blob: 72974a3e560020fb14c6be932e04703c63f2daf0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
#include "kudu/util/block_bloom_filter.h"
#include <cmath> // IWYU pragma: keep
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <gflags/gflags_declare.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "kudu/util/hash.pb.h"
#include "kudu/util/memory/arena.h"
#include "kudu/util/slice.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_macros.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_util.h"
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::unordered_set;
using std::vector;
namespace kudu {
class BlockBloomFilterTest : public KuduTest {
void SetUp() override {
allocator_ = DefaultBlockBloomFilterBufferAllocator::GetSingleton();
// Make a random uint32_t, avoiding the absent high bit and the low-entropy low bits
// produced by rand().
static uint32_t MakeRand() {
uint32_t result = (rand() >> 8) & 0xffff;
result <<= 16;
result |= (rand() >> 8) & 0xffff;
return result;
BlockBloomFilter* CreateBloomFilter(size_t log_space_bytes) {
FLAGS_disable_blockbloomfilter_avx2 = (MakeRand() & 0x1) == 0;
unique_ptr<BlockBloomFilter> bf(new BlockBloomFilter(allocator_));
CHECK_OK(bf->Init(log_space_bytes, FAST_HASH, 0));
return bloom_filters_.back().get();
void TearDown() override {
for (const auto& bf : bloom_filters_) {
DefaultBlockBloomFilterBufferAllocator* allocator_;
vector<unique_ptr<BlockBloomFilter>> bloom_filters_;
// We can construct (and destruct) Bloom filters with different spaces.
TEST_F(BlockBloomFilterTest, Constructor) {
for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i) {
TEST_F(BlockBloomFilterTest, Clone) {
Arena arena(1024);
ArenaBlockBloomFilterBufferAllocator arena_allocator(&arena);
std::shared_ptr<BlockBloomFilterBufferAllocatorIf> allocator_clone = arena_allocator.Clone();
for (int log_space_bytes = 1; log_space_bytes <= 20; ++log_space_bytes) {
auto* bf = CreateBloomFilter(log_space_bytes);
int max_elems = BlockBloomFilter::MaxNdv(log_space_bytes, 0.01 /* fpp */);
while (max_elems-- > 0) {
unique_ptr<BlockBloomFilter> bf_clone;
ASSERT_OK(bf->Clone(allocator_clone.get(), &bf_clone));
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, bf_clone);
ASSERT_EQ(*bf_clone, *bf);
TEST_F(BlockBloomFilterTest, InvalidSpace) {
BlockBloomFilter bf(allocator_);
// Random number in the range [38, 64).
const int log_space_bytes = 38 + rand() % (64 - 38);
Status s = bf.Init(log_space_bytes, FAST_HASH, 0);
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(s.ToString(), "Bloom filter too large");
// Simple Arena allocator based test that would sometimes trigger
// SIGSEGV due to misalignment of the "directory_" ptr on AVX operations
// before adding support for 32/64 byte alignment in Arena allocator.
// It simulates the allocation pattern in
TEST_F(BlockBloomFilterTest, ArenaAligned) {
Arena a(64);
auto* allocator = a.NewObject<ArenaBlockBloomFilterBufferAllocator>(&a);
auto* bf = a.NewObject<BlockBloomFilter>(allocator);
bf->Init(6, FAST_HASH, 0);
bool key = true;
Slice s(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&key), sizeof(key));
TEST_F(BlockBloomFilterTest, InvalidHashAlgorithm) {
BlockBloomFilter bf(allocator_);
Status s = bf.Init(4, UNKNOWN_HASH, 0);
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(s.ToString(), "Invalid/Unsupported hash algorithm");
// We can Insert() hashes into a Bloom filter with different spaces.
TEST_F(BlockBloomFilterTest, Insert) {
for (int i = 13; i < 17; ++i) {
auto* bf = CreateBloomFilter(i);
for (int k = 0; k < (1 << 15); ++k) {
// After Insert()ing something into a Bloom filter, it can be found again immediately.
TEST_F(BlockBloomFilterTest, Find) {
for (int i = 13; i < 17; ++i) {
auto* bf = CreateBloomFilter(i);
for (int k = 0; k < (1 << 15); ++k) {
const auto to_insert = MakeRand();
// After Insert()ing something into a Bloom filter, it can be found again much later.
