blob: d592638d752df61effd8a0607c0fed29e431c74f [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <cstdio>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "kudu/client/client.h"
#include "kudu/client/schema.h"
#include "kudu/client/shared_ptr.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include "kudu/common/partition.h"
#include "kudu/common/schema.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/port.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/stl_util.h"
#include "kudu/integration-tests/cluster_itest_util.h"
#include "kudu/integration-tests/mini_cluster_fs_inspector.h"
#include "kudu/mini-cluster/external_mini_cluster.h"
#include "kudu/tools/tool_test_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/net/sockaddr.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_macros.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_util.h"
using kudu::client::KuduClient;
using kudu::client::KuduClientBuilder;
using kudu::client::KuduSchema;
using kudu::client::KuduTable;
using kudu::client::sp::shared_ptr;
using kudu::cluster::ExternalMiniCluster;
using kudu::cluster::ExternalMiniClusterOptions;
using kudu::itest::MiniClusterFsInspector;
using kudu::itest::TServerDetails;
using std::map;
using std::string;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::unordered_map;
using std::vector;
namespace kudu {
namespace tools {
class CreateTableToolTest : public KuduTest {
~CreateTableToolTest() {
virtual void TearDown() OVERRIDE {
if (cluster_) cluster_->Shutdown();
void StartExternalMiniCluster(ExternalMiniClusterOptions opts = {});
unique_ptr<ExternalMiniCluster> cluster_;
unordered_map<string, TServerDetails*> ts_map_;
unique_ptr<MiniClusterFsInspector> inspect_;
void CreateTableToolTest::StartExternalMiniCluster(ExternalMiniClusterOptions opts) {
cluster_.reset(new ExternalMiniCluster(std::move(opts)));
inspect_.reset(new MiniClusterFsInspector(cluster_.get()));
cluster_->messenger(), &ts_map_));
TEST_F(CreateTableToolTest, TestCreateTable) {
constexpr auto kReplicationFactor = 4;
ExternalMiniClusterOptions opts;
opts.num_tablet_servers = kReplicationFactor;
string master_addr = cluster_->master()->bound_rpc_addr().ToString();
shared_ptr<KuduClient> client;
// Test a few good cases.
const auto check_good_input = [&](const string& json_str,
const string& master,
const string& table_name,
const string& schema,
const string& partition,
const map<string, string>& extra_configs,
KuduClient* client) {
const vector<string> table_args = {
"table", "create", master, json_str
bool table_exists = false;
ASSERT_OK(client->TableExists(table_name, &table_exists));
shared_ptr<KuduTable> table;
ASSERT_OK(client->OpenTable(table_name, &table));
ASSERT_EQ(table->name(), table_name);
ASSERT_EQ(table->schema().ToString(), schema);
table->schema())), partition);
ASSERT_EQ(table->extra_configs(), extra_configs);
// Create a simple table.
string simple_table = R"(
"table_name": "simple_table",
"schema": {
"columns": [
"column_name": "id",
"column_type": "INT32",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "1",
"encoding": 1,
"compression": 3
"column_name": "key",
"column_type": "STRING",
"is_nullable": false,
"comment": "range key"
"column_name": "name",
"column_type": "BINARY",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "zhangsan",
"comment": "user name"
"key_column_names": [
"id", "key"
"extra_configs" : {
"configs" : {
"kudu.table.history_max_age_sec": "3600"
"num_replicas": 3,
"dimension_label": "test"
string schema = "(\n id INT32 NOT NULL,\n key STRING NOT NULL,\n "
"name BINARY NOT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (id, key)\n)";
string partition = "";
map<string, string> extra_configs;
extra_configs["kudu.table.history_max_age_sec"] = "3600";
NO_FATALS(check_good_input(simple_table, master_addr, "simple_table",
schema, partition, extra_configs, client.get()));
// Create a hash table.
string hash_table = R"(
"table_name": "hash_table",
"schema": {
"columns": [
"column_name": "id",
"column_type": "INT32",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "1",
"compression": 3
"column_name": "name",
"column_type": "STRING",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "zhangsan",
"comment": "user name"
"key_column_names": [
"partition": {
"hash_partitions": [
"columns": ["id"],
"num_buckets": 2,
"seed": 100
schema = "(\n id INT32 NOT NULL,\n "
"name STRING NOT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (id)\n)";
partition = "HASH (id) PARTITIONS 2 SEED 100";
NO_FATALS(check_good_input(hash_table, master_addr, "hash_table",
schema, partition, {}, client.get()));
// Create a range table.
