blob: ddf2f95a7f84323262f77a76ffb6cf44e630fc0f [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// Copied from Impala and adapted to Kudu.
#include "kudu/util/thread.h"
#if defined(__linux__)
#include <sys/prctl.h>
#endif // defined(__linux__)
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstring>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <sstream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "kudu/gutil/atomicops.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/dynamic_annotations.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/map-util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/mathlimits.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/once.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/port.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/util/easy_json.h"
#include "kudu/util/env.h"
#include "kudu/util/flag_tags.h"
#include "kudu/util/kernel_stack_watchdog.h"
#include "kudu/util/locks.h"
#include "kudu/util/logging.h"
#include "kudu/util/metrics.h"
#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
#include "kudu/util/os-util.h"
#include "kudu/util/scoped_cleanup.h"
#include "kudu/util/stopwatch.h"
#include "kudu/util/trace.h"
#include "kudu/util/url-coding.h"
#include "kudu/util/web_callback_registry.h"
using std::ostringstream;
using std::pair;
using std::shared_ptr;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using std::unordered_map;
using strings::Substitute;
METRIC_DEFINE_gauge_uint64(server, threads_started,
"Threads Started",
"Total number of threads started on this server",
METRIC_DEFINE_gauge_uint64(server, threads_running,
"Threads Running",
"Current number of running threads",
METRIC_DEFINE_gauge_uint64(server, cpu_utime,
"User CPU Time",
"Total user CPU time of the process",
METRIC_DEFINE_gauge_uint64(server, cpu_stime,
"System CPU Time",
"Total system CPU time of the process",
METRIC_DEFINE_gauge_uint64(server, voluntary_context_switches,
"Voluntary Context Switches",
"Total voluntary context switches",
METRIC_DEFINE_gauge_uint64(server, involuntary_context_switches,
"Involuntary Context Switches",
"Total involuntary context switches",
DEFINE_int32(thread_inject_start_latency_ms, 0,
"Number of ms to sleep when starting a new thread. (For tests).");
TAG_FLAG(thread_inject_start_latency_ms, hidden);
TAG_FLAG(thread_inject_start_latency_ms, unsafe);
namespace kudu {
static uint64_t GetCpuUTime() {
struct rusage ru;
CHECK_ERR(getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru));
return ru.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000UL + ru.ru_utime.tv_usec / 1000UL;
static uint64_t GetCpuSTime() {
struct rusage ru;
CHECK_ERR(getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru));
return ru.ru_stime.tv_sec * 1000UL + ru.ru_stime.tv_usec / 1000UL;
static uint64_t GetVoluntaryContextSwitches() {
struct rusage ru;
CHECK_ERR(getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru));
return ru.ru_nvcsw;
static uint64_t GetInVoluntaryContextSwitches() {
struct rusage ru;
CHECK_ERR(getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru));
return ru.ru_nivcsw;
class ThreadMgr;
__thread Thread* Thread::tls_ = nullptr;
// Singleton instance of ThreadMgr. Only visible in this file, used only by Thread.
// The Thread class adds a reference to thread_manager while it is supervising a thread so
// that a race between the end of the process's main thread (and therefore the destruction
// of thread_manager) and the end of a thread that tries to remove itself from the
// manager after the destruction can be avoided.
static shared_ptr<ThreadMgr> thread_manager;
// Controls the single (lazy) initialization of thread_manager.
static GoogleOnceType once = GOOGLE_ONCE_INIT;
// A singleton class that tracks all live threads, and groups them together for easy
// auditing. Used only by Thread.
class ThreadMgr {
: threads_started_metric_(0),
threads_running_metric_(0) {
~ThreadMgr() {
static void SetThreadName(const string& name, int64_t tid);
Status StartInstrumentation(const scoped_refptr<MetricEntity>& metrics,
WebCallbackRegistry* web) const;
// Registers a thread to the supplied category. The key is a pthread_t,
// not the system TID, since pthread_t is less prone to being recycled.
void AddThread(const pthread_t& pthread_id, const string& name, const string& category,
int64_t tid);
// Removes a thread from the supplied category. If the thread has
// already been removed, this is a no-op.
void RemoveThread(const pthread_t& pthread_id, const string& category);
// Metric callback for number of threads running. Also used for error messages.
uint64_t ReadThreadsRunning() const;
// Container class for any details we want to capture about a thread
// TODO: Add start-time.
