blob: 3c85bd2d63e8ba5ed590ebafde052c94979d53e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "kudu/common/common.pb.h"
#include "kudu/common/wire_protocol.h"
#include "kudu/common/wire_protocol.pb.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/map-util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/join.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/numbers.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/split.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/master/master.pb.h"
#include "kudu/master/master.proxy.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/rpc_controller.h"
#include "kudu/tools/tool_action.h"
#include "kudu/tools/tool_action_common.h"
#include "kudu/tserver/tablet_server.h"
#include "kudu/tserver/tablet_server_runner.h"
#include "kudu/tserver/tserver.pb.h"
#include "kudu/tserver/tserver_admin.pb.h"
#include "kudu/tserver/tserver_admin.proxy.h"
#include "kudu/util/init.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
DEFINE_bool(allow_missing_tserver, false, "If true, performs the action on the "
"tserver even if it has not been registered with the master and has no "
"existing tserver state records associated with it.");
DEFINE_bool(error_if_not_fully_quiesced, false, "If true, the command to start "
"quiescing will return an error if the tserver is not fully quiesced, i.e. "
"there are still tablet leaders or active scanners on it.");
using std::cout;
using std::string;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::vector;
using strings::Substitute;
namespace kudu {
using master::ChangeTServerStateRequestPB;
using master::ChangeTServerStateResponsePB;
using master::ListTabletServersRequestPB;
using master::ListTabletServersResponsePB;
using master::MasterServiceProxy;
using master::TServerStateChangePB;
using rpc::RpcController;
using tserver::QuiesceTabletServerRequestPB;
using tserver::QuiesceTabletServerResponsePB;
using tserver::TabletServer;
using tserver::TabletServerAdminServiceProxy;
namespace tools {
namespace {
const char* const kTServerAddressArg = "tserver_address";
const char* const kTServerAddressDesc = "Address of a Kudu Tablet Server of "
"form 'hostname:port'. Port may be omitted if the Tablet Server is bound "
"to the default port.";
const char* const kTServerIdArg = "tserver_uuid";
const char* const kTServerIdDesc = "UUID of a Kudu Tablet Server";
const char* const kFlagArg = "flag";
const char* const kValueArg = "value";
Status TServerGetFlags(const RunnerContext& context) {
const string& address = FindOrDie(context.required_args, kTServerAddressArg);
return PrintServerFlags(address, tserver::TabletServer::kDefaultPort);
Status TServerRun(const RunnerContext& context) {
// Enable redaction by default. Unlike most tools, we don't want user data
// printed to the console/log to be shown by default.
CHECK_NE("", google::SetCommandLineOptionWithMode("redact",
"all", google::FlagSettingMode::SET_FLAGS_DEFAULT));
return tserver::RunTabletServer();
Status TServerSetFlag(const RunnerContext& context) {
const string& address = FindOrDie(context.required_args, kTServerAddressArg);
const string& flag = FindOrDie(context.required_args, kFlagArg);
const string& value = FindOrDie(context.required_args, kValueArg);
return SetServerFlag(address, tserver::TabletServer::kDefaultPort,
flag, value);
Status TServerStatus(const RunnerContext& context) {
const string& address = FindOrDie(context.required_args, kTServerAddressArg);
return PrintServerStatus(address, tserver::TabletServer::kDefaultPort);
Status TServerTimestamp(const RunnerContext& context) {
const string& address = FindOrDie(context.required_args, kTServerAddressArg);
return PrintServerTimestamp(address, tserver::TabletServer::kDefaultPort);
Status ListTServers(const RunnerContext& context) {
LeaderMasterProxy proxy;
const vector<string> cols = strings::Split(FLAGS_columns, ",", strings::SkipEmpty());
ListTabletServersRequestPB req;
for (const auto& col : cols) {
if (boost::iequals(col, "state")) {
ListTabletServersResponsePB resp;
RETURN_NOT_OK((proxy.SyncRpc<ListTabletServersRequestPB, ListTabletServersResponsePB>(
req, &resp, "ListTabletServers", &MasterServiceProxy::ListTabletServersAsync)));
if (resp.has_error()) {
return StatusFromPB(resp.error().status());
DataTable table({});
const auto& servers = resp.servers();
auto hostport_to_string = [](const HostPortPB& hostport) {
return Substitute("$0:$1",, hostport.port());
for (const auto& column : cols) {
vector<string> values;
if (boost::iequals(column, "uuid")) {
for (const auto& server : servers) {
} else if (boost::iequals(column, "seqno")) {
for (const auto& server : servers) {
} else if (boost::iequals(column, "rpc-addresses") ||
boost::iequals(column, "rpc_addresses")) {
for (const auto& server : servers) {
hostport_to_string, ","));
} else if (boost::iequals(column, "http-addresses") ||
