blob: 7c468dadbe4e762f12a768fec58e1b46f9bc4753 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "kudu/util/block_bloom_filter.h"
#include <emmintrin.h>
#include <mm_malloc.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include "kudu/gutil/cpu.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/util/block_bloom_filter.pb.h"
#include "kudu/util/flag_tags.h"
#include "kudu/util/memory/arena.h"
using std::shared_ptr;
using std::unique_ptr;
using strings::Substitute;
DEFINE_bool(disable_blockbloomfilter_avx2, false,
"Disable AVX2 operations in BlockBloomFilter. This flag has no effect if the target "
"CPU doesn't support AVX2 at run-time or BlockBloomFilter was built with a compiler "
"that doesn't support AVX2.");
TAG_FLAG(disable_blockbloomfilter_avx2, hidden);
// Flag used to initialize the static function pointers for the BlockBloomFilter class.
static std::once_flag g_init_func_ptrs_flag;
namespace kudu {
// Initialize the static member variables from BlockBloomFilter class.
constexpr uint32_t BlockBloomFilter::kRehash[8] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
const base::CPU BlockBloomFilter::kCpu = base::CPU();
// constexpr data member requires initialization in the class declaration.
// Hence no duplicate initialization in the definition here.
constexpr BlockBloomFilter* const BlockBloomFilter::kAlwaysTrueFilter;
decltype(&BlockBloomFilter::BucketInsert) BlockBloomFilter::bucket_insert_func_ptr_ = nullptr;
decltype(&BlockBloomFilter::BucketFind) BlockBloomFilter::bucket_find_func_ptr_ = nullptr;
decltype(&BlockBloomFilter::OrEqualArrayNoAVX2) BlockBloomFilter::or_equal_array_func_ptr_ =
void BlockBloomFilter::InitializeFunctionPtrs() {
#ifdef USE_AVX2
if (has_avx2()) {
bucket_insert_func_ptr_ = &BlockBloomFilter::BucketInsertAVX2;
bucket_find_func_ptr_ = &BlockBloomFilter::BucketFindAVX2;
or_equal_array_func_ptr_ = &BlockBloomFilter::OrEqualArrayAVX2;
} else {
bucket_insert_func_ptr_ = &BlockBloomFilter::BucketInsert;
bucket_find_func_ptr_ = &BlockBloomFilter::BucketFind;
or_equal_array_func_ptr_ = &BlockBloomFilter::OrEqualArrayNoAVX2;
bucket_insert_func_ptr_ = &BlockBloomFilter::BucketInsert;
bucket_find_func_ptr_ = &BlockBloomFilter::BucketFind;
or_equal_array_func_ptr_ = &BlockBloomFilter::OrEqualArrayNoAVX2;
BlockBloomFilter::BlockBloomFilter(BlockBloomFilterBufferAllocatorIf* buffer_allocator) :
hash_seed_(0) {
std::call_once(g_init_func_ptrs_flag, InitializeFunctionPtrs);
BlockBloomFilter::~BlockBloomFilter() {
Status BlockBloomFilter::InitInternal(const int log_space_bytes,
HashAlgorithm hash_algorithm,
uint32_t hash_seed) {
if (!HashUtil::IsComputeHash32Available(hash_algorithm)) {
return Status::InvalidArgument(
Substitute("Invalid/Unsupported hash algorithm $0", HashAlgorithm_Name(hash_algorithm)));
// Since log_space_bytes is in bytes, we need to convert it to the number of tiny
// Bloom filters we will use.
log_num_buckets_ = std::max(1, log_space_bytes - kLogBucketByteSize);
// Since we use 32 bits in the arguments of Insert() and Find(), log_num_buckets_
// must be limited.
if (log_num_buckets_ > 32) {
return Status::InvalidArgument(
Substitute("Bloom filter too large. log_space_bytes: $0", log_space_bytes));
// Don't use log_num_buckets_ if it will lead to undefined behavior by a shift
// that is too large.
