blob: 5f4305fb18e412fbbbd30da4bf9ae1a42b488cd8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "kudu/gutil/threading/thread_collision_warner.h"
#ifdef __linux__
#include <syscall.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <ostream>
#include <glog/logging.h>
namespace base {
void DCheckAsserter::warn(int64_t previous_thread_id, int64_t current_thread_id) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Thread Collision! Previous thread id: " << previous_thread_id
<< ", current thread id: " << current_thread_id;
#if 0
// Original source from Chromium -- we didn't import their threading library
// into Kudu source as of yet
static subtle::Atomic32 CurrentThread() {
const PlatformThreadId current_thread_id = PlatformThread::CurrentId();
// We need to get the thread id into an atomic data type. This might be a
// truncating conversion, but any loss-of-information just increases the
// chance of a fault negative, not a false positive.
const subtle::Atomic32 atomic_thread_id =
return atomic_thread_id;
static subtle::Atomic64 CurrentThread() {
#if defined(__APPLE__)
uint64_t tid;
CHECK_EQ(0, pthread_threadid_np(NULL, &tid));
return tid;
#elif defined(__linux__)
return syscall(__NR_gettid);
void ThreadCollisionWarner::EnterSelf() {
// If the active thread is 0 then I'll write the current thread ID
// if two or more threads arrive here only one will succeed to
// write on valid_thread_id_ the current thread ID.
subtle::Atomic64 current_thread_id = CurrentThread();
int64_t previous_thread_id = subtle::NoBarrier_CompareAndSwap(&valid_thread_id_,
if (previous_thread_id != 0 && previous_thread_id != current_thread_id) {
// gotcha! a thread is trying to use the same class and that is
// not current thread.
asserter_->warn(previous_thread_id, current_thread_id);
subtle::NoBarrier_AtomicIncrement(&counter_, 1);
void ThreadCollisionWarner::Enter() {
subtle::Atomic64 current_thread_id = CurrentThread();
int64_t previous_thread_id = subtle::NoBarrier_CompareAndSwap(&valid_thread_id_,
if (previous_thread_id != 0) {
// gotcha! another thread is trying to use the same class.
asserter_->warn(previous_thread_id, current_thread_id);
subtle::NoBarrier_AtomicIncrement(&counter_, 1);
void ThreadCollisionWarner::Leave() {
if (subtle::Barrier_AtomicIncrement(&counter_, -1) == 0) {
subtle::NoBarrier_Store(&valid_thread_id_, 0);
} // namespace base