string range_table = R"(
"table_name": "range_table",
"schema": {
"columns": [
"column_name": "id",
"column_type": "INT32",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "1"
"column_name": "name",
"column_type": "STRING",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "zhangsan",
"comment": "user name"
"column_name": "score",
"column_type": "DOUBLE",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "0.0",
"comment": "user score"
"key_column_names": [
"id", "name"
"partition": {
"range_partition": {
"columns": ["id", "name"],
"range_bounds": [
"upper_bound": {
"bound_type": 1,
"bound_values": ["2", "zhangsan"]
"lower_bound": {
"bound_type": 2,
"bound_values": ["2", "zhangsan"]
"upper_bound": {
"bound_type": 1,
"bound_values": ["3", "lisi"]
"lower_bound": {
"bound_type": "INCLUSIVE",
"bound_values": ["3", "lisi"]
schema = "(\n id INT32 NOT NULL,\n name STRING NOT NULL,\n"
" score DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (id, name)\n)";
partition = "RANGE (id, name)";
NO_FATALS(check_good_input(range_table, master_addr, "range_table",
schema, partition, {}, client.get()));
// Create a hash+hash table.
string hash_hash_table = R"(
"table_name": "hash_hash_table",
"schema": {
"columns": [
"column_name": "id",
"column_type": "INT32",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "1"
"column_name": "key",
"column_type": "STRING",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "zhangsan",
"comment": "user name"
"column_name": "name",
"column_type": "STRING",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "zhangsan",
"comment": "user name"
"key_column_names": [
"id", "key"
"partition": {
"hash_partitions": [
"columns": ["id"],
"num_buckets": 2
"columns": ["key"],
"num_buckets": 2
"extra_configs" : {
"configs": {
"kudu.table.history_max_age_sec": "3600"
schema = "(\n id INT32 NOT NULL,\n key STRING NOT NULL,\n"
" name STRING NOT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (id, key)\n)";
partition = "HASH (id) PARTITIONS 2, HASH (key) PARTITIONS 2";
NO_FATALS(check_good_input(hash_hash_table, master_addr, "hash_hash_table",
schema, partition, extra_configs, client.get()));
// Create a hash+range table.
string hash_range_table = R"(
"table_name": "hash_range_table",
"schema": {
"columns": [
"column_name": "id",
"column_type": "INT32",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "1"
"column_name": "key",
"column_type": "INT64",
"is_nullable": false,
"comment": "range key"
"column_name": "name",
"column_type": "STRING",
"is_nullable": false,
"comment": "user name"
"key_column_names": [
"id", "key"
"partition": {
"hash_partitions": [
"columns": ["id"],
"num_buckets": 2,
"seed": 100
"range_partition": {
"columns": ["key"],
"range_bounds": [
"upper_bound": {
"bound_type": "EXCLUSIVE",
"bound_values": ["2"]
"lower_bound": {
"bound_type": "INCLUSIVE",
"bound_values": ["2"]
"upper_bound": {
"bound_type": "EXCLUSIVE",
"bound_values": ["3"]
"lower_bound": {
"bound_type": "INCLUSIVE",
"bound_values": ["3"]
"extra_configs" : {
"configs" : {
"kudu.table.history_max_age_sec": "3600"
"num_replicas": 3,
"dimension_label": "test"
schema = "(\n id INT32 NOT NULL,\n key INT64 NOT NULL,\n"
" name STRING NOT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (id, key)\n)";
partition = "HASH (id) PARTITIONS 2 SEED 100, RANGE (key)";
NO_FATALS(check_good_input(hash_range_table, master_addr, "hash_range_table",
schema, partition, extra_configs, client.get()));
// Create a table with decimal, varchar, and date column types.
