blob: be4c106ed303d5971da19e9ebc7bab5d607acfeb [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
// Protobufs which are specific to client implementations.
syntax = "proto2";
package kudu.client;
option java_package = "org.apache.kudu.client";
import "kudu/common/common.proto";
import "kudu/consensus/metadata.proto";
import "kudu/security/token.proto";
import "kudu/util/pb_util.proto";
// All of the metadata required to create a KuduTable object in the C++
// and Java clients.
// TODO(KUDU-3135): Use for generic metadata tokens outside of the scan token.
message TableMetadataPB {
optional string table_id = 1;
optional string table_name = 2;
optional int32 num_replicas = 3;
optional SchemaPB schema = 4;
optional PartitionSchemaPB partition_schema = 5;
// The table's extra configuration properties.
map<string, string> extra_configs = 6;
optional string owner = 7;
// Metdata about a single server.
// This can be used on the client to update the local cache of where
// each server is located.
message ServerMetadataPB {
optional bytes uuid = 1;
repeated HostPortPB rpc_addresses = 2;
// The location assignment for this server.
optional string location = 3;
// All of the metadata required to create a RemoteTablet object in the C++
// and Java clients.
message TabletMetadataPB {
optional string tablet_id = 1;
optional PartitionPB partition = 2;
// The servers that host the replicas.
repeated ServerMetadataPB tablet_servers = 3;
message ReplicaMetadataPB {
// The index of the tablet server in tablet_servers.
required uint32 ts_idx = 1;
required consensus.RaftPeerPB.Role role = 2;
optional string dimension_label = 3;
repeated ReplicaMetadataPB replicas = 4;
// Cached table locations should not live longer than this timeout.
// Note: Some time will pass between serializing and deserializing
// the token. This means that that effective TTL would be longer
// than initially set. This shouldn't be a problem in normal usage
// given the time shouldn't be an extended period. Additionally,
// the client can retry if any failures occur due to outdated metadata.
optional uint64 ttl_millis = 5;
// Serialization format for client scan tokens. Scan tokens are serializable
// scan descriptors that are used by query engines to plan a set of parallizable
// scanners that are executed on remote task runners. The scan token protobuf
// format includes all of the information necessary to recreate a scanner in the
// remote task.
message ScanTokenPB {
// Features used by the scan token message. Every time the ScanTokenPB message
// is updated with a new feature, the feature should be added to this enum, so
// that clients that lack the feature can recognize when they receive a token
// that uses unknown features.
enum Feature {
Unknown = 0;
// The feature set used by this scan token.
repeated Feature feature_flags = 1;
// The table to scan. To remain backwards compatible, clients should set
// both the table name and the table id, but should prefer to use the id
// when rehydrating the scanner because the id cannot change.
optional string table_id = 20;
optional string table_name = 2;
// Optional table metadata. If provided the scan token can avoid
// an extra GetTableSchema RPC call to the master.
// If set, neither table_id or table_name above are required.
optional TableMetadataPB table_metadata = 21;
// Optional tablet metadata. If provided the scan token can avoid
// an extra GetTableLocations RPC call to the master.
optional TabletMetadataPB tablet_metadata = 22;
// The index of which columns in table_metadata to select.
// This can be used in place of projected_columns if this
// scan token has table_metadata.
repeated int32 projected_column_idx = 23;
// Which columns to select.
// if this is an empty list, no data will be returned, but the num_rows
// field of the returned RowBlock will indicate how many rows passed
// the predicates. Note that in some cases, the scan may still require
// multiple round-trips, and the caller must aggregate the counts.
repeated ColumnSchemaPB projected_columns = 3;
// Any column predicates to enforce.
repeated ColumnPredicatePB column_predicates = 4;
// Encoded primary key to begin scanning at (inclusive).
optional bytes lower_bound_primary_key = 5 [(kudu.REDACT) = true];
// Encoded primary key to stop scanning at (exclusive).
optional bytes upper_bound_primary_key = 6 [(kudu.REDACT) = true];
// Encoded partition key to begin scanning at (inclusive).
optional bytes lower_bound_partition_key = 7 [(kudu.REDACT) = true];
// Encoded partition key to stop scanning at (exclusive).
optional bytes upper_bound_partition_key = 8 [(kudu.REDACT) = true];
// The maximum number of rows to scan.
// The scanner will automatically stop yielding results and close
// itself after reaching this number of result rows.
optional uint64 limit = 9;
// The read mode for this scan request.
// See common.proto for further information about read modes.
optional ReadMode read_mode = 10 [default = READ_LATEST];
// The requested snapshot timestamp. This is only used
// when the read mode is set to READ_AT_SNAPSHOT.
optional fixed64 snap_timestamp = 11;
// The requested snapshot start timestamp. This is only used
// when the read mode is set to READ_AT_SNAPSHOT.
// Setting this indicates the scan should be a diff scan, the
// snap_timestamp will be used as the snapshot end timestamp.
optional fixed64 snap_start_timestamp = 19;
// Sent by clients which previously executed CLIENT_PROPAGATED writes.
// This updates the server's time so that no op will be assigned
// a timestamp lower than or equal to 'previous_known_timestamp'
optional fixed64 propagated_timestamp = 12;
// Whether data blocks will be cached when read from the files or discarded after use.
// Disable this to lower cache churn when doing large scans.
optional bool cache_blocks = 13 [default = true];
// Whether the scan should be fault tolerant.
optional bool fault_tolerant = 14 [default = false];
// The maximum number of bytes to send in the response.
// This is a hint, not a requirement: the server may send
// arbitrarily fewer or more bytes than requested.
optional uint32 batch_size_bytes = 15;
// The replica selection policy for the scan request.
// See common.proto for further information about replica selections.
optional ReplicaSelection replica_selection = 16 [default = LEADER_ONLY];
// The maximum length of time, in milliseconds, that each scan request to a
// server can take. If not set, the default value is controlled by the client
// scanner implementation.
optional int64 scan_request_timeout_ms = 17;
// The period, in milliseconds, at which to send keep-alive requests to the tablet
// server to ensure this scanner won't time out.
optional int64 keep_alive_period_ms = 18;
// An authorization token with which to authorize the scan requests.
optional security.SignedTokenPB authz_token = 24;
// All of the data necessary to authenticate to a cluster from a client with
// no Kerberos credentials.
message AuthenticationCredentialsPB {
// A signed token with user credentials issued by the master.
optional security.SignedTokenPB authn_token = 1;
// The real user name, used for SASL PLAIN authentication.
optional string real_user = 3;
// Trusted root CA certificates.
repeated bytes ca_cert_ders = 2;