blob: 363a4245389e5a20992dc94b1eeb5d946b6d06b1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "kudu/common/row_operations.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "kudu/common/common.pb.h"
#include "kudu/common/partial_row.h"
#include "kudu/common/row.h"
#include "kudu/common/row_changelist.h"
#include "kudu/common/schema.h"
#include "kudu/common/types.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/port.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/util/bitmap.h"
#include "kudu/util/faststring.h"
#include "kudu/util/flag_tags.h"
#include "kudu/util/logging.h"
#include "kudu/util/memory/arena.h"
#include "kudu/util/safe_math.h"
#include "kudu/util/slice.h"
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using strings::Substitute;
DEFINE_int32(max_cell_size_bytes, 64 * 1024,
"The maximum size of any individual cell in a table. Attempting to store "
"string or binary columns with a size greater than this will result "
"in errors.");
TAG_FLAG(max_cell_size_bytes, unsafe);
namespace kudu {
string DecodedRowOperation::ToString(const Schema& schema) const {
if (!result.ok()) {
return Substitute("row error: $0", result.ToString());
// A note on redaction: We redact row operations, since they contain sensitive
// row data. Range partition operations are not redacted, since range
// partitions are considered to be metadata.
switch (type) {
case RowOperationsPB::UNKNOWN:
return "UNKNOWN";
case RowOperationsPB::INSERT:
return "INSERT " + schema.DebugRow(ConstContiguousRow(&schema, row_data));
case RowOperationsPB::INSERT_IGNORE:
return "INSERT IGNORE " + schema.DebugRow(ConstContiguousRow(&schema, row_data));
case RowOperationsPB::UPSERT:
return "UPSERT " + schema.DebugRow(ConstContiguousRow(&schema, row_data));
case RowOperationsPB::UPDATE:
case RowOperationsPB::UPDATE_IGNORE:
case RowOperationsPB::DELETE:
case RowOperationsPB::DELETE_IGNORE:
return Substitute("MUTATE $0 $1",
schema.DebugRowKey(ConstContiguousRow(&schema, row_data)),
case RowOperationsPB::SPLIT_ROW:
return Substitute("SPLIT_ROW $0", KUDU_DISABLE_REDACTION(split_row->ToString()));
case RowOperationsPB::RANGE_LOWER_BOUND:
return Substitute("RANGE_LOWER_BOUND $0", KUDU_DISABLE_REDACTION(split_row->ToString()));
case RowOperationsPB::RANGE_UPPER_BOUND:
return Substitute("RANGE_UPPER_BOUND $0", KUDU_DISABLE_REDACTION(split_row->ToString()));
return Substitute("EXCLUSIVE_RANGE_LOWER_BOUND $0",
return Substitute("INCLUSIVE_RANGE_UPPER_BOUND $0",
return "UNKNOWN";
void DecodedRowOperation::SetFailureStatusOnce(Status s) {
if (result.ok()) {
result = std::move(s);
RowOperationsPBEncoder::RowOperationsPBEncoder(RowOperationsPB* pb)
: pb_(pb),
prev_rows_size_(string::npos) {
RowOperationsPBEncoder::~RowOperationsPBEncoder() {
size_t RowOperationsPBEncoder::Add(RowOperationsPB::Type op_type,
const KuduPartialRow& partial_row) {
const Schema* schema = partial_row.schema();
// See wire_protocol.proto for a description of the format.
string* dst = pb_->mutable_rows();
prev_rows_size_ = dst->size();
prev_indirect_data_size_ = pb_->mutable_indirect_data()->size();
// Compute a bound on how much space we may need in the 'rows' field.
// Then, resize it to this much space. This allows us to use simple
// memcpy() calls to copy the data, rather than string->append(), which
// reduces branches significantly in this fairly hot code path.
// (std::string::append doesn't get inlined).
