blob: c8e0adf60450ceeeaacd0256b457af535e5024ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// Override various libdl functions which can race with libunwind.
// The overridden versions set a threadlocal variable and our
// stack-tracing code checks the threadlocal before calling into
// libunwind.
// Based on public domain code by Aliaksey Kandratsenka at
#include "kudu/util/debug/unwind_safeness.h"
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <ostream>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#define CALL_ORIG(func_name, ...) \
((decltype(&func_name))g_orig_ ## func_name)(__VA_ARGS__)
// Don't hook dl_iterate_phdr in TSAN builds since TSAN already instruments this
// function and blocks signals while calling it. And skip it for macOS; it
// doesn't exist there.
#if !defined(THREAD_SANITIZER) && !defined(__APPLE__)
typedef int (*dl_iterate_phdr_cbtype)(struct dl_phdr_info *, size_t, void *);
namespace {
// Whether InitializeIfNecessary() has been called.
bool g_initted;
// The original versions of our wrapped functions.
void* g_orig_dlopen;
void* g_orig_dlclose;
void* g_orig_dl_iterate_phdr;
// The depth of calls into libdl.
__thread int g_unsafeness_depth;
// Scoped helper to track the recursion depth of calls into libdl
struct ScopedBumpDepth {
ScopedBumpDepth() {
~ScopedBumpDepth() {
void *dlsym_or_die(const char *sym) {
void* ret = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, sym);
char* error = dlerror();
CHECK(!error) << "failed to find symbol " << sym << ": " << error;
return ret;
// Initialize the global variables which store the original references. This is
// set up as a constructor so that we're guaranteed to call this before main()
// while we are still single-threaded.
// NOTE: We _also_ call explicitly this from each of the wrappers, because
// there are some cases where the constructors of dynamic libraries may call
// dlopen, and there is no guarantee that our own constructor runs before
// the constructor of other libraries.
// A couple examples of the above:
// 1) In ASAN builds, the sanitizer runtime ends up calling dl_iterate_phdr from its
// initialization.
// 2) OpenSSL in FIPS mode calls dlopen() within its constructor.
void InitIfNecessary() {
// Dynamic library initialization is always single-threaded, so there's no
// need for any synchronization here.
if (g_initted) return;
g_orig_dlopen = dlsym_or_die("dlopen");
g_orig_dlclose = dlsym_or_die("dlclose");
// Failing to hook dl_iterate_phdr is non-fatal.
// In toolchains where the linker is passed --as-needed by default, a
// dynamically linked binary that doesn't directly reference any kudu_util
// symbols will omit a DT_NEEDED entry for kudu_util. Such a binary will
// no doubt emit a DT_NEEDED entry for libc, which means libc will wind up
// _before_ kudu_util in dlsym's search order. The net effect: the dlsym()
// call below will fail.
// All Ubuntu releases since Natty[1] behave in this way, except that many
// of them are also vulnerable to a glibc bug[2] that'll cause such a
// failure to go unreported by dlerror(). In newer releases, the failure
// is reported and dlsym_or_die() crashes the process.
// Given that the subset of affected binaries is small, and given that
// dynamic linkage isn't used in production anyway, we'll just treat the
// hook attempt as a best effort. Affected binaries that actually attempt
// to invoke dl_iterate_phdr will dereference a null pointer and crash, so
// if this is ever becomes a problem, we'll know right away.a
// 1.
// 2.
g_orig_dl_iterate_phdr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "dl_iterate_phdr");
g_initted = true;
} // anonymous namespace
namespace kudu {
namespace debug {
bool SafeToUnwindStack() {
return g_unsafeness_depth == 0;
} // namespace debug
} // namespace kudu
extern "C" {
void *dlopen(const char *filename, int flag) { // NOLINT
ScopedBumpDepth d;
return CALL_ORIG(dlopen, filename, flag);
int dlclose(void *handle) { // NOLINT
ScopedBumpDepth d;
return CALL_ORIG(dlclose, handle);
int dl_iterate_phdr(dl_iterate_phdr_cbtype callback, void *data) { // NOLINT
ScopedBumpDepth d;
return CALL_ORIG(dl_iterate_phdr, callback, data);