;
using kudu::consensus::GetLastOpIdResponsePB;
using kudu::consensus::LeaderStepDownMode;
using kudu::consensus::MODIFY_PEER;
using kudu::consensus::OpId;
using kudu::consensus::REMOVE_PEER;
using kudu::consensus::RaftPeerPB;
using kudu::consensus::ReplicaManagementInfoPB;
using kudu::rpc::RpcController;
using std::nullopt;
using std::optional;
using std::shared_ptr;
using std::string;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::vector;
using strings::Split;
using strings::Substitute;
namespace kudu {
namespace tools {
namespace {
Status GetLastCommittedOpId(const string& tablet_id,
const string& replica_uuid,
const HostPort& replica_hp,
const MonoDelta& timeout,
OpId* opid) {
GetLastOpIdRequestPB req;
GetLastOpIdResponsePB resp;
RpcController controller;
unique_ptr<ConsensusServiceProxy> proxy;
RETURN_NOT_OK(BuildProxy(, replica_hp.port(), &proxy));
RETURN_NOT_OK(proxy->GetLastOpId(req, &resp, &controller));
*opid = resp.opid();
return Status::OK();
} // anonymous namespace
Status GetConsensusState(const unique_ptr<ConsensusServiceProxy>& proxy,
const string& tablet_id,
const string& replica_uuid,
const MonoDelta& timeout,
ConsensusStatePB* consensus_state,
bool* is_3_4_3_replication) {
GetConsensusStateRequestPB req;
GetConsensusStateResponsePB resp;
RpcController controller;
RETURN_NOT_OK(proxy->GetConsensusState(req, &resp, &controller));
if (resp.has_error()) {
return StatusFromPB(resp.error().status());
if (resp.tablets_size() == 0) {
return Status::NotFound("tablet not found:", tablet_id);
DCHECK_EQ(1, resp.tablets_size());
if (consensus_state) {
*consensus_state = resp.tablets(0).cstate();
if (is_3_4_3_replication) {
*is_3_4_3_replication = resp.replica_management_info().replacement_scheme() ==
return Status::OK();
Status DoLeaderStepDown(const string& tablet_id,
const string& leader_uuid,
const HostPort& leader_hp,
LeaderStepDownMode mode,
const optional<string>& new_leader_uuid,
const MonoDelta& timeout) {
if (mode == LeaderStepDownMode::ABRUPT && new_leader_uuid) {
return Status::InvalidArgument(
"cannot specify a new leader uuid for an abrupt stepdown");
unique_ptr<ConsensusServiceProxy> proxy;
RETURN_NOT_OK(BuildProxy(, leader_hp.port(), &proxy));
consensus::LeaderStepDownRequestPB req;
if (new_leader_uuid) {
RpcController rpc;
consensus::LeaderStepDownResponsePB resp;
RETURN_NOT_OK(proxy->LeaderStepDown(req, &resp, &rpc));
if (resp.has_error()) {
return StatusFromPB(resp.error().status());
return Status::OK();
Status GetTabletLeader(const client::sp::shared_ptr<KuduClient>& client,
const string& tablet_id,
string* leader_uuid,
HostPort* leader_hp,
bool* is_no_leader) {
KuduTablet* tablet_raw = nullptr;
RETURN_NOT_OK(client->GetTablet(tablet_id, &tablet_raw));
unique_ptr<KuduTablet> tablet(tablet_raw);
for (const auto* r : tablet->replicas()) {
if (r->is_leader()) {
*leader_uuid = r->ts().uuid();
return Status::OK();
if (is_no_leader) {
*is_no_leader = true;
return Status::NotFound(Substitute("No leader replica found for tablet $0",
Status GetTabletReplicaHostInfo(const client::sp::shared_ptr<KuduClient>& client,
const string& tablet_id,
const std::string& uuid,
HostPort* hp) {
KuduTablet* tablet_raw = nullptr;
RETURN_NOT_OK(client->GetTablet(tablet_id, &tablet_raw));
unique_ptr<KuduTablet> tablet(tablet_raw);
for (const auto* r : tablet->replicas()) {
if (uuid == r->ts().uuid()) {
return Status::OK();
return Status::NotFound(Substitute("no replica of tablet $0 is hosted by "
"tablet server $1", tablet_id, uuid));
// For the target (i.e. newly added replica) we have the following options:
// * The tablet copy succeeds and the replica successfully bootstraps and
// starts, so the tablet configuration contains the desired target replica.
