blob: ff3a30992372d1b29d70a379c6fac253ac9f036d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// A Cache is an interface that maps keys to values. It has internal
// synchronization and may be safely accessed concurrently from
// multiple threads. It may automatically evict entries to make room
// for new entries. Values have a specified charge against the cache
// capacity. For example, a cache where the values are variable
// length strings, may use the length of the string as the charge for
// the string.
// This is taken from LevelDB and evolved to fit the kudu codebase.
// TODO(unknown): this is pretty lock-heavy. Would be good to sub out something
// a little more concurrent.
#pragma once
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/util/slice.h"
namespace kudu {
struct CacheMetrics;
class Cache {
// Type of memory backing the cache's storage.
enum class MemoryType {
// Supported eviction policies for the cache. Eviction policy determines what
// items to evict if the cache is at capacity when trying to accommodate
// an extra item.
enum class EvictionPolicy {
// The earliest added items are evicted (a.k.a. queue).
// The least-recently-used items are evicted.
// Callback interface which is called when an entry is evicted from the
// cache.
class EvictionCallback {
virtual void EvictedEntry(Slice key, Slice value) = 0;
virtual ~EvictionCallback() = default;
Cache() = default;
// Destroys all existing entries by calling the "deleter"
// function that was passed to the constructor.
virtual ~Cache();
// Set the cache metrics to update corresponding counters accordingly.
virtual void SetMetrics(std::unique_ptr<CacheMetrics> metrics) = 0;
// Opaque handle to an entry stored in the cache.
struct Handle { };
// Custom deleter: intended for use with std::unique_ptr<Handle>.
class HandleDeleter {
explicit HandleDeleter(Cache* c)
: c_(c) {
void operator()(Cache::Handle* h) const {
if (h != nullptr) {
Cache* cache() const {
return c_;
Cache* c_;
// UniqueHandle -- a wrapper around opaque Handle structure to facilitate
// automatic reference counting of cache's handles.
typedef std::unique_ptr<Handle, HandleDeleter> UniqueHandle;
// Opaque handle to an entry which is being prepared to be added to the cache.
struct PendingHandle { };
// Custom deleter: intended for use with std::unique_ptr<PendingHandle>.
class PendingHandleDeleter {
explicit PendingHandleDeleter(Cache* c)
: c_(c) {
void operator()(Cache::PendingHandle* h) const {
if (h != nullptr) {
Cache* cache() const {
return c_;
Cache* c_;
// UniquePendingHandle -- a wrapper around opaque PendingHandle structure
// to facilitate automatic reference counting newly allocated cache's handles.
typedef std::unique_ptr<PendingHandle, PendingHandleDeleter> UniquePendingHandle;
// Passing EXPECT_IN_CACHE will increment the hit/miss metrics that track the number of times
// blocks were requested that the users were hoping to get the block from the cache, along with
// with the basic metrics.
// Passing NO_EXPECT_IN_CACHE will only increment the basic metrics.
// This helps in determining if we are effectively caching the blocks that matter the most.
enum CacheBehavior {
// If the cache has no mapping for "key", returns NULL.
// Else return a handle that corresponds to the mapping.
// Sample usage:
// unique_ptr<Cache> cache(NewCache(...));
// ...
// {
// Cache::UniqueHandle h(cache->Lookup(...)));
// ...
// } // 'h' is automatically released here
// Or:
// unique_ptr<Cache> cache(NewCache(...));
// ...
// {
// auto h(cache->Lookup(...)));
// ...
// } // 'h' is automatically released here
virtual UniqueHandle Lookup(const Slice& key, CacheBehavior caching) = 0;
// If the cache contains entry for key, erase it. Note that the
// underlying entry will be kept around until all existing handles
// to it have been released.
virtual void Erase(const Slice& key) = 0;
// Return the value encapsulated in a raw handle returned by a successful
// Lookup().
virtual Slice Value(const UniqueHandle& handle) const = 0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Insertion path
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Because some cache implementations (eg NVM) manage their own memory, and because we'd
// like to read blocks directly into cache-managed memory rather than causing an extra
// memcpy, the insertion of a new element into the cache requires two phases. First, a
// PendingHandle is allocated with space for the value, and then it is later inserted.
