blob: 63543bf310c689aa9b2081362302e627b2548096 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "kudu/tools/fs_tool.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "kudu/cfile/cfile_reader.h"
#include "kudu/common/rowblock.h"
#include "kudu/common/row_changelist.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/log_util.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/log_reader.h"
#include "kudu/fs/fs_manager.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/human_readable.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/util.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/cfile_set.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/deltafile.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/tablet.h"
#include "kudu/util/env.h"
#include "kudu/util/logging.h"
#include "kudu/util/mem_tracker.h"
#include "kudu/util/memory/arena.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
namespace kudu {
namespace tools {
using cfile::CFileIterator;
using cfile::CFileReader;
using cfile::DumpIterator;
using cfile::DumpIteratorOptions;
using cfile::ReaderOptions;
using fs::ReadableBlock;
using log::LogReader;
using log::ReadableLogSegment;
using std::shared_ptr;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using strings::Substitute;
using tablet::CFileSet;
using tablet::DeltaFileReader;
using tablet::DeltaIterator;
using tablet::DeltaKeyAndUpdate;
using tablet::DeltaType;
using tablet::MvccSnapshot;
using tablet::RowSetMetadata;
using tablet::Tablet;
using tablet::TabletMetadata;
static const char* const kSeparatorLine =
namespace {
string Indent(int indent) {
return string(indent, ' ');
string IndentString(const string& s, int indent) {
return Indent(indent) + StringReplace(s, "\n", "\n" + Indent(indent), true);
} // anonymous namespace
FsTool::FsTool(DetailLevel detail_level)
: initialized_(false),
detail_level_(detail_level) {
FsTool::~FsTool() {
Status FsTool::Init() {
CHECK(!initialized_) << "Already initialized";
// Allow read-only access to live blocks.
FsManagerOpts opts;
opts.read_only = true;
fs_manager_.reset(new FsManager(Env::Default(), opts));
LOG(INFO) << "Opened file system with uuid: " << fs_manager_->uuid();
initialized_ = true;
return Status::OK();
Status FsTool::FsTree() {
return Status::OK();
Status FsTool::ListAllLogSegments() {
string wals_dir = fs_manager_->GetWalsRootDir();
if (!fs_manager_->Exists(wals_dir)) {
return Status::Corruption(Substitute(
"root log directory '$0' does not exist", wals_dir));
std::cout << "Root log directory: " << wals_dir << std::endl;
vector<string> children;
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(fs_manager_->ListDir(wals_dir, &children),
"Could not list log directories");
for (const string& child : children) {
if (HasPrefixString(child, ".")) {
// Hidden files or ./..
VLOG(1) << "Ignoring hidden file in root log directory " << child;
string path = JoinPathSegments(wals_dir, child);
if (HasSuffixString(child, FsManager::kWalsRecoveryDirSuffix)) {
std::cout << "Log recovery dir found: " << path << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "Log directory: " << path << std::endl;
return Status::OK();
Status FsTool::ListLogSegmentsForTablet(const string& tablet_id) {
string tablet_wal_dir = fs_manager_->GetTabletWalDir(tablet_id);
if (!fs_manager_->Exists(tablet_wal_dir)) {
return Status::NotFound(Substitute("tablet '$0' has no logs in wals dir '$1'",
tablet_id, tablet_wal_dir));
std::cout << "Tablet WAL dir found: " << tablet_wal_dir << std::endl;
string recovery_dir = fs_manager_->GetTabletWalRecoveryDir(tablet_id);
if (fs_manager_->Exists(recovery_dir)) {
std::cout << "Recovery dir found: " << recovery_dir << std::endl;
return Status::OK();
Status FsTool::ListAllTablets() {
vector<string> tablets;
for (const string& tablet : tablets) {