// * The newly added replica fails to copy the data or any other failure
// happens during bootstrap or any other phase. In that case, the system
// eventually kicks out the failed replica, so the target replica
// will not be in the config.
// The former case and the absence of the source replica in the configuration
// signals about successful completion of the replica movement operation.
// The latter case manifests a failure of the replica movement operation.
Status CheckCompleteMove(const vector<string>& master_addresses,
const client::sp::shared_ptr<client::KuduClient>& client,
const string& tablet_id,
const string& from_ts_uuid,
const string& to_ts_uuid,
bool* is_complete,
Status* completion_status) {
*is_complete = false;
// Get the latest leader info. It may change later, due to our actions or
// outside factors.
string orig_leader_uuid;
HostPort orig_leader_hp;
RETURN_NOT_OK(GetTabletLeader(client, tablet_id,
&orig_leader_uuid, &orig_leader_hp));
unique_ptr<ConsensusServiceProxy> proxy;
RETURN_NOT_OK(BuildProxy(, orig_leader_hp.port(), &proxy));
// Check if the replica with UUID 'to_ts_uuid' is in the config, and if it has
// been promoted to voter.
ConsensusStatePB cstate;
bool is_343_scheme;
RETURN_NOT_OK(GetConsensusState(proxy, tablet_id, orig_leader_uuid,
&cstate, &is_343_scheme));
bool to_ts_uuid_in_config = false;
bool to_ts_uuid_is_a_voter = false;
for (const auto& peer : cstate.committed_config().peers()) {
if (peer.permanent_uuid() == to_ts_uuid) {
to_ts_uuid_in_config = true;
if (peer.member_type() == RaftPeerPB::VOTER) {
to_ts_uuid_is_a_voter = true;
// The failure case: the newly added replica is no longer in the config.
// Maybe something was wrong with the replica and the system kicked it out?
if (!to_ts_uuid.empty() && !to_ts_uuid_in_config) {
*is_complete = true;
*completion_status = Status::Incomplete(Substitute(
"tablet $0, TS $1 -> TS $2 move failed, target replica disappeared",
tablet_id, from_ts_uuid, to_ts_uuid));
return Status::OK();
// Check if the replica slated for removal (the one with UUID 'from_ts_uuid')
// is still in the config.
bool from_ts_uuid_in_config = false;
for (const auto& peer : cstate.committed_config().peers()) {
if (peer.permanent_uuid() == from_ts_uuid) {
// Sanity check: in case of 3-4-3 replication mode, the source replica
// must have the REPLACE attribute set. Otherwise, something has changed
// in the middle and the source replica will never be evicted,
// so it does not make sense to await its removal.
if (is_343_scheme && !peer.attrs().replace()) {
return Status::IllegalState(Substitute(
"$0: source replica $1 does not have REPLACE attribute set",
tablet_id, from_ts_uuid));
// Handle the case when the replica-to-be-removed (the one with UUID
// 'from_ts_uuid') is the leader.
// - It's possible that leadership changed and 'orig_leader_uuid' is not
// the leader's UUID by the time 'cstate' was collected. Let's
// cross-reference the two sources and only act if they agree.
// - It doesn't make sense to have the leader step down if the newly-added
// replica hasn't been promoted to a voter yet, since changing
// leadership can only delay that process and the stepped-down leader
// replica will not be evicted until the newly added replica is promoted
// to voter.
