blob: 5d7933ee0cbca3e35e05453c6e37fa0e893d43ae [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package kudu.tserver;
option java_package = "org.kududb.tserver";
import "kudu/common/common.proto";
import "kudu/common/wire_protocol.proto";
import "kudu/tablet/tablet.proto";
// Tablet-server specific errors use this protobuf.
message TabletServerErrorPB {
enum Code {
// An error which has no more specific error code.
// The code and message in 'status' may reveal more details.
// RPCs should avoid returning this, since callers will not be
// able to easily parse the error.
// The schema provided for a request was not well-formed.
// The row data provided for a request was not well-formed.
// The mutations or mutation keys provided for a request were
// not well formed.
// The schema provided for a request didn't match the actual
// schema of the tablet.
// The requested tablet_id is not currently hosted on this server.
// A request was made against a scanner ID that was either never
// created or has expired.
// An invalid scan was specified -- e.g the values passed for
// predicates were incorrect sizes.
// The provided configuration was not well-formed and/or
// had a sequence number that was below the current config.
// On a create tablet request, signals that the tablet already exists.
// If the tablet has a newer schema than the requested one the "alter"
// request will be rejected with this error.
// The tablet is hosted on this server, but not in RUNNING state.
// Client requested a snapshot read but the snapshot was invalid.
// An invalid scan call sequence ID was specified.
// This tserver is not the leader of the consensus configuration.
// The destination UUID in the request does not match this server.
// The compare-and-swap specified by an atomic RPC operation failed.
// The requested operation is already inprogress, e.g. RemoteBootstrap.
// The error code.
required Code code = 1 [ default = UNKNOWN_ERROR ];
// The Status object for the error. This will include a textual
// message that may be more useful to present in log messages, etc,
// though its error code is less specific.
required AppStatusPB status = 2;
message PingRequestPB {
message PingResponsePB {
// A batched set of insert/mutate requests.
message WriteRequestPB {
required bytes tablet_id = 1;
// The schema as seen by the client. This may be out-of-date, in which case
// it will be projected to the current schema automatically, with defaults/NULLs
// being filled in.
optional SchemaPB schema = 2;
// Operations to perform (insert/update/delete)
optional RowOperationsPB row_operations = 3;
// The required consistency mode for this write.
optional ExternalConsistencyMode external_consistency_mode = 4 [default = CLIENT_PROPAGATED];
// A timestamp obtained by the client from a previous request.
// TODO crypto sign this and propagate the signature along with
// the timestamp.
optional fixed64 propagated_timestamp = 5;
message WriteResponsePB {
// If the entire WriteResponsePB request failed, the error status that
// caused the failure. This type of error is triggered for
// cases such as the tablet not being on this server, or the
// schema not matching. If any error specific to a given row
// occurs, this error will be recorded in per_row_errors below,
// even if all rows failed.
optional TabletServerErrorPB error = 1;
// If errors occurred with particular row operations, then the errors
// for those operations will be passed back in 'per_row_errors'.
message PerRowErrorPB {
// The index of the row in the incoming batch.
required int32 row_index = 1;
// The error that occurred.
required AppStatusPB error = 2;
repeated PerRowErrorPB per_row_errors = 2;
// The timestamp chosen by the server for this write.
// TODO KUDU-611 propagate timestamps with server signature.
optional fixed64 timestamp = 3;
// A list tablets request
message ListTabletsRequestPB {
// A list tablets response
message ListTabletsResponsePB {
optional TabletServerErrorPB error = 1;
message StatusAndSchemaPB {
required tablet.TabletStatusPB tablet_status = 1;
required SchemaPB schema = 2;
optional PartitionSchemaPB partition_schema = 3;
repeated StatusAndSchemaPB status_and_schema = 2;
// A range predicate on one of the columns in the underlying
// data.
message ColumnRangePredicatePB {
required ColumnSchemaPB column = 1;
// These bounds should be encoded as follows:
// - STRING values: simply the exact string value for the bound.
// - other type: the canonical x86 in-memory representation -- eg for
// uint32s, a little-endian value.
// Note that this predicate type should not be used for NULL data --
// NULL is defined to neither be greater than or less than other values
// for the comparison operator. We will eventually add a special
// predicate type for null-ness.
optional bytes lower_bound = 2;
optional bytes upper_bound = 3;
// List of predicates used by the Java client. Will rapidly evolve into something more reusable
// as a way to pass scanner configurations.
message ColumnRangePredicateListPB {
repeated ColumnRangePredicatePB range_predicates = 1;
message NewScanRequestPB {
// The tablet to scan.
required bytes tablet_id = 1;
// The maximum number of rows to scan.