// TODO: Track fragment ID.
class ThreadDescriptor {
ThreadDescriptor() { }
ThreadDescriptor(string category, string name, int64_t thread_id)
: name_(std::move(name)),
thread_id_(thread_id) {}
const string& name() const { return name_; }
const string& category() const { return category_; }
int64_t thread_id() const { return thread_id_; }
struct Comparator {
bool operator()(const ThreadDescriptor& rhs, const ThreadDescriptor& lhs) const {
return <;
string name_;
string category_;
int64_t thread_id_;
struct ThreadIdHash {
size_t operator()(pthread_t thread_id) const noexcept {
return std::hash<pthread_t>()(thread_id);
struct ThreadIdEqual {
bool operator()(pthread_t lhs, pthread_t rhs) const {
return pthread_equal(lhs, rhs) != 0;
// A ThreadCategory is a set of threads that are logically related.
typedef unordered_map<const pthread_t, ThreadDescriptor,
ThreadIdHash, ThreadIdEqual> ThreadCategory;
// All thread categories, keyed on the category name.
typedef unordered_map<string, ThreadCategory> ThreadCategoryMap;
// Protects thread_categories_ and thread metrics.
mutable rw_spinlock lock_;
// All thread categories that ever contained a thread, even if empty.
ThreadCategoryMap thread_categories_;
// Counters to track all-time total number of threads, and the
// current number of running threads.
uint64_t threads_started_metric_;
uint64_t threads_running_metric_;
// Metric callback for number of threads started.
uint64_t ReadThreadsStarted() const;
// Webpage callback; prints all threads by category.
void ThreadPathHandler(const WebCallbackRegistry::WebRequest& req,
WebCallbackRegistry::WebResponse* resp) const;
void SummarizeThreadDescriptor(const ThreadDescriptor& desc,
EasyJson* output) const;
void ThreadMgr::SetThreadName(const string& name, int64_t tid) {
// On linux we can get the thread names to show up in the debugger by setting
// the process name for the LWP. We don't want to do this for the main
// thread because that would rename the process, causing tools like killall
// to stop working.
if (tid == getpid()) {
#if defined(__linux__)
// Set the name for the LWP (which gets truncated to 15 characters).
// Note that glibc also has a 'pthread_setname_np' api, but it may not be
// available everywhere and it's only benefit over using prctl directly is
// that it can set the name of threads other than the current thread.
int err = prctl(PR_SET_NAME, name.c_str());
int err = pthread_setname_np(name.c_str());
#endif // defined(__linux__)
// We expect EPERM failures in sandboxed processes, just ignore those.
if (err < 0 && errno != EPERM) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "SetThreadName";
Status ThreadMgr::StartInstrumentation(const scoped_refptr<MetricEntity>& metrics,
WebCallbackRegistry* web) const {
// Use function gauges here so that we can register a unique copy of these metrics in
// multiple tservers, even though the ThreadMgr is itself a singleton.
metrics, [this]() { return this->ReadThreadsStarted(); }));
metrics, [this]() { return this->ReadThreadsRunning(); }));
metrics, []() { return GetCpuUTime(); }));
metrics, []() { return GetCpuSTime(); }));
metrics, []() { return GetVoluntaryContextSwitches(); }));
metrics, []() { return GetInVoluntaryContextSwitches(); }));
if (web) {
"/threadz", "Threads", [this](const WebCallbackRegistry::WebRequest& req,
WebCallbackRegistry::WebResponse* resp) {
this->ThreadPathHandler(req, resp);
/* is_styled= */ true,
/* is_on_nav_bar= */ true);
return Status::OK();
uint64_t ThreadMgr::ReadThreadsStarted() const {
shared_lock<decltype(lock_)> l(lock_);
return threads_started_metric_;
uint64_t ThreadMgr::ReadThreadsRunning() const {
shared_lock<decltype(lock_)> l(lock_);
return threads_running_metric_;
void ThreadMgr::AddThread(const pthread_t& pthread_id, const string& name,
const string& category, int64_t tid) {
// These annotations cause TSAN to ignore the synchronization on lock_
// without causing the subsequent mutations to be treated as data races
// in and of themselves (that's what IGNORE_READS_AND_WRITES does).