// - When using the 3-4-3 replica management scheme, the leader master
// will handle removing replicas, but when using the 3-2-3 scheme we
// have to do it, so we only do the stepdown when the tablet is healthy
// and we can proceed to kick out 'from_ts_uuid' once a new leader
// is elected.
if (orig_leader_uuid == from_ts_uuid &&
orig_leader_uuid == cstate.leader_uuid() &&
(to_ts_uuid_is_a_voter || to_ts_uuid.empty()) &&
(is_343_scheme || DoKsckForTablet(master_addresses, tablet_id).ok())) {
// The leader is the node we intend to remove; make it step down.
ignore_result(DoLeaderStepDown(tablet_id, orig_leader_uuid, orig_leader_hp,
LeaderStepDownMode::GRACEFUL, nullopt,
from_ts_uuid_in_config = true;
// If we are operating under the 3-4-3 replica management scheme, the
// newly-added replica has been promoted to a voter, and (if it was leader)
// the replica-to-be-removed has stepped down as leader, then the move is
// complete. The leader master will take care of removing the extra replica.
if (is_343_scheme) {
if (!from_ts_uuid_in_config &&
(to_ts_uuid_is_a_voter || to_ts_uuid.empty())) {
*is_complete = true;
*completion_status = Status::OK();
return Status::OK();
// The 3-2-3 scheme requires explicitly removing the source replica since the
// leader master doesn't take care of over-replicated tablets. Once the newly
// added replica is caught up and ready (ksck returned OK), it's time to
// remove the source replica. Once the replica is gone, it will be detected
// next on the next retry of this function.
if (from_ts_uuid_in_config &&
DoKsckForTablet(master_addresses, tablet_id).ok()) {
// Re-find the leader in case it changed (we may have caused it to change).
string new_leader_uuid;
HostPort new_leader_hp;
RETURN_NOT_OK(GetTabletLeader(client, tablet_id,
&new_leader_uuid, &new_leader_hp));
// If leadership changed, we have to rebuild the proxy to the new leader.
if (new_leader_uuid != orig_leader_uuid) {
RETURN_NOT_OK(BuildProxy(, new_leader_hp.port(), &proxy));
// We can only act if the leader is not the replica being removed.
if (from_ts_uuid != new_leader_uuid) {
// DoChangeConfig() might return InvalidState if the newly elected leader
// hasn't yet committed a single operation on its term. Let's make sure
// the current leader has asserted its leadership.
ConsensusStatePB cstate;
RETURN_NOT_OK(GetConsensusState(proxy, tablet_id, new_leader_uuid,
if (!cstate.has_leader_uuid() || cstate.leader_uuid() != new_leader_uuid) {
// Something has changed in the middle, the caller of this method
// (i.e. the upper level) will need to retry.
*is_complete = false;
*completion_status = Status::Incomplete(
Substitute("$0: leader info changed", tablet_id));
return Status::OK();
// Make sure the current leader has asserted its leadership before sending
// it the ChangeConfig request.
OpId opid;
RETURN_NOT_OK(GetLastCommittedOpId(tablet_id, new_leader_uuid, new_leader_hp,
if (opid.term() == cstate.current_term()) {
bool cas_failed = false;
const auto s = DoChangeConfig(master_addresses, tablet_id, from_ts_uuid,
nullopt, REMOVE_PEER,
if (cas_failed) {
// Something has changed in the configuration, need to retry.
*is_complete = false;
*completion_status = s;
return Status::OK();
// The success case: the source replica has gone from the config and the
// target replica is present as a full-fledged voter.
if (!from_ts_uuid_in_config &&
(to_ts_uuid_is_a_voter || to_ts_uuid.empty())) {
*is_complete = true;
*completion_status = Status::OK();
return Status::OK();
Status SetReplace(const client::sp::shared_ptr<client::KuduClient>& client,
const string& tablet_id,
const string& ts_uuid,
const optional<int64_t>& cas_opid_idx,
bool* cas_failed) {
// Safely set the 'cas_failed' output parameter to 'false' to cover an earlier
// return due to an error.
if (cas_failed) {
*cas_failed = false;
// Find this tablet's leader replica. We need its UUID and RPC address.
string leader_uuid;
HostPort leader_hp;
RETURN_NOT_OK(GetTabletLeader(client, tablet_id, &leader_uuid, &leader_hp));
unique_ptr<ConsensusServiceProxy> proxy;
RETURN_NOT_OK(BuildProxy(, leader_hp.port(), &proxy));
// Get information on current replication scheme: the move scenario depends
// on the replication scheme used.