// For example:
// auto ph(cache_->Allocate("my entry", value_size, charge));
// if (!ReadDataFromDisk(cache_->MutableValue(&ph)).ok()) {
// ... error handling ...
// return;
// }
// UniqueHandle h(cache_->Insert(std::move(ph), my_eviction_callback));
// ...
// // 'h' is automatically released.
// Indicates that the charge of an item in the cache should be calculated
// based on its memory consumption.
static constexpr int kAutomaticCharge = -1;
// Allocate space for a new entry to be inserted into the cache.
// The provided 'key' is copied into the resulting handle object.
// The allocated handle has enough space such that the value can
// be written into cache_->MutableValue(&handle).
// If 'charge' is not 'kAutomaticCharge', then the cache capacity will be charged
// the explicit amount. This is useful when caching items that are small but need to
// maintain a bounded count (eg file descriptors) rather than caring about their actual
// memory usage. It is also useful when caching items for whom calculating
// memory usage is a complex affair (i.e. items containing pointers to
// additional heap allocations).
// Note that this does not mutate the cache itself: lookups will
// not be able to find the provided key until it is inserted.
// It is possible that this will return a nullptr wrapped in a std::unique_ptr
// if the cache is above its capacity and eviction fails to free up enough
// space for the requested allocation.
// The returned handle owns the allocated memory.
virtual UniquePendingHandle Allocate(Slice key, int val_len, int charge) = 0;
// Default 'charge' should be kAutomaticCharge
// (default arguments on virtual functions are prohibited).
UniquePendingHandle Allocate(Slice key, int val_len) {
return Allocate(key, val_len, kAutomaticCharge);
virtual uint8_t* MutableValue(UniquePendingHandle* handle) = 0;
// Commit a prepared entry into the cache.
// Returns a handle that corresponds to the mapping. This method always
// succeeds and returns a non-null entry, since the space was reserved above.
// The 'pending' entry passed here should have been allocated using
// Cache::Allocate() above.
// If 'eviction_callback' is non-NULL, then it will be called when the
// entry is later evicted or when the cache shuts down.
virtual UniqueHandle Insert(UniquePendingHandle pending,
EvictionCallback* eviction_callback) = 0;
// Forward declaration to simplify the layout of types/typedefs needed for the
// Invalidate() method while trying to adhere to the code style guide.
struct InvalidationControl;
// Invalidate cache's entries, effectively evicting non-valid ones from the
// cache. The invalidation process iterates over the cache's recency list(s),
// from best candidate for eviction to the worst.
// The provided control structure 'ctl' is responsible for the following:
// * determine whether an entry is valid or not
// * determine how to iterate over the entries in the cache's recency list
// NOTE: The invalidation process might hold a lock while iterating over
// the cache's entries. Using proper IterationFunc might help to reduce
// contention with the concurrent request for the cache's contents.
// See the in-line documentation for IterationFunc for more details.
virtual size_t Invalidate(const InvalidationControl& ctl) = 0;
// Functor to define a criterion on a cache entry's validity. Upon call
// of Cache::Invalidate() method, if the functor returns 'false' for the
// specified key and value, the cache evicts the entry, otherwise the entry
// stays in the cache.
typedef std::function<bool(Slice /* key */,
Slice /* value */)>
// Functor to define whether to continue or stop iterating over the cache's
// entries based on the number of encountered invalid and valid entries
// during the Cache::Invalidate() call. If a cache contains multiple
// sub-caches (e.g., shards), those parameters are per sub-cache. For example,
// in case of multi-shard cache, when the 'iteration_func' returns 'false',
// the invalidation at current shard stops and switches to the next
// non-yet-processed shard, if any is present.