// At the end of the function, we'll resize() the string back down to the
// right size.
size_t isset_bitmap_size;
size_t non_null_bitmap_size;
const size_t new_size_estimate = GetRowsFieldSizeEstimate(
partial_row, &isset_bitmap_size, &non_null_bitmap_size);
uint8_t* dst_ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&(*dst)[prev_rows_size_]);
*dst_ptr++ = static_cast<uint8_t>(op_type);
memcpy(dst_ptr, partial_row.isset_bitmap_, isset_bitmap_size);
dst_ptr += isset_bitmap_size;
ContiguousRowHelper::non_null_bitmap_ptr(*schema, partial_row.row_data_),
dst_ptr += non_null_bitmap_size;
size_t indirect_data_size_delta = 0;
ContiguousRow row(schema, partial_row.row_data_);
for (auto i = 0; i < schema->num_columns(); ++i) {
if (!partial_row.IsColumnSet(i)) {
const ColumnSchema& col = schema->column(i);
if (col.is_nullable() && row.is_null(i)) {
if (col.type_info()->physical_type() == BINARY) {
const size_t indirect_offset = pb_->mutable_indirect_data()->size();
const Slice* val = reinterpret_cast<const Slice*>(row.cell_ptr(i));
indirect_data_size_delta += val->size();
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(val->data()), val->size());
Slice to_append(
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(indirect_offset), val->size());
memcpy(dst_ptr, &to_append, sizeof(Slice));
dst_ptr += sizeof(Slice);
} else {
memcpy(dst_ptr, row.cell_ptr(i), col.type_info()->size());
dst_ptr += col.type_info()->size();
const size_t rows_size_delta = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(dst_ptr) -
dst->resize(prev_rows_size_ + rows_size_delta);
return rows_size_delta + indirect_data_size_delta;
void RowOperationsPBEncoder::RemoveLast() {
CHECK_NE(string::npos, prev_indirect_data_size_);
CHECK_NE(string::npos, prev_rows_size_);
prev_indirect_data_size_ = string::npos;
prev_rows_size_ = string::npos;
size_t RowOperationsPBEncoder::GetRowsFieldSizeEstimate(
const KuduPartialRow& partial_row,
size_t* isset_bitmap_size,
size_t* isnon_null_bitmap_size) const {
const Schema* schema = partial_row.schema();
// See wire_protocol.proto for a description of the format.
const string* dst = pb_->mutable_rows();
auto isset_size = BitmapSize(schema->num_columns());
auto isnull_size = ContiguousRowHelper::non_null_bitmap_size(*schema);
constexpr auto type_size = 1; // type uses one byte
auto max_size = type_size + schema->byte_size() + isset_size + isnull_size;
*isset_bitmap_size = isset_size;
*isnon_null_bitmap_size = isnull_size;
return dst->size() + max_size;
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Decoder
// ------------------------------------------------------------
RowOperationsPBDecoder::RowOperationsPBDecoder(const RowOperationsPB* pb,
const Schema* client_schema,
const Schema* tablet_schema,
Arena* dst_arena)
: pb_(pb),
src_(pb->rows().data(), pb->rows().size()) {
RowOperationsPBDecoder::~RowOperationsPBDecoder() {
Status RowOperationsPBDecoder::ReadOpType(RowOperationsPB::Type* type) {
if (PREDICT_FALSE(src_.empty())) {
return Status::Corruption("Cannot find operation type");
if (PREDICT_FALSE(!RowOperationsPB_Type_IsValid(src_[0]))) {
return Status::Corruption(Substitute("Unknown operation type: $0", src_[0]));
*type = static_cast<RowOperationsPB::Type>(src_[0]);
return Status::OK();
Status RowOperationsPBDecoder::ReadIssetBitmap(const uint8_t** bitmap) {
if (PREDICT_FALSE(src_.size() < bm_size_)) {
*bitmap = nullptr;
return Status::Corruption("Cannot find isset bitmap");
*bitmap =;
return Status::OK();
Status RowOperationsPBDecoder::ReadNullBitmap(const uint8_t** null_bm) {
if (PREDICT_FALSE(src_.size() < bm_size_)) {
*null_bm = nullptr;
return Status::Corruption("Cannot find null bitmap");
*null_bm =;
return Status::OK();
Status RowOperationsPBDecoder::GetColumnSlice(const ColumnSchema& col,
Slice* slice,
Status* row_status) {
size_t size = col.type_info()->size();
if (PREDICT_FALSE(src_.size() < size)) {
return Status::Corruption("Not enough data for column", col.ToString());
// Find the data
if (col.type_info()->physical_type() == BINARY) {
// The Slice in the protobuf has a pointer relative to the indirect data,
// not a real pointer. Need to fix that.