bool is_343_scheme;
ConsensusStatePB cstate;
RETURN_NOT_OK(GetConsensusState(proxy, tablet_id, leader_uuid,
&cstate, &is_343_scheme));
// The 3-2-3 replica management scheme (pre-KUDU-1097) does not process
// the attribute as expected.
if (!is_343_scheme) {
return Status::ConfigurationError(
"cluster is running in 3-2-3 management scheme");
// Check whether the REPLACE attribute is already set for the source replica.
for (const auto& peer : cstate.committed_config().peers()) {
if (peer.permanent_uuid() == ts_uuid && peer.attrs().replace()) {
// The replica is already marked with the REPLACE attribute.
return Status::OK();
BulkChangeConfigRequestPB req;
auto* change = req.add_config_changes();
*change->mutable_peer()->mutable_permanent_uuid() = ts_uuid;
consensus::ChangeConfigResponsePB resp;
RpcController rpc;
if (cas_opid_idx) {
RETURN_NOT_OK(proxy->BulkChangeConfig(req, &resp, &rpc));
if (resp.has_error()) {
if (resp.error().code() == tserver::TabletServerErrorPB::CAS_FAILED &&
cas_failed) {
*cas_failed = true;
return StatusFromPB(resp.error().status());
return Status::OK();
Status CheckCompleteReplace(const client::sp::shared_ptr<client::KuduClient>& client,
const string& tablet_id,
const string& ts_uuid,
bool* is_complete,
Status* completion_status) {
*is_complete = false;
// Get the latest leader info. It may change later, due to our actions or
// outside factors.
string leader_uuid;
HostPort leader_hp;
RETURN_NOT_OK(GetTabletLeader(client, tablet_id, &leader_uuid, &leader_hp));
unique_ptr<ConsensusServiceProxy> proxy;
RETURN_NOT_OK(BuildProxy(, leader_hp.port(), &proxy));
ConsensusStatePB cstate;
bool is_343_scheme;
RETURN_NOT_OK(GetConsensusState(proxy, tablet_id, leader_uuid,
&cstate, &is_343_scheme));
if (!is_343_scheme) {
return Status::ConfigurationError(
"cluster is not running in 3-4-3 replica management scheme");
bool is_all_voters = true;
for (const auto& peer : cstate.committed_config().peers()) {
if (peer.member_type() != RaftPeerPB::VOTER) {
is_all_voters = false;
// Check if the replica slated for removal is still in the config.
bool ts_uuid_in_config = false;
for (const auto& peer : cstate.committed_config().peers()) {
if (peer.permanent_uuid() == ts_uuid) {
ts_uuid_in_config = true;
if (!peer.attrs().replace()) {
// Sanity check: the replica must have the REPLACE attribute set.
// Otherwise, something has changed in the middle and the replica will
// never be evicted, so it does not make sense to await its removal.
*is_complete = true;
*completion_status = Status::IllegalState(Substitute(
"$0: replica $1 does not have the REPLACE attribute set",
tablet_id, ts_uuid));
// There is not much sense demoting current leader if a newly added
// non-voter hasn't been promoted into voter role yet: the former leader
// replica will not be evicted prior the new non-voter replica becomes
// is promoted into voter. Demoting former leader too early might even
// delay promotion of already caught-up non-leader replica.
if (is_all_voters &&
leader_uuid == ts_uuid && leader_uuid == cstate.leader_uuid()) {
// The leader is the node we intend to remove; make it step down.
ignore_result(DoLeaderStepDown(tablet_id, leader_uuid, leader_hp,
LeaderStepDownMode::GRACEFUL, nullopt,
if (!ts_uuid_in_config) {
*is_complete = true;
*completion_status = Status::OK();
return Status::OK();
Status ScheduleReplicaMove(const vector<string>& master_addresses,
const client::sp::shared_ptr<client::KuduClient>& client,
const string& tablet_id,
const string& from_ts_uuid,
const string& to_ts_uuid) {
// Find this tablet's leader replica. We need its UUID and RPC address.
