blob: 7de8fe3b621876a971cdb215a36e98daa4252209 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// This module is internal to the client and not a public API.
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "kudu/client/master_proxy_rpc.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/ref_counted.h"
#include "kudu/master/master.pb.h"
#include "kudu/util/locks.h"
#include "kudu/util/status_callback.h"
namespace kudu {
class MonoTime;
class Status;
namespace security {
class SignedTokenPB;
} // namespace security
namespace client {
class KuduTable;
namespace internal {
// An asynchronous RPC that retrieves a new authz token for a table and puts it
// in a token cache.
class RetrieveAuthzTokenRpc : public AsyncLeaderMasterRpc<master::GetTableSchemaRequestPB,
public RefCountedThreadSafe<RetrieveAuthzTokenRpc> {
RetrieveAuthzTokenRpc(const KuduTable* table, MonoTime deadline);
std::string ToString() const override;
// Handles retries, reconnection, and such.
void SendRpcCb(const Status& status) override;
// Encapsulates the client and table with which the RPC will operate.
const KuduTable* table_;
// Request for the authz token.
master::GetTableSchemaRequestPB req_;
// Response containing the authz token. This gets populated before calling
// SendRpcCb().
master::GetTableSchemaResponsePB resp_;
// Cache for authz tokens received from the master. A client will receive an
// authz token upon opening the table and put it into the cache. A subsequent
// operation that requires an authz token (e.g. writes, scans) will fetch it
// from the cache and attach it to the operation request. If the tserver
// responds with an error indicating that the client needs a new token,
// 'RetrieveNewAuthzToken' can be used to do so.
// This class is thread-safe.
class AuthzTokenCache {
typedef std::pair<scoped_refptr<RetrieveAuthzTokenRpc>,
std::vector<StatusCallback>> RpcAndCallbacks;
// Adds an authz token to the cache for 'table_id', replacing any that
// previously existed.
void Put(const std::string& table_id,
security::SignedTokenPB authz_token);
// Fetches an authz token from the cache for 'table_id', returning true if
// one exists and false otherwise.
// Since clients may not have the same time-keeping guarantees that servers
// do, nor do they have private keys with which to validate tokens, no
// checking is done to verify the expiration or validity of the returned
// token. Such validation is delegated to the tservers and returned to the
// client via error to retrieve new tokens as appropriate.
bool Fetch(const std::string& table_id, security::SignedTokenPB* authz_token);
// Runs 'callback' asynchronously after retrieving a new authz token for
// 'table's ID and putting it in the cache. This method handles retries,
// leader-finding, and concurrent RPCs for the same table.
// Callers should expect 'callback' to be run with Status::OK if a token was
// successfully retrieved from the master, and with an error otherwise.
void RetrieveNewAuthzToken(const KuduTable* table,
StatusCallback callback,
MonoTime deadline);
friend class RetrieveAuthzTokenRpc;
// Callback to run upon receiving a response for a RetrieveNewAuthzTokenRpc.
// This will handle the 'status' and call the pending callbacks for the RPC
// as appropriate.
void RetrievedNewAuthzTokenCb(const std::string& table_id,
const Status& status);
// Protects 'authz_tokens_'.
simple_spinlock token_lock_;
// Protects 'authz_rpcs_'.
simple_spinlock rpc_lock_;
// Authorization tokens stored for each table, indexed by the table ID. Note
// that these may be expired, and it is up to the users of the cache to
// refresh tokens upon learning of their expiration.
// Protected by 'token_lock_'.
std::unordered_map<std::string, security::SignedTokenPB> authz_tokens_;
// Map from a table ID to the in-flight RPC to retrieve an authz token for
// it and the callbacks to run upon receiving its response.
// Protected by 'rpc_lock_'.
std::unordered_map<std::string, RpcAndCallbacks> authz_rpcs_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace client
} // namespace kudu