auto ptr_slice = reinterpret_cast<const Slice*>(;
auto offset_in_indirect = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr_slice->data());
bool overflowed = false;
size_t max_offset = AddWithOverflowCheck(offset_in_indirect, ptr_slice->size(), &overflowed);
if (PREDICT_FALSE(overflowed || max_offset > pb_->indirect_data().size())) {
return Status::Corruption("Bad indirect slice");
// Check that no individual cell is larger than the specified max.
if (PREDICT_FALSE(row_status && ptr_slice->size() > FLAGS_max_cell_size_bytes)) {
*row_status = Status::InvalidArgument(Substitute(
"value too large for column '$0' ($1 bytes, maximum is $2 bytes)",, ptr_slice->size(), FLAGS_max_cell_size_bytes));
// After one row's column size has been found to exceed the limit and has been recorded
// in 'row_status', we will consider it OK and continue to consume data in order to properly
// validate subsequent columns and rows.
*slice = Slice(&pb_->indirect_data()[offset_in_indirect], ptr_slice->size());
} else {
*slice = Slice(, size);
return Status::OK();
Status RowOperationsPBDecoder::ReadColumn(const ColumnSchema& col,
uint8_t* dst,
Status* row_status) {
Slice slice;
RETURN_NOT_OK(GetColumnSlice(col, &slice, row_status));
if (col.type_info()->physical_type() == BINARY) {
memcpy(dst, &slice, col.type_info()->size());
} else {
return Status::OK();
Status RowOperationsPBDecoder::ReadColumnAndDiscard(const ColumnSchema& col) {
uint8_t scratch[kLargestTypeSize];
RETURN_NOT_OK(ReadColumn(col, scratch, nullptr));
return Status::OK();
bool RowOperationsPBDecoder::HasNext() const {
return !src_.empty();
namespace {
void SetupPrototypeRow(const Schema& schema,
ContiguousRow* row) {
for (int i = 0; i < schema.num_columns(); i++) {
const ColumnSchema& col = schema.column(i);
if (col.has_write_default()) {
if (col.is_nullable()) {
row->set_null(i, false);
memcpy(row->mutable_cell_ptr(i), col.write_default_value(), col.type_info()->size());
} else if (col.is_nullable()) {
row->set_null(i, true);
} else {
// No default and not nullable. Therefore this column is required,
// and we'll ensure that it gets during the projection step.
} // anonymous namespace
// Projector implementation which handles mapping the client column indexes
// to server-side column indexes, ensuring that all of the columns exist,
// and that every required (non-null, non-default) column in the server
// schema is also present in the client.
class ClientServerMapping {
ClientServerMapping(const Schema* client_schema,
const Schema* tablet_schema)
: client_schema_(client_schema),
saw_tablet_col_(tablet_schema->num_columns()) {
Status ProjectBaseColumn(size_t client_col_idx, size_t tablet_col_idx) {
// We should get this called exactly once for every input column,
// since the input columns must be a strict subset of the tablet columns.
DCHECK_EQ(client_to_tablet_.size(), client_col_idx);
DCHECK_LT(tablet_col_idx, saw_tablet_col_.size());
saw_tablet_col_[tablet_col_idx] = true;
return Status::OK();
Status ProjectDefaultColumn(size_t client_col_idx) {
// Even if the client provides a default (which it shouldn't), we don't
// want to accept writes with an extra column.
return ProjectExtraColumn(client_col_idx);
Status ProjectExtraColumn(size_t client_col_idx) {
return Status::InvalidArgument(
Substitute("Client provided column $0 not present in tablet",
// Translate from a client schema index to the tablet schema index
size_t client_to_tablet_idx(size_t client_idx) const {
DCHECK_LT(client_idx, client_to_tablet_.size());
return client_to_tablet_[client_idx];
size_t num_mapped() const {
return client_to_tablet_.size();
// Ensure that any required (non-null, non-defaulted) columns from the
// server side schema are found in the client-side schema. If not,
// returns an InvalidArgument.