TEST_F(BlockBloomFilterTest, CumulativeFind) {
for (int i = 5; i < 11; ++i) {
vector<uint32_t> inserted;
auto* bf = CreateBloomFilter(i);
for (int k = 0; k < (1 << 10); ++k) {
const uint32_t to_insert = MakeRand();
for (int n = 0; n < inserted.size(); ++n) {
// The empirical false positives we find when looking for random items is with a constant
// factor of the false positive probability the Bloom filter was constructed for.
TEST_F(BlockBloomFilterTest, FindInvalid) {
static const int find_limit = 1 << 20;
unordered_set<uint32_t> to_find;
while (to_find.size() < find_limit) {
static const int max_log_ndv = 19;
unordered_set<uint32_t> to_insert;
while (to_insert.size() < (1ULL << max_log_ndv)) {
const auto candidate = MakeRand();
if (to_find.find(candidate) == to_find.end()) {
vector<uint32_t> shuffled_insert(to_insert.begin(), to_insert.end());
for (int log_ndv = 12; log_ndv < max_log_ndv; ++log_ndv) {
for (int log_fpp = 4; log_fpp < 15; ++log_fpp) {
double fpp = 1.0 / (1 << log_fpp);
const size_t ndv = 1 << log_ndv;
const int log_heap_space = BlockBloomFilter::MinLogSpace(ndv, fpp);
auto* bf = CreateBloomFilter(log_heap_space);
// Fill up a BF with exactly as much ndv as we planned for it:
for (size_t i = 0; i < ndv; ++i) {
int found = 0;
// Now we sample from the set of possible hashes, looking for hits.
for (const auto& i : to_find) {
found += bf->Find(i);
EXPECT_LE(found, find_limit * fpp * 2)
<< "Too many false positives with -log2(fpp) = " << log_fpp;
// Because the space is rounded up to a power of 2, we might actually get a lower
// fpp than the one passed to MinLogSpace().
const double expected_fpp = BlockBloomFilter::FalsePositiveProb(ndv, log_heap_space);
EXPECT_GE(found, find_limit * expected_fpp)
<< "Too few false positives with -log2(fpp) = " << log_fpp;
EXPECT_LE(found, find_limit * expected_fpp * 16)
<< "Too many false positives with -log2(fpp) = " << log_fpp;
// Test that MaxNdv() and MinLogSpace() are dual
TEST_F(BlockBloomFilterTest, MinSpaceMaxNdv) {
for (int log2fpp = -2; log2fpp >= -63; --log2fpp) {
const double fpp = pow(2, log2fpp);
for (int given_log_space = 8; given_log_space < 30; ++given_log_space) {
const size_t derived_ndv = BlockBloomFilter::MaxNdv(given_log_space, fpp);
int derived_log_space = BlockBloomFilter::MinLogSpace(derived_ndv, fpp);
EXPECT_EQ(derived_log_space, given_log_space) << "fpp: " << fpp
<< " derived_ndv: " << derived_ndv;
// If we lower the fpp, we need more space; if we raise it we need less.
derived_log_space = BlockBloomFilter::MinLogSpace(derived_ndv, fpp / 2);
EXPECT_GE(derived_log_space, given_log_space) << "fpp: " << fpp
<< " derived_ndv: " << derived_ndv;
derived_log_space = BlockBloomFilter::MinLogSpace(derived_ndv, fpp * 2);
EXPECT_LE(derived_log_space, given_log_space) << "fpp: " << fpp
<< " derived_ndv: " << derived_ndv;
for (size_t given_ndv = 1000; given_ndv < 1000 * 1000; given_ndv *= 3) {
const int derived_log_space = BlockBloomFilter::MinLogSpace(given_ndv, fpp);
const size_t derived_ndv = BlockBloomFilter::MaxNdv(derived_log_space, fpp);
// The max ndv is close to, but larger than, then ndv we asked for
EXPECT_LE(given_ndv, derived_ndv) << "fpp: " << fpp
<< " derived_log_space: " << derived_log_space;
EXPECT_GE(given_ndv * 2, derived_ndv)
<< "fpp: " << fpp << " derived_log_space: " << derived_log_space;
// Changing the fpp changes the ndv capacity in the expected direction.