directory_mask_ = (1ULL << log_num_buckets_) - 1;
const size_t alloc_size = directory_size();
Close(); // Ensure that any previously allocated memory for directory_ is released.
hash_algorithm_ = hash_algorithm;
hash_seed_ = hash_seed;
return Status::OK();
Status BlockBloomFilter::Init(const int log_space_bytes, HashAlgorithm hash_algorithm,
uint32_t hash_seed) {
RETURN_NOT_OK(InitInternal(log_space_bytes, hash_algorithm, hash_seed));
memset(directory_, 0, directory_size());
always_false_ = true;
return Status::OK();
Status BlockBloomFilter::InitFromDirectory(int log_space_bytes,
const Slice& directory,
bool always_false,
HashAlgorithm hash_algorithm,
uint32_t hash_seed) {
RETURN_NOT_OK(InitInternal(log_space_bytes, hash_algorithm, hash_seed));
if (directory_size() != directory.size()) {
return Status::InvalidArgument(
Substitute("Mismatch in BlockBloomFilter source directory size $0 and expected size $1",
directory.size(), directory_size()));
memcpy(directory_,, directory.size());
always_false_ = always_false;
return Status();
Status BlockBloomFilter::InitFromPB(const BlockBloomFilterPB& bf_src) {
if (!bf_src.has_log_space_bytes() || !bf_src.has_bloom_data() ||
!bf_src.has_hash_algorithm() || !bf_src.has_always_false()) {
return Status::InvalidArgument("Missing arguments to initialize BlockBloomFilter.");
return InitFromDirectory(bf_src.log_space_bytes(), bf_src.bloom_data(), bf_src.always_false(),
bf_src.hash_algorithm(), bf_src.hash_seed());
Status BlockBloomFilter::Clone(BlockBloomFilterBufferAllocatorIf* allocator,
unique_ptr<BlockBloomFilter>* bf_out) const {
unique_ptr<BlockBloomFilter> bf_clone(new BlockBloomFilter(allocator));
RETURN_NOT_OK(bf_clone->InitInternal(log_space_bytes(), hash_algorithm_, hash_seed_));
CHECK_EQ(bf_clone->directory_size(), directory_size());
memcpy(bf_clone->directory_, directory_, bf_clone->directory_size());
bf_clone->always_false_ = always_false_;
*bf_out = std::move(bf_clone);
return Status::OK();
void BlockBloomFilter::Close() {
if (directory_ != nullptr) {
directory_ = nullptr;
void BlockBloomFilter::BucketInsert(const uint32_t bucket_idx, const uint32_t hash) noexcept {
// new_bucket will be all zeros except for eight 1-bits, one in each 32-bit word. It is
// 16-byte aligned so it can be read as a __m128i using aligned SIMD loads in the second
// part of this method.
uint32_t new_bucket[kBucketWords] __attribute__((aligned(16)));
for (int i = 0; i < kBucketWords; ++i) {
// Rehash 'hash' and use the top kLogBucketWordBits bits, following Dietzfelbinger.
new_bucket[i] = (kRehash[i] * hash) >> ((1 << kLogBucketWordBits) - kLogBucketWordBits);
new_bucket[i] = 1U << new_bucket[i];
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
__m128i new_bucket_sse = _mm_load_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(new_bucket + 4 * i));
__m128i* existing_bucket = reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(
&DCHECK_NOTNULL(directory_)[bucket_idx][4 * i]);
*existing_bucket = _mm_or_si128(*existing_bucket, new_bucket_sse);
bool BlockBloomFilter::BucketFind(
const uint32_t bucket_idx, const uint32_t hash) const noexcept {
for (int i = 0; i < kBucketWords; ++i) {
BucketWord hval = (kRehash[i] * hash) >> ((1 << kLogBucketWordBits) - kLogBucketWordBits);
hval = 1U << hval;
if (!(DCHECK_NOTNULL(directory_)[bucket_idx][i] & hval)) {
return false;
return true;
// The following three methods are derived from
// fpp = (1 - exp(-kBucketWords * ndv/space))^kBucketWords
// where space is in bits.
