blob: 09c301532b9749c874c0c014c021f464a86e0247 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// All rights reserved.
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "kudu/gutil/stringprintf.h"
#include "kudu/util/interval_tree.h"
#include "kudu/util/interval_tree-inl.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_util.h"
using std::vector;
namespace kudu {
// Test harness.
class TestIntervalTree : public KuduTest {
// Simple interval class for integer intervals.
struct IntInterval {
IntInterval(int left_, int right_) : left(left_), right(right_) {}
bool Intersects(const IntInterval &other) const {
if (other.left > right) return false;
if (left > other.right) return false;
return true;
int left, right;
// Traits definition for intervals made up of ints on either end.
struct IntTraits {
typedef int point_type;
typedef IntInterval interval_type;
static point_type get_left(const IntInterval &x) {
return x.left;
static point_type get_right(const IntInterval &x) {
return x.right;
static int compare(int a, int b) {
if (a < b) return -1;
if (a > b) return 1;
return 0;
// Compare intervals in a consistent way - this is only used for verifying
// that the two algorithms come up with the same results. It's not necessary
// to define this to use an interval tree.
static bool CompareIntervals(const IntInterval &a, const IntInterval &b) {
if (a.left < b.left) return true;
if (a.left > b.left) return false;
if (a.right < b.right) return true;
if (b.right > b.right) return true;
return false; // equal
// Stringify a list of int intervals, for easy test error reporting.
static string Stringify(const vector<IntInterval> &intervals) {
string ret;
bool first = true;
for (const IntInterval &interval : intervals) {
if (!first) {
StringAppendF(&ret, "[%d, %d]", interval.left, interval.right);
return ret;
// Find any intervals in 'intervals' which contain 'query_point' by brute force.
static void FindContainingBruteForce(const vector<IntInterval> &intervals,
int query_point,
vector<IntInterval> *results) {
for (const IntInterval &i : intervals) {
if (query_point >= i.left && query_point <= i.right) {
// Find any intervals in 'intervals' which intersect 'query_interval' by brute force.
static void FindIntersectingBruteForce(const vector<IntInterval> &intervals,
IntInterval query_interval,
vector<IntInterval> *results) {
for (const IntInterval &i : intervals) {
if (query_interval.Intersects(i)) {
// Verify that IntervalTree::FindContainingPoint yields the same results as the naive
// brute-force O(n) algorithm.
static void VerifyFindContainingPoint(const vector<IntInterval> all_intervals,
const IntervalTree<IntTraits> &tree,
int query_point) {
vector<IntInterval> results;
tree.FindContainingPoint(query_point, &results);
std::sort(results.begin(), results.end(), CompareIntervals);
vector<IntInterval> brute_force;
FindContainingBruteForce(all_intervals, query_point, &brute_force);
std::sort(brute_force.begin(), brute_force.end(), CompareIntervals);
SCOPED_TRACE(Stringify(all_intervals) + StringPrintf(" (q=%d)", query_point));
EXPECT_EQ(Stringify(brute_force), Stringify(results));
// Verify that IntervalTree::FindIntersectingInterval yields the same results as the naive
// brute-force O(n) algorithm.
static void VerifyFindIntersectingInterval(const vector<IntInterval> all_intervals,
const IntervalTree<IntTraits> &tree,
const IntInterval &query_interval) {
vector<IntInterval> results;
tree.FindIntersectingInterval(query_interval, &results);
std::sort(results.begin(), results.end(), CompareIntervals);
vector<IntInterval> brute_force;
FindIntersectingBruteForce(all_intervals, query_interval, &brute_force);
std::sort(brute_force.begin(), brute_force.end(), CompareIntervals);
SCOPED_TRACE(Stringify(all_intervals) +
StringPrintf(" (q=[%d,%d])", query_interval.left, query_interval.right));
EXPECT_EQ(Stringify(brute_force), Stringify(results));
TEST_F(TestIntervalTree, TestBasic) {
vector<IntInterval> intervals;
intervals.push_back(IntInterval(1, 2));
intervals.push_back(IntInterval(3, 4));
intervals.push_back(IntInterval(1, 4));
IntervalTree<IntTraits> t(intervals);
for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++) {
VerifyFindContainingPoint(intervals, t, i);
for (int j = i; j <= 5; j++) {
VerifyFindIntersectingInterval(intervals, t, IntInterval(i, j));
TEST_F(TestIntervalTree, TestRandomized) {
// Generate 100 random intervals spanning 0-200 and build an interval tree from them.
vector<IntInterval> intervals;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
int l = rand() % 100; // NOLINT(runtime/threadsafe_fn)
int r = l + rand() % 100; // NOLINT(runtime/threadsafe_fn)
intervals.push_back(IntInterval(l, r));
IntervalTree<IntTraits> t(intervals);
// Test that we get the correct result on every possible query.
for (int i = -1; i < 201; i++) {
VerifyFindContainingPoint(intervals, t, i);
// Test that we get the correct result for random intervals
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
int l = rand() % 100; // NOLINT(runtime/threadsafe_fn)
int r = l + rand() % 100; // NOLINT(runtime/threadsafe_fn)
VerifyFindIntersectingInterval(intervals, t, IntInterval(l, r));
TEST_F(TestIntervalTree, TestEmpty) {
vector<IntInterval> empty;
IntervalTree<IntTraits> t(empty);
VerifyFindContainingPoint(empty, t, 1);
VerifyFindIntersectingInterval(empty, t, IntInterval(1, 2));
} // namespace kudu