size_t new_derived_ndv = BlockBloomFilter::MaxNdv(derived_log_space, fpp / 2);
EXPECT_GE(derived_ndv, new_derived_ndv)
<< "fpp: " << fpp << " derived_log_space: " << derived_log_space;
new_derived_ndv = BlockBloomFilter::MaxNdv(derived_log_space, fpp * 2);
EXPECT_LE(derived_ndv, new_derived_ndv)
<< "fpp: " << fpp << " derived_log_space: " << derived_log_space;
TEST_F(BlockBloomFilterTest, MinSpaceEdgeCase) {
int min_space = BlockBloomFilter::MinLogSpace(1, 0.75);
EXPECT_GE(min_space, 0) << "LogSpace should always be >= 0";
// Check that MinLogSpace() and FalsePositiveProb() are dual
TEST_F(BlockBloomFilterTest, MinSpaceForFpp) {
for (size_t ndv = 10000; ndv < 100 * 1000 * 1000; ndv *= 1.01) {
for (double fpp = 0.1; fpp > pow(2, -20); fpp *= 0.99) { // NOLINT: loop on double
// When contructing a Bloom filter, we can request a particular fpp by calling
// MinLogSpace().
const int min_log_space = BlockBloomFilter::MinLogSpace(ndv, fpp);
// However, at the resulting ndv and space, the expected fpp might be lower than
// the one that was requested.
double expected_fpp = BlockBloomFilter::FalsePositiveProb(ndv, min_log_space);
EXPECT_LE(expected_fpp, fpp);
// The fpp we get might be much lower than the one we asked for. However, if the
// space were just one size smaller, the fpp we get would be larger than the one we
// asked for.
expected_fpp = BlockBloomFilter::FalsePositiveProb(ndv, min_log_space - 1);
EXPECT_GE(expected_fpp, fpp);
// Therefore, the return value of MinLogSpace() is actually the minimum
// log space at which we can guarantee the requested fpp.
TEST_F(BlockBloomFilterTest, Or) {
BlockBloomFilter* bf1 = CreateBloomFilter(BlockBloomFilter::MinLogSpace(100, 0.01));
BlockBloomFilter* bf2 = CreateBloomFilter(BlockBloomFilter::MinLogSpace(100, 0.01));
for (int i = 60; i < 80; ++i) bf2->Insert(i);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) bf1->Insert(i);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) ASSERT_TRUE(bf1->Find(i)) << i;
for (int i = 60; i < 80; ++i) ASSERT_TRUE(bf1->Find(i)) << i;
// Insert another value to aggregated BloomFilter.
for (int i = 11; i < 50; ++i) bf1->Insert(i);
for (int i = 11; i < 50; ++i) ASSERT_TRUE(bf1->Find(i)) << i;
// Check that AlwaysFalse() is updated correctly.
BlockBloomFilter* bf3 = CreateBloomFilter(BlockBloomFilter::MinLogSpace(100, 0.01));
BlockBloomFilter* always_false = CreateBloomFilter(BlockBloomFilter::MinLogSpace(100, 0.01));
// Invalid argument test cases.
BlockBloomFilter* bf4 = CreateBloomFilter(BlockBloomFilter::MinLogSpace(100, 0.01));
BlockBloomFilter* bf5 = CreateBloomFilter(BlockBloomFilter::MinLogSpace(100000, 0.01));
Status s = bf4->Or(*bf5);
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(s.ToString(), "Directory size don't match");
// Test the public OrEqualArray() function.
static constexpr size_t kNumBytes = 64;
unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> a_ptr(new uint8_t[kNumBytes]);
unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> b_ptr(new uint8_t[kNumBytes]);
memset(a_ptr.get(), 0xDE, kNumBytes);
memset(b_ptr.get(), 0, kNumBytes);
ASSERT_OK(BlockBloomFilter::OrEqualArray(kNumBytes, a_ptr.get(), b_ptr.get()));
ASSERT_EQ(0, memcmp(a_ptr.get(), b_ptr.get(), kNumBytes));
} // namespace kudu