size_t BlockBloomFilter::MaxNdv(const int log_space_bytes, const double fpp) {
DCHECK(log_space_bytes > 0 && log_space_bytes < 61);
DCHECK(0 < fpp && fpp < 1);
static const double ik = 1.0 / kBucketWords;
return -1 * ik * static_cast<double>(1ULL << (log_space_bytes + 3)) * log(1 - pow(fpp, ik));
int BlockBloomFilter::MinLogSpace(const size_t ndv, const double fpp) {
static const double k = kBucketWords;
if (0 == ndv) return 0;
// m is the number of bits we would need to get the fpp specified
const double m = -k * ndv / log(1 - pow(fpp, 1.0 / k));
// Handle case where ndv == 1 => ceil(log2(m/8)) < 0.
return std::max(0, static_cast<int>(ceil(log2(m / 8))));
double BlockBloomFilter::FalsePositiveProb(const size_t ndv, const int log_space_bytes) {
return pow(1 - exp((-1.0 * static_cast<double>(kBucketWords) * static_cast<double>(ndv))
/ static_cast<double>(1ULL << (log_space_bytes + 3))),
void BlockBloomFilter::InsertNoAvx2(const uint32_t hash) noexcept {
always_false_ = false;
const uint32_t bucket_idx = Rehash32to32(hash) & directory_mask_;
BucketInsert(bucket_idx, hash);
// To set 8 bits in an 32-byte Bloom filter, we set one bit in each 32-bit uint32_t. This
// is a "split Bloom filter", and it has approximately the same false positive probability
// as standard a Bloom filter; See Mitzenmacher's "Bloom Filters and Such". It also has
// the advantage of requiring fewer random bits: log2(32) * 8 = 5 * 8 = 40 random bits for
// a split Bloom filter, but log2(256) * 8 = 64 random bits for a standard Bloom filter.
void BlockBloomFilter::Insert(const uint32_t hash) noexcept {
always_false_ = false;
const uint32_t bucket_idx = Rehash32to32(hash) & directory_mask_;
(this->*bucket_insert_func_ptr_)(bucket_idx, hash);
bool BlockBloomFilter::Find(const uint32_t hash) const noexcept {
if (always_false_) {
return false;
const uint32_t bucket_idx = Rehash32to32(hash) & directory_mask_;
return (this->*bucket_find_func_ptr_)(bucket_idx, hash);
void BlockBloomFilter::CopyToPB(BlockBloomFilterPB* bf_dst) const {
bf_dst->mutable_bloom_data()->assign(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(directory_), directory_size());
bool BlockBloomFilter::operator==(const BlockBloomFilter& rhs) const {
return always_false_ == rhs.always_false_ &&
directory_mask_ == rhs.directory_mask_ &&
directory_size() == rhs.directory_size() &&
hash_algorithm_ == rhs.hash_algorithm_ &&
hash_seed_ == rhs.hash_seed_ &&
memcmp(directory_, rhs.directory_, directory_size()) == 0;
bool BlockBloomFilter::operator!=(const BlockBloomFilter& rhs) const {
return !(rhs == *this);
Status BlockBloomFilter::OrEqualArray(size_t n, const uint8_t* __restrict__ in,
uint8_t* __restrict__ out) {
if ((n % kBucketByteSize) != 0) {
return Status::InvalidArgument(Substitute("Input size $0 not a multiple of 32-bytes", n));
std::call_once(g_init_func_ptrs_flag, InitializeFunctionPtrs);
(*or_equal_array_func_ptr_)(n, in, out);
return Status::OK();
void BlockBloomFilter::OrEqualArrayNoAVX2(size_t n, const uint8_t* __restrict__ in,
uint8_t* __restrict__ out) {
// The trivial loop out[i] |= in[i] should auto-vectorize with gcc at -O3, but it is not
// written in a way that is very friendly to auto-vectorization. Instead, we manually
// vectorize, increasing the speed by up to 56x.