// Why do we need them here and in SuperviseThread()? TSAN operates by
// observing synchronization events and using them to establish "happens
// before" relationships between threads. Where these relationships are
// not built, shared state access constitutes a data race. The
// synchronization events here, in RemoveThread(), and in
// SuperviseThread() may cause TSAN to establish a "happens before"
// relationship between thread functors, ignoring potential data races.
// The annotations prevent this from happening.
// NOTE: Not using EmplaceOrDie() here -- that's because in environments
// where fork() is called after some threads have been spawned, child
// processes will inadvertently inherit the contents of the thread
// registry (i.e. the entries in the thread_categories_ container).
// For some platforms, pthread_t handles for threads in different
// processes might be the same, so using EmplaceOrDie() would induce
// a crash when ThreadMgr::AddThread() is called for a new thread
// in the child process.
// TODO(aserbin): maybe, keep the thread_categories_ registry not in a
// global static container, but bind the container with the life cycle
// of some top-level object that uses the ThreadMgr as a singleton.
std::lock_guard<decltype(lock_)> l(lock_);
thread_categories_[category][pthread_id] =
ThreadDescriptor(category, name, tid);
void ThreadMgr::RemoveThread(const pthread_t& pthread_id, const string& category) {
std::lock_guard<decltype(lock_)> l(lock_);
auto& threads = FindOrDie(thread_categories_, category);
auto num_erased = threads.erase(pthread_id);
CHECK_EQ(1, num_erased);
void ThreadMgr::SummarizeThreadDescriptor(const ThreadDescriptor& desc,
EasyJson* output) const {
ThreadStats stats;
Status status = GetThreadStats(desc.thread_id(), &stats);
if (!status.ok()) {
KLOG_EVERY_N(INFO, 100) << "Could not get per-thread statistics: "
<< status.ToString();
EasyJson thr = output->PushBack(EasyJson::kObject);
thr["thread_name"] =;
thr["user_sec"] = static_cast<double>(stats.user_ns) / 1e9;
thr["kernel_sec"] = static_cast<double>(stats.kernel_ns) / 1e9;
thr["iowait_sec"] = static_cast<double>(stats.iowait_ns) / 1e9;
void ThreadMgr::ThreadPathHandler(const WebCallbackRegistry::WebRequest& req,
WebCallbackRegistry::WebResponse* resp) const {
EasyJson& output = resp->output;
const auto* category_name = FindOrNull(req.parsed_args, "group");
if (category_name) {
// List all threads belonging to the desired thread group.
bool requested_all = *category_name == "all";
EasyJson rtg = output.Set("requested_thread_group", EasyJson::kObject);
rtg["group_name"] = EscapeForHtmlToString(*category_name);
rtg["requested_all"] = requested_all;
// The critical section is as short as possible so as to minimize the delay
// imposed on new threads that acquire the lock in write mode.
vector<ThreadDescriptor> descriptors_to_print;
if (!requested_all) {
shared_lock<decltype(lock_)> l(lock_);
const auto* category = FindOrNull(thread_categories_, *category_name);
if (!category) {
for (const auto& elem : *category) {
} else {
shared_lock<decltype(lock_)> l(lock_);
for (const auto& category : thread_categories_) {
for (const auto& elem : category.second) {
EasyJson found = rtg.Set("found", EasyJson::kObject);
EasyJson threads = found.Set("threads", EasyJson::kArray);
for (const auto& desc : descriptors_to_print) {
SummarizeThreadDescriptor(desc, &threads);
} else {
// List all thread groups and the number of threads running in each.
vector<pair<string, uint64_t>> thread_categories_info;
uint64_t running;
// See comment above regarding short critical sections.
shared_lock<decltype(lock_)> l(lock_);
running = threads_running_metric_;
for (const auto& category : thread_categories_) {
thread_categories_info.emplace_back(category.first, category.second.size());
output["total_threads_running"] = running;
EasyJson groups = output.Set("groups", EasyJson::kArray);
for (const auto& elem : thread_categories_info) {
string category_arg;
if (WebCallbackRegistry::IsProxiedViaKnox(req)) {
// Knox encodes query parameter values when it rewrites HTTP responses.
