[webserver-test] fix one of SpnegoWebserverTest scenarios on macOS

This patch updates SpnegoWebserverTest.TestUnauthenticatedBadKeytab
scenario to adapt to different failure paths on Linux and macOS.
The important invariant stays firm in both cases, though: the server
should respond with HTTP 401.

Change-Id: Ic0da58c9762496446a63d217d8822150fb341b35
Reviewed-on: http://gerrit.cloudera.org:8080/16465
Tested-by: Kudu Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Grant Henke <granthenke@apache.org>
diff --git a/src/kudu/server/webserver-test.cc b/src/kudu/server/webserver-test.cc
index ddbe079..f709a8b 100644
--- a/src/kudu/server/webserver-test.cc
+++ b/src/kudu/server/webserver-test.cc
@@ -221,7 +221,21 @@
   Status s = DoSpnegoCurl();
   EXPECT_EQ(s.ToString(), "Remote error: HTTP 401");
   EXPECT_EQ(kNotAuthn, last_authenticated_spn_);
-  EXPECT_STR_CONTAINS(buf_.ToString(), "GSS failure");
+  // The essence here is to get HTTP 401 error status in the server's response.
+  // There might be different messages returned from webserver because of
+  //   * different messages from GSSAPI on Linux and macOS (actually depends
+  //     on the version of SASL library, see kGssapiPattern in CleanSaslError())
+  //   * different GSSAPI failure paths depending on libkrb5 and libcurl
+  //     libraries: with the randomized keytab, the server fails with SASL step
+  //     with Status::Incomplete() on macOS. On Linux, the server fails the
+  //     SASL step with Status::NotAuthorized(). Instead of finding some
+  //     universal way of screwing up the keytab to get the same behavior on
+  //     both macOS and Linux, it's easier to rely on the fact that the required
+  //     HTTP error code is received and acknowledge for various error messages.
+  ASSERT_STR_MATCHES(buf_.ToString(),
+                     "(Unspecified GSS failure|"
+                     "GSSAPI Error: Miscellaneous failure|"
+                     "Must authenticate with SPNEGO)");
 TEST_F(SpnegoWebserverTest, TestUnauthenticatedNoClientAuth) {