blob: dd71750a40b351ca32c14c53e2c37322201bea53 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "kudu/util/bitmap.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/join.h"
#include "kudu/util/faststring.h"
#include "kudu/util/random.h"
#include "kudu/util/random_util.h"
namespace kudu {
static void ReadBackBitmap(uint8_t *bm, size_t bits,
std::vector<size_t> *result) {
ForEachSetBit(bm, bits, [&](size_t b) {
TEST(TestBitMap, TestIteration) {
uint8_t bm[8];
memset(bm, 0, sizeof(bm));
BitmapSet(bm, 0);
BitmapSet(bm, 8);
BitmapSet(bm, 31);
BitmapSet(bm, 32);
BitmapSet(bm, 33);
BitmapSet(bm, 63);
EXPECT_EQ(" 0: 10000000 10000000 00000000 00000001 11000000 00000000 00000000 00000001 \n",
BitmapToString(bm, sizeof(bm) * 8));
std::vector<size_t> read_back;
ReadBackBitmap(bm, sizeof(bm)*8, &read_back);
ASSERT_EQ("0,8,31,32,33,63", JoinElements(read_back, ","));
TEST(TestBitMap, TestIteration2) {
uint8_t bm[1];
memset(bm, 0, sizeof(bm));
BitmapSet(bm, 1);
std::vector<size_t> read_back;
ReadBackBitmap(bm, 3, &read_back);
ASSERT_EQ("1", JoinElements(read_back, ","));
struct RandomBitmap {
RandomBitmap(int n_bits, double set_ratio) {
Random r(GetRandomSeed32());
for (int i = 0; i < n_bits; i++) {
bool set = r.NextDoubleFraction() < set_ratio;
BitmapChange(, i, set);
if (set) {
faststring bm;
std::set<int> set_bits;
TEST(TestBitMap, TestIterationRandom) {
Random r(GetRandomSeed32());
const auto kNumBits = 1 + r.Uniform(100);
RandomBitmap bm(kNumBits, r.NextDoubleFraction());
std::set<int> remaining = bm.set_bits;
// Iterate over the set bits and remove them from the set. When we're
// done we should have none left in the set.
ForEachSetBit(, kNumBits,
[&](size_t b) {
EXPECT_EQ(1, remaining.erase(b));
EXPECT_EQ(remaining.size(), 0);
TEST(TestBitMap, Benchmark) {
static constexpr int kNumBits = 1000;
static constexpr int kNumTrials = 1000;
for (int frac = 0; frac <= 100; frac++) {
RandomBitmap bm(kNumBits, frac/100.0);
volatile int sink = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < kNumTrials; i++) {
int sum = 0;
ForEachSetBit(, kNumBits,
[&](size_t b) {
sum += b;
sink += sum;
TEST(TestBitMap, TestSetAndTestBits) {
uint8_t bm[1];
memset(bm, 0, sizeof(bm));
size_t num_bits = sizeof(bm) * 8;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_bits; i++) {
ASSERT_FALSE(BitmapTest(bm, i));
BitmapSet(bm, i);
ASSERT_TRUE(BitmapTest(bm, i));
BitmapClear(bm, i);
ASSERT_FALSE(BitmapTest(bm, i));
BitmapChange(bm, i, true);
ASSERT_TRUE(BitmapTest(bm, i));
BitmapChange(bm, i, false);
ASSERT_FALSE(BitmapTest(bm, i));
// Set the other bit: 01010101
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_bits; ++i) {
ASSERT_FALSE(BitmapTest(bm, i));
if (i & 1) BitmapSet(bm, i);
// Check and Clear the other bit: 0000000
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_bits; ++i) {
ASSERT_EQ(!!(i & 1), BitmapTest(bm, i));
if (i & 1) BitmapClear(bm, i);
// Check if bits are zero and change the other to one
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_bits; ++i) {
ASSERT_FALSE(BitmapTest(bm, i));
BitmapChange(bm, i, i & 1);
// Check the bits change them again
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_bits; ++i) {
ASSERT_EQ(!!(i & 1), BitmapTest(bm, i));
BitmapChange(bm, i, !(i & 1));
// Check the last setup