const __m128i* simd_in = reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(in);
const __m128i* const simd_in_end = reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(in + n);
__m128i* simd_out = reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(out);
// has a size (in bytes) that is a multiple of 32. Since sizeof(__m128i)
// == 16, we can do two _mm_or_si128's in each iteration without checking array
// bounds.
while (simd_in != simd_in_end) {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i, ++simd_in, ++simd_out) {
simd_out, _mm_or_si128(_mm_loadu_si128(simd_out), _mm_loadu_si128(simd_in)));
Status BlockBloomFilter::Or(const BlockBloomFilter& other) {
// AlwaysTrueFilter is a special case implemented with a nullptr.
// Hence Or'ing with an AlwaysTrueFilter will result in a Bloom filter that also
// always returns true which'll require destructing this Bloom filter.
// Moreover for a reference "other" to be an AlwaysTrueFilter the reference needs
// to be created from a nullptr and so we get into undefined behavior territory.
// Comparing AlwaysTrueFilter with "&other" results in a compiler warning for
// comparing a non-null argument "other" with NULL [-Wnonnull-compare].
// For above reasons, guard against it.
CHECK_NE(kAlwaysTrueFilter, &other);
if (this == &other) {
// No op.
return Status::OK();
if (directory_size() != other.directory_size()) {
return Status::InvalidArgument(Substitute("Directory size don't match. this: $0, other: $1",
directory_size(), other.directory_size()));
if (other.always_false()) {
// Nothing to do.
return Status::OK();
always_false_ = false;
return Status::OK();
bool BlockBloomFilter::has_avx2() {
return !FLAGS_disable_blockbloomfilter_avx2 && kCpu.has_avx2();
DefaultBlockBloomFilterBufferAllocator::GetSingletonSharedPtr() {
// Meyer's Singleton.
// Static variable initialization is thread-safe in C++11.
static shared_ptr<DefaultBlockBloomFilterBufferAllocator> instance =
return instance;
DefaultBlockBloomFilterBufferAllocator* DefaultBlockBloomFilterBufferAllocator::GetSingleton() {
return GetSingletonSharedPtr().get();
DefaultBlockBloomFilterBufferAllocator::Clone() const {
return GetSingletonSharedPtr();
Status DefaultBlockBloomFilterBufferAllocator::AllocateBuffer(size_t bytes, void** ptr) {
int ret_code = posix_memalign(ptr, CACHELINE_SIZE, bytes);
return ret_code == 0 ? Status::OK() :
Status::RuntimeError(Substitute("bad_alloc. bytes: $0", bytes));
void DefaultBlockBloomFilterBufferAllocator::FreeBuffer(void* ptr) {
ArenaBlockBloomFilterBufferAllocator::ArenaBlockBloomFilterBufferAllocator(Arena* arena) :
is_arena_owned_(false) {
ArenaBlockBloomFilterBufferAllocator::ArenaBlockBloomFilterBufferAllocator() :
arena_(new Arena(1024)),
is_arena_owned_(true) {
ArenaBlockBloomFilterBufferAllocator::~ArenaBlockBloomFilterBufferAllocator() {
if (is_arena_owned_) {
delete arena_;
Status ArenaBlockBloomFilterBufferAllocator::AllocateBuffer(size_t bytes, void** ptr) {
static_assert(CACHELINE_SIZE >= 32,
"For AVX operations, need buffers to be 32-bytes aligned or higher");
*ptr = arena_->AllocateBytesAligned(bytes, CACHELINE_SIZE);
return *ptr == nullptr ?
Status::RuntimeError(Substitute("Arena bad_alloc. bytes: $0", bytes)) :
} // namespace kudu