string type_table = R"(
"table_name": "type_table",
"schema": {
"columns": [
"column_name": "id",
"column_type": "INT64",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "1"
"column_name": "score",
"column_type": "DECIMAL",
"type_attributes": {
"precision": 10,
"scale": 10
"is_nullable": false,
"comment": "range key"
"column_name": "text",
"column_type": "VARCHAR",
"type_attributes": {
"length": 10
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "hello world"
"column_name": "create_date",
"column_type": "DATE",
"is_nullable": false
"column_name": "name",
"column_type": "STRING",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "zhangsan",
"comment": "user name"
"key_column_names": [
"extra_configs" : {
"configs" : {
"kudu.table.history_max_age_sec": "3600"
"num_replicas": 3,
"dimension_label": "test"
schema = "(\n id INT64 NOT NULL,\n score DECIMAL(10, 10) NOT NULL,\n"
" text VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,\n create_date DATE NOT NULL,\n"
" name STRING NOT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (id)\n)";
partition = "";
extra_configs["kudu.table.history_max_age_sec"] = "3600";
NO_FATALS(check_good_input(type_table, master_addr, "type_table",
schema, partition, extra_configs, client.get()));
// Create a table using string value instead of int for enum type,
string enum_type_with_str = R"(
"table_name": "enum_type_with_str",
"schema": {
"columns": [
"column_name": "id",
"column_type": "INT32",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "1",
"encoding": "plain_encoding"
"column_name": "name",
"column_type": "STRING",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "zhangsan",
"comment": "user name",
"compression": "zlib"
"key_column_names": [
"partition": {
"range_partition": {
"columns": ["id"],
"range_bounds": [
"upper_bound": {
"bound_type": "EXCLUSIVE",
"bound_values": ["2"]
"lower_bound": {
"bound_type": "INCLUSIVE",
"bound_values": ["2"]
"upper_bound": {
"bound_type": "EXCLUSIVE",
"bound_values": ["3"]
"lower_bound": {
"bound_type": "INCLUSIVE",
"bound_values": ["3"]
schema = "(\n id INT32 NOT NULL,\n name STRING NOT NULL,\n"
" PRIMARY KEY (id)\n)";
partition = "RANGE (id)";
NO_FATALS(check_good_input(enum_type_with_str, master_addr,
"enum_type_with_str", schema, partition, {}, client.get()));
// Create a table with invalid compression type, but it will be converted to default.
string compression_type_unknown = R"(
"table_name": "compression_type_unknown",
"schema": {
"columns": [
"column_name": "id",
"column_type": "INT32",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "1",
"compression": 300,
"comment": "id"
"column_name": "name",
"column_type": "STRING",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "zhangsan",
"comment": "user name"
"key_column_names": [
schema = "(\n id INT32 NOT NULL,\n name STRING NOT NULL,\n"
" PRIMARY KEY (id)\n)";
partition = "";
NO_FATALS(check_good_input(compression_type_unknown, master_addr,
"compression_type_unknown", schema, partition, {}, client.get()));
// Create a table with invalid encoding type, but it will be converted to default.
string encoding_type_unknown = R"(
"table_name": "encoding_type_unknown",
"schema": {
"columns": [
"column_name": "id",
"column_type": "INT32",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "1",
"encoding": 200
"column_name": "name",
"column_type": "STRING",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "zhangsan",
"comment": "user name"
"key_column_names": [
schema = "(\n id INT32 NOT NULL,\n name STRING NOT NULL,\n"
" PRIMARY KEY (id)\n)";
partition = "";
NO_FATALS(check_good_input(encoding_type_unknown, master_addr,
"encoding_type_unknown", schema, partition, {}, client.get()));
// Test a few error cases.
const auto check_bad_input = [&](const string& json_str,
const string& master,
const string& err) {
string stderr;
string stdout;
const vector<string> simple_table_args = {
"table", "create", master, json_str
Status s = RunKuduTool(simple_table_args, &stdout, &stderr);
// JSON string is empty
string empty_string = "";
string err = "Unexpected end of string. Expected a value";
NO_FATALS(check_bad_input(empty_string, master_addr, err));
// JSON object is empty
string empty_json = "{}";
err = "Invalid argument: Missing table name";
NO_FATALS(check_bad_input(empty_json, master_addr, err));
// JSON object is invalid
string invailed_json = "{\"table\": \"decimal_table\"}";
err = "Cannot find field";
NO_FATALS(check_bad_input(invailed_json, master_addr, err));
// Create a table without primary key.
string table_without_pk = R"(
"table_name": "table_without_pk",
"schema": {
"columns": [
"column_name": "id",
"column_type": "INT32",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "1"
"column_name": "name",
"column_type": "STRING",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "zhangsan",
"comment": "user name"
"partition": {
"hash_partitions": [
"columns": ["id"],
"num_buckets": 2
err = "must specify at least one key column";
NO_FATALS(check_bad_input(table_without_pk, master_addr, err));
// Create a table without table name.