// The choice of the signature for the iteration functor is to allow for
// effective purging of non-valid (e.g., expired) entries in caches with
// the FIFO eviction policy (e.g., TTL caches).
// The first parameter of the functor is useful for short-circuiting
// the invalidation process once some valid entries have been encountered.
// For example, that's useful in case if the recency list has its entries
// ordered in FIFO-like order (e.g., TTL cache with FIFO eviction policy),
// so most-likely-invalid entries are in the very beginning of the list.
// In the latter case, once a valid (e.g., not yet expired) entry is
// encountered, there is no need to iterate any further: all the entries past
// the first valid one in the recency list should be valid as well.
// The second parameter is useful when the validity criterion is fuzzy,
// but there is a target number of entries to invalidate during each
// invocation of the Invalidate() method or there is some logic that reads
// the cache's metric(s) once the given number of entries have been evicted:
// e.g., compare the result memory footprint of the cache against a threshold
// to decide whether to continue invalidation of entries.
// Summing both parameters of the functor is useful when it's necessary to
// limit the number of entries processed per one invocation of the
// Invalidate() method. It makes sense in cases when a 'lazy' invalidation
// process is run by a periodic task along with a significant amount of
// concurrent requests to the cache, and the number of entries in the cache
// is huge. Given the fact that in most cases it's necessary to guard
// the access to the cache's recency list while iterating over it entries,
// limiting the number of entries to process at once allows for better control
// over the duration of the guarded/locked sections.
typedef std::function<bool(size_t /* valid_entries_num */,
size_t /* invalid_entries_num */)>
// A helper function for 'validity_func' of the Invalidate() method:
// invalidate all entries.
static const ValidityFunc kInvalidateAllEntriesFunc;
// A helper function for 'iteration_func' of the Invalidate() method:
// examine all entries.
static const IterationFunc kIterateOverAllEntriesFunc;
// Control structure for the Invalidate() method. Combines the validity
// and the iteration functors.
struct InvalidationControl {
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
InvalidationControl(ValidityFunc vfunctor = kInvalidateAllEntriesFunc,
IterationFunc ifunctor = kIterateOverAllEntriesFunc)
: validity_func(std::move(vfunctor)),
iteration_func(std::move(ifunctor)) {
const ValidityFunc validity_func;
const IterationFunc iteration_func;
// Release a mapping returned by a previous Lookup(), using raw handle.
// REQUIRES: handle must not have been released yet.
// REQUIRES: handle must have been returned by a method on *this.
virtual void Release(Handle* handle) = 0;
// Free 'ptr', which must have been previously allocated using 'Allocate'.
virtual void Free(PendingHandle* ptr) = 0;
// A template helper function to instantiate a cache of particular
// 'eviction_policy' flavor, backed by the given storage 'mem_type',
// where 'capacity' specifies the capacity of the result cache,
// and 'id' specifies its identifier.
template<Cache::EvictionPolicy eviction_policy = Cache::EvictionPolicy::LRU,
Cache::MemoryType mem_type = Cache::MemoryType::DRAM>
Cache* NewCache(size_t capacity, const std::string& id);
// Create a new FIFO cache with a fixed size capacity. This implementation
// of Cache uses the first-in-first-out eviction policy and stored in DRAM.
Cache* NewCache<Cache::EvictionPolicy::FIFO,
Cache::MemoryType::DRAM>(size_t capacity, const std::string& id);
// Create a new LRU cache with a fixed size capacity. This implementation
// of Cache uses the least-recently-used eviction policy and stored in DRAM.
Cache* NewCache<Cache::EvictionPolicy::LRU,
Cache::MemoryType::DRAM>(size_t capacity, const std::string& id);
// A helper method to output cache memory type into ostream.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Cache::MemoryType mem_type);
} // namespace kudu