Status CheckAllRequiredColumnsPresent() {
for (size_t tablet_col_idx = 0;
tablet_col_idx < tablet_schema_->num_columns();
tablet_col_idx++) {
const ColumnSchema& col = tablet_schema_->column(tablet_col_idx);
if (!col.has_write_default() &&
!col.is_nullable()) {
// All clients must pass this column.
if (!saw_tablet_col_[tablet_col_idx]) {
return Status::InvalidArgument(
"Client missing required column", col.ToString());
return Status::OK();
const Schema* const client_schema_;
const Schema* const tablet_schema_;
vector<size_t> client_to_tablet_;
vector<bool> saw_tablet_col_;
Status RowOperationsPBDecoder::DecodeInsertOrUpsert(const uint8_t* prototype_row_storage,
const ClientServerMapping& mapping,
DecodedRowOperation* op) {
const uint8_t* client_isset_map = nullptr;
const uint8_t* client_null_map = nullptr;
// Read the null and isset bitmaps for the client-provided row.
if (client_schema_->has_nullables()) {
// Allocate a row with the tablet's layout.
auto tablet_row_storage = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(
dst_arena_->AllocateBytesAligned(tablet_row_size_, 8));
auto tablet_isset_bitmap = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(
if (PREDICT_FALSE(!tablet_row_storage || !tablet_isset_bitmap)) {
return Status::RuntimeError("Out of memory");
// Initialize the new row from the 'prototype' row which has been set
// with all of the server-side default values. This copy may be entirely
// overwritten in the case that all columns are specified, but this is
// still likely faster (and simpler) than looping through all the server-side
// columns to initialize defaults where non-set on every row.
memcpy(tablet_row_storage, prototype_row_storage, tablet_row_size_);
ContiguousRow tablet_row(tablet_schema_, tablet_row_storage);
// Now handle each of the columns passed by the user, replacing the defaults
// from the prototype.
Status row_status;
for (size_t client_col_idx = 0;
client_col_idx < client_schema_->num_columns();
client_col_idx++) {
// Look up the corresponding column from the tablet. We use the server-side
// ColumnSchema object since it has the most up-to-date default, nullability,
// etc.
size_t tablet_col_idx = mapping.client_to_tablet_idx(client_col_idx);
const ColumnSchema& col = tablet_schema_->column(tablet_col_idx);
bool isset = BitmapTest(client_isset_map, client_col_idx);
BitmapChange(tablet_isset_bitmap, tablet_col_idx, isset);
if (isset) {
// If the client provided a value for this column, copy it.
// Copy null-ness, if the server side column is nullable.
bool client_set_to_null = client_schema_->has_nullables() &&
BitmapTest(client_null_map, client_col_idx);
if (col.is_nullable()) {
tablet_row.set_null(tablet_col_idx, client_set_to_null);
if (!client_set_to_null) {
// Copy the value if it's not null.
RETURN_NOT_OK(ReadColumn(col, tablet_row.mutable_cell_ptr(tablet_col_idx), &row_status));
if (PREDICT_FALSE(!row_status.ok())) op->SetFailureStatusOnce(row_status);
} else if (PREDICT_FALSE(!col.is_nullable())) {
"NULL values not allowed for non-nullable column", col.ToString()));
} else {
// If the client didn't provide a value, then the column must either be nullable or
// have a default (which was already set in the prototype row).
if (PREDICT_FALSE(!(col.is_nullable() || col.has_write_default()))) {
op->SetFailureStatusOnce(Status::InvalidArgument("No value provided for required column",
op->row_data = tablet_row_storage;
op->isset_bitmap = tablet_isset_bitmap;
return Status::OK();
Status RowOperationsPBDecoder::DecodeUpdateOrDelete(const ClientServerMapping& mapping,
DecodedRowOperation* op) {
size_t rowkey_size = tablet_schema_->key_byte_size();
const uint8_t* client_isset_map = nullptr;
const uint8_t* client_null_map = nullptr;
// Read the null and isset bitmaps for the client-provided row.
if (client_schema_->has_nullables()) {
// Allocate space for the row key.
auto rowkey_storage = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(
dst_arena_->AllocateBytesAligned(rowkey_size, 8));
if (PREDICT_FALSE(!rowkey_storage)) {
return Status::RuntimeError("Out of memory");
// We're passing the full schema instead of the key schema here.
// That's OK because the keys come at the bottom. We lose some bounds
// checking in debug builds, but it avoids an extra copy of the key schema.