string table_without_name = R"(
"schema": {
"columns": [
"column_name": "id",
"column_type": "INT32",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "1"
"column_name": "name",
"column_type": "STRING",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "zhangsan",
"comment": "user name"
"key_column_names": [
"partition": {
"hash_partitions": [
"columns": ["id"],
"num_buckets": 2
err = "Missing table name";
NO_FATALS(check_bad_input(table_without_name, master_addr, err));
// Create a table with primary key error.
string primay_key_error = R"(
"table_name": "primay_key_error",
"schema": {
"columns": [
"column_name": "id",
"column_type": "INT32",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "1"
"column_name": "name",
"column_type": "STRING",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "zhangsan",
"comment": "user name"
"key_column_names": [
err = "primary key column not defined";
NO_FATALS(check_bad_input(primay_key_error, master_addr, err));
// Create a table with hash bucket error.
string hash_bucket_error = R"(
"table_name": "hash_bucket_error",
"schema": {
"columns": [
"column_name": "id",
"column_type": "INT32",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "1"
"column_name": "name",
"column_type": "STRING",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "zhangsan",
"comment": "user name"
"key_column_names": [
"partition": {
"hash_partitions": [
"columns": ["id"],
"num_buckets": 1
err = "must have at least two hash buckets";
NO_FATALS(check_bad_input(hash_bucket_error, master_addr, err));
// Create a table with hash key error.
string hash_key_error = R"(
"table_name": "hash_key_error",
"schema": {
"columns": [
"column_name": "id",
"column_type": "INT32",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "1"
"column_name": "name",
"column_type": "STRING",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "zhangsan",
"comment": "user name"
"key_column_names": [
"partition": {
"hash_partitions": [
"columns": ["ID"],
"num_buckets": 2
err = "unknown column: name: \"ID\"";
NO_FATALS(check_bad_input(hash_key_error, master_addr, err));
// Create a table with range key error.
string range_key_error = R"(
"table_name": "range_key_error",
"schema": {
"columns": [
"column_name": "id",
"column_type": "INT32",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "1"
"column_name": "name",
"column_type": "STRING",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "zhangsan",
"comment": "user name"
"key_column_names": [
"partition": {
"range_partition": {
"columns": ["key"],
"range_bounds": [
"upper_bound": {
"bound_type": 1,
"bound_values": ["2"]
"lower_bound": {
"bound_type": 2,
"bound_values": ["2"]
"upper_bound": {
"bound_type": 1,
"bound_values": ["3"]
err = "Invalid range value size, value size should be equal to number of range keys";
NO_FATALS(check_bad_input(range_key_error, master_addr, err));
// Create a table with range bound error.
string range_bound_error = R"(
"table_name": "range_bound_error",
"schema": {
"columns": [
"column_name": "id",
"column_type": "INT32",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "1"
"column_name": "name",
"column_type": "STRING",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "zhangsan",
"comment": "user name"
"key_column_names": [
"partition": {
"range_partition": {
"columns": ["id"],
"range_bounds": [
"upper_bound": {
"bound_type": 1,
"bound_values": ["3"]
"lower_bound": {
"bound_type": 2,
"bound_values": ["2"]
"upper_bound": {
"bound_type": 1,
"bound_values": ["4"]
err = "overlapping range partitions:";
NO_FATALS(check_bad_input(range_bound_error, master_addr, err));
// Create a table with range bound value error.
string range_bound_value_error = R"(
"table_name": "range_bound_value_error",
"schema": {
"columns": [
"column_name": "id",
"column_type": "INT32",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "1"
"column_name": "name",
"column_type": "STRING",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "zhangsan",
"comment": "user name"
"key_column_names": [
"partition": {
"range_partition": {
"columns": ["id"],
"range_bounds": [
"upper_bound": {
"bound_type": 1,
"bound_values": ["abc"]
"lower_bound": {
"bound_type": 2,
"bound_values": ["2"]
"upper_bound": {
"bound_type": 1,
"bound_values": ["4"]
err = "JSON text is corrupt: Invalid value";
NO_FATALS(check_bad_input(range_bound_value_error, master_addr, err));
// Create a table with column type error.
string column_type_error = R"(
"table_name": "column_type_error",
"schema": {
"columns": [
"column_name": "id",
"column_type": "INT31",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "1"
"column_name": "name",
"column_type": "STRING",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "zhangsan",
"comment": "user name"
"key_column_names": [
"partition": {
"hash_partitions": [
"columns": ["id"],
"num_buckets": 2
err = "data type INT31 is not supported";
NO_FATALS(check_bad_input(column_type_error, master_addr, err));
// Create a table with column default value error.
