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= Kudu-Spark example README
:author: Kudu Team
This is an example program that uses the Kudu-Spark integration to:
- Create a table
- Insert some rows
- Upsert some rows
- Scan some rows
** Scan rows using RDD/DataFrame methods
** Scan rows using SparkSQL
- Delete the table
To build the example, ensure maven is installed and execute
the following from the 'spark-example' directory. This will create a Spark
application jar in the 'target' directory:
$ mvn package
To configure the kudu-spark example, there are two Java system properties
- kuduMasters: A comma-separated list of Kudu master RPC endpoints, where
each endpoint is in form '<HostName|IPAddress>[:PortNumber]' (the port number
by default is 7051 if not specified).
Default: 'localhost:7051'.
- tableName: The name of the table to use for the example program. This
table should not exist in Kudu. Default: 'spark_test'.
The application can be run using `spark-submit`. For example, to run the
example against a Spark cluster running on YARN with Kudu masters at nodes
master1, master2, master3, use a command like the following:
$ spark-submit \
--class org.apache.kudu.spark.examples.SparkExample \
--master yarn \
--driver-java-options \
'-DkuduMasters=master1,master2,master3 -DtableName=test_table' \
You will need the Kudu cluster to be up and running and Spark correctly
configured for the example to work.