boost::iequals(column, "http_addresses")) {
for (const auto& server : servers) {
hostport_to_string, ","));
} else if (boost::iequals(column, "version")) {
for (const auto& server : servers) {
} else if (boost::iequals(column, "heartbeat")) {
for (const auto& server : servers) {
values.emplace_back(Substitute("$0ms", server.millis_since_heartbeat()));
} else if (boost::iequals(column, "location")) {
for (const auto& server : servers) {
string loc = server.location();
values.emplace_back(loc.empty() ? "<none>" : std::move(loc));
} else if (boost::iequals(column, "start_time")) {
for (const auto& server : servers) {
} else if (boost::iequals(column, "state")) {
for (const auto& server : servers) {
} else {
return Status::InvalidArgument("unknown column (--columns)", column);
table.AddColumn(column, std::move(values));
return Status::OK();
Status TserverDumpMemTrackers(const RunnerContext& context) {
const auto& address = FindOrDie(context.required_args, kTServerAddressArg);
return DumpMemTrackers(address, tserver::TabletServer::kDefaultPort);
Status TServerSetState(const RunnerContext& context, TServerStateChangePB::StateChange sc) {
ChangeTServerStateRequestPB req;
ChangeTServerStateResponsePB resp;
const string& tserver_uuid = FindOrDie(context.required_args, kTServerIdArg);
TServerStateChangePB* change = req.mutable_change();
if (FLAGS_allow_missing_tserver) {
LeaderMasterProxy proxy;
RETURN_NOT_OK((proxy.SyncRpc<ChangeTServerStateRequestPB, ChangeTServerStateResponsePB>(
req, &resp, "ChangeTServerState", &MasterServiceProxy::ChangeTServerStateAsync)));
if (resp.has_error()) {
return StatusFromPB(resp.error().status());
return Status::OK();
Status EnterMaintenance(const RunnerContext& context) {
return TServerSetState(context, TServerStateChangePB::ENTER_MAINTENANCE_MODE);
Status ExitMaintenance(const RunnerContext& context) {
return TServerSetState(context, TServerStateChangePB::EXIT_MAINTENANCE_MODE);
Status StartQuiescingTServer(const RunnerContext& context) {
const auto& address = FindOrDie(context.required_args, kTServerAddressArg);
unique_ptr<TabletServerAdminServiceProxy> proxy;
RETURN_NOT_OK(BuildProxy(address, tserver::TabletServer::kDefaultPort, &proxy));
QuiesceTabletServerRequestPB req;
RpcController rpc;
QuiesceTabletServerResponsePB resp;
RETURN_NOT_OK(proxy->Quiesce(req, &resp, &rpc));
if (resp.has_error()) {
return StatusFromPB(resp.error().status());
if (FLAGS_error_if_not_fully_quiesced &&
(resp.num_leaders() != 0 || resp.num_active_scanners() != 0)) {
return Status::Incomplete(
Substitute("Tablet server not fully quiesced: $0 tablet leaders and $1 active "
"scanners remain", resp.num_leaders(), resp.num_active_scanners()));
return Status::OK();
Status StopQuiescingTServer(const RunnerContext& context) {
const auto& address = FindOrDie(context.required_args, kTServerAddressArg);
unique_ptr<TabletServerAdminServiceProxy> proxy;
RETURN_NOT_OK(BuildProxy(address, tserver::TabletServer::kDefaultPort, &proxy));
QuiesceTabletServerRequestPB req;
QuiesceTabletServerResponsePB resp;
RpcController rpc;
RETURN_NOT_OK(proxy->Quiesce(req, &resp, &rpc));
if (resp.has_error()) {
return StatusFromPB(resp.error().status());
return Status::OK();
Status QuiescingStatus(const RunnerContext& context) {
const auto& address = FindOrDie(context.required_args, kTServerAddressArg);
unique_ptr<TabletServerAdminServiceProxy> proxy;
RETURN_NOT_OK(BuildProxy(address, tserver::TabletServer::kDefaultPort, &proxy));
QuiesceTabletServerRequestPB req;
QuiesceTabletServerResponsePB resp;
RpcController rpc;
RETURN_NOT_OK(proxy->Quiesce(req, &resp, &rpc));
if (resp.has_error()) {
return StatusFromPB(resp.error().status());
DataTable table({});
table.AddColumn("Quiescing", { resp.is_quiescing() ? "true" : "false" });
table.AddColumn("Tablet Leaders", { IntToString(resp.num_leaders()) });
table.AddColumn("Active Scanners", { IntToString(resp.num_active_scanners()) });
return table.PrintTo(cout);
} // anonymous namespace
unique_ptr<Mode> BuildTServerMode() {
unique_ptr<Action> dump_memtrackers =
ActionBuilder("dump_memtrackers", &TserverDumpMemTrackers)
.Description("Dump the memtrackers from a Kudu Tablet Server")
.AddRequiredParameter({ kTServerAddressArg, kTServerAddressDesc })
unique_ptr<Action> get_flags =
ActionBuilder("get_flags", &TServerGetFlags)
.Description("Get the gflags for a Kudu Tablet Server")
.AddRequiredParameter({ kTServerAddressArg, kTServerAddressDesc })
unique_ptr<Action> run =
ActionBuilder("run", &TServerRun)
.Description("Runs a Kudu Tablet Server")
.ExtraDescription("Note: The tablet server is started in this process and "
"runs until interrupted.\n\n"
"The most common configuration flags are described below. "
"For all the configuration options pass --helpfull or see "
// Even though fs_wal_dir is required, we don't want it to be positional argument.