// If we also encoded, we'd end up with broken URLs. For example, we'd
// encode the query parameter 'group=service pool' to
// 'group=service%20pool', then Knox would encode it again to
// 'group=service%2520pool'.
category_arg = elem.first;
} else {
UrlEncode(elem.first, &category_arg);
EasyJson g = groups.PushBack(EasyJson::kObject);
g["encoded_group_name"] = category_arg;
g["group_name"] = elem.first;
g["threads_running"] = elem.second;
static void InitThreading() {
thread_manager.reset(new ThreadMgr());
Status StartThreadInstrumentation(const scoped_refptr<MetricEntity>& server_metrics,
WebCallbackRegistry* web) {
GoogleOnceInit(&once, &InitThreading);
return thread_manager->StartInstrumentation(server_metrics, web);
ThreadJoiner::ThreadJoiner(Thread* thr)
: thread_(CHECK_NOTNULL(thr)),
give_up_after_ms_(kDefaultGiveUpAfterMs) {
ThreadJoiner& ThreadJoiner::warn_after_ms(int ms) {
warn_after_ms_ = ms;
return *this;
ThreadJoiner& ThreadJoiner::warn_every_ms(int ms) {
warn_every_ms_ = ms;
return *this;
ThreadJoiner& ThreadJoiner::give_up_after_ms(int ms) {
give_up_after_ms_ = ms;
return *this;
Status ThreadJoiner::Join() {
if (Thread::current_thread() &&
Thread::current_thread()->tid() == thread_->tid()) {
return Status::InvalidArgument("Can't join on own thread", thread_->name_);
// Early exit: double join is a no-op.
if (!thread_->joinable_) {
return Status::OK();
int waited_ms = 0;
bool keep_trying = true;
while (keep_trying) {
if (waited_ms >= warn_after_ms_) {
LOG(WARNING) << Substitute("Waited for $0ms trying to join with $1 (tid $2)",
waited_ms, thread_->name_, thread_->tid_);
int remaining_before_giveup = MathLimits<int>::kMax;
if (give_up_after_ms_ != -1) {
remaining_before_giveup = give_up_after_ms_ - waited_ms;
int remaining_before_next_warn = warn_every_ms_;
if (waited_ms < warn_after_ms_) {
remaining_before_next_warn = warn_after_ms_ - waited_ms;
if (remaining_before_giveup < remaining_before_next_warn) {
keep_trying = false;
int wait_for = std::min(remaining_before_giveup, remaining_before_next_warn);
if (thread_->done_.WaitFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(wait_for))) {
// Unconditionally join before returning, to guarantee that any TLS
// has been destroyed (pthread_key_create() destructors only run
// after a pthread's user method has returned).
int ret = pthread_join(thread_->thread_, nullptr);
CHECK_EQ(ret, 0);
thread_->joinable_ = false;
return Status::OK();
waited_ms += wait_for;
return Status::Aborted(strings::Substitute("Timed out after $0ms joining on $1",
waited_ms, thread_->name_));
Thread::~Thread() {
if (joinable_) {
int ret = pthread_detach(thread_);
CHECK_EQ(ret, 0);
string Thread::ToString() const {
return Substitute("Thread $0 (name: \"$1\", category: \"$2\")", tid(), name_, category_);
int64_t Thread::WaitForTid() const {
const string log_prefix = Substitute("$0 ($1) ", name_, category_);
"waiting for new thread to publish its TID");
int loop_count = 0;
while (true) {
int64_t t = Acquire_Load(&tid_);
if (t != PARENT_WAITING_TID) return t;
Status Thread::StartThread(string category, string name,
std::function<void()> functor, uint64_t flags,
scoped_refptr<Thread> *holder) {
TRACE_COUNTER_INCREMENT("threads_started", 1);
GoogleOnceInit(&once, &InitThreading);
const string log_prefix = Substitute("$0 ($1) ", name, category);
SCOPED_LOG_SLOW_EXECUTION_PREFIX(WARNING, 500 /* ms */, log_prefix, "starting thread");
// Temporary reference for the duration of this function.
scoped_refptr<Thread> t(new Thread(
std::move(category), std::move(name), std::move(functor)));
// Optional, and only set if the thread was successfully created.