if (detail_level_ >= HEADERS_ONLY) {
std::cout << "Tablet: " << tablet << std::endl;
RETURN_NOT_OK(PrintTabletMeta(tablet, 2));
} else {
std::cout << "\t" << tablet << std::endl;
return Status::OK();
Status FsTool::ListSegmentsInDir(const string& segments_dir) {
vector<string> segments;
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(fs_manager_->ListDir(segments_dir, &segments),
"Unable to list log segments");
std::cout << "Segments in " << segments_dir << ":" << std::endl;
for (const string& segment : segments) {
if (!log::IsLogFileName(segment)) {
if (detail_level_ >= HEADERS_ONLY) {
std::cout << "Segment: " << segment << std::endl;
string path = JoinPathSegments(segments_dir, segment);
RETURN_NOT_OK(PrintLogSegmentHeader(path, 2));
} else {
std::cout << "\t" << segment << std::endl;
return Status::OK();
Status FsTool::PrintLogSegmentHeader(const string& path,
int indent) {
scoped_refptr<ReadableLogSegment> segment;
Status s = ReadableLogSegment::Open(fs_manager_->env(),
if (s.IsUninitialized()) {
LOG(ERROR) << path << " is not initialized: " << s.ToString();
return Status::OK();
if (s.IsCorruption()) {
LOG(ERROR) << path << " is corrupt: " << s.ToString();
return Status::OK();
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(s, "Unexpected error reading log segment " + path);
std::cout << Indent(indent) << "Size: "
<< HumanReadableNumBytes::ToStringWithoutRounding(segment->file_size())
<< std::endl;
std::cout << Indent(indent) << "Header: " << std::endl;
std::cout << IndentString(segment->header().DebugString(), indent);
return Status::OK();
Status FsTool::PrintTabletMeta(const string& tablet_id, int indent) {
scoped_refptr<TabletMetadata> meta;
RETURN_NOT_OK(TabletMetadata::Load(fs_manager_.get(), tablet_id, &meta));
const Schema& schema = meta->schema();
std::cout << Indent(indent) << "Partition: "
<< meta->partition_schema().PartitionDebugString(meta->partition(), meta->schema())
<< std::endl;
std::cout << Indent(indent) << "Table name: " << meta->table_name()
<< " Table id: " << meta->table_id() << std::endl;
std::cout << Indent(indent) << "Schema (version=" << meta->schema_version() << "): "
<< schema.ToString() << std::endl;
tablet::TabletSuperBlockPB pb;
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(meta->ToSuperBlock(&pb), "Could not get superblock");
std::cout << "Superblock:\n" << pb.DebugString() << std::endl;
return Status::OK();
Status FsTool::ListBlocksForAllTablets() {
vector<string> tablets;
for (string tablet : tablets) {
return Status::OK();
Status FsTool::ListBlocksForTablet(const string& tablet_id) {
scoped_refptr<TabletMetadata> meta;
RETURN_NOT_OK(TabletMetadata::Load(fs_manager_.get(), tablet_id, &meta));
if (meta->rowsets().empty()) {
std::cout << "No rowsets found on disk for tablet " << tablet_id << std::endl;
return Status::OK();
std::cout << "Listing all data blocks in tablet " << tablet_id << ":" << std::endl;
Schema schema = meta->schema();
size_t idx = 0;
for (const shared_ptr<RowSetMetadata>& rs_meta : meta->rowsets()) {
std::cout << "Rowset " << idx++ << std::endl;
RETURN_NOT_OK(ListBlocksInRowSet(schema, *rs_meta));
return Status::OK();
Status FsTool::ListBlocksInRowSet(const Schema& schema,
const RowSetMetadata& rs_meta) {
RowSetMetadata::ColumnIdToBlockIdMap col_blocks = rs_meta.GetColumnBlocksById();
for (const RowSetMetadata::ColumnIdToBlockIdMap::value_type& e : col_blocks) {
ColumnId col_id = e.first;
const BlockId& block_id = e.second;
std::cout << "Column block for column ID " << col_id;
int col_idx = schema.find_column_by_id(col_id);
if (col_idx != -1) {
std::cout << " (" << schema.column(col_idx).ToString() << ")";
std::cout << ": ";
std::cout << block_id.ToString() << std::endl;
for (const BlockId& block : rs_meta.undo_delta_blocks()) {
std::cout << "UNDO: " << block.ToString() << std::endl;