string leader_uuid;
HostPort leader_hp;
RETURN_NOT_OK(GetTabletLeader(client, tablet_id, &leader_uuid, &leader_hp));
unique_ptr<ConsensusServiceProxy> proxy;
RETURN_NOT_OK(BuildProxy(, leader_hp.port(), &proxy));
// Get information on current replication scheme: the move scenario depends
// on the replication scheme used.
bool is_343_scheme;
ConsensusStatePB cstate;
RETURN_NOT_OK(GetConsensusState(proxy, tablet_id, leader_uuid,
&cstate, &is_343_scheme));
// Sanity check: the target replica should not be present in the config.
// Anyway, ChangeConfig() RPC would return an error in that case, but this
// pre-condition allows us to short-circuit that.
for (const auto& peer : cstate.committed_config().peers()) {
if (peer.permanent_uuid() == to_ts_uuid) {
return Status::IllegalState(Substitute(
"tablet $0: replica $1 is already present", tablet_id, to_ts_uuid));
const auto cas_opid_idx = cstate.committed_config().opid_index();
// The pre- KUDU-1097 way of moving a replica involves first adding a new
// replica and then evicting the old one.
if (!is_343_scheme) {
if (to_ts_uuid.empty()) {
return Status::OK();
return DoChangeConfig(master_addresses, tablet_id, to_ts_uuid,
RaftPeerPB::VOTER, ADD_PEER, cas_opid_idx);
// Check whether the REPLACE attribute is already set for the source replica.
bool is_from_ts_uuid_replace_attr_set = false;
for (const auto& peer : cstate.committed_config().peers()) {
if (peer.permanent_uuid() == from_ts_uuid) {
is_from_ts_uuid_replace_attr_set = peer.attrs().replace();
if (is_from_ts_uuid_replace_attr_set && to_ts_uuid.empty()) {
// Nothing to do: the REPLACE attribute is already set for the source
// replica and the target tablet server is not specified. So, that pure
// 'remove replica' configuration change has already been applied. That
// might happen due to concurrent activity or requesting the same
// replica movement again.
return Status::OK();
// In a post-KUDU-1097 world, the procedure to move a replica is to add the
// replace=true attribute to the replica to remove while simultaneously
// adding the replacement as a non-voter with promote=true.
// The following code implements tablet movement in that paradigm.
BulkChangeConfigRequestPB req;
if (!is_from_ts_uuid_replace_attr_set) {
auto* change = req.add_config_changes();
*change->mutable_peer()->mutable_permanent_uuid() = from_ts_uuid;
if (!to_ts_uuid.empty()) {
auto* change = req.add_config_changes();
*change->mutable_peer()->mutable_permanent_uuid() = to_ts_uuid;
HostPort hp;
RETURN_NOT_OK(GetRpcAddressForTS(client, to_ts_uuid, &hp));
*change->mutable_peer()->mutable_last_known_addr() = HostPortToPB(hp);
consensus::ChangeConfigResponsePB resp;
RpcController rpc;
RETURN_NOT_OK(proxy->BulkChangeConfig(req, &resp, &rpc));
if (resp.has_error()) {
return StatusFromPB(resp.error().status());
return Status::OK();
Status DoKsckForTablet(const vector<string>& master_addresses,
const string& tablet_id) {
shared_ptr<KsckCluster> cluster;
RETURN_NOT_OK(RemoteKsckCluster::Build(master_addresses, &cluster));
// Print to an unopened ofstream to discard ksck output.