string column_value_error = R"(
"table_name": "column_value_error",
"schema": {
"columns": [
"column_name": "id",
"column_type": "INT32",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "abc"
"column_name": "name",
"column_type": "STRING",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "zhangsan",
"comment": "user name"
"key_column_names": [
"partition": {
"hash_partitions": [
"columns": ["id"],
"num_buckets": 2
err = "JSON text is corrupt: Invalid value";
NO_FATALS(check_bad_input(column_value_error, master_addr, err));
// Create a table with pk not listed first.
string pk_not_first = R"(
"table_name": "pk_not_first",
"schema": {
"columns": [
"column_name": "id",
"column_type": "INT32",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "1"
"column_name": "name",
"column_type": "STRING",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "zhangsan",
"comment": "user name"
"key_column_names": [
"partition": {
"hash_partitions": [
"columns": ["name"],
"num_buckets": 2
err = "primary key columns must be listed first in the schema";
NO_FATALS(check_bad_input(pk_not_first, master_addr, err));
// Create a table with column type and encoding conflict.
string encoding_type_conflict = R"(
"table_name": "encoding_type_conflict",
"schema": {
"columns": [
"column_name": "id",
"column_type": "INT32",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "1",
"encoding": 4
"column_name": "name",
"column_type": "STRING",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "zhangsan",
"comment": "user name",
"encoding": 4
"key_column_names": [
"partition": {
"hash_partitions": [
"columns": ["id"],
"num_buckets": 2
err = "encoding DICT_ENCODING not supported for type INT32";
NO_FATALS(check_bad_input(encoding_type_conflict, master_addr, err));
// Create a table with encoding type errors,
string encoding_type_error = R"(
"table_name": "encoding_type_error",
"schema": {
"columns": [
"column_name": "id",
"column_type": "INT32",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "1",
"encoding": "error_encoding"
"column_name": "name",
"column_type": "STRING",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "zhangsan",
"comment": "user name",
"compression": "zlib"
"key_column_names": [
"partition": {
"range_partition": {
"columns": ["id"],
"range_bounds": [
"upper_bound": {
"bound_type": "INCLUSIVE",
"bound_values": ["2"]
"lower_bound": {
"bound_type": "INCLUSIVE",
"bound_values": ["2"]
"upper_bound": {
"bound_type": "EXCLUSIVE",
"bound_values": ["3"]
"lower_bound": {
"bound_type": "INCLUSIVE",
"bound_values": ["3"]
err = "unable to parse JSON";
NO_FATALS(check_bad_input(encoding_type_error, master_addr, err));
// Create a table with range partition bound type error,
string bound_type_error = R"(
"table_name": "bound_type_error",
"schema": {
"columns": [
"column_name": "id",
"column_type": "INT32",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "1",
"encoding": 1
"column_name": "name",
"column_type": "STRING",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "zhangsan",
"comment": "user name"
"key_column_names": [
"partition": {
"range_partition": {
"columns": ["id"],
"range_bounds": [
"upper_bound": {
"bound_type": 3,
"bound_values": ["2"]
"lower_bound": {
"bound_type": "INCLUSIVE",
"bound_values": ["3"]
err = "Unexpected range partition bound type";
NO_FATALS(check_bad_input(bound_type_error, master_addr, err));
// Create a table with pk is nullable.
string pk_is_nullable = R"(
"table_name": "pk_is_nullable",
"schema": {
"columns": [
"column_name": "id",
"column_type": "INT32",
"is_nullable": true,
"default_value": "1"
"column_name": "name",
"column_type": "STRING",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "zhangsan",
"comment": "user name"
"key_column_names": [
err = "Nullable key columns are not supported";
NO_FATALS(check_bad_input(pk_is_nullable, master_addr, err));
// Create a table that already exists.
string existed_table = R"(
"table_name": "simple_table",
"schema": {
"columns": [
"column_name": "id",
"column_type": "INT32",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "1"
"column_name": "name",
"column_type": "STRING",
"is_nullable": false,
"default_value": "zhangsan",
"comment": "user name"
"key_column_names": [
err = "table simple_table already exists with id";
NO_FATALS(check_bad_input(existed_table, master_addr, err));
} // namespace tools
} // namespace kudu