ContiguousRow rowkey(tablet_schema_, rowkey_storage);
// First process the key columns.
size_t client_col_idx = 0;
for (; client_col_idx < client_schema_->num_key_columns(); client_col_idx++) {
// Look up the corresponding column from the tablet. We use the server-side
// ColumnSchema object since it has the most up-to-date default, nullability,
// etc.
client_col_idx) << "key columns should match";
size_t tablet_col_idx = client_col_idx;
const ColumnSchema& col = tablet_schema_->column(tablet_col_idx);
if (PREDICT_FALSE(!BitmapTest(client_isset_map, client_col_idx))) {
op->SetFailureStatusOnce(Status::InvalidArgument("No value provided for key column",
bool client_set_to_null = client_schema_->has_nullables() &&
BitmapTest(client_null_map, client_col_idx);
if (PREDICT_FALSE(client_set_to_null)) {
op->SetFailureStatusOnce(Status::InvalidArgument("NULL values not allowed for key column",
RETURN_NOT_OK(ReadColumn(col, rowkey.mutable_cell_ptr(tablet_col_idx), nullptr));
op->row_data = rowkey_storage;
// Now we process the rest of the columns:
// For UPDATE, we expect at least one other column to be set, indicating the
// update to perform.
// For DELETE, we expect no other columns to be set (and we verify that).
Status row_status;
if (op->type == RowOperationsPB::UPDATE || op->type == RowOperationsPB::UPDATE_IGNORE) {
faststring buf;
RowChangeListEncoder rcl_encoder(&buf);
// Now process the rest of columns as updates.
for (; client_col_idx < client_schema_->num_columns(); client_col_idx++) {
size_t tablet_col_idx = mapping.client_to_tablet_idx(client_col_idx);
const ColumnSchema& col = tablet_schema_->column(tablet_col_idx);
if (BitmapTest(client_isset_map, client_col_idx)) {
bool client_set_to_null = client_schema_->has_nullables() &&
BitmapTest(client_null_map, client_col_idx);
uint8_t scratch[kLargestTypeSize];
uint8_t* val_to_add = nullptr;
if (!client_set_to_null) {
RETURN_NOT_OK(ReadColumn(col, scratch, &row_status));
if (PREDICT_FALSE(!row_status.ok())) op->SetFailureStatusOnce(row_status);
val_to_add = scratch;
} else if (PREDICT_FALSE(!col.is_nullable())) {
"NULL value not allowed for non-nullable column", col.ToString()));
rcl_encoder.AddColumnUpdate(col, tablet_schema_->column_id(tablet_col_idx), val_to_add);
if (PREDICT_FALSE(buf.size() == 0)) {
// No actual column updates specified!
op->SetFailureStatusOnce(Status::InvalidArgument("No fields updated, key is",
if (PREDICT_TRUE(op->result.ok())) {
// Copy the row-changelist to the arena.
auto rcl_in_arena = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(
dst_arena_->AllocateBytesAligned(buf.size(), 8));
if (PREDICT_FALSE(rcl_in_arena == nullptr)) {
return Status::RuntimeError("Out of memory allocating RCL");
memcpy(rcl_in_arena,, buf.size());
op->changelist = RowChangeList(Slice(rcl_in_arena, buf.size()));
} else if (op->type == RowOperationsPB::DELETE || op->type == RowOperationsPB::DELETE_IGNORE) {
// Ensure that no other columns are set.
for (; client_col_idx < client_schema_->num_columns(); client_col_idx++) {
if (PREDICT_FALSE(BitmapTest(client_isset_map, client_col_idx))) {
size_t tablet_col_idx = mapping.client_to_tablet_idx(client_col_idx);
const ColumnSchema& col = tablet_schema_->column(tablet_col_idx);
"DELETE should not have a value for column", col.ToString()));
bool client_set_to_null = client_schema_->has_nullables() &&
BitmapTest(client_null_map, client_col_idx);
if (!client_set_to_null || !col.is_nullable()) {
if (PREDICT_TRUE(op->result.ok())) {
op->changelist = RowChangeList::CreateDelete();
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "Should only call this method with UPDATE or DELETE";
return Status::OK();
Status RowOperationsPBDecoder::DecodeSplitRow(const ClientServerMapping& mapping,
DecodedRowOperation* op) {
op->split_row.reset(new KuduPartialRow(tablet_schema_));
const uint8_t* client_isset_map;
const uint8_t* client_null_map;
// Read the null and isset bitmaps for the client-provided row.
if (client_schema_->has_nullables()) {
// Now handle each of the columns passed by the user.
for (size_t client_col_idx = 0;
client_col_idx < client_schema_->num_columns();
client_col_idx++) {
// Look up the corresponding column from the tablet. We use the server-side
// ColumnSchema object since it has the most up-to-date default, nullability,
// etc.
size_t tablet_col_idx = mapping.client_to_tablet_idx(client_col_idx);
const ColumnSchema& col = tablet_schema_->column(tablet_col_idx);
if (BitmapTest(client_isset_map, client_col_idx)) {
// If the client provided a value for this column, copy it.