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_bits; ++i) {
ASSERT_EQ(!(i & 1), BitmapTest(bm, i));
TEST(TestBitMap, TestBulkSetAndTestBits) {
uint8_t bm[16];
size_t total_size = sizeof(bm) * 8;
// Test Bulk change bits and test bits
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
bool value = i & 1;
size_t num_bits = total_size;
while (num_bits > 0) {
for (size_t offset = 0; offset < num_bits; ++offset) {
BitmapChangeBits(bm, 0, total_size, !value);
BitmapChangeBits(bm, offset, num_bits - offset, value);
ASSERT_EQ(value, BitmapIsAllSet(bm, offset, num_bits));
ASSERT_EQ(!value, BitmapIsAllZero(bm, offset, num_bits));
if (offset > 1) {
ASSERT_EQ(value, BitmapIsAllZero(bm, 0, offset - 1));
ASSERT_EQ(!value, BitmapIsAllSet(bm, 0, offset - 1));
if ((offset + num_bits) < total_size) {
ASSERT_EQ(value, BitmapIsAllZero(bm, num_bits, total_size));
ASSERT_EQ(!value, BitmapIsAllSet(bm, num_bits, total_size));
TEST(TestBitMap, TestFindBit) {
uint8_t bm[16];
size_t num_bits = sizeof(bm) * 8;
BitmapChangeBits(bm, 0, num_bits, false);
while (num_bits > 0) {
for (size_t offset = 0; offset < num_bits; ++offset) {
size_t idx;
ASSERT_FALSE(BitmapFindFirstSet(bm, offset, num_bits, &idx));
ASSERT_TRUE(BitmapFindFirstZero(bm, offset, num_bits, &idx));
ASSERT_EQ(idx, offset);
num_bits = sizeof(bm) * 8;
for (int i = 0; i < num_bits; ++i) {
BitmapChange(bm, i, i & 3);
for (; num_bits > 0; num_bits--) {
for (size_t offset = 0; offset < num_bits; ++offset) {
size_t idx;
// Find a set bit
bool res = BitmapFindFirstSet(bm, offset, num_bits, &idx);
size_t expected_set_idx = (offset + !(offset & 3));
bool expect_set_found = (expected_set_idx < num_bits);
ASSERT_EQ(expect_set_found, res);
if (expect_set_found) {
ASSERT_EQ(expected_set_idx, idx);
// Find a zero bit
res = BitmapFindFirstZero(bm, offset, num_bits, &idx);
size_t expected_zero_idx = offset + ((offset & 3) ? (4 - (offset & 3)) : 0);
bool expect_zero_found = (expected_zero_idx < num_bits);
ASSERT_EQ(expect_zero_found, res);
if (expect_zero_found) {
ASSERT_EQ(expected_zero_idx, idx);
TEST(TestBitMap, TestBitmapIteration) {
uint8_t bm[8];
memset(bm, 0, sizeof(bm));
BitmapSet(bm, 0);
BitmapSet(bm, 8);
BitmapSet(bm, 31);
BitmapSet(bm, 32);
BitmapSet(bm, 33);
BitmapSet(bm, 63);
BitmapIterator biter(bm, sizeof(bm) * 8);
size_t i = 0;
size_t size;
bool value = false;
bool expected_value = true;
size_t expected_sizes[] = {1, 7, 1, 22, 3, 29, 1, 0};
while ((size = biter.Next(&value)) > 0) {
ASSERT_LT(i, 8);
ASSERT_EQ(expected_value, value);
ASSERT_EQ(expected_sizes[i], size);
expected_value = !expected_value;
ASSERT_EQ(expected_sizes[i], size);
TEST(TestBitMap, TestEquals) {
uint8_t bm1[8] = { 0 };
uint8_t bm2[8] = { 0 };
size_t num_bits = sizeof(bm1) * 8;
ASSERT_TRUE(BitmapEquals(bm1, bm2, num_bits));
// Loop over each bit starting from the end and going to the beginning. In
// each iteration, set the bit in one bitmap and verify that although the two
// bitmaps aren't equal, if we were to ignore the changed bits, they are still equal.
for (int i = num_bits - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
BitmapChange(bm1, i, true);
ASSERT_FALSE(BitmapEquals(bm1, bm2, num_bits));
ASSERT_TRUE(BitmapEquals(bm1, bm2, i));
// Now loop in the other direction, setting the second bitmap bit by bit.
