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= Apache Kudu Quickstart
:author: Kudu Team
:imagesdir: ./images
:icons: font
:toc: left
:toclevels: 2
:doctype: book
:backend: html5
Follow these instructions to set up and run a local Kudu Cluster using Docker,
and get started using Apache Kudu in minutes.
NOTE: This is intended for demonstration purposes only and shouldn't
be used for production or performance/scale testing.
== Install Docker
Follow the Docker link:[install documentation]
to install docker in your Linux, Mac, or Windows environment.
Configure the Docker install to have enough resources to run the quickstart guides.
- link:[Docker for Mac Resource Configuration Guide]
A minimum configuration that can run all the quickstart examples comfortably is:
- 4 CPUs
- 6 GB Memory
- 50 GB Disk
NOTE: You can likely get by with a lower resource configuration, but you may lose some performance and stability.
You may also want to read through the Docker getting started guide, but that isn't a requirement.
== Clone the Repository
Clone the Apache Kudu repository using Git and change to the `kudu` directory:
git clone
cd kudu
== Start the Quickstart Cluster
Set the `KUDU_QUICKSTART_IP` environment variable to your ip address:
export KUDU_QUICKSTART_IP=$(ifconfig | grep "inet " | grep -Fv | awk '{print $2}' | tail -1)
=== Bring up the Cluster
Then use `docker-compose` to start a cluster with 3 master servers and 5 tablet servers.
When inside the docker network/containers the master addresses will be
`kudu-master-1:7051,kudu-master-2:7151,kudu-master-3:7251` and when on the host machine
you can specify the master addresses with `localhost:7051,localhost:7151,localhost:7251`.
docker-compose -f docker/quickstart.yml up -d
NOTE: You can remove the `-d` flag to run the cluster in the foreground.
=== View the Web-UI
Once the cluster is started you can view the master web-ui by visiting link:localhost:8050[localhost:8050].
=== Check the cluster health
Use the command below to get a bash shell in the `kudu-master-1` container:
docker exec -it $(docker ps -aqf "name=kudu-master-1") /bin/bash
You can now run the Kudu `ksck` tool to verify the cluster is healthy:
kudu cluster ksck kudu-master-1:7051,kudu-master-2:7151,kudu-master-3:7251
Alternatively, if you have a kudu binary available on your host machine,
you can run `ksck` there via:
export KUDU_USER_NAME=kudu
kudu cluster ksck localhost:7051,localhost:7151,localhost:7251
NOTE: Setting `KUDU_USER_NAME=kudu` simplifies using Kudu from various user
accounts in a non-secure environment.
== Running a Brief Example
Now that a Kudu cluster is up and running, examples and integrations can be
run against the cluster. The commands below run the `java-example` against
the quickstart cluster:
export KUDU_USER_NAME=kudu
cd examples/java/java-example
mvn package
java -DkuduMasters=localhost:7051,localhost:7151,localhost:7251 -jar target/kudu-java-example-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
== More Examples
More complete walkthroughs using the quickstart Kudu cluster can be found in the
`examples/quickstart` directory. For convenience you can browse them on
- link:[NiFi Quickstart Guide]
- link:[Spark Quickstart Guide]
- link:[Impala Quickstart Guide]
== Destroying the Cluster
Once you are done with the quickstart cluster you can shutdown in a couple of ways.
If you ran `docker-compose` without the `-d` flag, you can use `ctrl + c` to
stop the cluster.
If you ran `docker-compose` with the `-d` flag, you can use the following to
gracefully shutdown the cluster:
docker-compose -f docker/quickstart.yml down
Another alternative is to stop all of the Kudu containers via:
docker stop $(docker ps -aqf "name=kudu")
If you want to remove the cluster state you can also remove the docker
containers and volumes via:
docker rm $(docker ps -aqf "name=kudu")
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls --filter name=kudu -q)
== Troubleshooting
=== Viewing the logs
To view the logs you can use the `docker logs` command. Below is an example
that will show the logs one of the tablet servers:
docker logs $(docker ps -aqf "name=kudu-tserver-1")
=== Changing the Kudu version
To change the version of Kudu Docker images used you can override the default value
of `latest` by setting the `KUDU_QUICKSTART_VERSION` environment variable.
=== Changing the Kudu configuration
To change the configuration flags passed to the master and tablet servers you
can edit the `docker/quickstart.yml` file before starting the cluster.
=== Killing a Kudu master
Due to link:[KUDU-1620] master hosts
are always expected to be reachable.
== Next Steps
- link:installation.html[Installing Kudu]
- link:configuration.html[Configuring Kudu]