// Unlike most tools we don't log to stderr by default to match the
// kudu-tserver binary as closely as possible.
.AddOptionalParameter("logtostderr", string("false"))
unique_ptr<Action> set_flag =
ActionBuilder("set_flag", &TServerSetFlag)
.Description("Change a gflag value on a Kudu Tablet Server")
.AddRequiredParameter({ kTServerAddressArg, kTServerAddressDesc })
.AddRequiredParameter({ kFlagArg, "Name of the gflag" })
.AddRequiredParameter({ kValueArg, "New value for the gflag" })
unique_ptr<Action> status =
ActionBuilder("status", &TServerStatus)
.Description("Get the status of a Kudu Tablet Server")
.AddRequiredParameter({ kTServerAddressArg, kTServerAddressDesc })
unique_ptr<Action> timestamp =
ActionBuilder("timestamp", &TServerTimestamp)
.Description("Get the current timestamp of a Kudu Tablet Server")
.AddRequiredParameter({ kTServerAddressArg, kTServerAddressDesc })
unique_ptr<Action> list_tservers =
ActionBuilder("list", &ListTServers)
.Description("List tablet servers in a Kudu cluster")
.AddRequiredParameter({ kMasterAddressesArg, kMasterAddressesArgDesc })
.AddOptionalParameter("columns", string("uuid,rpc-addresses"),
string("Comma-separated list of tserver info fields to "
"include in output.\nPossible values: uuid, "
"rpc-addresses, http-addresses, version, seqno, "
"heartbeat, start_time, state"))
unique_ptr<Action> quiescing_status =
ActionBuilder("status", &QuiescingStatus)
.Description("Output information about the quiescing state of a Tablet "
.AddRequiredParameter({ kTServerAddressArg, kTServerAddressDesc })
unique_ptr<Action> start_quiescing =
ActionBuilder("start", &StartQuiescingTServer)
.Description("Start quiescing the given Tablet Server. While a Tablet "
"Server is quiescing, Tablet replicas on it will no longer "
"attempt to become leader, and new scan requests will be "
"retried at other servers.")
.AddRequiredParameter({ kTServerAddressArg, kTServerAddressDesc })
unique_ptr<Action> stop_quiescing =
ActionBuilder("stop", &StopQuiescingTServer)
.Description("Stop quiescing a Tablet Server.")
.AddRequiredParameter({ kTServerAddressArg, kTServerAddressDesc })
unique_ptr<Mode> quiesce = ModeBuilder("quiesce")
.Description("Operate on the quiescing state of a Kudu Tablet Server.")
unique_ptr<Action> enter_maintenance =
ActionBuilder("enter_maintenance", &EnterMaintenance)
.Description("Begin maintenance on the Tablet Server. While under "
"maintenance, downtime of the Tablet Server will not lead "
"to the immediate re-replication of its tablet replicas.")
.AddRequiredParameter({ kMasterAddressesArg, kMasterAddressesArgDesc })
.AddRequiredParameter({ kTServerIdArg, kTServerIdDesc })
// Note: --allow_missing_tserver doesn't make sense for exit_maintenance
// because if the tserver is missing, the non-existent tserver's state is
// already NONE and so exit_maintenance is a no-op.
unique_ptr<Action> exit_maintenance =
ActionBuilder("exit_maintenance", &ExitMaintenance)
.Description("End maintenance of the Tablet Server.")
.AddRequiredParameter({ kMasterAddressesArg, kMasterAddressesArgDesc })
.AddRequiredParameter({ kTServerIdArg, kTServerIdDesc })
unique_ptr<Mode> state = ModeBuilder("state")
.Description("Operate on the state of a Kudu Tablet Server")
return ModeBuilder("tserver")
.Description("Operate on a Kudu Tablet Server")
} // namespace tools
} // namespace kudu