// The scanner will automatically stop yielding results and close
// itself after reaching this number of result rows.
optional uint64 limit = 2;
// Any column range predicates to enforce.
repeated ColumnRangePredicatePB range_predicates = 3;
// Encoded primary key to begin scanning at (inclusive).
optional bytes start_primary_key = 8;
// Encoded primary key to stop scanning at (exclusive).
optional bytes stop_primary_key = 9;
// Which columns to select.
// if this is an empty list, no data will be returned, but the num_rows
// field of the returned RowBlock will indicate how many rows passed
// the predicates. Note that in some cases, the scan may still require
// multiple round-trips, and the caller must aggregate the counts.
repeated ColumnSchemaPB projected_columns = 4;
// The read mode for this scan request.
// See common.proto for further information about read modes.
optional ReadMode read_mode = 5 [default = READ_LATEST];
// The requested snapshot timestamp. This is only used
// when the read mode is set to READ_AT_SNAPSHOT.
optional fixed64 snap_timestamp = 6;
// Sent by clients which previously executed CLIENT_PROPAGATED writes.
// This updates the server's time so that no transaction will be assigned
// a timestamp lower than or equal to 'previous_known_timestamp'
optional fixed64 propagated_timestamp = 7;
// Whether data blocks will be cached when read from the files or discarded after use.
// Disable this to lower cache churn when doing large scans.
optional bool cache_blocks = 10 [default = true];
// Whether to order the returned rows by primary key.
// This is used for scanner fault-tolerance.
optional OrderMode order_mode = 11 [default = UNORDERED];
// If retrying a scan, the final primary key retrieved in the previous scan
// attempt. If set, this will take precedence over the `start_primary_key`
// field, and functions as an exclusive start primary key.
optional bytes last_primary_key = 12;
// A scan request. Initially, it should specify a scan. Later on, you
// can use the scanner id returned to fetch result batches with a different
// scan request.
// The scanner will remain open if there are more results, and it's not
// asked to be closed explicitly. Some errors on the Tablet Server may
// close the scanner automatically if the scanner state becomes
// inconsistent.
// Clients may choose to retry scan requests that fail to complete (due to, for
// example, a timeout or network error). If a scan request completes with an
// error result, the scanner should be closed by the client.
// You can fetch the results and ask the scanner to be closed to save
// a trip if you are not interested in remaining results.
// This is modeled somewhat after HBase's scanner API.
message ScanRequestPB {
// If continuing an existing scan, then you must set scanner_id.
// Otherwise, you must set 'new_scan_request'.
optional bytes scanner_id = 1;
optional NewScanRequestPB new_scan_request = 2;
// The sequence ID of this call. The sequence ID should start at 0
// with the request for a new scanner, and after each successful request,
// the client should increment it by 1. When retrying a request, the client
// should _not_ increment this value. If the server detects that the client
// missed a chunk of rows from the middle of a scan, it will respond with an
// error.
optional uint32 call_seq_id = 3;
// The maximum number of bytes to send in the response.
// This is a hint, not a requirement: the server may send
// arbitrarily fewer or more bytes than requested.
optional uint32 batch_size_bytes = 4;
// If set, the server will close the scanner after responding to
// this request, regardless of whether all rows have been delivered.
// In order to simply close a scanner without selecting any rows, you
// may set batch_size_bytes to 0 in conjunction with setting this flag.
optional bool close_scanner = 5;
message ScanResponsePB {
// The error, if an error occurred with this request.
optional TabletServerErrorPB error = 1;
// When a scanner is created, returns the scanner ID which may be used
// to pull new rows from the scanner.
optional bytes scanner_id = 2;
// Set to true to indicate that there may be further results to be fetched
// from this scanner. If the scanner has no more results, then the scanner
// ID will become invalid and cannot continue to be used.
// Note that if a scan returns no results, then the initial response from
// the first RPC may return false in this flag, in which case there will
// be no scanner ID assigned.
optional bool has_more_results = 3;
// The block of returned rows.
// NOTE: the schema-related fields will not be present in this row block.
// The schema will match the schema requested by the client when it created
// the scanner.
optional RowwiseRowBlockPB data = 4;
// The snapshot timestamp at which the scan was executed. This is only set
// in the first response (i.e. the response to the request that had
// 'new_scan_request' set) and only for READ_AT_SNAPSHOT scans.
optional fixed64 snap_timestamp = 6;
// If this is a fault-tolerant scanner, this is set to the encoded primary
// key of the last row returned in the response.
optional bytes last_primary_key = 7;
// A scanner keep-alive request.
// Updates the scanner access time, increasing its time-to-live.
message ScannerKeepAliveRequestPB {
required bytes scanner_id = 1;
message ScannerKeepAliveResponsePB {
// The error, if an error occurred with this request.
optional TabletServerErrorPB error = 1;