// We have to set this before we even start the thread because it's
// allowed for the thread functor to access 'holder'.
if (holder) {
*holder = t;
// Add a reference count to the thread since SuperviseThread() needs to
// access the thread object, and we have no guarantee that our caller
// won't drop the reference as soon as we return. This is dereferenced
// in FinishThread().
auto cleanup = MakeScopedCleanup([&]() {
// If we failed to create the thread, we need to undo all of our prep work.
t->tid_ = INVALID_TID;
if (PREDICT_FALSE(FLAGS_thread_inject_start_latency_ms > 0)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Injecting " << FLAGS_thread_inject_start_latency_ms << "ms sleep on thread start";
SCOPED_LOG_SLOW_EXECUTION_PREFIX(WARNING, 500 /* ms */, log_prefix, "creating pthread");
int ret = pthread_create(&t->thread_, nullptr, &Thread::SuperviseThread, t.get());
if (ret) {
string msg = "";
if (ret == EAGAIN) {
uint64_t rlimit_nproc = Env::Default()->GetResourceLimit(
uint64_t num_threads = thread_manager->ReadThreadsRunning();
msg = Substitute(" ($0 Kudu-managed threads running in this process, "
"$1 max processes allowed for current user)",
num_threads, rlimit_nproc);
return Status::RuntimeError(Substitute("Could not create thread$0", msg), strerror(ret), ret);
// The thread has been created and is now joinable.
// Why set this in the parent and not the child? Because only the parent
// (or someone communicating with the parent) can join, so joinable must
// be set before the parent returns.
t->joinable_ = true;
VLOG(2) << Substitute("Started thread $0 - $1: $2", t->tid(), t->category(), t->name());
return Status::OK();
void* Thread::SuperviseThread(void* arg) {
Thread* t = static_cast<Thread*>(arg);
int64_t system_tid = Thread::CurrentThreadId();
PCHECK(system_tid != -1);
// Take an additional reference to the thread manager, which we'll need below.
shared_ptr<ThreadMgr> thread_mgr_ref = thread_manager;
// Set up the TLS.
// We could store a scoped_refptr in the TLS itself, but as its
// lifecycle is poorly defined, we'll use a bare pointer. We
// already incremented the reference count in StartThread.
Thread::tls_ = t;
// Publish our tid to 'tid_', which unblocks any callers waiting in
// WaitForTid().
Release_Store(&t->tid_, system_tid);
string name = strings::Substitute("$0-$1", t->name(), system_tid);
thread_manager->SetThreadName(name, t->tid_);
thread_manager->AddThread(pthread_self(), name, t->category(), t->tid_);
// FinishThread() is guaranteed to run (even if functor_ throws an
// exception) because pthread_cleanup_push() creates a scoped object
// whose destructor invokes the provided callback.
pthread_cleanup_push(&Thread::FinishThread, t);
return nullptr;
void Thread::FinishThread(void* arg) {
Thread* t = static_cast<Thread*>(arg);
// We're here either because of the explicit pthread_cleanup_pop() in
// SuperviseThread() or through pthread_exit(). In either case,
// thread_manager is guaranteed to be live because thread_mgr_ref in
// SuperviseThread() is still live.
thread_manager->RemoveThread(pthread_self(), t->category());
// Signal any Joiner that we're done.
VLOG(2) << "Ended thread " << t->tid_ << " - " << t->category() << ":" << t->name();
// NOTE: the above 'Release' call could be the last reference to 'this',
// so 'this' could be destructed at this point. Do not add any code
// following here!
} // namespace kudu