for (const BlockId& block : rs_meta.redo_delta_blocks()) {
std::cout << "REDO: " << block.ToString() << std::endl;
return Status::OK();
Status FsTool::DumpTabletBlocks(const std::string& tablet_id,
const DumpOptions& opts,
int indent) {
scoped_refptr<TabletMetadata> meta;
RETURN_NOT_OK(TabletMetadata::Load(fs_manager_.get(), tablet_id, &meta));
if (meta->rowsets().empty()) {
std::cout << Indent(indent) << "No rowsets found on disk for tablet "
<< tablet_id << std::endl;
return Status::OK();
Schema schema = meta->schema();
size_t idx = 0;
for (const shared_ptr<RowSetMetadata>& rs_meta : meta->rowsets()) {
std::cout << std::endl << Indent(indent) << "Dumping rowset " << idx++
<< std::endl << Indent(indent) << kSeparatorLine;
RETURN_NOT_OK(DumpRowSetInternal(meta->schema(), rs_meta, opts, indent + 2));
return Status::OK();
Status FsTool::DumpTabletData(const std::string& tablet_id) {
scoped_refptr<TabletMetadata> meta;
RETURN_NOT_OK(TabletMetadata::Load(fs_manager_.get(), tablet_id, &meta));
scoped_refptr<log::LogAnchorRegistry> reg(new log::LogAnchorRegistry());
Tablet t(meta, scoped_refptr<server::Clock>(nullptr), shared_ptr<MemTracker>(),
nullptr, reg.get());
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(t.Open(), "Couldn't open tablet");
vector<string> lines;
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(t.DebugDump(&lines), "Couldn't dump tablet");
for (const string& line : lines) {
std::cout << line << std::endl;
return Status::OK();
Status FsTool::DumpRowSet(const string& tablet_id,
int64_t rowset_id,
const DumpOptions& opts,
int indent) {
scoped_refptr<TabletMetadata> meta;
RETURN_NOT_OK(TabletMetadata::Load(fs_manager_.get(), tablet_id, &meta));
for (const shared_ptr<RowSetMetadata>& rs_meta : meta->rowsets()) {
if (rs_meta->id() == rowset_id) {
return DumpRowSetInternal(meta->schema(), rs_meta, opts, indent);
return Status::InvalidArgument(
Substitute("Could not find rowset $0 in tablet id $1", rowset_id, tablet_id));
Status FsTool::DumpRowSetInternal(const Schema& schema,
const shared_ptr<RowSetMetadata>& rs_meta,
const DumpOptions& opts,
int indent) {
tablet::RowSetDataPB pb;
std::cout << Indent(indent) << "RowSet metadata: " << pb.DebugString() << std::endl
<< std::endl;
RowSetMetadata::ColumnIdToBlockIdMap col_blocks = rs_meta->GetColumnBlocksById();
for (const RowSetMetadata::ColumnIdToBlockIdMap::value_type& e : col_blocks) {
ColumnId col_id = e.first;
const BlockId& block_id = e.second;
std::cout << Indent(indent) << "Dumping column block " << block_id << " for column id "
<< col_id;
int col_idx = schema.find_column_by_id(col_id);
if (col_idx != -1) {
std::cout << "( " << schema.column(col_idx).ToString() << ")";
std::cout << ":" << std::endl;
std::cout << Indent(indent) << kSeparatorLine;
if (opts.metadata_only) continue;
RETURN_NOT_OK(DumpCFileBlockInternal(block_id, opts, indent));
std::cout << std::endl;
for (const BlockId& block : rs_meta->undo_delta_blocks()) {
std::cout << Indent(indent) << "Dumping undo delta block " << block << ":" << std::endl
<< Indent(indent) << kSeparatorLine;
std::cout << std::endl;
for (const BlockId& block : rs_meta->redo_delta_blocks()) {
std::cout << Indent(indent) << "Dumping redo delta block " << block << ":" << std::endl
<< Indent(indent) << kSeparatorLine;
std::cout << std::endl;
return Status::OK();
Status FsTool::DumpCFileBlock(const std::string& block_id_str,
const DumpOptions &opts,
int indent) {
uint64_t numeric_id;
if (!safe_strtou64(block_id_str, &numeric_id) &&
!safe_strtou64_base(block_id_str, &numeric_id, 16)) {
return Status::InvalidArgument(Substitute("block '$0' could not be parsed",
BlockId block_id(numeric_id);
if (!fs_manager_->BlockExists(block_id)) {
return Status::NotFound(Substitute("block '$0' does not exist", block_id_str));