// As before, if we consider the bitmaps in their entirety, they're not equal,
// but if we consider just the sequences where both are set, they are equal.
for (int i = 0; i < num_bits - 1; i++) {
BitmapChange(bm2, i, true);
ASSERT_FALSE(BitmapEquals(bm1, bm2, num_bits));
ASSERT_TRUE(BitmapEquals(bm1, bm2, i + 1));
// If we set the very last bit, both bitmaps are now equal in their entirety.
BitmapChange(bm2, num_bits - 1, true);
ASSERT_TRUE(BitmapEquals(bm1, bm2, num_bits));
// Test equality on overlapped bitmaps (i.e. a single underlying bitmap, two
// subsequences of which are considered to be two separate bitmaps).
// Set every third bit; the rest are unset.
uint8_t bm3[8] = { 0 };
for (int i = 0; i < num_bits; i += 3) {
BitmapChange(bm3, i, true);
ASSERT_TRUE(BitmapEquals(bm3, bm3, num_bits)); // fully overlapped
ASSERT_FALSE(BitmapEquals(bm3, bm3 + 1, num_bits - 8)); // off by one byte
ASSERT_TRUE(BitmapEquals(bm3, bm3 + 3, num_bits - 24)); // off by three bytes
TEST(TestBitMap, TestCopy) {
constexpr int kNumBytes = 8;
constexpr int kNumBits = kNumBytes * 8;
constexpr uint8_t kAllZeroes[kNumBytes] = { 0 };
// Byte-aligned copy with no offsets.
uint8_t res[kNumBytes];
BitmapChangeBits(res, 0, kNumBits, 1);
BitmapCopy(res, 0, kAllZeroes, 0, kNumBits);
ASSERT_TRUE(BitmapIsAllZero(res, 0, kNumBits));
// Byte-aligned copy with offsets.
uint8_t res[kNumBytes];
BitmapChangeBits(res, 0, kNumBits, 1);
ASSERT_TRUE(BitmapIsAllSet(res, 0, kNumBits));
constexpr size_t stride = kNumBits / 4;
for (int i = 0; i < kNumBits; i += stride) {
BitmapCopy(res, i, kAllZeroes, i, stride);
// The bits before the copy should reflect the copied data, while the bits
// after should reflect the original data.
ASSERT_TRUE(BitmapIsAllZero(res, 0, stride + i));
ASSERT_TRUE(BitmapIsAllSet(res, stride + i, kNumBits));
ASSERT_TRUE(BitmapIsAllZero(res, 0, kNumBits));
// Non-byte aligned; overwrite all but the first bit.
uint8_t res[kNumBytes];
BitmapChangeBits(res, 0, kNumBits, 1);
BitmapCopy(res, 1, kAllZeroes, 0, kNumBits - 1);
ASSERT_TRUE(BitmapTest(res, 0));
ASSERT_TRUE(BitmapIsAllZero(res, 1, kNumBits - 1));
// Non-byte aligned; overwrite all but the last bit.
uint8_t res[kNumBytes];
BitmapChangeBits(res, 0, kNumBits, 1);
BitmapCopy(res, 0, kAllZeroes, 1, kNumBits - 1);
ASSERT_TRUE(BitmapTest(res, kNumBits - 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(BitmapIsAllZero(res, 0, kNumBits - 1));
// Non-byte aligned; overwrite all but the first and last bits.
uint8_t res[kNumBytes];
BitmapChangeBits(res, 0, kNumBits, 1);
BitmapCopy(res, 1, kAllZeroes, 1, kNumBits - 2);
ASSERT_TRUE(BitmapTest(res, 0));
ASSERT_TRUE(BitmapTest(res, kNumBits - 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(BitmapIsAllZero(res, 1, kNumBits - 2));
#ifndef NDEBUG
TEST(TestBitMapDeathTest, TestCopyOverlap) {
uint8_t bm[2] = { 0 };
ASSERT_DEATH({ BitmapCopy(bm, 0, bm, 0, 16); },
"Source and destination overlap");
TEST(TestBitMapDeathTest, TestCopyOverlapSrcAfterDst) {
uint8_t bm[2] = { 0 };
ASSERT_DEATH({ BitmapCopy(bm, 0, bm, 1, 15); },
"Source and destination overlap");
TEST(TestBitMapDeathTest, TestCopyOverlapDstAfterSrc) {
uint8_t bm[2] = { 0 };
ASSERT_DEATH({ BitmapCopy(bm, 1, bm, 0, 15); },
"Source and destination overlap");
} // namespace kudu