blob: 6bdeb0c55f35e282fb57e7cdd0778d9a46b81e92 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "kudu/client/value.h"
#include "kudu/util/kudu_export.h"
namespace kudu {
class ColumnSchema;
class KuduPartialRow;
class Schema;
class TestWorkload;
namespace tools {
class TsAdminClient;
namespace client {
namespace internal {
class GetTableSchemaRpc;
class LookupRpc;
class WriteRpc;
} // namespace internal
class KuduClient;
class KuduSchema;
class KuduSchemaBuilder;
class KuduWriteOperation;
class KUDU_EXPORT KuduColumnStorageAttributes {
enum EncodingType {
RLE = 4,
enum CompressionType {
LZ4 = 3,
ZLIB = 4,
// NOTE: this constructor is deprecated for external use, and will
// be made private in a future release.
KuduColumnStorageAttributes(EncodingType encoding = AUTO_ENCODING,
CompressionType compression = DEFAULT_COMPRESSION,
int32_t block_size = 0)
: encoding_(encoding),
block_size_(block_size) {
const EncodingType encoding() const {
return encoding_;
const CompressionType compression() const {
return compression_;
std::string ToString() const;
EncodingType encoding_;
CompressionType compression_;
int32_t block_size_;
class KUDU_EXPORT KuduColumnSchema {
enum DataType {
INT8 = 0,
INT16 = 1,
INT32 = 2,
INT64 = 3,
BOOL = 5,
FLOAT = 6,
static std::string DataTypeToString(DataType type);
// DEPRECATED: use KuduSchemaBuilder instead.
// TODO(KUDU-809): make this hard-to-use constructor private. Clients should use
// the Builder API. Currently only the Python API uses this old API.
KuduColumnSchema(const std::string &name,
DataType type,
bool is_nullable = false,
const void* default_value = NULL,
KuduColumnStorageAttributes attributes = KuduColumnStorageAttributes());
KuduColumnSchema(const KuduColumnSchema& other);
KuduColumnSchema& operator=(const KuduColumnSchema& other);
void CopyFrom(const KuduColumnSchema& other);
bool Equals(const KuduColumnSchema& other) const;
// Getters to expose column schema information.
const std::string& name() const;
DataType type() const;
bool is_nullable() const;
// TODO: Expose default column value and attributes?
friend class KuduColumnSpec;
friend class KuduSchema;
friend class KuduSchemaBuilder;
// KuduTableAlterer::Data needs to be a friend. Friending the parent class
// is transitive to nested classes. See
friend class KuduTableAlterer;
// Owned.
ColumnSchema* col_;
// Builder API for specifying or altering a column within a table schema.
// This cannot be constructed directly, but rather is returned from
// KuduSchemaBuilder::AddColumn() to specify a column within a Schema.
// TODO(KUDU-861): this API will also be used for an improved AlterTable API.
class KUDU_EXPORT KuduColumnSpec {
// Set the default value for this column.
// When adding a new column to a table, this default value will be used to
// fill the new column in all existing rows.
// When a user inserts data, if the user does not specify any value for
// this column, the default will also be used.
// The KuduColumnSpec takes ownership over 'value'.
KuduColumnSpec* Default(KuduValue* value);
// Set the preferred compression for this column.
KuduColumnSpec* Compression(KuduColumnStorageAttributes::CompressionType compression);
// Set the preferred encoding for this column.
// Note that not all encodings are supported for all column types.
KuduColumnSpec* Encoding(KuduColumnStorageAttributes::EncodingType encoding);
// Set the target block size for this column.
// This is the number of bytes of user data packed per block on disk, and
// represents the unit of IO when reading this column. Larger values
// may improve scan performance, particularly on spinning media. Smaller
// values may improve random access performance, particularly for workloads
// that have high cache hit rates or operate on fast storage such as SSD.
// Note that the block size specified here corresponds to uncompressed data.
// The actual size of the unit read from disk may be smaller if
// compression is enabled.
// It's recommended that this not be set any lower than 4096 (4KB) or higher
// than 1048576 (1MB).
// TODO(KUDU-1107): move above info to docs
KuduColumnSpec* BlockSize(int32_t block_size);
// Operations only relevant for Create Table
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Set this column to be the primary key of the table.