return DumpCFileBlockInternal(block_id, opts, indent);
Status FsTool::PrintUUID(int indent) {
std::cout << Indent(indent) << fs_manager_->uuid() << std::endl;
return Status::OK();
Status FsTool::DumpCFileBlockInternal(const BlockId& block_id,
const DumpOptions& opts,
int indent) {
gscoped_ptr<ReadableBlock> block;
RETURN_NOT_OK(fs_manager_->OpenBlock(block_id, &block));
gscoped_ptr<CFileReader> reader;
RETURN_NOT_OK(CFileReader::Open(std::move(block), ReaderOptions(), &reader));
std::cout << Indent(indent) << "CFile Header: "
<< reader->header().ShortDebugString() << std::endl;
std::cout << Indent(indent) << reader->footer().num_values()
<< " values:" << std::endl;
gscoped_ptr<CFileIterator> it;
RETURN_NOT_OK(reader->NewIterator(&it, CFileReader::DONT_CACHE_BLOCK));
DumpIteratorOptions iter_opts;
iter_opts.nrows = opts.nrows;
iter_opts.print_rows = detail_level_ > HEADERS_ONLY;
return DumpIterator(*reader, it.get(), &std::cout, iter_opts, indent + 2);
Status FsTool::DumpDeltaCFileBlockInternal(const Schema& schema,
const shared_ptr<RowSetMetadata>& rs_meta,
const BlockId& block_id,
DeltaType delta_type,
const DumpOptions& opts,
int indent,
bool metadata_only) {
// Open the delta reader
gscoped_ptr<ReadableBlock> readable_block;
RETURN_NOT_OK(fs_manager_->OpenBlock(block_id, &readable_block));
shared_ptr<DeltaFileReader> delta_reader;
std::cout << Indent(indent) << "Delta stats: " << delta_reader->delta_stats().ToString()
<< std::endl;
if (metadata_only) {
return Status::OK();
// Create the delta iterator.
// TODO: see if it's worth re-factoring NewDeltaIterator to return a
// gscoped_ptr that can then be released if we need a raw or shared
// pointer.
DeltaIterator* raw_iter;
MvccSnapshot snap_all;
if (delta_type == tablet::REDO) {
snap_all = MvccSnapshot::CreateSnapshotIncludingAllTransactions();
} else if (delta_type == tablet::UNDO) {
snap_all = MvccSnapshot::CreateSnapshotIncludingNoTransactions();
Status s = delta_reader->NewDeltaIterator(&schema, snap_all, &raw_iter);
if (s.IsNotFound()) {
std::cout << "Empty delta block." << std::endl;
return Status::OK();
// NewDeltaIterator returns Status::OK() iff a new DeltaIterator is created. Thus,
// it's safe to have a gscoped_ptr take possesion of 'raw_iter' here.
gscoped_ptr<DeltaIterator> delta_iter(raw_iter);
// TODO: it's awkward that whenever we want to iterate over deltas we also
// need to open the CFileSet for the rowset. Ideally, we should use information stored
// in the footer/store additional information in the footer as to make it feasible
// iterate over all deltas using a DeltaFileIterator alone.
shared_ptr<CFileSet> cfileset(new CFileSet(rs_meta));
gscoped_ptr<CFileSet::Iterator> cfileset_iter(cfileset->NewIterator(&schema));
const size_t kRowsPerBlock = 100;
size_t nrows = 0;
size_t ndeltas = 0;
Arena arena(32 * 1024, 128 * 1024);
RowBlock block(schema, kRowsPerBlock, &arena);
// See tablet/ to understand why this loop is structured the way
// it is.
while (cfileset_iter->HasNext()) {
size_t n;
if (opts.nrows > 0) {
// Note: number of deltas may not equal the number of rows, but
// since this is a CLI tool (and the nrows option exists
// primarily to limit copious output) it's okay not to be
// exact here.
size_t remaining = opts.nrows - nrows;
if (remaining == 0) break;
n = std::min(remaining, kRowsPerBlock);
} else {
n = kRowsPerBlock;
RETURN_NOT_OK(delta_iter->PrepareBatch(n, DeltaIterator::PREPARE_FOR_COLLECT));
vector<DeltaKeyAndUpdate> out;
for (const DeltaKeyAndUpdate& upd : out) {
if (detail_level_ > HEADERS_ONLY) {
std::cout << Indent(indent) << upd.key.ToString() << " "
<< RowChangeList(upd.cell).ToString(schema) << std::endl;
nrows += n;
VLOG(1) << "Processed " << ndeltas << " deltas, for total of " << nrows << " possible rows.";
return Status::OK();
} // namespace tools
} // namespace kudu