Slice column_slice;
RETURN_NOT_OK(GetColumnSlice(col, &column_slice, nullptr));
const uint8_t* data;
if (col.type_info()->physical_type() == BINARY) {
data = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&column_slice);
} else {
data =;
RETURN_NOT_OK(op->split_row->Set(static_cast<int32_t>(tablet_col_idx), data));
return Status::OK();
template <DecoderMode mode>
Status RowOperationsPBDecoder::DecodeOperations(vector<DecodedRowOperation>* ops) {
// TODO(todd): there's a bug here, in that if a client passes some column in
// its schema that has been deleted on the server, it will fail even if the
// client never actually specified any values for it. For example, a DBA
// might do a thorough audit that no one is using some column anymore, and
// then drop the column, expecting it to be compatible, but all writes would
// start failing until clients refreshed their schema.
// See DISABLED_TestProjectUpdatesSubsetOfColumns
ClientServerMapping mapping(client_schema_, tablet_schema_);
RETURN_NOT_OK(client_schema_->GetProjectionMapping(*tablet_schema_, &mapping));
DCHECK_EQ(mapping.num_mapped(), client_schema_->num_columns());
// Make a "prototype row" which has all the defaults filled in. We can copy
// this to create a starting point for each row as we decode it, with
// all the defaults in place without having to loop.
uint8_t prototype_row_storage[tablet_row_size_];
ContiguousRow prototype_row(tablet_schema_, prototype_row_storage);
SetupPrototypeRow(*tablet_schema_, &prototype_row);
while (HasNext()) {
RowOperationsPB::Type type = RowOperationsPB::UNKNOWN;
DecodedRowOperation op;
op.type = type;
RETURN_NOT_OK(DecodeOp<mode>(type, prototype_row_storage, mapping, &op));
return Status::OK();
Status RowOperationsPBDecoder::DecodeOp<DecoderMode::WRITE_OPS>(
RowOperationsPB::Type type, const uint8_t* prototype_row_storage,
const ClientServerMapping& mapping, DecodedRowOperation* op) {
switch (type) {
case RowOperationsPB::UNKNOWN:
return Status::NotSupported("Unknown row operation type");
case RowOperationsPB::INSERT:
case RowOperationsPB::INSERT_IGNORE:
case RowOperationsPB::UPSERT:
RETURN_NOT_OK(DecodeInsertOrUpsert(prototype_row_storage, mapping, op));
case RowOperationsPB::UPDATE:
case RowOperationsPB::UPDATE_IGNORE:
case RowOperationsPB::DELETE:
case RowOperationsPB::DELETE_IGNORE:
RETURN_NOT_OK(DecodeUpdateOrDelete(mapping, op));
return Status::InvalidArgument(Substitute("Invalid write operation type $0",
return Status::OK();
Status RowOperationsPBDecoder::DecodeOp<DecoderMode::SPLIT_ROWS>(
RowOperationsPB::Type type, const uint8_t* /*prototype_row_storage*/,
const ClientServerMapping& mapping, DecodedRowOperation* op) {
switch (type) {
case RowOperationsPB::UNKNOWN:
return Status::NotSupported("Unknown row operation type");
case RowOperationsPB::SPLIT_ROW:
case RowOperationsPB::RANGE_LOWER_BOUND:
case RowOperationsPB::RANGE_UPPER_BOUND:
RETURN_NOT_OK(DecodeSplitRow(mapping, op));
return Status::InvalidArgument(Substitute("Invalid split row type $0",
return Status::OK();
Status RowOperationsPBDecoder::DecodeOperations<DecoderMode::SPLIT_ROWS>(
vector<DecodedRowOperation>* ops);
Status RowOperationsPBDecoder::DecodeOperations<DecoderMode::WRITE_OPS>(
vector<DecodedRowOperation>* ops);
} // namespace kudu