// This may only be used to set non-composite primary keys. If a composite
// key is desired, use KuduSchemaBuilder::SetPrimaryKey(). This may not be
// used in conjunction with KuduSchemaBuilder::SetPrimaryKey().
// Only relevant for a CreateTable operation. Primary keys may not be changed
// after a table is created.
KuduColumnSpec* PrimaryKey();
// Set this column to be not nullable.
// Column nullability may not be changed once a table is created.
KuduColumnSpec* NotNull();
// Set this column to be nullable (the default).
// Column nullability may not be changed once a table is created.
KuduColumnSpec* Nullable();
// Set the type of this column.
// Column types may not be changed once a table is created.
KuduColumnSpec* Type(KuduColumnSchema::DataType type);
// Operations only relevant for Alter Table
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Remove the default value for this column. Without a default, clients must
// always specify a value for this column when inserting data.
KuduColumnSpec* RemoveDefault();
// Rename this column.
KuduColumnSpec* RenameTo(const std::string& new_name);
class KUDU_NO_EXPORT Data;
friend class KuduSchemaBuilder;
friend class KuduTableAlterer;
// This class should always be owned and deleted by one of its friends,
// not the user.
explicit KuduColumnSpec(const std::string& col_name);
Status ToColumnSchema(KuduColumnSchema* col) const;
// Owned.
Data* data_;
// Builder API for constructing a KuduSchema object.
// The API here is a "fluent" style of programming, such that the resulting code
// looks somewhat like a SQL "CREATE TABLE" statement. For example:
// SQL:
// my_key int not null primary key,
// a float default 1.5
// );
// is represented as:
// KuduSchemaBuilder t;
// t.AddColumn("my_key")->Type(KuduColumnSchema::INT32)->NotNull()->PrimaryKey();
// t.AddColumn("a")->Type(KuduColumnSchema::FLOAT)->Default(KuduValue::FromFloat(1.5));
// KuduSchema schema;
// t.Build(&schema);
class KUDU_EXPORT KuduSchemaBuilder {
// Return a KuduColumnSpec for a new column within the Schema.
// The returned object is owned by the KuduSchemaBuilder.
KuduColumnSpec* AddColumn(const std::string& name);
// Set the primary key of the new Schema based on the given column names.
// This may be used to specify a compound primary key.
KuduSchemaBuilder* SetPrimaryKey(const std::vector<std::string>& key_col_names);
// Resets 'schema' to the result of this builder.
// If the Schema is invalid for any reason (eg missing types, duplicate column names, etc)
// a bad Status will be returned.
Status Build(KuduSchema* schema);
class KUDU_NO_EXPORT Data;
// Owned.
Data* data_;
class KUDU_EXPORT KuduSchema {
KuduSchema(const KuduSchema& other);
KuduSchema& operator=(const KuduSchema& other);
void CopyFrom(const KuduSchema& other);
// DEPRECATED: will be removed soon.
Status Reset(const std::vector<KuduColumnSchema>& columns, int key_columns)
bool Equals(const KuduSchema& other) const;
KuduColumnSchema Column(size_t idx) const;
size_t num_columns() const;
// Get the indexes of the primary key columns within this Schema.
// In current versions of Kudu, these will always be contiguous column
// indexes starting with 0. However, in future versions this assumption
// may not hold, so callers should not assume it is the case.
void GetPrimaryKeyColumnIndexes(std::vector<int>* indexes) const;
// Create a new row corresponding to this schema.
// The new row refers to this KuduSchema object, so must be destroyed before
// the KuduSchema object.
// The caller takes ownership of the created row.
KuduPartialRow* NewRow() const;
friend class KuduClient;
friend class KuduScanner;
friend class KuduSchemaBuilder;
friend class KuduTable;
friend class KuduTableCreator;
friend class KuduWriteOperation;
friend class internal::GetTableSchemaRpc;
friend class internal::LookupRpc;
friend class internal::WriteRpc;
friend class kudu::tools::TsAdminClient;
friend KuduSchema KuduSchemaFromSchema(const Schema& schema);
// For use by kudu tests.
explicit KuduSchema(const Schema& schema);
// Private since we don't want users to rely on the first N columns
// being the keys.
size_t num_key_columns() const;
// Owned.
Schema* schema_;
} // namespace client
} // namespace kudu