// See
std::ofstream null_stream;
cluster->set_tablet_id_filters({ tablet_id });
Ksck ksck(cluster, &null_stream);
// The return Status is ignored since a tserver that is not the destination
// nor a host of a replica might be down, and in that case the move should
// succeed. Problems with the destination tserver or the tablet will still
// be detected by ksck or other commands.
return ksck.CheckTablesConsistency();
Status GetRpcAddressForTS(const client::sp::shared_ptr<KuduClient>& client,
const string& uuid,
HostPort* hp) {
vector<KuduTabletServer*> servers;
ElementDeleter deleter(&servers);
for (const auto* s : servers) {
if (s->uuid() == uuid) {
return Status::OK();
return Status::NotFound(Substitute(
"server $0 has no RPC address registered with the Master", uuid));
Status DoChangeConfig(const vector<string>& master_addresses,
const string& tablet_id,
const string& replica_uuid,
const optional<RaftPeerPB::MemberType>& member_type,
ChangeConfigType cc_type,
const optional<int64_t>& cas_opid_idx,
bool* cas_failed) {
if (cas_failed) {
*cas_failed = false;
if (cc_type == consensus::REMOVE_PEER && member_type) {
return Status::InvalidArgument("cannot supply Raft member type when removing a server");
if ((cc_type == consensus::ADD_PEER || cc_type == consensus::MODIFY_PEER) &&
!member_type) {
return Status::InvalidArgument(
"must specify member type when adding a server or changing member type");
RaftPeerPB peer_pb;
if (member_type) {
client::sp::shared_ptr<KuduClient> client;
RETURN_NOT_OK(CreateKuduClient(master_addresses, &client));
// When adding a new server, we need to provide the server's RPC address.
if (cc_type == consensus::ADD_PEER) {
HostPort hp;
RETURN_NOT_OK(GetRpcAddressForTS(client, replica_uuid, &hp));
*peer_pb.mutable_last_known_addr() = HostPortToPB(hp);
// Find this tablet's leader replica. We need its UUID and RPC address.
string leader_uuid;
HostPort leader_hp;
RETURN_NOT_OK(GetTabletLeader(client, tablet_id, &leader_uuid, &leader_hp));
unique_ptr<ConsensusServiceProxy> proxy;
RETURN_NOT_OK(BuildProxy(, leader_hp.port(), &proxy));
consensus::ChangeConfigRequestPB req;
consensus::ChangeConfigResponsePB resp;
RpcController rpc;
if (cas_opid_idx) {
*req.mutable_server() = peer_pb;
RETURN_NOT_OK(proxy->ChangeConfig(req, &resp, &rpc));
if (resp.has_error()) {
if (resp.error().code() == tserver::TabletServerErrorPB::CAS_FAILED &&
cas_failed) {
*cas_failed = true;
return StatusFromPB(resp.error().status());
return Status::OK();
// This could alternatively be implemented using the GetFlags API, but the
// GetFlags RPC is not supported on all versions with which the rebalancing
// tool would like to be compatible, and this method based on PB fields
// is less fragile than the string matching required to use GetFlags with old
// versions.
Status Is343SchemeCluster(const vector<string>& master_addresses,
const optional<string>& tablet_id_in,
bool* is_343_scheme) {
client::sp::shared_ptr<client::KuduClient> client;
RETURN_NOT_OK(CreateKuduClient(master_addresses, &client));
string tablet_id;
if (tablet_id_in) {
tablet_id = *tablet_id_in;
} else {
vector<string> table_names;
if (table_names.empty()) {
return Status::Incomplete("not a single table found");
const auto& table_name = table_names.front();
client::sp::shared_ptr<client::KuduTable> client_table;
RETURN_NOT_OK(client->OpenTable(table_name, &client_table));
vector<client::KuduScanToken*> tokens;
ElementDeleter deleter(&tokens);
client::KuduScanTokenBuilder builder(client_table.get());
if (tokens.empty()) {
return Status::Incomplete(Substitute(
"table '$0': not a single scan token returned", table_name));
tablet_id = tokens.front()->tablet().id();
string leader_uuid;
HostPort leader_hp;
RETURN_NOT_OK(GetTabletLeader(client, tablet_id, &leader_uuid, &leader_hp));
unique_ptr<consensus::ConsensusServiceProxy> proxy;
RETURN_NOT_OK(BuildProxy(, leader_hp.port(), &proxy));
return GetConsensusState(proxy, tablet_id, leader_uuid,
nullptr /* consensus_state */, is_343_scheme);
} // namespace tools
} // namespace kudu